Spot 11: ZSB2000's Page

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Mentor Name: Thurinor

Age: No one is quite sure, but many suspect he was born at the beginning of the First Age.

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Brief History: Thurinor's history is not well known. He is a recluse in the high tops of the Lothlorien trees, studying and experimenting magic and its natural elements in the world. He is disliked among the Elves in Lothlorien due to his condescending, disrespectful, and cantankerous demeanor. He is tolerated only because his disturbances are rare and because of his strange friendship with Galadriel and Glorfindel.

Where They're From (Approx): Unknown, but resides in Lothlorien as of the Third Age.

Fandom They're From: Lord of the Rings


Name: Quinn Claire

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: Quinn looks young for his age, being rather short with beach blond hair and sky blue eyes. People often mistake him for a teenager and treat him as such. At first this bothered him, but he has begun to accept it as a helpful tool in manipulating people.

Backstory: Quinn is a bastard child from a witch mother and a siphon father. He did not gain his father's restricted powers, but was born with an innate talent for amulets and athames in enchantments. His mother kept him a secret from her fellow witches as his father was a Traveler. She also kept the knowledge of her son from the father as he abused her in many ways. She disappeared, deserting her friends and whatever family she had left to start a new life in New England.

Quinn grew up with his mother, poor as dirt. They tried to get ahead, but it seemed life was pitted against them. His mother never allowed them to use their magical abilities to make money, despite his constant compelling. She said it went against nature, but Quinn thought nature had abandoned them.

As a young teen he and his mother were found out and hunted by those she once called friends. He was captured by the witches and told he was nothing but mistake and a disgrace to his mother's pure witch bloodline. They tried to get him to betray his mother, but he refused. Despite the love and care his mother spoke over him, he often doubted himself, making what the witches said even more potent. Their plan backfired when he took the anger around him and escaped, not caring that he had seriously harmed many of them in the process.

He found his mother and moved her to a small town. He left her there to live peacefully while he traveled the country, using his learned skills of manipulation and charm to get his way through life. As time went on, his doubt in his self and his abilities rendered most of his magic ineffective. The only magic he knew he could trust were spells involving something tangible – amulets and athames.

Personality: Quinn is a little angry with the world. More like he's angry with nature. He was taught that witches communed and brought balance with nature, but he had just been a fluke – a fly in the ointment. He didn't feel he needed to abide by the rules since his mere existence broke them.

Quinn mostly only ever cares for himself and scarcely admits his true feelings about what he is. However, there are moments where he has deep compassion for an individual, mostly children and elders.

He almost wouldn't believe in love but for the fact he loves his mother and his mother loves him. She is the reason he chooses to live. She is also the most important person to him and he would do anything to keep her safe.

When Quinn is around his mother, he is a completely different person. Usually he is pompous and deceitful, but around his mother he is calm and kind. He sheds his hardened shell around her since she is the kindest, most loving person he's ever known. He never lets down his front however, always letting you assume he's sure of himself and in complete control of his emotions.

In reality, Quinn is a trainwreck of sadness and anger, always letting it out in aggression. This gets him into trouble more than his trickery.

Magic/Powers: As a witch, Quinn has the natural abilities such as Spell Casting, Channeling, Potion Brewing, Elemental Control, and Telekinesis. He specializes in using objects in Channeling and Spell Casting. However, his powers are greatly reduced by his terrible self-hatred.

Weapon of Choice: His magic... if he can. He prefers elemental magic when forced to fight. When available, he uses enchanted items such as daggers.

Strengths: As mentioned, Quinn has strengths in Spell Casting with amulets. He also has regular strengths such as charm, manipulation, and being able to zip away (being the small, quick boy he is).

Weaknesses: Quinn's main weakness is disbelief. This renders Quinn's magic abilities to almost nothing. He also has troubles controlling his emotions. Rage often hits him hard and without warning, many times triggered by a memory. He also has the regular weaknesses of a witch such as certain herbs (mainly Lobelia flowers), and Huntress' blood.

Captured: When returning to his mother, he crossed a circle of Native American witches who caught on to his trickery. Just before they surprised him with a spell, the convergence of dimensions washed over them. With the witches performing magic from their world, they were anchored to the ground while Quinn, drifting from his roots and who he was, was sucked into a vortex created by aftershocks of The Unseelie King's magic.

He found himself with Pocahontas – a figure who was right to distrust him, but was fouled many times before he was caught and put to sleep by the magic of an old tree. One of his trespasses was stealing a prized necklace from Pocahontas herself and sealing it in a secret location.

Greatest Fear: He is afraid he means nothing to this world because he was conceived in evil. He is also afraid of losing his mother. If she died, he would not have a reason to remain living.

Insecurities: He is mostly insecure about his 'abomination' of a father and what that made Quinn. He constantly feels like a threat to the balance of life.

Loved Ones: Quinn has met few kind people over the years and only ever loved and trusted his mother.

Realm They're From: Quinn was born in Mystic Falls, but soon after was taken to upper New England.

Fandom They're From: Vampire Diaries

Token: Quinn always keeps a protective amulet given to him by his mother.

Anything Else About Them: Quinn doesn't really make friends or allies, so the chances of him teaming up with anyone but his Mentoris real slim.

CHARACTER #2 (Task 1 Mandatory)

Name: Kyoka

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kyoka has long, light brown hair that reaches all the way down her back. She styles it in common Water Nation fashion by having two large strands on either side of her face droop down below her ears and clasped to the back of her head with beads. The strand falling from that is adorned with bands down the length. The rest of her hair is free and fluffly.

She has piercing blue eyes that make even the most composed people stutter from their mesmerizing color and size. She is known for being very beautiful, but others are cautioned not to pick a fight with her or her brother.

As a Waterbender, she is very graceful and prefers long, powerful, and calculated techniques rather than quick sharp ones. This allows her to dance beautifully.

She often wears clothes that make her look longer than she is. She has a feminine look with flowing robes, long necks, and furry boots.

Image Link: -

Backstory: Kyoka only knows part of her background. She and her twin brother, Kanaye, believe they are orphans. No one remembers who their parents were or how they got there. The Northern Tribe just took them in lovingly, especially when they grew into benders. They were taught all they know about bending from the training they received by one of the elders of their village, Kator. They learned some from experience and experimentation. Although they do not know as much as they wish, they both are innovative and very good at the bending they do know.

The history behind Kyoka and her brother is only known to two others: Ming-Hua and Noatak aka Amon, their parents. It may seem like a strange pairing, but it didn't last long.

As Noatak began to build his reputation as a 'farm boy', he met fellow Waterbender, Ming-Hua. Her power and interesting deformity attracted Noatak. She, too, was interesting in his unique abilities to bloodbend. She herself did not learn this method as his bending powers were a secret. They began a short-lived romantic relationship. Soon their independent natures and dark motivations broke them apart. However, Ming-Hua was already pregnant.

After delivering triplets, she had to escape Noatak who wished to raise them as weapons. Out of spite rather than love for her children, she tried to save them from his clutches. She almost didn't escape his bloodbend but with her strength, she was able to save herself and two of her children.

Noatak was left with the third baby to raise as his first follower of the Equalists. He believed after his heartbreak from not only his family, but Ming-Hua as well, meant that the benders needed to be eradicated. He raised his daughter to waterbend and bloodbend while also teaching her how to fight without her powers. They learned how to Chi block and her father learned to remove the ability to bend from any bender.

Amon kept the secret that he and his daughter were benders, and even went so far as to disguise her so no one would know who she really was.

Kyoka, and Kayane, however, were taken by Ming-Hua to the Northern Tribe. She was no mother and could not love them enough to raise them herself, so she did the most loving thing she was able to do: leave them with good, wise people to grow up innocent of their dark parentage.

Personality: Kyoka is rather quiet and reserved, but not too high and mighty not to smile. She has taken the roll of an older sibling to Kayane even though they are the same age. Kyona has a bad habit of worrying and not telling anyone about it. This sometimes leads to problems until her feelings are squeezed out by her brother. He's the only one who can get her to talk.

