Spot 4: Sara_R_Stark's Page

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Spot Number You Want: 4

Mentor Name: Madge

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Brief History: Madge has always been close with the Stark family. Her mother and her mother before her had all been known as the town's 'crazy woman,' due to their odd association with ancient healing magic. So, when the war began, Madge was sent with Robb Stark to aid in the war efforts against Joffrey. Madge is intelligent and fair, and settles disputes using old fashion wrestling techniques. She isn't afraid to voice her opinion and doesn't believe men to be superior.

Where They're From (Approx): Winterfell

Fandom They're From: Game of Thrones


Name: Victoria Fleming (Vic)
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Victoria looks her age, though her age isn't what it seems. She has long black hair that always seems to cover at least a fifth of her face. Her eyes are a hazel colour, though when she gets hungry, her eyes turn black. Her lips always seem red, stained with the blood of her victims. Image:

Backstory: Victoria grew up in a large mansion back in the Victorian Era. She lived with her mother, father and older brother, Daniel. Victoria was always the talk of the town, as her good looks stuck with the men. Though she was always a free spirit and refused to let a man hold her down. On her eighteenth birthday, though, her mother explained that Victoria was promised to a man of high power to keep their family in the high position it was. On their wedding night, Victoria was forced into her marriage, not willing to accept this new lifestyle. She locked herself in her bedroom and attempted to kill herself, though her husband found her just before she could die. He revealed two gleaming sharp fangs as his eyes transformed into that of a demon's. He bit down on Victoria's arm, and the last thing Victoria remembered of her human life was the cold feeling of her freedom being snatched away. She awoke many days later with a thirst for blood, and that was when her life as a vampire officially began.

Personality: Victoria is a free spirit and refuses to let herself be held down by a man. She wants to explore the world and grow old knowing she had a good life filled with adventure. She is always very kind and respectful, but it willing to fight for herself and her ideas.

Powers: Victoria is a vampire, who is an undead creature who feasts on the blood of the living to survive. She has inhuman speed and hearing better than any mortal. Her eyesight is spectacular and she has a very good sense of smell. She is able to jump very high and has super strength, like the rest of her kind.

Weapon of choice: Her weapon of choice is the dagger her father gave to her as a gift back when she was a young girl. She has a deep emotional connection with the blade and you can't see her without it.

Strengths: she's strong (mentally and physically), she has a strong will and a thirst for freedom, she refuses to give up and will persevere, she relies on herself and herself alone and she is very good at fighting with bows and arrows.

Weaknesses: She is very introverted, she refuses to fit in with the crowd and she unable to form a good bond with anyone.

Captured: The vampire hunters came for her while she was at school, and as she was being held hostage, Peter Pan flew in through the window and took her to Neverland. He admitted he'd been watching her and didn't want her to be captured. While at the lost boys' hideout, she was captured by Captain Hook and was held hostage, used to answer questions she didn't understand.

Greatest Fear: Her greatest fear is being held down. She wants to live a life as a free woman and doesn't want to be held down by anyone. After her early marriage, she never wanted to feel that captured again.

Insecurities: Though she lives a very free life, her biggest insecurity is how people view her. She doesn't typically care about what people do, but she doesn't want to live with people not liking her.

Loved Ones: The only person she ever loved was her older brother. He was the only one that accepted her odd ways.

Realm: Earth

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries

Token: She brought her lapis ring that allows her to go out in the sunlight during the day.

Anything Else: Nothing, really. :)

CHARACTER #2 (Task 1 Mandatory)

Name: Arin Whitewood

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance: Arin is one of the youngest elves in Mirkwood, though you wouldn't be able to tell as most of the elves share the same ethereal beauty. Arin is no exception, for he seems just as radiant as the rest of his kind.

Arin stands at about 6'2, which is at least 5 inches taller than the rest of his close friends. Arin has a really slim face with a sharp jawline, and his crystal blue eyes seem so piercing they could cut diamonds. His firm appearance generally seems to lead people away from him, though he is very gentle and kind. Arin has light blonde hair that hangs just past his shoulders with two small braids woven into the silky strands. Like seemingly every other elf, his hair never manages to get out of place.

Arin always seems to be wearing the same clothes. He enjoys choosing comfort over fashion, so decides on dressing in his hunting outfit every day. His tunic is forest green, and is made of an expensive elven material only people of his status have. His outer vest is dark brown for blending into the trees, and has short, protective sleeves reaching his upper arm. Over all of this, he has a dark green cloak that flows down to his ankles, just covering his bark coloured hiking boots. You can rarely see him without his trusty bow and quiver hung over his left shoulder, and his ancient silver dagger strapped to his belt.

