Task 3: Aslane's Entry

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Sadly, Ty died last round! I decided not to do a death scene, since it was kind of a short death, but I did include a little information about it in Aslane's Entry. Ty will not be forgotten! Word count is: 2,242! I hope you enjoy :)

Aslane couldn't stop staring at Ty's dead body, bleeding out all over the ground. Wiley was kneeling next to him, trembling and crying. Aslane clenched her hands into her fists and shook, glaring at the woman who stood by and had watched it all happen—Gloxina. Your time will come, Aslane thought bitterly.

Her eyes shifted to the one responsible—Demetriot.

Aslane grabbed Wiley and held him against her chest as he sobbed. He thrashed and pulled away. "Get—Get away from me! I can't trust any of you!" he sobbed.

"Shh—shh... Wiley, it's okay..." Aslane knelt down, then reached out and gently grabbed the boy by his shoulders.

He shook his head. "No...! Nothing is okay! Nothing will ever be okay! I'm going to die here, just like Ty did! He didn't—he didn't... deserve this!" Wiley sobbed again, and Aslane clutched the heartbroken boy to her chest and held him tightly as the sobs wracked his body furiously. They turned into hiccups, but eventually quieted.

Her heart ached, not only for the young boy who now had no one, but for Ty. He had saved her life, and all she had done was flee from him... doubt him...mistrust him...

Then he had been the one stabbed in the back. Literally.

"I will honor your death, Ty. You saved me, and because of that I owe you my life. You protected Wiley when no one else did, so now that's what I'm going to do. I will avenge your death, and then, I'm going to make sure that Wiley lives," Aslane whispered. Her mind was made up, her will was strong, and her vow was unyielding.

"Demetriot and Gloxina will pay."

She desperately wanted to bury Ty, but she shortly found out that a sponsor was going to take his body back for his family. She wondered about his fiancé and unborn child and the pain she must be going through. Did she watch the screens, helpless to do anything as her fiancé was betrayed?

Aslane pulled Wiley aside, away from the Cornucopia. There were too many people here that were temporarily allied, too many loose ends. It wouldn't be long before Azrael killed Alexander, and before other allies turned on each other. She heard a scream. Loud and piercing in the faint pink and yellow pre-dawn sky, she knew the betrayals had already started.

It had all started with Ty.

She ran as fast as she could with Wiley, desperately trying to protect him. How could she protect him and get revenge for Ty? She wracked her brain, trying to find answers, trying to do something.

She couldn't leave Wiley. She wouldn't.

"Well... look what we have here," a voice sneered. They were on the other side of the bridge, almost to the tree line. "A pair of helpless babies."

Aslane froze, stepping in front of the shaking and distressed Wiley to glare at the one who had spoken. Alexander.

"I never got to finish you off the first time. What do you say we have another go, sweetheart?" Alex asked, walking forward. He was so close to the boiling water.

Normally, Aslane would have retorted back, would have automatically attacked him. Her muscles ached to run at him, her fingers twitched. She clenched her fists tightly.

I can't attack him. Wiley is my top priority. I can't be that reckless person anymore, she thought.

"Leave them alone, Alexander. Your fight is with me," another voice said, coming out of the trees to the left. It was Azrael.

Alexander was suddenly shot with something, and Aslane's ears rang from the loud bang. As Alexander's body fell to the ground, still alive but paralyzed, Achmetha emerged from the trees, smiling down at him.

"Now... Time for you to die, Alexander," Achmetha hissed. He started stripping Alexander's outer clothes, taking the special gloves and the salve Alexander had gotten from a sponsor. "I'll take those..."

He took out a dagger and knelt beside Alex's bare chest. "Hmm... maybe I should pour some of this boiling water on you..." With those words, Achmetha shoved Alexander's head under the boiling water.

Alexander was completely paralyzed, being forced to feel every ounce of the pain, and yet not being able to do anything about it. Achmetha yanked Alex's head out of the water and threw him into the snow flat on his back. He grinned dementedly and it sent shivers down Aslane's spine. "Now... I think I'm going to carve out your heart."

Aslane fought to control her shaking. She kept Wiley behind her, keeping him out of sight of what was happening. She had to get away, had to get Wiley away, but... how? She couldn't escape without a fight, and a drawn out fight could only end in Wiley's death. She had to be careful. Not reckless, she thought to herself, repeating it in her mind like a chant.

Alexander's eyes stared up at Achmetha, at first in rage, but then slowly shifted to horror as Achmetha plunged the dagger into his chest in such a way as to keep him alive.

He used a bucket to get boiling water from the lake, and then poured it over the wound he had made in Alex's chest. Alex's scream was animalistic and inhuman.

Aslane cringed, squeezing her eyes shut. She thought about breaking Alex's neck to end it quickly for him, but she couldn't put Wiley in danger. Azrael and Achmetha both would surely turn on her if she tried. Think of Wiley, she thought.

Azrael started toward Achmetha, drawing out his own dagger. Aslane froze, keeping her hands protectively over Wiley. She couldn't believe the horror that she was seeing before her very eyes.

Azrael turned his head, looking over his shoulder, and met her eyes. He nodded to her, as if knowing what she was planning. "Go, get that bastard for me. For Ty," he murmured.

She nodded, silently thanking him. Grabbing Wiley, she took off, trying to ignore the cries of torment from their poor, helpless victim.

Leaving the boiling lake, their journey took them deep into the dank, misty forest. Aslane came to an abrupt halt as someone ran into her. She reeled back, and the person tensed, but then sighed when they realized it was her.

"Aslane. It's just you."