Kyoka has been told many times that she is beautiful, but she appreciates the compliments to her intellect more than her appearance. She is not interested in marriage and has shirked being engaged to any young men due to the shocking threat her brother gives them.

Her soul is just as graceful as water's movements and just as wrathful as the untamed ocean. Her mind roars with storms and her heart aches with ice. These things weigh her down with no escape. Questions go unasked. Answered go unexplained. Life is a cycle of rise and fall like the tides, but it feels meaningless to Kyoka.

Her brother is the greatest person in her life and she has rejoiced in watching him grow into a man. Even though Kyoka takes the leading role in their relationship, Kayane is the anchor who always brings her back to what's important. It is during these times of weakness that she believes he is the greater sibling.

Magic/Powers: Kyoka, is a practiced Waterbender of the Northern style. She enjoys slow, strong movements to make more powerful and precise attacks. She particularly enjoys forming water into gas, allowing enemies to breathe in only to have it freeze in their bodies. She works as a team with her brother who enjoys ice attacks the most. Together they evaporate and freeze to create the most chaos.

Weapon of Choice: Ice daggers her brother makes. They often keep them frozen under their clothing when going to dangerous places in case there is less water.

Strengths: Kyoka is a skilled bender who performs powerful attacks. She is a tough leader and a good strategist, being innovative with what she has.

Weaknesses: Kyoka has troubles letting her stress go, always wanting to keep it inside. (that's why her brother says her heart is a diamond) While her attacks are powerful, they are slow to conjure, mostly leaving her brother to defend them while she whips it up. Kyoka can have a bit of existentialism when left alone for too long. She battles depression and always feels like there is a piece of her missing. Probably has disassociation.

Captured: Kator had taken the twins up a mountain to teach them an old technique he had never shown anyone. Just after doing so, a hole ripped through the sky and into what they thought was the spirit world. Kator was knocked off the side of the mountain and in an attempt to save him; they were caught up into the hole, not knowing if their rescue was successful.

Greatest Fear: Kyoka is afraid of fading into life like a mist fading away into nothing – slowly becoming void, irrelevant, useless, and worthless.

Insecurities: Kyoka is constantly stressed over her abilities to lead. Even though she has not had much chance, her extended practice through her brother has contributed to the belief she isn't good enough to be what she wants to be.

Loved Ones: Kyoka loves her brother, Kayane, first and forever, secondly, she loves Kator, the father figure she and her brother never had.

Realm They're From: North Pole

Fandom They're From: Avatar Last Airbender/Legend of Korra

Token: Kyoka carries a small mirror around with her to remind herself that she exists and has a place in the world.

Anything Else About Them: Do not mess with her. Either she will beat yo butt or her brother will there is no in between.

BONUS CHARACTER #1 (Task 1 award)

Name: Kaida

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kaida has been told by her father that she looks like her mother. He means it as a compliment but it stings Kaida. She was the child her mother left behind.

Kaida has dark brown hair and dull gray eyes. They seem calm and still most of the time, but when she fights, they flash and swirl like a thunderstorm.

She has a light build at an average height. She doesn't look it, but she has toned muscle from years of physical and bending training. Deceptively strong and stealthy, she is a fierce opponent. Even though she likes the color red, she secretly identifies with her watebending heritage and wears mostly dark blues with brown accessories. Aside from that, she likes the stylish approach of the fire nation and the normal button-up suits in the Equalists group.

Image Link: -

Backstory: Kaida only knows part of her background, but only what her father has told her. Now that Kaida is an orphan, she is trying to find her long lost siblings. No one knows where her mother took them or who they are.

The history behind Kaida and her siblings is only known to two others: Ming-Hua and Noatak aka Amon, her parents. It may seem like a strange pairing, but it didn't last long.

As Noatak began to build his reputation as a 'farm boy', he met fellow Waterbender, Ming-Hua. Her power and interesting deformity attracted Noatak. She, too, was interesting in his unique abilities to bloodbend. She herself did not learn this method as his bending powers were a secret. They began a short-lived romantic relationship. Soon their independent natures and dark motivations broke them apart. However, Ming-Hua was already pregnant.

After delivering triplets, she had to escape Noatak who wished to raise them as weapons. Out of spite rather than love for her children, she tried to save them from his clutches. She almost didn't escape his bloodbend but with her strength, she was able to save herself and two of her children.

Noatak was left with the third baby to raise as his first follower of the Equalists. He believed after his heartbreak from not only his family, but Ming-Hua as well, meant that the benders needed to be eradicated. He raised his daughter to waterbend and bloodbend while also teaching her how to fight without her powers. They learned how to Chi block and her father learned to remove the ability to bend from any bender.

Amon kept the secret that he and his daughter were benders, and even went so far as to disguise her so no one would know who she really was.

Kyoka, and Kayane, however, were taken by Ming-Hua to the Northern Tribe. She was no mother and could not love them enough to raise them herself, so she did the most loving thing she was able to do: leave them with good, wise people to grow up innocent of their dark parentage.

Amon raised Kaida to be a warrior for the Equalists. He first taught her how to fight with various small weapons, including her hands. When she got older, she showed she was a bender like her father. It was then he trained her in the art of not only waterbending, but bloodbending.

Because Amon knew what it was like to be trained mercilessly by his father, he refused to push his daughter too hard. However, Kaida flourished off of a challenge and fed off of her training, often pushing herself much further than her father ever would. This impressed Amon and made him proud, even if he wasn't able to love her the way she needed.

Kaida grew up with a void. Her father was proud of the person she became, but she never felt like he loved her. She could hardly remember an embrace. She could not recall a night of him drying her tears when she cried herself to sleep from the ache in her body. All she received were words and selfish praise. His excuse was hiding the fact they were related and that she was also a bender, but Kaida always felt it was fake.

When her uncle killed himself and her father in a boat explosion, the Equalists dissipated. The members who believed in him for his story were outraged to learn he was just another bender. Many rejoiced in his death. She fled the scene to go her own way, barely grieving for the man she could hardly call 'father'.

Personality: Kaida is cold. That is what everyone knows her by. She is frosty like the ocean in winter and she is as hard as ice. She is ruthless in a fight and never shows emotion. She only expresses herself through salty quips that often leave the listener confused and clueless. Ever since she was a little girl, she has built walls to protect anyone from hurting her. She realized the worst sting was never receiving anything from someone you expected to. So she built her walls to pretend as if she shut them out instead of disregarding her.

Her upbringing has taught her little morals, and the ones she found out for herself weren't much better than the ones her father taught her. Her view of the world is skewed through the eyes of a merciless fighter.

Deep down she really wants to love someone. She hopes that if she finds her long lost siblings she can finally open up and learn to feel what it's like to have a real family. She has a lot of faith and an optimistic mindset – despite the pessimistic things you'll hear her say. It's only because she second-guesses everything she knows and filters everything through what her father taught her.

Magic/Powers: Kaida is a waterbender. Despite her traditional waterbending training, Kaida has learned a Pro-Bending style that keeps her attacks short and sharp to stay light on her feet. Kaida also has the ability of bloodbending. She was never as successful as her father with the art and can usually only do it on the full moon. Sometimes she can do it at other phases. She also has troubles keeping still to bend. Kaida can ONLY bloodbend with her mind on a full moon. Kaida debates whether to practice more of this art as her personal ideals and thoughts are conflicting.

Weapon of Choice: Kaida is a master at hand-to-hand combat and will use two short swords to finish off her enemy. If she starts with them they die too quickly. So she only uses them against worthy opponents and as finishing touches.

She also knows how to block someone's chi and incapacitate them.

Strengths: Kaida is a powerful fighter. She is less skilled in bending compared to her physical prowess, but that still shows her bending strength. She has no qualms about killing and will not hesitate to decapitate anyone in her way. She is fast and quiet, often slipping into an "assassin" category when needed.