Image Link:


Arin grew up in a rich elven family. He had an older brother and sister who always attempted to make him look bad, so he was raised constantly living in fear of being thrown down by his siblings. Due to this, he had a hard time trusting people, and feared making attachments. He worried that people would treat him in the same way his siblings did, due to his pushover appearance. When he finally found a small group of friends who also seemed to share his same fears, they all bonded instantly. Arin can't imagine his life without his group, as most of his childhood was spent roaming their town and playing mischievous pranks on their elderly neighbors.

But when Arin turned 20 years old, his family was struggling. Arin's father had been killed after the Orcs had attempted a miniature attack on Mirkwood, which left his mother completely numb. She was barely able to carry out her duties as a mother, and with his older siblings constantly attacking him, Arin found himself barely able to cope. One night, he silently packed up his meager belongings and stoll away, hiding in the shadows until he was able to escape Mirkwood. Once he was out on his own, he took off to find Galadriel.

Galadriel sensed that Arin was struggling, so she took him under her wing and attempted to get him back on track. She helped Arin recover from his traumatic childhood, and when he reached his 100 birthday, decided to have him train as a warrior. Arin was tutored by an elf handpicked by Galadriel herself, and Arin found himself excelling at archery. His skills could almost match those of Legolas'. He was trained at combat using small swords and daggers, and once he seemed to be prepared enough, Galadriel sent him back out again, knowing that he was strong enough to find his own path.

But that was when it all started going downhill. Arin had wandered the lands, drifting from town to town in an attempt to find a future himself, when one day, he contracted a fever of sorts. Unknown to the virus in his system, Arin suffered, and was forced to camp out in Gondor so he could recover. His sickness only got worse, and he slowly lost all his strength. Galadriel sensed this and rushed to Gondor, knowing that whatever Arin had wouldn't end well. She quickly used all of her energy to send him to a world outside their own, where she knew he would be able to get the proper care.

That was when Arin was sent to the Iron Islands. He was discovered by Theon Greyjoy himself, and was brought to the castle to heal. Theon was curious with Arin, as he had never encountered someone just like him. When the battle started, Arin was supposed to be brought to a safer wing of the castle, but those who were guarding his door were killed. Arin managed to hide until most of the fighting subsided, but when he attempted to flee the castle to get to safer grounds, one of the Vikings discovered him and cut him across the chest. He was left for dead, right next to Madge and Victoria's vehicle.


Arin has always been shy and untrusting of people. Because of his rough childhood, with his siblings annoyed at his arrival and wishing him to be gone, he had trust issues. He slowly began to gain confidence once he discovered his old friend group, though he was forced to leave them after his mother was unable to support him anymore. This deeply affected him, and his shyness seemed to return.

When Galadriel took him in, his shy personality faded away. All of his regret and fear was replaced with anger against both his siblings and the Orcs that took his father's life. It was as if there was an untamable fire burning inside him that he couldn't squash. His confidence returned almost instantly, and he found that he believed in himself a lot more than he ever had.

He doesn't enjoy socializing with people if he doesn't have to, and awkward silences terrify him. He tends to hide out in the shadows to avoid conversation, and likes to lock himself in his chambers for hours a day to read ancient books he found in Galadriel's library. He prides himself for being different, as fitting in with the rest of his kind never intrigued him.


Though elves aren't very magical, they do have some abilities that are different from humans. First off, they have insane beauty. Most elves are very beautiful and physically pleasing by nature. Secondly, they have enhanced senses. Their eyesight is improved, compared to humans, which makes them incredible archers. They are swift and are a lot more agile than a normal human. They also seem to have the ability to communicate with wildlife, and the forests to them all have backstories.

Weapon of Choice:

Arin prefers to use a bow, as shooting arrows comes naturally to him. He owns his own bow and quiver, both beautifully crafted and really expensive. He also owns a dagger which he keeps tucked into his belt. The dagger is really old and has a lot of history behind it, so he likes to keep it close.


He has all the abilities being an elf offers (such as enhanced senses)

He refuses to have a close relationship with anyone, so he doesn't face disappointment when he is betrayed

He has already gone through a lot, so he has the skills needed to deal with tough situations

He doesn't fear death, so he throws himself out into the battlefield to fight for himself and his revenge

He is fiercely loyal to those that have actually helped him along his journey through life, so he can form very close connections with people


By refusing to form attachments, he constantly faces loneliness

Because of his past, he has extreme trust issues, so trusting comrades is nearly impossible for him

Due to his fever, his immune system has weakened considerably, so trying to fight off any sort of wounds is painful and long


When Arin was sent to the Iron Islands, it was with the intent that he would get better medication. Though when he was sent directly into an oncoming war, he wasn't as safe as he hoped. Because Galadriel sent him off, he was able to get the medication required to bring him back to health, but he was ultimately attacked by one of the enemies.

Greatest Fear:

Arin's greatest fear is trusting anyone. He worries that people will get close to him, only to break him down. He doesn't want to repeat his childhood, though can't trust anyone enough to make new beginnings possible.


