AG: Fandoms Special Awards

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I will announce the runners up for each award, but only the winners gets the prize!

The Humble Idea Points Hall of Fame - Who saved the most Idea Points? There were some writers who used Idea Points every single Character Creation Pre Task and then there were the ones who didn't use any Idea Points and saved them. I was impressed at your restraint, especially when some of you reached the 20s! The runners up are: BeyondDuck with 21 IP by Pre Task 3, and TARDIS_at_221B_with 26 IP in Pre Task 5. The writer who amazingly saved the most Idea Points in the entire Fandoms competition is non other than jaypvie! You had a whopping 28 Idea Points by Pre Task 5!

The Idea Points World Record - Who used the most Idea Points? I like to think that there are two types of writers in Fandoms - those who save Idea Points like our wonderful tributes mentioned above and those who used Idea Points every chance they could. These tributes are the ones who could never refrain from using Idea Points to make as many characters as possible. The runners up are animallover1321 with 20 Idea Points used in total by Pre Task 6, and Several7s, jesusfreak202, and JesterheadJohnSnow with each of them having used 25 Idea Points by Pre Task 6 (What a three way tie for the first runners-up, huh)? The winner of this one, was a writer who always sent me such a large group of characters created every Pre-Task that I wasn't sure either of us could follow along (and yet this writer still managed to make their characters easy to understand). The winner of this award is non other than wordsmith-! You used 30 Idea Points by Pre Task 6 - the most out of every other writer.

The Sympathy Globe - Which entry made us cry? Okay so there were a lot of amazing, tearjerker entries from the most recent ones - Several7s hurting Khen, or wordsmith-- killing Matoaka, but the one entry that made me want to curl up in a ball is one where the writer killed off a character named Roman - a dog. The winner of this award is BeyondDuck! I still can't get over Roman's death *sobs*

The Dark Personality Award - Which tribute made the the best villain? There were several runner's up for this: animallover1321 with her werewolf serial killer, Kai. JesterheadJohnSnow's character Zymar - both an Arrancar and a Sith! But the one who wins this award, whose character was the best villain, was Several7s! Her character, Akram. Not only did he recruit a team of other villains to join him, but he attemped to destroy the team from the inside out.

The National Flower - Which Gamemaker did you guys vote as your favorite? None of you could decide, but the top favorite Gamemakers were Kaellyr, Zai, and Avek. Thanks you guys!

The Punctuality Award - Who handed in first EVERY task? One tribute never failed to be the first to hand in for every task. It showed this writer's dedication to the games as well as the high quality of every entry. The winner of this award is JesterheadJohnSnow!

The Infinity Veil - Which writers were never late? There were only a unique few writers who were never late on any task in the entire competition - which is why this task only has a few runners up: animallover1321 and me. The winners of this award is: JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, and wordsmith-!

The Melody Iris Award - Who had the most unique character voices? Everyone did a fantastic job at this, especially those of you with a bunch of characters. Several7s, you and wordsmith-- had so many characters and still managed to have them sound differently. But the writer who wins this award is JesterheadJohnSnow. No matter how many characters you made, each one had such a different voice, I could easily tell them apart.

The Character Design Quality Award - Who had the most creative and uniquely made characters? Everyone did such a great job of this and reading your new characters every time really intrigued me. wordsmith--, JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, animallover1321, Sara_R_Stark... all of you made so many intriguing characters that I can't choose between you, so you guys are all the runner's up. I was highly impressed, so jaypvie is the winner of this award. You made a teddy bear and a monster, combined with several other characters from different realms and it just... especially the toy and the monster. It was very inspiring and so unique - the first two characters to be so unique like that.

The Golden Storyline of the Competition - Who wrote and kept the most intriguing storyline overall? So many of you allowed your entries to flow like a storyline. The runners up for this are Several7s and JesterheadJohnSnow. But the winner of this award is wordsmith--. Every entry flowed into the next one so it was like I was reading a story. You took your snippets and made your characters go through things even then. Fiona felt like the main protagonist and every entry you wrote felt like I was reading a Cassandra Clare novel. You deserve this award!

The People's Choice Winner - Out of all the candidates who didn't make it to the finals, who would have won if they had stayed? All of the finalists voted and chose a writer whom we all agreed deserved to win even if they weren't in the finals. This writer is: jaypvie!

The Martial Arts Master Award - Which entry had the most intense action scene? There were a lot of entries with epic fight scenes from Several7s and animallover1321 with the Fairy Tail battle in Task 3, JesterheadJohnSnow with the crossover in Task 6, but the winner is: wordsmith-- with the Task 4 entry - so intense I couldn't stop reading; it felt like an epic battle!