Weaknesses: Kaida has locked away her heart for so long she doesn't know how to use it or truly how to feel normal emotions such as love or compassion (she's not sadistic, though). She has very high expectations of herself and everything has to be perfect or she has failed. If things don't go as planned, it will jar her normal process and it throws her off. When she can't find a certain goal, be it immediate or far-reaching, she is restless and depressed. She can't function without having her hands full.

Captured: Kaida had just learnt of her mother's full history when a strange hole in the air sucked her up. She went unconscious and the next thing she knew, she was waking up in the middle of a bloody battle field surrounded by dead bodies.

Greatest Fear: Kaida fears failure and losing her grip on her heart. She's desperately trying to find her surviving family to cure herself of the emotionless affliction she's caused herself eternally unless she finds help.

Insecurities: Kaida feels too imperfect. She also questions herself when she was only a shadow in the Equalists for her entire life. Now she has free will and it scares her. Growing up Kaida was secretly hateful for being the child her mother left behind.

Loved Ones: Kaida once loved her father, but that was a very long time ago.

Realm They're From: Republic City

Fandom They're From: Avatar Last Airbender/Legend of Korra

Token: Kaida wears the hair chopsticks left behind by her mother. She keeps them to remind her to be better than both her parents... well she tries.


BONUS CHARACTER #2 (Idea points 1)

Name: Ingithora

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ingithora is a very beautiful woman. She has long blonde hair often braided with colorful cloth and beads. Her frame is lean but strong and she has an alarming height, taller than most women she meets – sometimes even taller than the men. Her ice blue eyes are said to read your soul or strike eternal winter into your heart. It depends on who you are – the man she slept with, or the wife she replaced.

Backstory: Very little is known about Ingithora. Many say she fabricates her past based on the man she is currently with. The little continuity that is in her stories is vague and mysterious. She calls herself "the daughter of the Raven". However, her upbringing always consists of parents that are not ravens, or do not have raven qualities. Many believe she calls herself this because whenever she moves, important events follow. A common theory among those who disapprove of her reputation and wish to find the truth through her slippery tongue think she grew up in poverty where she was subjected to trauma of poor living conditions and starvation. Her home raided by Vikings and she the only surviving member of the family, sold herself and found wealth and power in manipulating men. She does not hide her scandalous background. To the astonishment of many, she actually boasts of it and claims to have bedded many kings and lived in many halls of which gave her lavish life and endless pleasures.

Recently she took up a new victim. He is a prince in line to be king. He was never married and she easily snagged him with her sexual lure. She has a tight hold on him that no one dares affect lest they be punished.

Personality: Ingithora has many personalities and many faces, but her true face is one of a Viking warrior. Perhaps she doesn't wield a sword and shield, but she bravely enters life's wars head on. There is little that she fears and even less she deems worthy of her respect. She is a hard woman to truly impress and once you earn her trust, you are ranked above all else. She hasn't trusted anyone for fifteen years.

Her faces sometimes carry her personal traits. Sometimes when she plays weak and distressed, her inner fantasy of finding a real man to love her escapes. When she plays hard to get and mischief making, she displays her natural pleasure for playing games with others.

The world has burned her and she has learned to take what she wants from it in vengeance. It owes her and she will do as she pleases.

Ingithora has developed a doubt for the aptitude and intelligence of men as a sex. Her life depends on manipulating and seducing them to take their power. She has a personal saying she bestows upon women who are insecure in their relationships. "Men are easily controlled. When you bed a man, you become his master. His country becomes yours and you are ruler. The only men to fear are the real men who either refuse to be seduced on the whole, or remain faithful to only one woman. These are the men I truly respect and resent at the same time."

Magic/Powers: Ingithora has no real magical powers (unless you call being really sexy a superpower), but she has been known to precede Ravens before an important event takes place. This has never been confirmed to be officially related, but those more superstitious readily believe it.

Weapon of Choice: Although not a warrior or trained to fight in any way, there are witnesses of people who say she can wrestle. She denies any of these claims since it isn't lady-like. But then again she's liar.

Strengths: Ingithora has surprising upper body strength and coordination. She is a skilled manipulator and flawless liar. She has the power of virtually bedding anyone she wants to gain their power and wealth.

Weakness: She has no training with weapons and would be almost helpless in a fight. Ingithora's power lies completely in her ability to remain mysterious and charming. If someone is strong enough to resist her, or discover the truth about her past, all her appeal is lost and she is powerless. Ingithora doesn't fully understand honor or loyalty. She is able to use these against others in her favor, but she herself does not have a sense for them, making her stand out from the rest and threaten her social survival.

Captured: A Viking raid had murdered her current lover and stolen several villagers including her. They were taken to a prison camp and kept there for several weeks. All her attempts at trying to wriggle her way into the favor of the guards and then the man in charge all failed. She would not live comfortably at all. However, when the time came, she was able to escape and stash herself away on one of the Viking ships that had just landed there, hoping to sail to a mainland where she would escape.

She met war and dragon fire instead. When the ship she was carried in sank from the dragon's destruction, she swam from the wreckage and onto the shore where she found a place in the rocks to hide until the fighting was over.

Greatest Fear: That the truth about her past would be revealed – or worse – walk back into her life.

Insecurities: Ingithora has little insecurity, but she is very paranoid when it comes to covering up her tracks. She will go to great lengths to make sure everything goes her way and she is never found lying.

Loved Ones: Everyone she ever truly loved is gone. She used to have a family... there used to be someone...

Realm They're From: Anywhere in the North she can get her dirty hands on

Fandom They're From: Vikings

Token: No one sees it, but she always keeps a ring with a feather carved into it hidden on her person. (when she doesn't have anywhere to put it –ahem- she keeps it somewhere safe)

Anything Else About Them: Don't be alarmed if she flirts with you even if she doesn't intend to seduce you. It's just habit.

CHARACTER #3 (Task 2 Mandatory)

Name: Steven

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Appearance: Steven has rather handsome features with golden blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He keeps some scruff on him to make him look tough and appear his age. He's shorter than average at around 5'8. His style is simple but with a country kick, being raised in the Oklahoma panhandle. This gives him a little accent you can just barely hear from his many years in Los Angeles and post-apocalyptic Chicago. Since he's in Dauntless, he wears much darker clothing than he likes and not nearly as much jean. Every once in a while he can get away with it, but he tries not to stand out too much. Also? He loves his aviator glasses.

Backstory: From a very young age, Steven was talented at... well... everything. He was smart, strong, intuitive, fast, and even artistic. He had a sharp eye and was very coordinated. His parents were average people who lived average lives until cancer took his mom and war took his dad. He was in college by then, but it was because of his father's military background he decided to head that direction rather than an intellectual one. Out of all the things he could have done, he chose being a pilot – a fighter pilot. He met his best friend who became his wingman and they rose to the top together.

One day after eating a tuna fish sandwich, Steven was encapsulated in rock. He was confused and shook when he broke out of it without a scratch. He didn't even have time to think about what had happened when was called into the air. It was a dogfight and every moment count. That's when he started to see them – the possibilities. They were opaque visions, showing him what could be. He was suddenly seeing the possible outcomes of each and every piece of matter.

The confusion these live visions created sent his plane spiraling to the ocean. He and his friend were able to eject, but there was an accident which caused his death. Steven saw the possibility of the outcome before it happened, but it wasn't sealed until it actually happened. And he could do nothing about it.

His best friend's death sent him into depression, and his newfound power didn't help the fact. It took him a long while to figure out how to deal with it let alone control it.

Steven felt responsible for his friend's widow and two small children, taking them in as a surrogate family. But the worst was yet to come. Steven had just barely discovered how to limit what possibilities he saw when he was playing with the children. It took effort to shut it out, and he allowed himself to let go for a little while and rest. As they played, he saw a possibility. He saw death. He jumped in to try and save them. He failed. One of the children died under his watch.