Arin's greatest insecurity is how vulnerable he seems. Because of his past, he believes that he is unworthy of having a good life. He saw himself break down, and doesn't want to be labeled as weak in front of everyone else. Though his appearance is really gruff, he just wants people to see that he's willing to form a relationship, but is too scared to reach out and make connections.

Loved Ones:

The only people in his life that he truly loved were his earliest friends. They were the people that helped him through his childhood, and for Arin, they were the light in his inner darkness. His parents were never truly there for him, and only when one of them was long gone, did he realize that he was alone.

Realm they're from:

Arin is from Mirkwood, which is an elven town.

Fandom they're from:

Lord of the Rings.


Arin brought a miniature notebook. It belonged to his father before he left for the war. Inside the brittle pages are notes about his father's past and his relationship with Arin's mother and siblings. Arin holds it dear to his heart, as he has nothing left of his father but that.

Anything else:

Arin's siblings went on to live a life full of greed and lying. They weren't able to secure a job, and ended up having to leave Mirkwood in search of a better future. On their way to Gondor, they were struck down by a small band of Orcs. Though Arin never liked his siblings, the news of their deaths brought him great pain as he realized he would never be able to make things right with them. 

BONUS CHARACTER #1 (Task 1 Early hand in)

Name: Kameron South

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Kameron enjoys wearing comfortable clothes, and doesn't mind getting dirty. He likes to wear loose shirts and jeans, as well as his comfortable sneakers that are splattered with mud. He tucks his dark brown hair under an all black baseball cap half the time, or at least when he's too lazy to actually brush his hair. Kameron has brown eyes that match his brown hair, and his siblings always tease him for how dark his irises actually are. He has faint freckles on his nose, and reaches about 5'8.

Kameron's life has never been perfect. He grew up living in a shabby house, forced to share half his possessions with his two younger siblings. His father struggled to find a job so that he could support his family, and his mother was working the night shift at one of the stores downtown. He was too introverted to actually make any real friends as a kid, so he grew up alone. Once he got into high school, though, he managed to find a small group of oddballs he fit in perfectly with.

When he turned 15, though, his life started getting worse. His friend group disbanded after a huge fight that left them all divided. Without any friends and no means of finding any new ones, Kameron returned to his introverted ways. About halfway through the school year, his parents began arguing more and more. He could hear them screaming at each other through the thin walls of his house, and he worried that they would attack each other from the ferocity of their words. Many weeks later, they told him they were getting divorced. His father moved far away from the family, cutting all ties with Kameron.

Kameron started fighting with his mom not long after his dad moved away. Her job wouldn't support the family for long, and with his younger siblings growing up so fast, they wouldn't even have room in their tiny house to keep all of them. Kameron moved out of his house and began living with one of his aunts when he turned 16, knowing that with him gone, his mother would find some way to piece her life back together. His aunt was not much more supportive than his mom, but Kameron hadn't moved in to start a healthy relationship. He attempted to adjust to living in a completely new town, not knowing anyone.


Kameron has always been an introvert. His parents never forced him to talk to neighbors or to make friends at school. Kameron enjoyed being by himself. There were no expectations he had to fill, nor were there any people to impress. Kameron also has mild depression, and the business between him and his family contributed greatly to that. He always seems slightly down, and can never find a way to mask the stress he constantly feels.

Magical powers:

Kameron is a normal human boy. He doesn't have any sort of magic powers, though he is exceptionally smart.

Weapon of Choice:

Kameron doesn't use a weapon. He fights with words. He lives in a town where violence is not accepted, but it occurs. Kameron doesn't want to stoop down to the levels of the bullies who constantly attack the younger kids. He doesn't let petty insults keep him down.


Kameron is very good at running long distances. He did track back in his early years of middle school and high school, and he takes a morning run everyday at 6:30 am.

Kameron is very good at letting insults bounce off an invisible wall he built around himself. He doesn't believe what he doesn't want to believe, though he is still trying to figure out what he wants to base his facts on.

Kameron is naturally introverted, so he is very good at avoiding social situations. In times when he feels uncomfortable, he's acquired the ability to slip out of the scene unnoticed.


Kameron doesn't make an effort to create a connection with people. He's always lonely, and doesn't have anyone to explain his problems to.

Kameron is very smart, though he can't see it. He is never motivated to study, and though he is gifted, his grades never rise above C's.

Kameron is not very good at fighting. Some of the bullies who target him know that he is incapable of fighting back. Though Kameron puts on a tough facial expression, he knows that when someone raises their fists, he's done for.


