Gamemaker: Vamyx Targaryen

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Name: Vamyx Targaryen

Age: In his 40's

Gender: Male

Appearance: Vamyx is as pale as a ghost since he had not seen the sun in many years. His hair is as white as his skin, typical of the Targaryen family. Years of imprisonment has left him thin and frail, malnourished and looking almost like a skeleton. Only his purple eyes appear strong—madness swirls in them.

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Backstory: Vamyx's older brother, Aerys II was King of Westeros for many years after their father died. It was obvious that Vamyx had the gift of warging, the ability to put one's consciousness into an animal. No one thought much of it. The Targaryen's connection to dragons gave Vamyx the ability to warg only into dragons. The rest of the world and most of the royal household believed dragons to be extinct some hundred years before. Except, one dragon had been hidden away, beneath the red keep. Vamyx would often sneak down to it and practice warging.

Due to the Targaryen's long history of wedding brother and sister to keep their bloodlines pure, Vamyx's madness settled in surprisingly early. One day while warging himself into the dragon, it caused the dragon to go mad as well. It broke free and slaughtered many people in the red keep, including King Aerys and the Targaryen family at the time. The people of King's Landing and Westeros never knew what had happened and the incident was erased from all history texts.

Aerys, already on the verge of paranoia and madness himself, had no choice but to lock his brother away in the dungeons beneath the red keep. He told his oldest son and him to handle everything... Aery's oldest son kept Vamyx's presence in the dungeons secret but only told one person who would be responsible for feeding and giving Vamyx water to drink. That person was a young servant girl, who ended up falling in love with Vamyx. They had a child and although no one knew that the servant's child was Vamyx's son, she didn't want to risk anyone finding out. Especially when the boy began showing the signs of a warging ability. She gave her son to king Aerys' oldest son who smuggled him out of king's landing. Shortly after that, King Aerys' oldest son died and shortly following, King Aerys was assassinated. The kingdom taken over by Robert Baratheon. Vamyx was left in the dungeons, forgotten by all except the servant girl who continued to feed him and give him water, while keeping him secret.

That is, until the Unseelie King and his servants came for Aerys and broke him out. They clothed him and brought him to their Headquarters and explained the Games, offering him a chance to be a Gamemaker. He eagerly accepted, ready for blood.

Personality: Aerys is mad—utterly crazy. He can be paranoid, but he has an obsession with dragons and wants to become one. The only way he can do that is by warging, so he's hoping these Games will give him a chance to find a dragon and warg himself into it permanently.

Magic/Powers: Warg—he can send his consciousness into the body of a dragon.

Weapon of Choice: A sword, though he wouldn't really use one

Loved Ones: In Westeros, the servant girl he had a child with is still miraculously alive. Though he's far too mad to be considered "in love" with her.

Realm They're From: King's Landing, in Westeros

Fandom They're From: Game of Thrones

How Many Tributes They'll Sponsor: One, perhaps two

Type of Tributes They'll Sponsor: He will only sponsor a dragon or anything/anyone that has to do with a dragon. 

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