Task Three: Doomsday Buddies

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Trinket panted heavily, clenching her fists. It took every ounce of self-control she had not to jump across the desk and rip Kami's throat out herself. "Look what you've done! Now another perfectly good tribute is dead, all because of you; you sniveling, ignorant child!""I didn't mean to, Trinket, I swear! I just wanted to be a part of it. You guys always leave me out," Kami shot back, crossing her arms. Her pretty face was pale as she sat quavering in the chair facing the other Gamemakers. The tension in the room was so thick one could slice it with a knife."This is why we leave you out," Keegan snarled, shaking the trembling girl. "You just got several promising tributes killed. And you ruined the fun. We were sort of enjoying the show while they tried to figure out how to escape." His lips pressed together tightly as he shoved Kami away from him, sending her chair rolling several feet. "You're useless."She whimpered, receiving a harsh glare from Trinket. "Losing them has changed everything," Trinket said, her voice rising slightly. "With our plans for the natural disasters in the biomes... We might lose too many tributes too soon..." she allowed her voice to trail off. This was a huge mess, and it was all Kami's fault! She ought to have the girl executed! Alaric coughed, rolling his eyes. He was sprawled lazily in his chair, his apathetic countenance proving he could care less about the dilemma they had been placed in. "Why don't we force the tributes to work with each other?" He said it nonchalantly, as if the idea had just come to him. Truthfully, the idea had been swimming around in his brain for weeks, waiting for just the perfect moment to be mentioned.

Trinket stared at him, unimpressed. "How exactly do you suggest we do that?" Her tone was clipped; such an idea had been done numerous times before. She wanted fresh, new ideas; bright ideas! Something that would get her and her Games truly noticed. She wanted a show.

Alaric could see that she was about to turn him off. He straightened up in his chair, leaning forward eagerly. "Chain them together?" His mouth curved into a sadistic smirk.Keegan started laughing. "Oh, I'd like to see them get out of that one! Hey, how about we chain with someone they hate? That'd be even better."Trinket smiled, one that was ignited by the wicked gleam in her eyes. She could feel the excitement building inside her as she stood up, striding forward toward the screens on the walls and brushing past a still sulking Kami. "Yes..." she murmured, her voice quavering in excitement. She looked over her shoulder at Alaric, giving him a sadistic smirk to match his own. "That would be absolutely... perfect."


Congratulations for making it to task three of Pandora's box. 

Things just got way more complicated. Your tribute wakes up in a new biome (for most of you, but a few stayed the same coincidentally). The catch? You're chained to another tribute. And not just any tribute. 

Your greatest enemy. 

And that's not even the best part. 

The biome around you is being destroyed by a natural disaster. You have to get yourself unchained, by going inside a place hidden in the biome, finding the key and getting out of the biome, all before the natural disaster kills you.

The natural disasters, partners, places and obstacles have been chosen for you. Sorry, but you've had a lot of creative freedom, until now. Your tribute is chained to another tribute, and in reality, I suppose that's true to. You, as a writer, must work with the writer of the chosen tribute and coodrinate entries. ALL OF YOU WILL HAVE SEPARATE ENTRIES, but the same plot, same kills/deaths witnessed, same area and obstacles will all be the same. The only thing that can vary is your dialogue and action. We want to see how your tribute deals with being forced to work with an enemy.

Keep in mind, that you and your paired writer will decide what should happen in the entry. We want to see the same plot, but told from two different perspectives. Another words, you and your chosen partner should not have the same entry sent in twice. You have different entries, but with your own unique style and voice. 

Natural disasters:

Rocky forest - Tornado rips apart the rock forest.

Wasteland - Flood

The Ice Caves - Lava pours out from the bottom of the caves, swimming through it quickly.

Shadow Forest - Man-made earthquake which starts on outer edges and works in

The Ocean - Water freezes slowly, starting from one direction

Volcano - Winter storm - blizzard; all heat disappears and you're deep in snow and temp plumments

SWAMP - Meteors that stay on fire when they land, creating a forest fire that the water doesn't put out

Here are the hidden places where you find TWO keys, one that unchains you, and the other that your tribute MUST keep for later.

Rocky forest - Stonehenge in the center of the forest, and the key in the center of stonehenge

Wasteland - Old city at the bottom of this valley (which would flood quickly if you don't hurry).

The Ice Caves - Sunken submarine

Shadow Forest - Treehouse village in the center of the forest

The Ocean - Under water palace

Volcano - Inside the cone of the volcano at the edge of a presipice

Swamp - Old pirate ship hidden in the swamp trees

Each place has a skeleton army guarding the keys you must get. THERE ARE TWO KEYS ONE TO BREAK FREE THE CHAINS AND ANOTHER ONE YOU MUST KEEP FOR ANOTHER LATER TASK. (on the skeletons, at stonehenge it could be undead knights, at the pirate ship it could be an undead pirate, treehouse village undead natives, submarine undead navy people, and so on). 


For this task, you are only allowed one death, and twist: it can ONLY be your partner, if you choose to do this.



Word count: 

Your word count for this entry is 2,750. Good luck.

Due date: 

This task is due November 16, 6pm central. I'm giving you a little extra time because I know working with partners can sometimes take time and be a little tedious.

Altrin, Trinket and Keegan have sent you a package with a syringe. It is filled with the cure to radiation poisoning. You can include this anywhere in your entry.

Anika and Dayshia, the Gamemakers have not taken pity on you. Therefore, this entire entry, you both will be dying from radiation poisoning, and this has to be included in your entry. Your partner can include it in their entry too if they want to be realistic. But Anika and Dayshia, remember, points will be deducted if this is not included. You have one last chance to get the Gamemakers to take pity on you. 

Chance because you're first in the deaths/ballots rankings, your penalty is a 1,750 word count. Yes, I know I'm being cruel, but I have faith in you :)

Noura, because you're second in the deaths/ballot rankings, your penalty is that your entry is due November 14th, instead of 16th. Same time (6pm central). 

 Phoebe and Myka because you're both in third place, your penalty is that you must be mortally wounded at some point in the entry.

All of you must follow the guidelines of the penalty or points will be deducted. 

A note to ALL tributes:

DON'T BE LATE. Last entry there were so many entries late. Remember, any entry turned in on the due date, hours past the time, only ONE POINT WILL BE DEDUCTED. Any entry turned in the day after WILL ONLY BE GIVEN HALF POINTS. (Example, if you score an 8 on your entry, but you turned it in on November 17th instead of 16th, you'll only receive a 4). Any entry turned in beyond that, will receive a zero. 

Last, but not least: partners.

Altrin and Coralie - Yes, I know they belong to the same writer. The reason why I did this was because she is going to be gone this week, so she had to start working on the entry early, which wouldn't have been fair to anyone else. They will be in the SHADOW FOREST. 

Anika and Myka. You both will be at the volcano.

Hunter and Kale. You both will be in the ocean. 

Chance and Noura. You both will be in the wasteland. 

Phoebe and Egan (yes Egan is returning). You both will be in the swamp. 

Jayden and Dayshia. You both will be in the ice caves. 

You MUST include the disaster. If your tribute decides to go back for the keys, they MUST go into the places listed earlier, and face the skeleton guardians.  Remember, your tribute wakes up in this new biome (unless the location didn't change), and is chained to the partner. 

Awards this task: Best coordinated entry, best strategy, closest call, most realistic. (the most realistic might not be given, it depends on what we get in the entries).  

If you have any questions about this task, or working with a partner, or the natural disasters, places for the keys, the skeletons you face, feel free to comment and ask :) Good luck!

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