It was too much. Steven was crushed. He quit, left all he had with the two remaining members of his family, and ran. He didn't know where he was going, but he was just going. It was then a portal sucked him into a separate world.

But this isn't where the story stops. Steven found himself amongst creatures that called themselves Unseelie. To prevent his execution from violently interrupting the court, he showed them what he could do. Not only did his physical strength impress the court, but so did his power. The Unseelie King put him under command of his son where he was trained more in combat and how to control his abilities. Eventually he was able to control his powers, turning it on and off as well as controlling what he saw the possibilities for.

Steven questioned the moral scruples of the Unseelie, but he learned to keep his mouth shut and his conscience at bay. After getting comfortable in this life, the Unseelie sent him through another portal where they told him he would be scout for this land. Steven quickly discovered this was not the Chicago he knew.

Steven chose Dauntless where he made a life, but little friends. He kept low so when the Unseelie came to gather reports from him, he wouldn't be caught.

He was surprised to find his powers didn't work in this realm which alarmed the Unseelie, but they kept him there nonetheless. It was almost a relief for him, being able to live normally without having to see predictions of fate.

Steven ran across another woman who wasn't from this world, but both abandoned hope of becoming friends after they discovered their conflicting personalities and values. Her name was Lyssa. He tries not to talk to her.

Personality: Steven is very quiet, but can be charming when he wants to... he doesn't want to most of the time. As a young man he had an ego the size of Texas, but after the loss of his friend and then the death of his friend's child, he shed most of his arrogance and pride. Being assimilated into the Unseelie service, he even surprised himself with how little he cared about what wrongs they did. Normally his sense of militant honor would egg him on and get him in trouble, but here it was easy to look on and pretend he didn't care. It got easier and easier until didn't care much at all. Deep down he values the individuals he sees around Dauntless, especially the joyful, innocent ones. They remind him of his friend. If you're lucky enough, he'll give you something – whether it be a smile, a lesson, a small gift – to show he does care. It doesn't happen often, and he can change back into his unfeeling self in an instant, but it proves he's still human.

Magic/Powers: Steven is an inhuman who has the power to visualize different outcomes of situations and objects. Since technically it's seeing into the future, but actually several versions of the future, you could say he can see about five seconds into the future at any given time.

Weapon of Choice: Steven is a weapon, but pretends not to be to stay under the radar. His favorite weapon is the gun. Any gun. If it has a trigger he can use it. He would really love a plane, though. That would make his day.

Strengths: Steven is very skilled and intelligent. You could cast him as a spy in an action movie and he'd nail it.

Weakness: Steven lacks in his social area. It's not that he can't. It's that he doesn't want to. Because of his skills, Steven is prone to becoming over-confident in his abilities. This gets him into trouble when he's trying to be average and his competitive side kicks in. It also causes him to let his guard down when in a fight that actually challenges him. Recently, this has been less and less of a weakness, but the suffering of the innocent really gets to him. When he sees it happen it eats away at him until he has to put up his walls again and forget he cares. This distress distracts him.

Captured: Steven was already in the Divergent realm when the Unseelie King's game caught up with him. He was watching a young, talented martial artist when she bit the dust. He was taken by force to a place where a dude with pointy ears said he was supposed to be going with him and his two remaining members of a "fellowship".

Greatest Fear: Steven fears failure. He fears falling short of expectations set on him by others and himself. He fears failing his friend's legacy.

Insecurities: Steven has great fear of the Unseelie and he is very cautious not to get on their bad side. He constantly worries about making a wrong move when he's around them.

Loved Ones: His friend's widow and remaining child are the only family he has left. Event then he hasn't seen them in years.

Realm They're From: Earth, America, Los Angeles.

Fandom They're From: Agents of Shield

Token: Steven always keeps his dog tags from being a pilot for the U.S. Airforce

Anything Else About Them: He needs a hug.

CHARACTER #4 (Task 3 Mandatory)

Name: Rose Red AKA Rita-Rosaline

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rita-Rosaline has silky red hair that tumbles over her shoulders in soft curls. She has translucent green eyes and light skin. She has little resemblance to her sister, Snow White AKA Mary-Margaret, but they share the same height and build. As the younger sibling, Rita-Rosaline was said to be the brighter flower, although many compared her personality as more delicate than her sister's. Other than her beauty and gentle mannerisms, she is an average woman in both Storybrook and her own world.

Backstory: Rose Red is the younger sister of Snow White. No one really knows her due to the fact she was stolen by a jealous nursemaid. The family grieved, believing she was dead.

This is the story of Snow White and Rose Red (alternatively, the Ungrateful Dwarf):

Later in life when Snow White was on the run from the Evil Queen, one of her adventures led to a bear in the woods during the winter. He was a talking bear who seemed very friendly and since both needed a place to stay the night, they came upon a cottage. There they were received by a young woman and her widowed mother. The two quickly realized their connection and the "mother" confessed she was the nursemaid who kidnapped her and raised her as her own.

The bear went on his way, speaking cryptically about a treasure and a dwarf, but the newfound sisters thought nothing of it. Snow White decided to stay the winter as it stormed as cold as the Queen's heart. Early on, the two decided Rose Red should remain a secret to the rest of the world to keep her safe. But throughout the winter, the bear returned to spend time with them and created a close bond with them – especially Rose Red.

When spring came, the sisters ran into a dwarf. He did not have an axe or any friends. He was also unreasonably annoyed and pessimistic. As they freed him from being caught on a tree, he was ungrateful to them for cutting his beard.

They kept running into this dwarf and saving him (Rose Red having more patience with his stubborn attitude than Snow White), always having him turn around and complain about it. It became obvious this was no ordinary dwarf and there was something suspicious about him.

One day, just before Snow White was to bid her sister farewell and continue in her lifestyle, the dwarf came running with the bear behind him. At first he asked for them to help him, but quickly turned on them to beg the bear to eat the girls instead of he. The bear killed the dwarf, ignoring all his pleas. Almost immediately, the bear transformed into a man – a prince! He explained that the dwarf had stolen magical stones from him that set him under a curse to be turned into a bear.

The Prince and Rose Red had begun to develop their romantic relationship when the Evil Queen sent out the curse and they were all sent to Storybrook. She became Rita-Rosaline, a florist and part-time volunteer at the animal shelter. She lost all memory of her sister and the Prince, only living with her "mother".

During the events of OUAT, Rose Red has observed her sister from afar, contented to watch her family grow while Rose searched for her Prince. She hasn't found him... until now.

Personality: Rose Red was who you expected from the cartoons of Snow White. The real Snow White turned out to be much spunkier and filled with fire. Rose, however, is very gentle and caring with a delicate conscience and innocence bordering ignorant naivety. She still happens to befriend everyone she meets with her natural charm and warm smile. Rita-Rosaline always assumes the best of everyone always. Many times she is correct in this assumption more than others, since she has a way of making people want to match up to the idea she has of them in her head. If when disappointed, Rose always accepts an apology and moves on with little to no questions asked.

Rose is not particularly curious and will leave a thing be since it is probably there for a reason she does not know and doesn't need to know. Everyone has their own business and gossip is for those who have nothing better to do than seed lies. Rose despises gossips.

While she has a delicate disposition, she does share the same determination as her sister. Once she sets her mind to something, nothing can stop her. She rarely does, however, so people are always taken aback when she shows this more solid side of her. It also shows in her traditional values and virtues. They are her foundation and will not budge from them.

Magic/Powers: N/A

Weapon of Choice: Rose is a very non-violent person who doesn't like fighting. She would pretty much be useless in a fight without a weapon or skill.

Strengths: Rose is so kind and persuasive, it takes a dedicated mind to refuse her. She has the power of goodness on her side, something that has never failed her before. Her endless optimism carries her through the worst of times.

