Awards Interviews (booking)

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I see that you're an award host. You're in the right place, because I accept requests for interviews of award winners. So you can add an interview as part of the prizes!


✏️Follow me

✏️Add this book to your library and reading list

✏️For every interview you order, check out at least 3 chapters of any of my works excluding The Writers' Awards and this book (preferably Small Paws, Big Pride, The Eyes of Power and Mystical Words). Vote or leave a comment or both so I know.

✏️Credit and tag me in the awards, both in the Prizes section and the chapter with the interview.


💬Be patient

💬Give this book a shout-out on your message board and tag me.

💬Remember to check your Inbox often. I will contact you there.

💬Should you decide to cancel or postpone any interviews, please inform me beforehand. Inactive profiles will automatically be removed from the waiting list.

💬You will be asked to enter a password in the form. It's your favourite book genre.

💬You may only request for no more than 3 template interviews and 2 pre-booked interviews

Important Note: 

Interviews will only be released after Oct 4th 2023

Template Interviews:

The questions asked will depend on the category that they won and the book.



Name of awards:

Category name:

Any specific topics (max. 2):


Tags (5+):

Enter here----->

Pre-booked Interviews:

Only for the awards that you are very sure will go according to a timeline. As of now, I am only conducting interviews after Oct 4th 2023.



Name of awards:

Category name:

Rough dates for interview:


Any specific topics (max. 2):

Tags (5+):

Enter here------>

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