Interview 1: Olivia

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I have with me Olivia_Benedetti. They are the author of The Stalker and The Untold Story Of The Pack. Check out the interview below!


Q: The interviewer (me)

A: The interviewee (Olivia_Benedetti)

Q: Greetings! I come from Author Interviews, and I'm here to conduct my interview (it's my first btw)Ready for your interview? 

P.S. Any nickname you want me to refer you as?

A: Hi yes I am. Olivia or liv is fine

Q: So, Olivia, if you don't mind, tell me a bit about yourself.

A: Sorry for late reply I've been working. I'm doing a three year Apperenticship in baking which I just started in 2022 in February which is pretty cool. I have a heart defect. Love animals and music lover as well. Reader and writer. I have a learning disability.

Q: I love animals and music too! So you're the writer of The Stalker. The title already gives me goosebumps! What's this thriller about?

A: It's about two YouTubers Maddy and Olivia who find out that they have a stalker and the stalker is sending them creepy gifts and letters

Q: I can sense the mystery in the story about to unfold! It's intriguing me...How did you come up with this story idea? 

A: Well there are YouTubers called Josh and Katie or Jatie Vlogs to some people, anyway Katie car got broken into and a stalker left a note. So I was wow I could write a story based on that.

Q: So you got inspired by a real-life event! Very handy.

I see that you have not published any chapters of The Stalker yet. How is the planning and writing coming along? How long do you intend to make it?

A: Yeah I did. Planning is great, I'm working that out. But it will have 60 chapters and there's going to be 6 books in the series

Q: Writing a novel and six books in the series! Really big project you're working on. What motivates you to write this story?

A: Yeah aha. Just music and watching YouTube and reading about mystery thriller

Q: I enjoy reading mysteries too! What's your favourite mystery/thriller book on Wattpad?

A: I would to say Mommy's House forget who it's by but it's amazing and so scary omg

Q: Sounds scary! Is that book where you thought 'Hey, how about I write a mystery too!'?

A: Yeah it was cause I'm like it's such a good book 

Q: Apart from writing mysteries and thrillers, you also enjoy writing short stories. The Untold Story Of The Pack is one of your short stories. The title already piqued my interest, would you mind briefly explaining what this book is about?

A: This book is about all of my characters from each of my books :) so books that are not out yet, where you can find out more by them and asking them questions and cute stories about them how the pack was made the rules for the pack and just funny pranks they did to each other

Q: That's sounds rather unique! How do you get the idea for this type of book and ideas for the characters?

A: Well I just come from my dreams and each of my characters has one type of personality from in a way. The book idea came to me in a dream lol

Q: From a dream, huh? Just proves that inspiration is everywhere. 

I have two more questions for you:

What makes your writing unique such that people should read your books? 


What's one piece of advice you want to give to any aspiring writers?


1. I'm not sure! Since my writing is weird lol from a learning disability so my writing is a bit weird when it comes to writing since I write in a simple way which is easier for me. So I don't know. 

2. Believe in your self, don't give up at all, do not think you are not good at writing since you don't get reads. Enter awards, enter contests, enter your book into promotion books and enter books clubs to get reads

Q: So those two questions were the last questions. Sadly, this interview has to come to an end. Thank you for your time, Olivia.

A: Thank you for interviewing me it was fine


So that was my interview with Olivia_Benedetti! I hope you enjoyed reading the insights of one author and learned something new. 

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