Kameron doesn't remember being captured. What he does remember, though, was wandering out into the woods behind his house for an early morning run when he tripped over a rock (or at least he believes he did) and hit his head. He recalls seeing a blurry figure standing above his frozen form before everything went ominously black. When he awoke, he was in a large stone room in Pyke, a killer headache pounding in his skull. Theon had just taken in Arin, and gladly invited Kameron to join Arin in his chambers. The two became quick friends.

Though when the battle started, Kameron was separated from Arin. He found himself out by one of the wooden bridges, too scared to cross it to get to a safer part of the castle. One of the Vikings came up behind him and slashed his leg, rendering him immobile. Theon found him on the stone floor of one of the castle's highest floors. Two of his men helped carry Kameron outside the castle and out into the open Pyke air, where he and Arin were reunited. Arin helped Kameron over to the BatMobile, where they assumed they were safe. Though another group of Vikings came up to the car while they were struggling to regain their strength, and in an effort to safe Kameron, Arin was slashed across the chest.

Greatest fear:

Socializing. Kameron absolutely hates socializing, and simple conversations can leave him in tears. Having to talk to people scares him, and awkward silences seem to weigh down on Kameron's shoulders, heavier than an anvil.


Kameron is really insecure about his hair. He finds it really frizzy and untamable, and he always worries that people will make fun of him for his inability to tame its long locks. He always keeps it under his hat so that no one can see it, and only takes off his hat once he's safely inside his house.

Loved Ones:

Kameron loves his siblings more than anything. He would have gladly taken them with him to live with his aunt, though his mom would probably take legal action against him. Kameron remembers every moment of them growing up, and he prides himself on the fact that he was there for them when his father wasn't.

Realm they're from: Earth

Fandom They're From: Stranger Things


Kameron brought a small beaded bracelet made for him by his younger siblings. It was originally made at their school for an art project, but for his birthday, they'd given it to him. He could never be seen without it on his left wrist, and Kameron had no shame in flashing the colourful pink beads.

Anything Else:

Nothing, much. Kameron's pretty much just a basic human.

CHARACTER #3 (Task 2 Mandatory)

Name: Katherine Roth (Kat)

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Kat is about 5'7, though the heels on her combat boots raise her height to about 5'8. She has a very slim, muscular build, and can be considered attractive by most standards. She has short blonde hair that reaches just past her ears, and is styled in a way that is both edgy and practical. She has squared bangs that hang just over her icy blue eyes. Kat has sharp features and highlighted cheekbones, as well as a glare that could kill.

Kat also has a wide variety of tattoos littering her skin Across both her wrists are the nicknames of her first friends, scrawled in fancy handwriting. On her right shoulder, she has a skull that seems to fade into a plume of smoke right above her breast. On her left shoulder is a shadow dragon that stretches onto her neck, ending just below her chin. Across her lower hip is a long line of twisted branches with a crow trapped inside a gnarled cage of thorns near her right thigh. 

She has a sleeve on her right arm, and the tattoos include the following: a snarling wolf, a bloodshot eye, black roses, a moon covered in shadows, and many random sketches representing Kat's constant nightmares.

Her outfits tend to stay consistent. She wears a tight black turtleneck that hugs her frame, as well as a black leather jacket with silver zippers in pretty unconventional places. Underneath her jacket, she wears ripped black jeans and her trusty combat boots. On her wrists, she wears multiple bracelets, all in varying shades of black and grey. The bracelets range from braided cords to large pieces of fabric with the fingerprints of her past friends on it in red paint.

Backstory: Kat grew up in Dauntless with her mom and dad, and at a young age was declared one of the best athletes at her school. She quickly rose the social ladders, and found that when it was time for the choosing ceremony, she was completely prepared to continue her life as a Dauntless. After beginning initiation, the rest of the initiates discovered that they stood no chance against Kat in both strength and wit. Kat bested everyone when it came to fighting, and excelled especially when it came to shooting guns.


Kat is very determined. She doesn't tend to stray from her assigned path, and finds enjoyment in completing an especially tough job. She is very extroverted and surrounds herself with as many people as possible. She is very active and spends almost every waking hour training and fighting to keep herself fit.


Kat has no powers, as she is only a human from Dauntless. Though her extraordinary shooting skills could be considered a power, she is, again, only human.

Weapon of Choice:

Kat likes shooting with small pistols. *I would include a picture here, but I'm writing this on a school laptop.*


Her amazing shooting skills, her amount of activity and level of fitness, her exceptional amount of education, and her sharp eyesight.


She surrounds herself with so many people that it's hard to keep everyone happy, she is separated from her family and yearns to return to the easier years when she wasn't under so much pressure, and is unable to cope with her constant stress as a high-ranking Dauntless, leaving her constantly angry and on edge.

Greatest Fear:

Not being the best. She's always been at the top of her class, and losing her status would make her nothing. She never lets herself be less than perfect.