The Diamond Prize for Visuality - Which entry was so descriptive it was visually stunning? We had a lot of runner's up for this - wordsmith-'s Task 5 entry made me visualize every bit of the crime scene. Several7s Task 6 entry as well. But the winner is: TARDIS_at_221B_ Task 4 entry - the descriptions of Japan and the setting was so gorgeous I was stunned!

The Acclaimed Hero Award - Which entry included the most Fandoms? The runner's up for this award is Several7s, wordsmith-, and JesterheadJohnSnow's entries for Task 6. The winner of this award is Sara_R_Stark's Task 6 crossover entry. Not only did you include Avatar, the Last Airbender and Star Wars, you had two Anakin Skywalkers!

The Vigilant Comet Award- Which entry was an emotional roller coaster? Runner's up:Task 3 - ZSB2000 - The entire entry truly felt like a Once Upon A Time episode and it really pulled on my heartstrings. The winner of this award is wordsmith-- with your Task 4 entry. There were so many cute moments, amazing characterization with the Shinsengumi, then super intense action scenes and terrible deaths and epic battles, so that entry wins for most emotional roller coaster!

The Mystery Curtain Award - Which entry was the most mysterious? Seriously for the mystery award you guys really stepped up your game; Several7s, wordsmith--, you guys were the runner's up and wrote scenes that felt truly like crime scenes, leaving me hanging. The winner of this award is jaypvie. I literally had no idea who the murderer was and you kept me guessing right up until the end of your entry!

The Artistic Prize for Quality - Which entry was the shortest? The runner up for this award is animallover1321 and TARDIS_at_221B_. You guys both had some pretty short entries. But tiffanyjane1997 wins this award! She handed in her notes for Task 3 as her entry since she didn't have time to write the entry and was dedicated to staying in. I was highly impressed and even scored her notes for it, so this was impressive - shortest entry ever!

The Complexity Jewel Award - Which entry was the longest? The runner up was Several7s' Task 6 entry around 7,300. The winner is: wordsmith-'s entry for task 4 was the longest, reaching over 7,700. (my task six entry was technically the longest at 8,100), but wordsmith is the winner of this award.

The Unsung Performer - Which writer left the competition too soon that we all would have loved to see and read more of? There were several of you that we would have enjoyed to continue reading and these are the runners up: Enchantresses, D-Willy45, and Legolas. The winner of this award is: ZSB2000

The Grand Shipping Star Award - Which couples did we ship the most? NASMINE - jaypvie two characters Nate and Jasmine! Khenki - Several7s Khen and Naoki. Kenam and Katoaka - Adam and Kendra and then Matoaka and Kappo by wordsmith--. Victorius - Sara_R_Stark's Victoria and Darius. YOU GUYS MADE ME SHIP SO MANY PEOPLE. You all win this!

I also had to mention animallover1321 and I and the ships we made together that we adored writing: Blye - aka Skye and Blake, along with Zyryn - Styrn and Zira, and most of all Naothew (Matthew and Naolia).

Character Creator Hall of Fame - Who had the most characters in the end?

3rd place (bronze medal) goes to: JesterheadJohnSnow - 3 mentors; 7 mandatory; 49 bonus characters, for a total of 59 characters!

2nd place (silver medal) goes to: Several7s - 2 mentors; 7 mandatory; 49 bonus characters; 12 free characters for a total of 70 characters!

1st place (gold medal) goes to: wordsmith-- 1 mentor; 7 mandatory; 62 bonus characters; 21 free charactersf for a total of 91 characters!

(Just as a mention) jesusfreak202 - 3 mentors; 7 mandatory; 67 bonus characters; 18 free characters for a total of 95 characters!

The winner of the Character Creator Hall of Fame is wordsmith--! Congratulations!

Winners of all the awards, message me with the title of your work that you would like me to vote and comment on - only one chapter as well as the works that you would like me to include in my wattpad profile shout out to (as well as what you'd like me to say about you). wordsmith--, because you won the special Character Creator Hall of Fame, you will receive the first three chapters voted and commented on, as well as a permanent shout out on my wattpad profile bio!

All of you will be mentioned in my Author's Games Hall of Fame book, along with previous award winners and special pages for the main winners of each of my Author's Games (including the past).

Remember that the winner of Author's Games: Fandoms (both the winner by score and winner by votes), will receive a shout out detailing their novels on this book, shoutouts on my Facebook, Twitter, wattpad, permanent mentions on my wattpad profile bio, and my votes and comments on a chapter in one of your books.

If I have forgotten anything or if you have any questions, please let me know! You all are amazing writers and I was happy to get to know you and honored to be your host and judge. You guys deserved these awards and I'm proud of all of you!

Good luck to the finalists! Remember that you guys now officially have 8 days to hand in your final entries. 

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