Top 5 Favorite MLP: FiM Characters

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So I decided to do a little something I had in my mind and I thought that I might tell you guys who are my favorite MLP characters from Friendship is Magic. It was a random thought that came to me, so I said "Eh, I might as well share it." Now all of these are just my personal favorites, so if you don't like the character and prefer another, then I don't have a problem with that. So, without further ado let's dive on in to my favorite Friendship is Magic characters.

5. Fluttershy

Fluttershy is just so adorable! I honestly like many shy characters in series as I can kind of relate with them since I have somewhat of a similar personality with them. Fluttershy is the definition of cuteness in MLP as I love her tone of voice and she plays a really good with the Mane 6 with having kindness as her element. Throughout the beginning of the series, we see her as a very timid type, hence her name, but as the seasons progress through, she get's more brave and not as timid as she usually is. The fact that she also loves animals is something that I can admire as well. 

4. Rainbow Dash

She honestly is a character I like because of her arrogant personality and also the fact that she is a speedster. If there's any character that has the ability of super speed like The Flash or Sonic The Hedgehog, then I will instantly get a liking to them. I do however sometimes facepalm when she tries to make herself look cooler though or get's a massive ego. Most of the time it's contradictory to a previous event that happened; for example in Friendship is Magic - Part 2, the fake Shadowbolts called her brave which she agreed to, yet she was scared by some faces on trees that Pinkie Pie made go away. Other than that, she's a character I love to this day.

3. Pinkie Pie

There's no doubt that Pinkie has made us laugh, cringe, jaw-drop, etc. at her antics. She's honestly just one of the most exciting characters for me to see in this series since she can literally do non-theoretic things like predict the future, break the fourth wall like Deadpool, and even break her entire body and just put it back together like their puzzle pieces. Honestly, when I see this pink party pony, I can just simply smile seeing her since she can most of the time, lighten the mood.

2. Twilight Sparkle

That's right! The leader of the Mane 6 and the main protagonist in the entire series is on this list. She actually has the best backstory in the series and she's made such a long journey throughout all of the nine seasons. Twilight has gone from the beginning of Season 1, an introverted pony who had no experience in friendship at all, to the end of Season 3, making five best friends and becoming known as the Princess of Friendship, all the way to the end of Season 9, the new ruler of Equestria who spread friendship throughout the entire world. Honestly, I can relate a little to her as well. Twilight is also known for her hyperorganized personality, as she likes to keep everything in order and when she can't, she's goes crazy. Examples of these are like in Season 2, Lesson Zero, Best Gift Ever, and Season 9, a Trivial Pursuit. Seeing Twilight in her crazy mode actually freaks me out a little, but it shows that even somepony as smart as her has flaws in their personality.

Honorable Mentions


He is honestly a good villain and reformed character. Although, throughout the series he grows closer to the ponies, he still has mischievous intentions and he is also somewhat gullible and arrogant. Another reason why I like Discord is because he very wacky and he's makes everything not so normal, I mean his entire body is just the definition of wacky. The reason he is not on the list though, is because he's not really a character that shows up too much. He mostly shows up in most premieres and finales like Season 2, Season 4, Season 6, and Season 9. Sure, he does appear in more episodes than those and he is helpful in them as well, but he's not a character I can focus on too much.

Princess Luna 

My favorite two of the princesses is definitely this one. I love how they gave her more screen time after Season 2, Luna Eclipsed. But not only that, she is honestly very kind and wise for being the Princess of the Night. This can be shown in episodes like Season 3, Sleepless in Ponyville and Season 4, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. To me, she is a much more serious and straightforward than Princess Celestia is, but that's just my opinion. She's basically in here for the same exact reason and that she doesn't appear in as many episodes.

1. Starlight Glimmer

She is an EXCELLENT character to me. I absolutely LOVE her personality in Season 6-9 as she is very affectionate, confident, smart, and has a little bit of sarcasm inside of her. Even though her backstory is weaker than Twilight's, she's still has a pretty good one to me. She believed that Cutie Marks caused disharmony towards one another when she lost her best friend Sunburst, when she was young. This caused her to be a dictator in a village where she believes that true friendship comes from being equal (even though she lied to her followers and faked her own equal sign), however thanks to Twilight, she learned that her beliefs were not the case and decides to learn friendship. I believe that is an amazing way to reform a character like her and overtime, I caught on to having an extreme liking to her and by Season 7 she became my favorite MLP character out of the entire cast.

So, that's all of my favorite characters in MLP FiM. So, I may list my favorite Equestria Girls characters as well, but that will come when I feel like it since I am actually more into Friendship is Magic than Equestria Girls. Thanks for looking at this, and if you guys have your own opinions about my favorite characters, I'm more than happy to listen to why you do or don't like the characters I listed.

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