Task Two: Kami's Krazy Kreatures

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All was dark and quiet. Kami slowly peeked around the room, watching the other Gamemakers. They had dozed off, catching up on the sleep they had missed during the hectic hours of the bloodbath. Now, like the tributes on the screens, everyone was sleeping. They wouldn't be for long, she knew. A Gamemaker could only sleep for a moment or two. 

A moment or two was all she needed.

She slowly stood up, making sure not to awaken her snoozing dog. She carefully stepped around the creature and tiptoed over to the front of the room, where Trinket slept soundly in her chair."Two minute power naps are good, no?" Kami murmured under her breath as she gently pulled Trinket's chair away and moved in front of the screen. She tapped a few keys and brought up each biome in the arena. She smirked as she quickly typed, her fingernails tapping the keys. Glancing over her shoulder, she made sure that the others were still asleep before continuing. The other Gamemakers had always underestimated her. Always shut her out and treated her like a little child. No longer. She'd show them.A few taps later and her creations appeared on the screen. She chuckled as she moved each muttation to it's biome. "Have fun, my darlings," she whispered as she placed the last one in like a piece in a puzzle. She hit the enter button and watched in satisfaction as the screen blinked it's approval. She smiled and turned around."What are you doing?" Trinket was sitting upright in her chair and glaring at Kami ferociously.Kami shrieked in fright and jumped back, her hand slamming the keyboard. A dinging sound echoed through the room and but then suddenly stopped."What have you done?" Keegan exclaimed, jumping out of his chair and quickly crossing over."I didn't do anything, I-I just put the mutts in!""Without permission?" Trinket shouted."I'm sorry! I didn't think--"Keegan interrupted them. "Oh, you've done more than that," he said gravely.Kami's eyes widened. "W-what?"Trinket dashed over to the computer and gaped at it. She turned and glared at Kami. "Get out of here before I kill you!"Kami put her hands over her mouth and dashed from the room in tears, her yapping dog following at her heels.Alaric groaned from his chair and yawned. "Come on, what she did couldn't have been that bad."Trinket's nostrils flared. "Oh, I'm gonna--""It's bad," Keegan said darkly. "What'd she do?" Alaric asked.Trinket was not calm. "SHE JUST DESTROYED A WHOLE FREAKING BIOME!!!"~~

Oops. As you have just read, Kami's little mistake has just destroyed a biome. It's not destroyed in the literal sense, no. Radiation has been released into one of the biomes, and will begin to kill the tribute's inside that biome, but NONE OF THE TRIBURES KNOW ABOUT IT. The only way to escape, is if the Gamemakers take pity on you and send you the antidote you need. More on that later.

Various creatures have all been released into the biomes. Your tribute will have to face these creatures in your entries. Most of you chose the Shadow Forest, leaving a lot of the biomes open and never touched. You can only include other tributes who are in your biome. So if you're in a biome alone, then you can't have any tributes included in your entry. Another words, all your in- entry deaths will have to be only about tributes who are in the same biome. 

Here's where everyone is: 


District 4 Female: Coralie Dunbrylle

District 5 Male: Hunter Black

District 7 Male: Chance Rollen

District 10 Male: Dan Lincoln

District 10 Female: Noura Katalin


District 7 Female: Natalie Pitchford

District 12 Male: Kale Emrys


District 1 Male: Altrin Keene

District 1 Female: Anika Brand

District 11 Female: Dayshia Kelly


District 11 Male: Jayden Armati


District 8 Female: Phoebe Beckham

Four tributes didn't choose a biome, so I placed them both randomly in the last three biomes that hadn't been chosen. 


District 2 Female: Athena Kelso

District 5 Female: Catherine Malfoy


District 4 Male: Anthony Shoes


District 3 Female: Myka Sterling


Here is a list of the creatures that you will encounter in each biome. Remember you have to face the creature in your specific biome, and you cannot face a creature if it's in a biome that you're not in.

Rocky forest (rock statues come to life)

Wasteland (blind dark elves that live underground and come out of the holes)

The Ice Caves (frost trolls, yeti, and icicle traps)

Shadow Forest (the tree's shadows come to life)

The Ocean(Loch ness monster, evil mermaids and kraken)

Dormant Volcano (molten lava creatures, evil phoenix's)

Meadow (killer plants, giant bugs, killer bees, venus fly trap... but instead, venus human trap...)

Swamp (alligators and Piranhas. And killer moss that slowly eats away at the victims flesh.)

You can add your own twist to each of these creatures, but they must attack you, try to kill you or eat you, or whatever it is they're supposed to do (mentioned above), and they won't stop. No, they're not nice and they will not befriend you. No matter what. And you must include all the creatures listed for your biome. You have to at least fight them and encounter them and they must try to kill you. However brief your encounter is, is up to you. But keep in mind, this is the whole point and main objective of the task.

Finally, the radiation zone is the meadow. THIS PART IS ONLY FOR THE TRIBUTES WHO CHOSE THAT BIOME. Another words, the only tributes that this part affects is Altrin, Anika, and Dayshia. Read carefully.

Only one of you will impress us enough to save you. The other two will die. Your task this round is the same as everyone else: your tribute goes to the meadow and faces the creatures. You can encounter each other, or not, it's up to you. No, you don't have to coordinate if you don't want to. Your entry should begin when you enter the meadow, and end after you face the creature. 

You do not know that there is radiation leaking there. If you want to keep it realistic, you can mention that your tribute is feeling the effects of it, but remember that your tribute won't know it's radiation poisoning. You don't have to include the effects until the very end if you don't want to. I know it will be hard to try to face all kinds of crazy creatures while under the effects, so it's entirely up to you. Before this round's voting, we'll carefully go through your entries, and decide which one of you impressed us the most. 

Note for ALL tributes: 

If you have any questions at all, feel free to comment and ask me. What the biome looks like is up to you, but keep in mind what type of biome it is. Obviously if you're in the meadow, you're not going to be freezing cold like the ice caves. Likewise, the shadow forest is dark, with very little sunlight, not bright like the meadow. The ocean is going to be underwater so it might be a little dark, and the swamp is dank and dreary. It's another perfect time to really let your creativeness shine. 


This round, there is only three deaths allowed. Most of you won't even be able to do that, because you're in your biome alone. But for the few of you who are in a biome with people (Meadow, Ocean and Shadow Forest), this is the number of death's you're allowed.


Since there's very little opportunity for in-entry deaths this round, everyone is allowed six ballots. Choose wisely. 


3000. Use it to your advantage. Another words, don't hand in an entry with only 500 words, please. Let your creativeness shine and the words flow. 


October 27th, 6 pm central. This gives you ONE WEEK to complete Task Two. 

I did forget to mention this last chapter, but Anika, because you were balloted and killed off the most, your penalty is a 2500 word count. (So sorry). 

Those of you who were balloted and killed that came in second place, your penalty is that your tribute cannot find any water, and you have dehydration to worry about during this entry that must be included. If you included your tribute having a pack with water, or anything like that, then your tribute must lose it.

For those of you who were balloted and killed that came in third place, your penalty is that your tribute gets a minor injury in a fight. 

AN AWARD WILL BE GOING OUT TO THE TRIBUTE WITH THE BEST DESCRIPTION OF THE CREATURES AND ENVIRONMENT. This might be one big award, or divided into two (one for creatures, one for environment), depending on what kind of descriptions we get.

Good luck to you tributes. Remember to feel free to ask questions if you have them. I know this round is A LOT to take in. 

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