Interview 3: The Young Writer

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I have with me today theyoungwriter0415. They are the author of Being Myself. Check out our interview below!

Q: The interviewer (me)
A: The interviewee (theyoungwriter0415)

Q: Greetings! I come from Author Interviews, and I'm here to conduct my interview.
Ready for your interview?
P.S. Any nickname you want me to refer to you as?

A: Hello! Yes, I am all ready for my interview. You can refer to me as The Young Writer. Thank you!

Q: So, hello The Young Writer. Would you mind telling me and the reader a bit about yourself?

A: I started writing at the age of six. I loved to write a lot and it became my hobby. I also enjoyed doing presentations in front of others. Other than these, I also took up ballet and Hip Hop when I was about 4 years old but stopped at 6.

Q: So you took up ballet and Hip Hop when you were four and took up writing when you were six? Very impressive.

Let's talk about your work, Being Myself. Would you mind explaining a little bit about this story?

A: Thank you for the compliment. About this story, Being Myself, was inspired by a realistic fiction story, How to Be Me by Cath Howe. I enjoyed reading realistic fiction books a lot, because I find them very inspirational. Being Myself is a book about a girl called Layla who meets with lots of troubles in her life. Her mum passed on, her dad found a new wife and they had a baby. Do check it out if you have the time, I would appreciate it a lot.

Q: Did you hear that y'all? Check out their book when you're free =)

So you got inspired by a real-life book! Interesting. How long have you made the book already and how long do you plan it to be?

A: Hmm...I think it has been about 2 months since I made the book. As it is my first book, I took quite some time thinking about the plot. I'm glad that I made it thus far! Thank you all for the support! 🙂

About how long I plan for the book to be...probably about 10-15 more chapters. I might take quite some time to develop the plot and stuff, so do expect quite a long wait! Anyways, I will try to publish my chapters as soon as I finish editing them.

Q: No problem 🙂

Writing a novella? Wow, to write such a long story, one would need a very powerful motivation. What's yours?

A: Well, you see, I often tell myself to continue to chase my dreams. My dream is to become a famous author. Even though it may seem impossible, I believe that with hard work, I can definitely make my dream come true.

I am also a person who loves quotes. Here's a quote by Colin Powell: "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." Here's a fun fact,quotes are another form of motivation for me.

I have very good friends in school who motivate me as well. Their support and encouragement makes me feel very encouraged. I have also read my story to my father and younger brother. They were surprised by the way I wrote my story. They praised me for my hard work, making me determined to continue writing good stories.

Q: You're very lucky to have such a supportive family and friends 🙂

You find quotes motivational. Do you create your own quotes or often read quotes online?

A: About that, I mostly read quotes online. I find them very motivational and often use them in speeches, presentations, and school work. Without such inspirational quotes, I wouldn't have made it thus far either.

Here's one of my favourite quotes, "The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are." This one is by Goldie Hawn, and I totally agree with this quote!

Q: I agree with that quote too!

Have you put any quotes into Being Myself yet? Do you plan to put any quotes into Being Myself in the future?

A: I have not put any quotes into Being Myself. For me, I don't really plan to put any quotes in the story. However, I'll probably add one or two in my Writer's Final Note to encourage everyone!

Q: That's really encouraging of you!

Let's talk about your writing journey. Do you remember why you started writing? Or what story idea you wrote about?

A: Well...since young, I was being praised by my Teachers and classmates for being good at writing compositions. I often scored high marks during such exams, topping my class.

I then decided to try out creative writing, which was quite different from when I started writing because I realised that I seem to enjoy writing a lot, as it helps me to relax and write out my thoughts. When I was still in kindergarten, I didn't really have any talents, so I decided to try out writing.

Soon, it became a hobby of mine and I wrote stories, day after day. I asked my friends for some feedback about the stories I wrote. They gave me some suggestions and I started to improve in writing. From then, writing was part of my daily life.

Q: Wow, it seems that you have come a long way!
Apart from listening to feedback from your family and friends, how else do you plan to improve in your writing?

A: About that, I'm planning to read books written by other Wattpadians. I believe that by reading more books, I can see what areas I will have to improve on. This way, I can also learn from other writers.

Just like what you said, "A writer must write, but they also must read to write",  I truly believe that reading is beneficial for all aspiring writers out there.

Q: I agree. Reading will expand one's knowledge widely.

On the topic of your writing journey, what are some future plans you are making or plan to make? Perhaps future works, or a mission you want to achieve.

A: I plan to have a writing contest on Wattpad. It will probably be held next year, if I have the time. It will be my very first contest! I'm not going to go on anymore, I don't want to leak too much information! =)

As for future works, I am currently planning a story about the underworld. I thought that such topics are quite interesting to write about, so why not? Hope that everyone will look forward to it!

Q: Ooh, a writing contest sounds exciting! Follow them for updates!

Okay, here are your two last questions:

What makes your writing unique such that people should read your book?

What's one piece of advice you want to give to any aspiring authors?

A: My writing is inspiring, which encourages you to keep on going despite the challenges in your life. So, be sure to check out my book!

My final piece of advice to aspiring authors out there is, never give up in the face of challenges. Chase your dreams, no matter how many people disapprove of it. Believe in yourself and always stay positive! Although some of you may not be satisfied with your stories now, don't be sad! Tell yourself that you can always improve!

That's all I have, TWA. Thank you so much for the interview!

Q: Oh, it's my pleasure =)

Thank you for your time!

~~The End~~

So that was my interview with theyoungwriter0415. Do check out their book, Being Myself, and give them a follow for updates when they have their writing contest.

I hope you have learnt something new from the perspective of another budding author and enjoyed reading this interview.

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