Weakness: With Rose's innocence comes her instant gullible nature. She's surprisingly good at picking out lies, but an experienced manipulator could easily use her for their own purposes. She also doesn't think plans through, often falling in traps, or failing altogether on a small coincidence. Rose can sometimes get a little emotional and while never too dramatic, can lose her ability to function if feeling intense emotions.

Greatest Fear: In truth, Rose has little to fear, but after being separated from her love for so long and the switching between worlds in chaos, she has feared that she is doomed to never find him. Even when she does find him, he has returned to his animalistic state, and all hope of finding his precious stones is nearly lost.

Insecurities: Rose is aware of her weaknesses, but chooses her values over changing her ways. Still, she is nervous about being taken advantage of and being led off her goal or inadvertently hurting those she loves.

Loved Ones: Her "mother", who loved and raised her despite the wrong of stealing her, Snow White, and her Prince

Realm They're From: Storybrook/Fairy tale land (??)

Fandom They're From: OUAT

Token: A smooth, round pebble, one of the precious stones that will set her love free. This one was given to her as a token of love before the curse set on.

Anything Else About Them: This is dedicated to my mother who remembered this fairy tail from a book she read as a child to help me out I love and appreciate her so much it was literally genius give her a nice round of applause for my beautiful mother

CHARACTER #5 (Task 4 Mandatory)

Name: Delaney Meang (Nee-ung) Her nickname is Danny
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Danny has smooth creamy skin and a round face. Her small brown
eyes usually peak out from under her favorite hats. She has
shoulder-length dark brown hair with light honey highlights. She's shorter
than average, with a round build.
Backstory: As an only child, her parents worked hard to get her an
education. She excelled in school and did every little extra thing she
could academically to prove them proud.
As a child she had a special interest in Entomology. The little lives of
the tiny world around her was fascinating.
When she graduated, she was accepted into a college that allowed her to
study all sciences, yet focus on the one she loves most.
Danny's life was simple and uninteresting. All she did was focus on
school. There were no boyfriends and no wild parties.
One day she was clearing her mind on a walk through the school campus when
a young man came running up to her. She knew him from many of her classes,
but never really socialized. But then again, she didn't really socialize
with anyone. He exclaimed something and grabbed her, pulling her along
behind him. It was as if she should have known what was happening... but she
had no clue.
They ran into the forest with him shouting about some demon or another.
Before he even finished rambling, a giant praying mantis burst in view,
shrieking and waving its arms.
Danny screamed and hid while the young man took something from his pocket,
shouted "Malik!" and a blade came out. He killed the mantis with it but
Danny couldn't tell you how. She had her eyes closed.
Afterwards, the young man whose name was Anthony, explained that he had
assumed she knew she was a Shadowhunter. She knew nothing. But he seemed
Anthony taught her about who she was and who the Shadowhunters were. While
also trying to keep up her studies, she learned more about them and spent
more time with Anthony.
Personality: Danny is very sweet and rather quiet. She loves what she does
and finds comfort in her studies. Socializing and trying anything new
outside is out of her comfort zone where she won't try unless forced to.
She's a creature of comfort. While not a complainer, she is easily
startled and is no good in an emergency.
She has a few strange habits that she is made fun of for, but they're just
her normal quirks that she doesn't hide like everyone else.
Magic/Powers: As a Shadowhunter, Danny is still discovering what powers
she actually has.
Weapon of Choice: Weapon? You mean she has to hurt people?
Strengths: She doesn't give up, and despite not appearing so, she is very
driven. She's very knowledgeable and has a great memory.
Weakness: As someone who doesn't challenge herself outside her academic
life, she is unprepared for anything to come. She isn't not physically
adept at all and she's terrible at thinking quickly. Stressful situations
make everything worse. Pray for her.
Captured: She and Anthony were spending a lot of time together when she
accidentally got sucked into a portal.
Greatest Fear: Danny's worse fear is not being able to use all the things
she's learned. Has she done all this work for no real life reward?
Insecurities: Danny is very nervous about being Shadowhunter and has many
times wondered if there was a way to abdicate. However, Anthony is very
persuasive and always keeps her from asking.
Loved Ones: Her parents and more recently... Anothony.
Realm They're From: America
Fandom They're From: Shadowhunters
Token: When she was captured, she had a small Entomology book in her sweater.
Anything Else About Them: She probably won't survive without help. Save her.

BONUS CHARACTER #3 (Task 3 Comment 1 Scores and Feedback)

Name: Florian
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Appearance: Florian has dark brown hair and long scruff that makes him
look more dashing than unkempt. He has light brown eyes that capture you
and drown you in a deep gaze. When he walks he carries himself with
personality and a leisurely stride that makes him appear calm and

Backstory: When Florian was born, the kingdom celebrated the birth of the
crowned prince. As a gift, the neighboring Dwarves gifted him three
magical stones. They would protect him as long as he had them. Little did
he know there was a catch.
As Florian grew into a man, he had an adventurous spirit and a kind heart.
He stood for justice and made his father proud.
One day he met a dwarf who had gotten himself in a pickle. Florian helped
the dwarf, but ended up breaking one of his possessions by accident. The
dwarf demanded payment and when he saw the three stones in the prince's
satchel, he took them and ran off. Before Florian could chase after him, a
nauseous fever came over him and he fainted. When he woke up, he had
turned into a bear.
Florian searched and searched for the dwarf, ashamed to have lost such a
precious and simple gift to a tricky creature. He did not return to his
kingdom, vowing to find his treasure and return to a human, not to appear
before his father until he did so.
He stayed in the forest through the cold winter where he had to find
shelter from a kind lady and two young women – Snow White and Rose Red.
They became good friends as he came and went throughout the winter,
particularly with Rose Red. She had warm presence and a soft voice that
soothed his mind.
When summer came, the peak of his hunt began again, and finally he found
the dwarf. The dwarf ran toward the sisters who were walking in the woods.
At first he begged for them to save him, but the changed face and begged
Florian to eat the girls instead of him. Florian killed the dwarf with one
fell sweep of his paw where three stones fell from his pocket.
Again, Florian fell unconscious, awaking as a man once again. Rose Red and
Snow White had taken him to the cottage and there he came to in the arms
of Rose Red. After professing their love, Florian gifted her on stone, a
symbol of his heart that he gave to her for safekeeping. She went back
with him to his kingdom where Florian was reunited with his parents and
Rose Red received a warm welcome from all.
They were engaged when the Evil Queen's curse came over the land,
misplacing two of his stones and returning him into a bear. Only this
time, he was not aware of who, or what he was.
Personality: Florian is very protective and always looking out for those
around him. Even if you just met him, if he senses something off, he will
interrogate and try to help. He's very persuasive, but knows his
boundaries in privacy, so he usually speaks in concepts rather than
details. That way the other person is more comfortable with sharing their
feelings. Of course Florian also helps with those in physical trouble. He
won't hesitate to defend the helpless.
The aura he carries is just as warm and inviting as he actual is. From a
distance you wouldn't think to even give him a hand-shake from how
dangerous he looks. But once you go up to him and he smiles at you, you'll
want to hug him like a giant teddy bear just because of how he feels.
This is, however, contrary to how you think he would handle his inner
feelings. In truth, other's feelings come before his and he often closes
himself off to avoid hurting people with his burdens. Sometimes talking to
himself is enough. Sometimes it's his horse or his mirror. They console
him in silence. Nothing to return but blissful silence.
Rose Red is different. Rose is the only person to ever get him to talk
about his feelings instead of the other way around. The first time it
happened, he realised that she wasn't even trying to. Another thing is
that she doesn't seem to worry. The thing he fears when telling others
about his problems is the worry it might cause them. Instead, Rose takes
it and puts a hope on it, never doubting him. Her hugs help, too.
Florian loves hugs.
Magic/Powers: None
Weapon of Choice: Florian is an expert swordsman. His strength lies in the
Strengths: Florian is quick to find the truth in others. He has a strong
intuition that allows him to see through lies and fallacies. Despite his
kind nature, he does not take things at face value and questions the
things around him.
Weakness: Ever since he lost the stones to the dwarf and became a bear, he
became doubtful of his abilities. He is critical toward his weakness to
drop anything to help someone in need. He wonders if a leader could rule a
kingdom if he is too distracted by the little things. He is often
distracted by seemingly unimportant things and passing thoughts.
Captured: After Rose Red helped destroy the Evil Queen, she retrieved the
two stones she had stolen from Florian. She found Florian unconscious,
returned to his human form, in the forest. The couple was roped into
joining the strange group of people who came from different worlds.
Greatest Fear: His greatest fear is the fear of losing his humanity once
again and being separated from his true love.
Insecurities: Florian fears not reaching the expectation set for him as
future king. He worries that his best isn't enough.
Loved Ones: Florian's parents and Rose Red.
Realm They're From: Enchanted Forest.
Fandom They're From: OUAT
Token: Two magical stones that keep him from harm.
Anything Else About Them: MY SWEET MAN BABY LOVE HIM (spoilers Rose

