Interview 12: Lemon

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For all the poets out there, you're in luck because I have with me Lemon0804, who wrote Feelstora, a collection of poems!


Q: Me, your fellow interviewer :)

A: Lemon0804, the interviewee

Q. Greetings! I'm TheWordArtistBooks, and I come from Author Insights. Ready for your interview? (Reply to begin, feel free to at any time)P.S. What nickname would you like me to refer you as?

A. Lemon.

I'm ready for the interview you can begin it.

Q. Nice to meet you, Lemon. Could you please tell us a bit about yourself? It can be as personal as you wish, or just your books.

A. My name is prachi. I love writing and reading poems. Also I love reading stories and watching cartoons a lot especially Doraemon and shinchan. I love to spend time in and with nature. I also like doing lettering, mandala art and making greeting cards.

Q. You have quite varied hobbies! 

What stories do you like to read? What's your favourite story?

A. I like to read stories of various genres depending on my mood. I favourite stories are of Sherlock Holmes and Nancy drew diaries.

Q. Mysteries, I see.Do you read the same genres that you write? Why or why not?

A. Of course poetry is the first genre that I prefer to write. I love reading and writing poems (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

Q. Ah, you're a poet!How has reading impacted you as a writer (or poet, whichever you prefer)?

A. My writing journey has no connections with reading

It's a complete different story

Before I started writing I was not even interested in reading books neither stories nor poems. I found it very boring. It's my writing that made me start reading books to explore and read different stories, poems and point of views.

Q. Oh, interesting. So it's how writing impacted reading.What inspired you to start writing?

A. Nothing inspired me to start writing. Actually in my school time I was given assignments where I have to write poems on my own on any random topic. This is how forcefully I had started writing for report card grades and today I just love writing it so much (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Q. You're saying that you wrote poetry in school and then became interested in it?Let's discuss your poetry work, Feelstora. Could you explain what this book is about?

A. My book Feelstora just reflects my thoughts and feelings. It's just a random collection of poems where you can find different themes and topics to read.

Q. What are some of the poems inside? Which ones do you like the most?

A. For me all poems are equally special and there are many poems inside it. If I start naming then I won't stop until all of them are done (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Q. I see!What are some of the themes and topics you write about?

A. There are various themes. Some of them are friendship, love, motivation, hope, happiness and joy, sadness, etc

Q. Do you relate to the various themes by writing a poem based on your own feelings and opinions?

A. Of course yes as I said earlier my poems are the reflection of my thoughts and feelings.

Q. So I checked out one of your poems in your collection, Feelstora, and wow, it's beautiful! How do you write a poem such that it flows well and has a deep meaning?

A. Nothing so difficult. I just write what I feel and what comes in my mind (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

Q. What do you like most about poetry?

A. Poetic devices is what makes the poetry most creative according to me.

Q. What's your favourite poetic device?

A. Metaphor and personification.

Q. I see.I do have two more questions for you: 

1. What new stories or future projects do you have in mind? Could you tell the readers more about it so we can get excited together :) 

2. What is one piece of advice you would like to give to any aspiring authors?

A. 1. I'm still thinking on what could be my future projects so for now it's a surprise for both

2. I would just say to the aspiring authors that always follow your heart and always stay positive and motivated in any situation.

Q. Yes, positivity is important! Well, that's all from me. Thank you for your time, Lemon!

A. Thanks to you too. It was a great time.

~~The End~~

So that was my interview with Lemon0804! If you like beautiful poetry, you should try out Lemon's Feelstora

Hope you enjoyed reading and learned something new from a poet :D

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