Demetriot stood there, smiling.

How can he smile like that after he stabbed Ty in the back?

She glanced down at Wiley as Demetriot started talking. Aslane quickly whispered to Wiley, too low for Demetriot to hear. "Wiley run into the trees, stay out of sight and wait for me."

Wiley shakily nodded and darted off.

"...Aslane?" Demetriot asked.

She snarled at him. "You killed him."

"Who?" Demetriot lifted an eyebrow.


Demetriot shrugged. "He wasn't my ally. It seemed like the perfect opportunity."

With tightly clenched fists, and fury running through her veins, the hatred for him grew until she wanted to kill him so desperately all she saw was red.

She lunged toward him with a furious cry.

"Wait a second! You're not going to attack me, Aslane! We're allies, remember!" He backed away, throwing up his hands.

"Not anymore," she hissed and stalked toward him, keeping pace with him as he retreated. He had weapons, and she had nothing—only her fists. Aslane knew that getting the dagger away from him would be to her advantage.

His weakness was hand-to-hand combat. That was her strength.

Jabbing the dagger toward her chest, he stepped closer to her. She twisted to the right to avoid it, and slammed her knuckles against Demetriot's skull. He reeled from the blow, shaking his head. Blood poured from a cut above his eye. "Aslane..." he whined.

She didn't allow him time to finish. She dashed toward him, kicking his stomach. As he gasped and doubled over, she grabbed his hair and jerked his head backwards, pounding it against a tree.

He moaned and fell to the ground. He had dropped his dagger, but it landed nearby. When he reached for the dagger, she stomped on his hand, breaking it.

She tried to ignore how his screams sounded exactly like the earlier scene with Alex. She swallowed down bile in the back of her throat and used her other foot to kick his dagger away.

He was utterly helpless—just like Alex had been.

Kicking her foot against his left cheek, she forced him to roll over onto his back. She knelt over him, pinning his arms down to the cold, frozen ground with her knees. She clenched her right fist and punched his face, watching as the brass knuckles left cuts and imprints embedded into his skin.

"Aslane... " he gasped. "Why... why are you doing this?" he cried. His lips were swollen and bleeding, making his speech slurred.

Gritting her teeth, she punched him again. "You... You killed Ty. He didn't deserve to die!" she screamed.

"None of us do!" he yelled. He thrashed and tried throwing her off him, but her fury toward him wouldn't allow it. She screamed, sobbing roughly as she struck him again and again, taking out all the emotions that had been swirling inside her for so long.

None of them deserved what was happening to them, so why was she so upset over Ty's death?

He was going to be a father, she realized. He had an unborn child that was now fatherless, just like she had been.

Hatred boiled inside of her toward her father who had abandoned her. Guilt gnawed at her for what she was doing to her own ally—her friend. She stopped abruptly and crawled away from him, leaning up against a tree. Staring at his body numbly, she pulled her knees up to her chest. Tears streamed down her face, but she made no sound.

Demetriot's body lay on the ground. There was nothing left of his face but blood and gore, staining the pure white snow. It was unrecognizable as anything human.

A lump formed in her throat, keeping her from breathing. She stared at her hands in shock. She couldn't see the skin underneath... all she saw was the crimson color of blood as it poured off her hands, dripping onto the ground.

I—I did that...! I did that to another human being... She trembled fiercely, and felt utter revulsion deep inside her chest at how she had done the very thing Demetriot had done to Ty.

She betrayed an ally.

Killed a friend.

Murdered an innocent man.

What had she become?

Prying her eyes away from the body of the friend she had just beaten to death, she wandered through the trees until she heard a voice screaming. As she desperately ran toward the sound, she saw Wiley sobbing and crying hysterically.

He pressed a knife to his throat.

"Wiley! Wiley, stop!" Aslane cried.

He glanced at her, shaking his head. "N—No! I can't—I can't do this anymore! Ty is dead! Everyone is dead, and I'm going to die anyway, so why care?"

She darted forward, snatching the knife away from his hand just as he was about to slice open his throat. She threw it as far away from them as she could and held him to her tightly.

The young boy clung to her as if she was a lifeline. In a way, she was.

"I know that Ty is dead, and more tributes are dying even as we speak. But listen to me Wiley! You can't give up! If you kill yourself now, everything that Ty fought for will be for nothing. He will have died in vain! Do you want his death to be pointless... to be meaningless? Something for the people of Panem to watch as entertainment and for the Gamemakers to laugh at and cheer about?"

The shuddering boy slowly shook his head and sniffled. "N—No..."

"Then you stand up. Lift your chin up and fight. Prove to them that we are more to them than entertainment and blood. Live and survive like Ty wanted you to. We both have to live... for him. For the unborn child he left behind... for his family. For your friends, for me... And more importantly, for yourself."

Wiley nodded, just once, but there was more in that single nod than words could ever express. Aslane's heart clenched at the determination in the young boy's eyes, and she smiled down at him. "For Ty," Wiley murmured. He held two fingers at his forehead and silently saluted his dead friend that had become his brother.

Aslane used two fingers and did the same.

A little boy like him shouldn't have blood on his hands. He shouldn't be so shattered and broken, Aslane thought bitterly. The world is cold and cruel. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore. I'll survive until the end, and then... I'll make sure Wiley's the one to make it out of here alive. I have to protect him from the cruelty of the arena. He was young... he still had his whole life ahead of him. She would protect and shield him from the horrors she had witnessed and maybe—just maybe he could return home and live the rest of his life as normal as possible.

He had to, for the both of them, for Ty—for all the tributes who were killed and for those who were yet to die.

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