BONUS CHARACTER #4 (Task 3 Comment 2 Awards and Rankings)

Name: Brie
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Appearance: Brie is a very short woman with ash black hair pulled into a
double ponytail. Her skin is pale as death and her eyes glow a faint
orange, hints of what she really is. There are very few moments where her
eyes return to their original saturated blue eyes, but they are brief and
far in-between. She is thin, but stronger than the average human. Her very
presence is eerie and strange for sometimes her dark past seeps through
her countenance.
Backstory: Brie was an orphan who ended up in the care of an innkeeper in

Winterhold. From a young age she was very interested in the mysterious
College. Those around her tried to ignore its existence or condemn it for
sending the rest of the city into the ocean, but they practiced magic in
there. And magic was very interesting to Brie. You could say it was in her
blood since her heritage was Breton.
When she was still a child, a mage who was banned from the college named
Nelacar stayed at the inn. Although he kept out of the way and his magical
experiments silent, Brie's curiosity eventually led to an odd friendship
with the Altmer.
Dagur and Haran, her guardians, were wary of this relationship, but as
nothing bad ever happened, they allowed it. This inspired Brie to learn
magic more and more. She learned how to cast a light and a healing spell
very early.
Nelacar refused to teach her any more complicated spells and encouraged
her to join the College for that. After much debate, Dagur and Haran
allowed Brie to attend as a young teen.
A few years later, dragons appeared in Winterhold. Jarl Korir blamed them
on the mages, but Brie knew better.
During this time, a pompous young man from Cyrodiil with connections in
Skyrim attended the College. Somehow, he had singled out Brie as a source
of competition and disdain. Her abilities only benefitted from the
challenge, proving he was no better than she.
The situation climaxed when a dragon landed on the top of the College,
spitting fire to the courtyard below. Brie made her way to the top with
the young man right behind her. With the joint powers of the mages and a
particularly strong fire spell from Brie, the dragon was killed. Only, the
unexpected happened. Brie absorbed the dragon's soul. None had been able
to witness it but the young Cyrodiilian.
Brie soon learned the truth about him. The sadistic man had her kidnapped
by bandits soon after where she was forced to spend the night before they
planned to kill her. One of these bandits was a Redguard. He did not have
the same malicious spirit as the others. Unbeknownst the both of them, he
had given Brie a precious gift.
That night most of the bandits had to leave their cave for some heist
where Brie was left with this man. Few guards were posted around the
The Redguard, Mortimer, had been threatened and forced to remain
indentured to the bandit leader. His young sister was weak and alone in
another village. They would kill her if he resisted.
But this night, he could not stand to watch as they killed Brie so he had
elected to stay behind... and help her escape.
With Brie's magical help, the pair were able to stealthily kill the guards.
Literally overnight, Brie had changed. Her once innocent and merciful
nature had changed into one unrelenting and lethal.
Brie refused to go back to her home, and instead wished to make her own
way. Mortimer convinced her to follow him to a friend's shack on the side
of the nearby mountain. There he would find help to save his sister, and
Brie would have help to decide her fate.
Along with his friend, they met another – a Khajiit. Her name was
Keyrjini; The Dragonborn. She had been the one to discover the Eye of
Magnus. They still had not discovered its secrets or the staff that should
supposedly go with it. She was currently unraveling the secret of the
Keyrjini quickly saw the same dragon spirit within Brie and suggested she
take refuge with the Greybeards. There she would learn more about who she
was and about the dragon language. Brie accepted, unsure of what else to
do and intrigued by the new magic of shouting.
She and Mortimer parted ways as friends with a mutual respect each other's
Keryjini escorted Brie to High Hrothgar where she stayed with her for a
while as she acclimated to her new surroundings.
Brie came to respect the 'Way of the Voice', but deep down she knew she
could never follow it and she promised herself to exact revenge on the one
who sent her into hell.
But soon Brie became aware of a fact that would save her from travelling
down the road of true darkness. She was pregnant.
Even after her torture she showed no signs of breaking, but this sent her
in the most anxious and stressful state. When the baby was born however,
she was relieved beyond anything she had hoped for. A beautiful brown baby
girl lay in her arms. This was Mortimer's gift.
Brie named her Hope, for this is what she stood for in her life. Hope was
the only things left she had in her life. Hope was her strength to bear
the uncertain future.
Brie knew that the life she was planning to lead would not be safe. She
would be on the move. She would need to be invisible. Hope needed to be
safe. Brie decided to leave her in the care of the Riften Orphanage where
a good woman would look after her. Keyrjini also supported her in saying
that she had special ties to ensure the safety of Hope.
Before they believed it was safe for them to travel with Hope down the
mountain, they had a visitor – Mortimer. He had come to see Brie well and
say he was successful in keeping the bandits away from his sister.
He was in for a surprise.
Brie thanked him for his gift. Mortimer seemed to immediately bond with
Hope, amazed and speechless. He agreed with her plans to give her to the
orphanage and promised to check on her whenever he passed through the
When they went to Riften, Brie discovered Kayrjini's 'connections' were
actually the Thieves Guild! They treated her as family and promised to
watch over Hope. Brie did not mind the Guild. In fact, she stayed in the
ratway to learn from them. Stealth and use of weapons aided her in her
goal. After a while, she left to find more places to learn.
She discovered the Dawnguard where she hones her skill in using dual one
handed weapons.
During that time, she reunited with Keyrjini once again where she was in
search of an Elder Scroll that might be influential in her quest to defeat
Alduin. Brie accepted Harkon's offer to be turned into a vampire. She
regretted nothing. It made her stronger, quieter, and led her more to her
goal. Keyrjini went her own way after finding the scroll while Brie and
Serana finished their quest to stop Harkon.
After killing him, she took his sword and used it as her own. Later when
she discovered Molag Bal's mace, she used the two in tandem to slaughter
her enemies.
Serana became her best friend. She never expected to work with someone
else, but the two made a good team.
Finally as she felt her skills peak, it was time for her to exact her
Secretly, she returned to the College. Under shadows she crept in and
kidnapped the Cyrodiil man from his bed. In a dark cave he suffered a
painful death. She 'went easy on him' for the good he had done for her –
making her stronger and giving her Hope. Serana was uneasy about the
murder so Brie promised never murder again. She took this oath to a new
level in destroying the Dark Brotherhood and only killing as a mercenary
and in defense. She also continued helping Keyrjini against Alduin. That
is where she is today.
Although she has not seen her daughter in almost eleven years, she thinks
of her every day and knows she is in safe hands.
Personality: Brie is rather quiet and calculating at first, but when in
business she speaks clearly and firmly. She tends to slip into a position
of leadership from her sheer willpower to get it done.
In the rare occasion that she settles down to have a good time, she can
surprise you with her snarky humor and practical jokes – usually involving
her pretending to hate someone and threaten them, but then break character
and laugh it off because they were so gullible.
In everything Brie does, she is crude and to-the-point. She can be polite
and put feelings before saying something sensitive, but only in certain
cases in which she respects those present do not deserve her rude words.
Brie is sassier than you think. She'll nonchalantly give a sarcastic quip
in a life or death situation if the person or subject in question is dumb
enough. Sometimes she says it so seriously, they think she isn't joking.
She never bothers to correct them because they're obviously too numb to
realise it.
There is one thing that gets under her nerves: anything referring to her
stature. She's short but she would rather you ignore that. Short jokes end
up with a blade at someone's throat.
Magic/Powers: Brie is a trained mage with several spells and abilities.
She also is a Dragonborn with the ability to shout. However, she rarely
uses this to aid her in morally dark or grey areas. She respects the Way
of the Voice that it should be used only for good things.
Weapon of Choice: Brie has a dwarven crossbow that she can use adequately
(as well as Auriel's Bow, but her favorite weapons are Harkon's Sword and
the Mace of Molag Bal.
Strengths: Brie is intelligent and determined with great magical and melee
skills. She never backs down from a fight and will probably win.
Weakness: Brie is never open about her past or feelings. It can be hard
for someone to get to know her really. Even Keyrjini who she admires knows
very little. Serana is one who has been there long enough to slowly
extract her past – much like Serana does herself. Sometimes Brie can act
irrationally when her passion takes over. Vengeance nearly destroyed her.
It's also hard for her to let go of a grudge, slow to forgive even the
slightest offence.
Captured: Brie and Keyrjini unfurled the Dragon Scroll in the space gap.
It did more than send Brie back in time.
Greatest Fear: Her greatest fear is losing control. She may 'go with the
flow' to use things around her, but they inevitably all work in her favor
by her manipulation. If she can't control her life, she believes she has
Insecurities: She is, understandably, not keen on men in general. Her bad
experience with intimacy has left her without wont of it... even so much as
fighting against any romantic feelings.
Loved Ones: Keyrjini is a good friend, Serana is her closest friend,
Mortimer is the only man she will ever trust, and Hope is the light of her
heart whether or not she doesn't see her.
Realm They're From: Skyrim
Fandom They're From: Elder Scrolls V: Skryim
Token: She keeps a small pendant of a flower hidden on her neck. Hope
wears the same.
Anything Else About Them: I am so sorry this is so dark woops

