Spot 15: Enchantresses's Page

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Mentor Name: Nessa Shade

Age: 530

Gender: Female

Race: Warlock

Brief History: Nessa was thrown out of her house at the tender age of 6, and had to learn to fend for herself from that moment on. With magic, one would think that defense and the like would be easy, but it came as a challenge to Nessa even then. She was lucky enough to meet another Warlock before she was killed - on who taught her how to better control her magic, and the basics of the Shadow-World. Although Nessa is not (yet!) a High Warlock, she often travels to other countries via Portal and currently resides somewhere near Queens, New York.

Where They're From (Approx): North Korea

Fandom They're From: Shadowhunters


Name: Henry "Ryder" Fitzherbert

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Henry -- or "Ryder" as he prefers to be called, as a callback to his father's alias -- doesn't often think about his looks. That doesn't mean he hasn't been fussed over for most of his life. Still, he prefers to keep his brown hair mussed and wild, just like his father's. He also inherited his father's nose, which is consistently botched in portraits. His green eyes are thanks to his mother, though, as is the slight roundness to his face.

Backstory: The eldest and only child of Eugene Fitzherbert (formerly known as Flynn Rider) and Rapunzel, Henry "Ryder" Fitzherbert is the Crown Prince of the land of Corona. He had a fairly typical childhood, at least what qualifies as "typical" in a Royal Kingdom. As neither of his parents grew up royal, they both were a bit more humble when it came to the crown (yes, even his father). His father, in fact, was the one to teach him how to use a dagger and how to charm his way out of most situations. When he came of age, the "quest for a new Queen" began, and though Ryder tried to dodge out of most of these situations, he was forced to sit through several awkward encounters with potential princesses. Despite this experience, he loves his family dearly.

Personality: Ryder is a "perfectly respectable young man", his grandmother would tell you. His grandfather would commend his so-called "bravery" and talk for long hours about what a good king he will make. His mother would interrupt with a little sparkle of a laugh and comment on Ryder's quietness and inherent solemnity. His father would give Ryder the side-eye and reply with a teasing, "well, not too serious". Despite his outward formality and seeming level head, Ryder isn't afraid to take risks and yearns for his own adventure. Ryder is quite quick to jump to conclusions about people, places, and situations, but it doesn't stop him from being generally favored.

Magic/Powers: If he inherited any of his mother's healing ability, Ryder doesn't know it.

Weapon of Choice: Ryder prefers to use a simple silver dagger (and, on occasion, a frying pan).

Strengths: Ryder's chivalrous nature often helps him get his way. In addition, his physical capabilities, his title and position, and his skill with the dagger all count towards his strengths.

Weaknesses: Somewhat impulsive, Ryder tends to make hasty or spur-of-the-moment decisions. He's rather pretentious, despite his wild streak. Finally, he grew up getting his way for the most part, and so he expects to get his way in most situations.

Captured: Ryder had heard of Agrabah. He had been on his way to meet with the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin as a potential suitor, when things went bad. Some sort of darkness came over him, and when he awoke, he was in an unfamiliar time. Jasmine was once again young, her father still ruling over the kingdom. He did the first thing he could think of, and retreated to a tower.

Greatest Fear: Secretly, his greatest fear is loneliness.

Insecurities: Ryder is scared that he won't be the leader his kingdom needs or wants. He also wonders whether his combined quiet and pretentious nature is too off-putting. There must be some reason he hasn't made friends or met a potential princess, hasn't there?

Loved Ones: His family -- his mother and father, and his grandparents. He also has a small pet dog called Junior that he is very fond of. Junior has been one of his only constant companions for many years.

Realm They're From: Corona (Rapunzel's Kingdom)

Fandom They're From: Disney

Token: A short letter his mother wrote him before he travelled to Agrabah.

Anything Else About Them: None

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