Kat hates how people view her. In her eyes, she believes she should be respected for her obvious abilities, though people tend to look upon her with disgust for her outgoing personality. People resent those higher than them, as they wish they could be in that position of power. She wants people to realize how amazing she believes she really is.

Loved Ones:

Kat loves her parents. Having to leave them crushed her, and she loses sleep stressing over whether or not she will ever see them again.

Realm They're From:


Fandom They're From:



She brought with her a bracelet with the fingerprints of her first friends painted on the black cord.


Kat was taken from her post by some Erudite officials who claimed she would take place in a secret mission assigned only to those with high enough capabilities. They placed her back at a choosing ceremony, much to Kat's confusion, and assigned her a group with four other older faction members. They had to go through the process again to be part of their newer faction's initiation, and were then forced to be a part of the games.

Anything Else: none

CHARACTER #4 (Task 3 Mandatory)

Name: Alex Ray

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Alex is a member of fairy tail, so he has a dark blue tattoo of their logo on his bicep. He tends to wear darker coloured clothing, as well, such as his black combat boots, his tight black pants, his silver tunic and black leather jacket. These dark colours match his darker hair colour, which just so happens to be a striking raven black. His eyes are sharp and silver, the colour of crystal ice. He always seems to be wearing a scowl, though his emotions are plain in his eyes.


Alex grew up living in a very small family. His father had run away as soon as he got notice of his wife's pregnancy, leaving Alex alone with his shell of a mother. His mom struggled to support Alex as much as she could, though without a stable job and a husband to assist her in her payments, they were soon out of money and in extreme debt. She got an offer from a rich business man to take her into his home as a maid, though he had no room for another child. Without thinking twice about the safety of her child, Alex's mom left him out on the streets to fend for himself.

Alex struggled to find food and shelter, and resorted to stealing from local shops to get what he needed. As the years went by, he became an expert thief and had found a spot in an alleyway behind a theater he considered to be his home. Alex had just figured out a system for himself when someone from Fairy Tail found him and took him to the guild where he was declared the child of one of their most powerful wizards. Alex left behind his life of petty crime and was welcomed into the guild with open arms.


Alex once lost all hope, though he managed to find it again when he joined Fairy Tail. He is overly trusting of people, and is willing to do anything that means he won't be alone on the streets again. He is very cunning, and has an amazing ability to disguise himself. He is very free spirited and enjoyable to be around.


Before he joined Fairy Tail, Alex assumed he was just a simple human. Though when his mom abandoned him for money, he realized that he wasn't what he thought he was. He was able to bend darkness to his will and turn it into an actual physical form. The darkness could be controlled with his mind, and he could get it to steal for him. The darkness could twist and bend around him, turning him into a mere shadow if he needed it.

Weapon of Choice:

His magic.

Strengths (no more than five):

He can manifest and control darkness, he is very strong willed, he is trusting, and he is good at socializing and making connections.

Weaknesses (no less than three):

He doesn't understand how to really control his powers, he is so worried about going back onto the streets that he tries to agree with everyone, and in in his attempts to form close bonds, he tends to annoy most of the people he thinks he is close to.

Greatest Fear:

Going back out onto the streets.

Insecurities (what do they hate about themselves?):

His past. He hates that he didn't have a normal childhood, and would give anything to go back in time and meet his dad.

Loved Ones:

His friend Grey. The two can relate about nearly everything, and enjoy each other's company.

Realm They're From: Fiore

Fandom They're From: Fairy Tail


He brought a necklace that belonged to his mom. It has a long golden chain and a ruby encased in a golden net of metal thorns.

Anything Else:

One day as he was walking the streets, he was his mom sitting in the darkness of an alley. Her clothes were rags and her face was sagging. When approached, she cried out in torment, explaining that the man had thrown her right back out onto the streets because he claimed 'her personality was too selfish.' When asked if he could help, Alex replied with: "You left me alone once, so I think it's only fair that you experience life on the streets as well." He then walked away, leaving his wailing mother behind. 

BONUS CHARACTER #2 (Task 2 Idea Points 1)

Name: Katelin Williams

Age: 25 (though in demon years is about 250)

Gender: Female


Katelin is about 5'7, and has a slim and muscular build. She has long black hair that reaches to her lower back which she tends to style in intricate braids. She is very pale, and has eyes that are a beautiful shade of blood red. Katelin usually wears a black shirt with long sleeves underneath a black jacket with laces tying the top together. She always wears comfortable black pants and black boots. Over all this, she wears a dark grey cloak with a hood covering her face. This cloak also disguises the large set of wings connected to her shoulder blades. These wings are large enough to help her fly and are coloured with grey and dark brown feathers.