BONUS CHARACTER #5 (Task 3 Balloted Disney 1)

Name: Circe

Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Appearance: Circe has a stunning appearance with beautiful black tresses
and deep blue eyes. It is debated whether her beauty is inherent, or
exemplified by her witchcraft.

Backstory: Circe would never admit it, but she indeed killed her mortal

husband. He was too boring for her. Almost all mortals were.
Contrary to popular belief, Circe is not one to sleep around. In fact,
it's never been proven that she even allowed her mortal husband to bed her
out of disgust. She is, however, in search of finding one man that will
make her eternally happy – even if he happens to be a mortal.
Circe has a long history – and I mean a long history of turning people
into animals. She's touchy and if you annoy her in the slightest she will
turn you into an opossum. No, not the cute ones from Australia – the
terrifying North American opossums.
As the goddess of magic, she is known for more than that. How would a
modern mortal say it? Oh yes! Go Big or Go Home. A lovely phrase.
Personality: Oh Circe is a joy to be with... if you enjoy a bit of mischief
and gambling. The gamble is always: does she really like you or not.
She'll egg you on, friend or foe, and her conclusion is either friendly,
or someone is added to the animal kingdom. She keeps her most hated as
slaves in her mansion.
She will play games with you. She will turn you on. She will turn you off.
She will laugh when you bleed. She will turn her back to you when you ask
something of her. She will double cross you to get what she wants.
Sometimes she's honest and truthful in her interactions... sometimes.
Magic/Powers: As the Goddess of magic, one might wonder if there is any
limit at all to her range of powers.
Weapon of Choice: Her enchantments and guiles.
Strengths: She's a freaking goddess
Weakness: Although a bit of a manipulator, she can also be easily
manipulated herself. With all her dignity and pride, she refuses such
accounts and changes the story. Also she's rather petty and would go out
of her way to inconvenience a disturbing individual.
Captured: After she destroyed the island her father banished her to, she
ran from him and ended up teleporting to a very strange place.
Greatest Fear: She is afraid of never being truly appreciated for who she is.
Insecurities: Circe knows she acts superficial. She just doesn't know how
to show her real personality. Perhaps she's afraid what would happen if
she did. Would anyone take her seriously at this point?
Loved Ones: Herself. No, but really her family is a little strange and her
father banished her to an island and all that.
Realm They're From: Earth
Fandom They're From: Hercules
Token: Her tall staff that she uses to enhance her spell-casting and
man-prodding. Can't let them get TOO close... can't touch dis.
Anything Else About Them: She's a goddess who doesn't care about you or
your problems and will probably just watch while interesting things
happen. I mean, she can't die.

BONUS CHARACTER #6 (Task 3 Balloted Disney 2)

Name: Badi
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Badi has black hair and black eyes with dark brown skin.

Backstory: Badi grew up in the streets with his friends. They tried to

work for their food and most of them didn't even have parents. Badi was
lucky enough to have a mother to keep him accountable. He refrained from
stealing like his friends did. Sometimes he would do it out of desperation
for food, but mostly he listened to his older mother.
She grew sickly and Badi had to take care of her more and more, stealing
more and more just to keep her from dying. He hid this information from
her, saying they were gifts or scraps. Sometimes it was true. Most of the
time it was not.
One day a mysterious man with a large cloaked cart came into town. Badi
was curious for more than one reason, and pulled up a corner to see what
was there. The man slapped his hand away and gave a cryptic challenge. He
said if Badi chose wrong in the next two day, darkness would always shroud
his life. But if he chose right, he would be blessed.
Badi thought long and hard about what he said as he watched the mysterious
man into the evening.
His friends joined him for a while, but as the man did not take off the
cloak from the cart, they decided to leave out of boredom and come back
later. When they left, the old man uncovered the cart. In it was only one
golden statue. He took it and placed the cloak back on the cart. He placed
the statue on the cloak in plain view. Badi thought he was foolish if he
thought no one would come and steal his only possession.
When his friends came back, they saw the statue and planned to steal it.
Badi argued against it saying this was all the man had, but they accused
him of lying so that he would get all that was in the cart.
When they didn't believe him, they went on anyway. He tried stopping them
physically, but they turned on him.
Suddenly the mysterious man showed up and scared them off with strange
magic. The man led Badi to his cart and uncovered it once again. Only,
instead of being empty, it was fully of treasures.
The man explained that a poor man can be rich and a rich man can be poor.
What is it to pity the poor man if you will not pity the rich?
He left Badi behind with the strange words. Badi decided from them that he
was wrong to say when it was or wasn't right to steal. A man should not be
judged on the amount of wealth he has, but by his inner worth.
When Badi returned to his mother, the mysterious man was standing over
her. She was smiling. She took Badi in her arms and told him it was his
turn to find his happily ever after as he was hers. But it was her time
leave and let him go.
They both wept as she closed her eyes and breathed her last. Finally the
mysterious man revealed himself. He was Badi's father.
His name was Farhat and he had been a slave to a wizard far away. He came
back to learn of his family and test Badi's worthiness for the gift he
gave him: a chance to be a wizard. Farhat had learned from his old master
the ways of a wizard, but was unable to become a true wizard. Farhat
believed Badi would become a true and good wizard who could be who Farhat
They now live outside the city living on just what they need from the
gifts Farhat brought from his former master.
Personality: Badi is quiet but positive. He's not shy, but he won't
initiate many conversations either. There are many things he loves about
life and will gladly share them with any who will appreciate it alongside
him. He loves the sky. He loves the water. He loves the dust. He loves the
sound of people in the market. He loves the critters. But there is one
thing he loves most of all: to climb to the highest building and look down
across the land. Higher is better and the divine feeling it brings is his
Badi may be only 16, but many call him an old soul. But he still is
sometimes forgetful, absent-minded, or klutzy at moments like a teenager.
After his mother died and he found his father, the people around him
noticed a change. They expected him to grieve about his mother and boast
about his father, but he did neither. Instead he seemed to be more assured
of himself and joyful.
Magic/Powers: Badi is learning to be a wizard. As of now he can create
mirages and light.
Weapon of Choice: Badi isn't violent, but if he must defend himself, he
will use his powers and his mind... or a blunt object?
Strengths: Badi is expert in parkour, being able to scale walls without
difficulty. This makes him very strong and agile. He sticks to his values
and thinks before doing or saying.
Weakness: Badi isn't adaptable to new things mostly because of his intense
curiosity makes him eager to learn and not enough time to get to
understand it. You could explain many things to him over and over and he
would still have troubles understanding it. He's a bit of a clueless child
when it comes to these things. This makes learning hard for him. Farhat
tries to slowly grow his understanding by feeding him a little at a time
rather than dumping it all on him. Badi tries to tame his fascination and
allow himself to focus on what he should be learning, but sometimes he
can't help himself.
Greatest Fear: He's afraid of being ignorant and foolhardy – making
mistakes easily avoided.
Insecurities: Despite never showing it, Badi's heart is still bruised from
the death of his mother. He briefly talks about it but other than that he
doesn't like to say much about it. He is also wary of his father's anger.
He hasn't really seen Farhat angry at him, but he's afraid one day he will
be too inept and too ignorant to learn something and Farhat will be angry
he can't do it.
Loved Ones: He loves everyone, but his late mother and returning father
are big parts of his heart.
Realm They're From: Agrabah
Fandom They're From: Aladin
Token: His father gave him an apprentice's bracelet, a small gold chain
around his left wrist.
Anything Else About Them: Nature boy.
–begins to sing- there was a boy... a very strange enchanted boy. They say
he wandered very far – very far over land and sea. A little shy, and sad
of eye, but very shy was he. And then one day, one magic day he passed my
way. And while we spoke of many things – fools and kings – this he said to
me: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in

