Author Note!!!!!!

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Me: Hello everyone~! This is your very naughty and crazy author Michi!!
Mizuki and Ashita: *they sweatdropped as they kept quiet* .......
Me: *goes to the emo corner drawing circles* No one is  liking me....
Mizuki: .........
Ashita: Michi I want to ask you something..
Me: Hm?
Ashita: What is your favorite book that you created?
Me: Hmmm.... The one called Flowers of Death and I forgot I only Frsaking Exist When You Need Me ones....
Ashita: *she was writing it down* Okay~!
Me: Nerdy girl.
Ashita: *her eyes glow red as she glares at Michi*
Me: I-i mean you look absolutely lovely!! Bye guys!! I just wanted you guys to read this!! Bye!!

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