Katelin lived with her mother and father until she was fourteen years old. On her fourteenth birthday, her father mysteriously disappeared. He returned many months later, a tall main trailing behind him who her father claimed was his new butler. This man had many odd quirks, and her father seemed to pay more attention to him than he did to her. Annoyed at her lack of attention, Katelin decided to run away. She got a job at a local inn and used her small amount of money to get herself an apartment. After only a month of this new lifestyle, her father's butler came knocking at her door, imploring her to return to her father. Katelin refused, slamming the door in his face and leaving the house through a back window. She attempted to hide on the roof, not wanting to have to go back to her family, though the butler somehow found a way onto the roof with her and dragged her back home.

Katelin was very disconnected from her family, and was using every waking hour to plot her escape. The odd butler would surely find her if she stayed in London, so she decided that going to America would be her best bet. Over time, she managed to steal a large sum of money from her father, and on a dark summer night about a year later, slipped out unseen. She boarded a ship heading to America, and finally felt safe, though what she didn't realize was this ship was filled with all sorts of horrible people. One disgusting group found her alone on the deck and dragged her to the bottom of the ship, torturing her.

About a week into this trip, a demon came to her and offered to give her help. Hungry, mildly depressed and without any hope, Katelin agreed instantly. The demon freed her from the confines of these men and helped her safely reach America. He was with her for almost five years until another demon came along and things got complicated. Katelin doesn't remember what happened, but the next thing she knew, she had somehow been turned into a demon herself. The demon she had made a contract with had managed to destroy her attacker, and was there throughout her entire transition.

As soon as Katelin had a steadily working home in America, she returned to London to brag to her parents about how well she was doing. Though when she went to her old family home, her mother explained that her father had been killed by his butler. She was forced to live through the rest of her life knowing that her father was killed by the same type of person serving her, and felt guilty that she would never suffer the same fate he did.


Katelin is very rebellious. If someone stands in her way, she has no problem taking them down. She takes charge of situations and doesn't like to be bossed around. Katelin rarely fits in with society as a whole, and enjoys sticking with older trends. She doesn't make an effort to be a part of anything, and will only fade into the human world if she feels like it. She always seems to be finding work, traveling around her country with her demon to take on the tasks that would scare away a normal man.

Magic/Powers: As a demon, Katelin has many strengths. Her physical abilities are ten times that of a normal human, and human weapons can't kill her. She is pretty much immortal until killed by either another demon or a demon weapon. Every demon also has its own demonic form which can be a range of animals. Katelin's demon partner's form is that of a wolf, while Katelin's resembles more of an Osprey. Because of her demon form being a bird, Katelin also has a large set of wings connected to her shoulder blades that have colours dark brown and almost grey feathers which she can use to fly.

Weapon of Choice:

Katelin likes to use her powers to her advantage, which means that she uses her super strength and speed to take down human opponents. If she happens to fight anyone other than a human, she'll most likely use either her large assortment of throwing daggers or small sword she brought from her home in London.


Katelin has all the strengths demons like herself possess, which includes super strength, speed, and enhanced eyesight; Katelin also has a high tolerance level for any sort of emotional and physical pain; and she always has her demon partner at her side who helps her with her missions around America, so she is never truly alone.


Katelin always misses having a real family, and sometimes the loneliness get to be so much that she has to take extended breaks from her jobs; Katelin misses her human life and has always had a hard time adjusting to being a demon; Katelin can't work alone, so if she has to send her demon partner out to do anything, she is terrified she'll screw up or get taken again. This leads to really bad paranoia and trust issues.

Greatest Fear:

Katelin used to fear a lack of freedom, though now that she has the ability to do whatever and go wherever she wants, she doesn't fear it anymore. Now, her greatest fear is losing her only partner. She and her demon friend have created a close bond, and if they were broken apart, neither would be able to carry on.


Katelin is insecure about what she's become. She has never been able to figure out how or why she was turned into a demon, and no one is willing to explain it to her. She doesn't want to interact with humans for much longer than needed for fear that they will shun her. Katelin just wants to be accepted, but can't put herself out there to gain that acceptance.

Loved Ones:

Katelin's only loved one is her demon friend. They've been through everything together, and though Katelin is still technically part of a contract with him, they are more friends than anything.

Realm they're from: Earth

Fandom: Black Butler


Katelin's token is a single, black silk glove that she wears over her left hand. It covers up the pentagram representing the contract she and her demon friend share.


Katelin was somewhere in northern Montana one way when she and her partner were approached by two suspicious people. After a brief introduction, they learned that these people worked for the Unseelie King who requested they'd be brought to him. Originally, only Katelin was supposed to come, but she refused to go anywhere without her partner so he was taken as well.

Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER #3 (Task 2 Idea Points 2)

Name: Hayden

Age: 32 (324 in demon years)

Gender: Male


Hayden is a 324 year old demon who has lived his entire life stealing the souls from the living. He is about 5'11 and likes to wear all black clothing, similarly to Katelin. He wears black pants, black Converse high tops, and a silver shirt under a black leather jacket. Hayden also hides a large knife under his jacket he uses to take down demons.

