Task One: The Bloody Maze

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Keegan perused the screens, re-watching as each tribute interacted with their chosen Citizen the previous day. Three in particular caught his interest. Egan Blake. Noura Katalin. And finally, Kale Emyrs.

He spun in a lazy circle in his chair, wondering when the others would get back. After the unwarranted set down from Alaric and Trinket yesterday, he'd made sure to be on time.

The door slammed open, and Trinket clopped in on those spiky heels of hers. "Hey, Keegan. Nice to see you on time, love."

Keegan wiped the sneer off his face and turned to face her with a smirk. "Trink, good to see you again. I was wondering... Would you happen to be interested in dinner tonight? I'm sick of eating alone."

Trinket lifted an eyebrow, crossing her arms and clicked her tongue. "Are you asking me out, Keegan?" She let out a chuckle. "That's new, even for you. What do you want?"

Keegan simply shrugged, eyes glazing over her lazily. "Want? I don't want anything from you, sweetheart."

"Mm. Right. Well, I suppose so... The usual men I date are getting rather boring." Trinket glanced at the screens, smiling as she focused on the three tributes that caught her eye: Egan Blake, Chance Rollen and Phoebe Beckham.

"Well, regardless of dinner plans... The tributes are all about to be sent into the arena." Keegan smiled, and as Trinket met his gaze, she grinned with him.

"I wonder how they'll enjoy the maze."

"I doubt they'll be thrilled. Confused maybe. Thrilled, no. Egan's going to want to kill us, and I'm betting Noura is going to be pretty mad too," Keegan drawled. "It'll be interesting."

Trinket laughed. "Well... I have no doubt they'll desperately want to kill us... if they survive. I do hope they do. Especially the three I've decided to sponsor."

"We'll see, I suppose..." He grins at her conspiratorially. "I'm sure you'll do everything possible to help that along."

"Oh you know that I will," she stated with a wink in his direction. She turned back to the screens, just as all the tributes were being loaded into their tubes. Clapping her hands in excitement, she giggled. "I can't wait to see the bloodbath! This is going to be so exciting!"

"Yeah... Just so exciting," Keegan muttered. I don't care about the bloodbath... I just want to know how they think. How they'll deal with the puzzles we've set out for them. And if they're smart enough to prove a worthy opponent. Or partner. Whichever works for me.

Trinket sighed, already imagining what was going to happen. All the twists and surprises they had in store... She couldn't wait to see how the tributes reacted. She was desperate to discover how they would act when faced with death and killing.

Just watching the look on her face, Keegan knew she enjoyed this. Enjoyed killing and hurting others. And he wondered if this was really a position he wanted. If he were to get her out of the way and become Head Gamemaker, what would be the cost? Would he become that bloodthirsty? Would he think that death and a good show were more important than the intelligence of the killer and the victor. No. Probably not... That just isn't me.

Trinket closed her eyes and for just a moment imagined how she used to be. Before she became Head Gamemaker. Before the pressure of causing blood and death enough to satisfy the President.

Before she changed.

In a way, that was something she and all the victors had in common:

The Games changed them all.


The tube slides up and your tribute is standing in the center of a large maze. The Cornucopia is in the middle, surrounded by the 23 other tributes. This is your basic bloodbath. You can head toward the Cornucopia, or start out of the maze. Your tribute must navigate out of the maze, while fighting other tributes. THIS IS A BLOODBATH, so keep that in mind.

At the end of your entry, you MUST be out of the maze, and choose a biome to head toward. I'll talk about those in just a minute. Your tribute must choose it at the end of the entry, and you must list it in front of deaths and ballots.

Deaths: 8

Ballots: 4

For task one, you are allowed to kill off 8 tributes in-entry. Your tribute can be the cause of these, or a witness, or a combination of both. Remember though, to keep it realistic; we'll be judging for that. You are allowed four ballots, so use them wisely.

KEEP IN MIND THAT IN DEATH ENTRIES DOES NOT DIRECTLY AFFECT A WRITERS' SCORE. You are judged on your writing alone, not by how many people want you out of the competition. However, there will be penalties for the highest ranking deaths and balloted tributes, so remember that even though you're not getting rid of who you kill, you could possibly be hindering them.

***You must include ONE unique aspect about the maze, and it MUST BE LIFE THREATENING*** This can be anything you want, from realistic, to something sci-fi or fantasy. You have a lot of creative freedom with this entire task, especially with this. BE CREATIVE.

There will be an award handed out for the person who's entry is the most unique!


Rocky forest (A forest of rocks. Basically the trees are rocks. Big rock sculptures, which means plenty of hiding places. There is a stream here or there.)

Wasteland (dry cracked earth with deep crevices in the ground. If you can find water, it should be a fairly safe place, though it is out in the open, it might provide places for shelter)

The Ice Caves (labyrinth of caves made entirely out of ice. It might be cold, but it means you'll be away from other tributes because most probably won't come here.)

Shadow Forest (trees are so thick it creates shadows on the floor and makes it dark constantly there, but it will provide a lot of shelter)

THE OCEAN!!! (Water. Just water, possibly underwater ruins that might have supplies. At the edge of the water is seaweed that you eat that lets you breathe underwater for 48 hours.)

Dormant volcano

A MEADOW -(looks like it has supplies in the center, bursting with everything you could possibly need)



This is due on October 14th at 6pm central. You have one week to complete this task. Anyone who does not have an entry will be eliminated automatically. 

Word limit: 3000 words. Anyone over this will be deducted points. Remember that you will not reach the biome in this entry so you should not include anything detailed about it (other than how it looks from far away) in your entry. It should end right after you are decide to head toward a certain biome!

Good luck. Feel free to post any questions that you have.

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