BONUS CHARACTER #7 (Task 3 Idea Points 1)

Name: Esteven (EH-stih-van)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Estevan is a very handsome man with olive skin, chocolate
brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He has a chiseled jaw covered in stubble
due to lack of caring.

Backstory: Esteven grew up an orphan, but he had a very unusual

childhood. His parents had been apart of the Assassin's creed and a close
friend raised him as one as well. It was clear his agility and talent
would make him a fine Assassin. As he grew into a young man however,
Esteven questioned the lifestyle of this group. The collective forced each
member to take an oath. Esteven wanted to be an individual – a man of his
creation; not one of theirs. He went rogue and instead resorted to a life
of a paid assassin. Sure, it made them his enemies and he always had to be
on the run, but that only added to the fun.
One day the man who raised him caught him. Esteven thought he was done
for. But then he was shown mercy. The man gave him a second chance to
return to honor. In exchange for his life, Estevan agreed, only if he
could remain unbound to the brotherhood. He just didn't want to be an ant
doing the same thing with everyone else just because he was told.
He was allowed to keep his freedom, but add to the cause his childhood
life was encompassed by.
Personality: On his own in the world, Esteven knows very little about
being in the world. He observes life on the outside and then eliminates it
on the inside. He can be kind in his own way. Sometimes he'll do a small
favor for an innocent family in trouble without being seen once.
He lives inside his head and his head is a dangerous place. When forced to
speak his mind, something unexpected comes out. He reads between the lines
and says what he means.
Children make him uncomfortable. Their complete innocence and trust
baffles him. They're unpredictable and see more than adults do. He pities
many of them – shoved away in the corner while their parents work. But
that's how Esteven became Esteven. He faded into the corner and never came
When in a room with many people (which does not happen often), he will
find the darkest part and sit there unmoving with his face covered. They
may know he's there, and that's alright. He just prefers to FEEL closer to
the shadows.
Magic/Powers: None.
Weapon of Choice: Everything. He can use anything to kill you. His
favorite weapon however, is the hidden blade on his forearms. He never
takes them off. Never.
Strengths: Estevan is good at everything. He is faster, stronger, quieter,
and smarter than you. And he's always ten steps ahead.
Weakness: Estevan knows nothing of love or loyalty. They are figments of
things he's seen but never experienced. Perhaps he can love, but the
closest he's ever loved is to the man who raised him, and he mostly chalks
it up to respect. Even though he's a master at his trade, he is still
susceptible to fault. He's young and human, with a thirst for the
material. He is weak when it comes to knowing his heart and soul.
Greatest Fear: He fears death. What else is there for an assassin to fear?
Insecurities: While he can predict humans and plot emotions, he can hardly
relate. Sometimes he wonders if there's something wrong with him when he
can't seem to feel what others do.
Loved Ones: He has no one. He respects mostly the man who raised him and
that is it.
Realm They're From: Greece
Fandom They're From: Assassin's Creed
Token: His parents had the Assassin's emblem as pendants. Esteven took
them and welded them onto his hidden blades.
Anything Else About Them: Danger boi. Try not to socialize. He's very bad
at it. Might not respond. Will try to find shadow. Might hiss if
discovered. Confirmed moody cat.

CHARACTER # 6 (Task 5 Mandatory)

Name: Lloyd Hanson

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lloyd's curly brown hair is just starting to gray and his hairline to recede. He doesn't care much about his looks and his wife insists on keeping his hair short to not appear too disheveled. He has dull gray eyes and a glare that could curdle dairy. He stands at 5'11" but always hunches over, a bad habit from working in the lab.

Image Link:

Backstory: Lloyd was a gifted scientist in his youth. He went to the best schools and worked his way into several college degrees. His greatest success came from his experiments in the lab where he was sought out by an ambitious group of scientists working for the military. They were onto something. It was big.

Lloyd married the daughter of an influential scientist whom he used for resource and gain. The girl was nice enough and they got along, but time did not wear them well. They had no children and she only interferes when it comes to his business and public affairs. She keeps him looking good and tidy, and he gives her a checkbook.

As he worked with the military for the top-secret project, he became obsessed with expanding it. What they had created was beautiful in his eyes. It would change the world. He wanted to perfect it.

Even after it dissolved, he focused all his energy into his research and experimentation. If it weren't for his wife, he would have lost his mind and all of his public support in his mainstream work.

Now he's taken to secretly kidnapping subjects to test on. His humanity has slowly diminished in favor of his despicable passion.

Personality: Lloyd used to be a charming man who enjoyed a social life of high society and great minds, but now he's obsessed with his project, just a shell of what he used to be.

He'll smile and shake your hand, but don't expect coherent conversation. He'll try to ward you away with complex scientific thesis and theory until you're bored or numb. He barely eats, favoring work over everything.

His wife has to treat him like a child, forcing him to clean himself or come for dinner. Lloyd doesn't hate his wife. He doesn't dislike her either. He realizes her use and sometimes her company is welcomed when his time is spent too long alone.

Magic/Powers: Not unless you count an advanced intellect as such.

Weapon of Choice: His brains. But he can use anything sharp around him. He's stronger than he looks.

Strengths: Lloyd is a genius. He's a strong combination of determined and stubborn to make a daunting adversary if you get in his way.

Weakness: Lloyd isn't exactly a spring chicken. While he can throw a good punch, he knows very little about fighting and refuses to put himself in too much danger.

Greatest Fear: To see all his precious work all amount to nothing.

Insecurities: Sometimes he wonders about his wife and if things could have been different between them. He feels no more affection for her, but he remembers a time when he had grown to truly care for her. That was before the project.

Loved Ones: His wife?

Realm They're From: Modern Earth

Fandom They're From: Beauty and the Beast

Token: He carries an expensive pen with him that he uses on all his notes.

Anything Else About Them: I made a cold hearted villain and I still feel pity for him why

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