Hayden has silver hair that hangs down to his shoulders, his bangs falling over his right eye in a messy fringe. He has piercing red eyes and an intimidating facial structure. His skin is as pale as snow, and the fact that he wears so much black highlights that especially. Hayden has snakebite piercings on his lips, double piercings in his ears, and an eyebrow piercing, as well as multiple small tattoos around his neck.


Hayden's lived his entire life feeding on the souls of the living. He's never made a formal connection with any of them, and was only used to get revenge or gain popularity. Katelin is the first person who really tried to make a connection with him, and because of her background and the situation Hayden found her in, they got close very fast. Hayden's life honestly began when he and Katelin began working together as partners, and he hopes that now that Katelin is a demon just like him, they can be together forever.


Hayden is very laid back, though is fiercely protective of Katelin. He is easy to talk to, and knows how to suck information from people without them knowing. He is cunning and sly and always gets what he wants.


Since Hayden is a demon, he has the same strength that Katelin has. He is pretty much immortal unless killed by a demon blade. Hayden's demonic form is that of a wolf, which is made of pure darkness and terror.

Weapon of Choice:

Hayden almost always uses his demonic powers to defend himself and Katelin, though he does have a knife he hides in his jacket for sticky situations.


Hayden is very athletic and tough, which allows him to take on very strong enemies; he is also very strong willed and willing to do what's right by any means necessary.


Because Hayden is still tied to Katelin by their contract, he does have to do what Katelin says; Hayden's always been a demon, so he looks back at Katelin's life and wishes he has a normal human life as well; Hayden knows that Katelin fears being alone, so he constantly has to make an effort to lever leave her side.

Greatest Fear:

Hayden's greatest fear is failing Katelin. He does his best to keep both of them safe, but because Katelin insists on touring the country and saving people from the demons plaguing them, they've made a lot of enemies. That's another reason why he can never leave her side, for if he does, anyone could come and take her away.


Hayden hates that he's always been a demon. He worries that Katelin won't want to stay partners with him because he can't truly relate to her human emotions. He tries his best to keep Katelin happy and he knows that she will never leave him (due to their contract), but he still worries.

Loved Ones:

He loves Katelin more than anyone. She's the only one that really listens to him, and he appreciates her efforts to make him feel like a real person.

Realm They're From:



Black Butler


When he and Katelin first became partners, Katelin gave him a special pink rock she found on their way to their current house in America. He's kept it with him forever and feels like it gives him good luck.


While he and Katelin were exploring the woods of Montana, some of the Unseelie King's minions came to bring them somewhere. They attempted to separate the two, but Katelin refused to be left alone. They ended up bringing Hayden with them, and the group continued to stay strong.

Anything else: none

BONUS CHARACTER #4 (Task 2 Worst Fear Award)

Name: Darius Thorn

Age: 24

Gender: Male


Darius is a Sith, so he wears a black Sith tunic and cloak. He has short blonde hair and orange/yellow eyes, as well as a long scar along his left arm.


Darius grew up living in the Jedi temple. His mother and father had a secret affair behind the backs of the council and had to flee once they were discovered. They'd left him behind at the temple in hopes that he would be trained to become a Jedi. Though when Darius was a teenager, he struggled with anger and trust issues and left the order to become a Sith. Now, he lives in secrecy on Tatooine, waiting for the right time to come out of hiding and take over the galaxy.


Darius gets angry very easily and always jumps to conclusions. He doesn't give people the option to speak before initiating violence. Because he is so skilled at fighting with a lightsaber, he is almost always able to win his fights. Some people call him cocky, while others consider him to be someone who simply enjoys showing authority.


Darius is able to use the force, which means that he uses this energy field to move and manipulate objects on his own. He is also able to use Sith lightning, which is when he produces lightning from his fingertips to attack people.

Weapon of Choice:

Darius likes to fight with a lightsaber. His has a ruby red blade with a handle that seems to perfectly fit his hand.


He is very powerful when it comes to using the force, and he's a master at all forms of manipulation.


Darius has a lot of fear and anger inside of him, which causes him to do a lot of brash things. He is also barely able to follow directions and always feels the need to be in charge, so people tend to avoid him. Darius doesn't enjoy socializing with people for the mere pleasure of it. In fact, he doesn't like socializing at all. This makes it hard for him if he has to meet with the Sith he works with, as well as all their connections, when they plot their course of action.

Greatest Fear:

Darius' greatest fear is being turned back to the light. He enjoys the feeling of raw power he gets as he fights, and doesn't want to give up his anger. He loves being able to use all his emotions in a fight, and doesn't like to hold back. Darius remembers the Jedi as completely ignorant to the true powers of the force.


