Shay's Games: District One

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Name: Paul Afflvement (F-of-mint) but he also goes by Pavement (Pave-mint)

Gender: Male

Age: 17 1/4

District: One

Physical Appearance: Paul is a big boy, very muscular and very much proud of those muscles. He has darn brown hair that is styled with gel every morning in a new way. With eyes the color of dark chocolate and somewhat fair skin that's a golden tan, he's what most girls (and some boys) call handsome. Paul does have a big, albeit faint, scar on his chest from an in-home surgery a few years back. There's another scar on his right cheek, that one from a shot to the face.

Personality: Some would describe him as a plate--there's always a lot piled on top of him. He enjoys taking on lots of things at once and is dedicated to doing EVERYTHING in the world. If you drop it, he'll pick it up. He firmly believes that he can do everything if he wants to. But only if it benefits him. Paul doesn't like working unless it betters his life someone. He doesn't care if people are hurt, as long as it means he's getting something he's happy. When he does care for someone, though, he dedicates his entire life to them.

Past: Paul has three mothers and one father. His real mom left them when he was two for a rich man who died three months later, leaving her with lots of money. His second mother died when he was seven--her death was a "terrible accident". It was after that when Mother number One (as he calls her) came back and remarried his father. He doesn't believe anyone other than his Father is his parent, though, so they have a very close relationship. Paul has lots of friends but most all of them are girls--for some reason he just doesn't get along with guys in his District.

He's trained for the Games since the age of eleven, and wasn't expecting to get drawn. Though Paul doesn't dislike them he doesn't like the Games because of the fuss made over them. People either love them wholly or hate every aspect of them--never a gray area.

Weapon of Choice: A sword--his favorite training tool since the age of thirteen with a gun misfired and nearly killed him.

Strengths: He's good with swords and is pretty muscular.

Weaknesses: If he likes someone he'll do anything to protect them. He also isn't the brightest and doesn't think fast that well.

Token: Nah, buddy. He cannot be bothered with simple things such as "token"s.

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