Darius always worries that he'll never be good enough. He doesn't want his comrades to view him as weak, as he likes being at the top of a group. He doesn't like that he has to constantly question whose side he is really on, and hates the fact that he still has light inside him.

Loved Ones:

Darius has no loved ones. His parents left him, and his only partner he ever truly connected with was killed by the same Sith lord he works for now. He works alone, though does yearn for company.

Realm They're From: Coruscant

Fandom: Star Wars


For his token, he brought a small golden necklace. He never takes it off, and it was in a small pouch next to his body when his parents abandoned him at the Jedi temple. He wears it, hoping that someday his parents might return and help him figure out where he's supposed to go.


The Sith he was working with sends him on an emergency mission across the galaxy to a planet Darius has never heard of. When he arrives, two men dressed in odd robes escort him over to a strange vehicle. Before Darius can figure out what is really going on, they've thrown him into the machine, locking him in a pitch black compartment near the back. When he attempts to contact the Sith, he gets no true answers.

Anything else: none

CHARACTER #5 (Task 4 Mandatory)

Name: Eve Thornebrook Age: 21Gender: femaleAppearance: Eve has long black hair that she typically keeps in a tight braid over her shoulder. She has piercing green eyes and a constant scowl plastered onto her pale face. She's about 5'6 and very physically fit, and enjoys wearing clothes she can run around in.

Backstory: Eve grew up living in district 12 as the youngest a very unsupportive family. She was bullied throughout her early years, and formed a thick wall around her that no one can break through. She was reaped into the 72nd Hunger Games when she turned 18, and managed to win due to her athletic history. After she had returned home and lived a comfortable life for a few years, her district was bombed and she was sent to the already destroyed District 13. There, Eve became a part of a small rebellion against the evil president who had given them so much grief.Personality: Eve hates the world for birthing her in such a horrible setting. She always has a negative attitude and doesn't appreciate life for what it is. Eve is introverted and typically pretty quiet, though if you try to insult her, she will take you out using a wide variety of cusses and insults she learned from her parents at an early age. Magic/Powers: noneWeapon of Choice: Because Eve was thrown into the Hunger Games, she was forced to learn how to use many sorts of weapons. One of her favorites was a sword she could clip to her belt, though she also enjoyed using a bow and arrow. Her all time favorite was most likely a small set of throwing knives she could use to take out her enemies from afar.Strengths: Headstrong, athletic, manipulativeWeaknesses: Always angry, disconnected from people (introverted), unforgivingGreatest Fear: Eve's greatest fear is being sent to live with her old family. She endured so much torture just from living in their household, and enjoys having her own freedom.Insecurities: Eve is insecure about the way she is treating others. Though she typically doesn't like people, she has a soft spot for younger children also living in a constant state of abuse. She doesn't want to say the wrong thing or have people feel the same pain she did.Loved Ones: Eve doesn't have any loved ones, because her family always hated her and her only friends was killed in the Hunger Games.Realm They're From: District 12Fandom They're From: Hunger GamesToken: Eve's token is a small silver badge with a thorny vine of roses formed along the front. It was originally her Hunger Game partner's, though when he realized he was dying, he gave it to her.Anything Else About Them: noneOther: Black Butler Public School Arc

BONUS CHARACTER #5 (Task 3 Magic Land Award)

Name: Elizabeth SmithAge: 16Gender: Female Appearance: Elizabeth has dark green eyes and brown hair dyed blue at the tips. She's nearly 5'8 and seems to tower over everyone else in her house. Her skin is pretty tan and she has small freckles on her nose.

Backstory: Elizabeth spent most of her early childhood playing sports outside with her neighborhood boys, though when she turned ten, her parents decided to send her off to Hogwarts. She was sorted into Gryffindor, due to her determined and brave nature. Elizabeth was extremely social and active and ended up going through her years at the top of her class.Personality: Elizabeth doesn't want to let her gender hold her back, so she does most of her activities with other males. She doesn't like to spend time with people of her own gender because, in her mind, none of them will ever understand her. She likes to be free and run around without constraint, though does tend to seem childish in the eyes of most adults.Magic/Powers: Because Elizabeth is a wizard at Hogwarts, her powers include all those available to the wizards taking her courses.Weapon of Choice: Her wand is her weapon, which happens to be a Holly wand with a unicorn hair core. All of her power is used while wielding this weapon.Strengths: Bravery, self-reliance, magical abilitiesWeaknesses: Childish, loud, hard to work withGreatest Fear: Being held back. Elizabeth just wants to be free and have the ability to run around and have fun with her friends without getting scolded. She wants to live her life as a free woman making a future for herself.Insecurities: Elizabeth is insecure about her loud nature. People always seem to judge her because she likes to talk a lot which gets on her nerves.Loved Ones: Elizabeth loves, and really misses, her old group of friends back home. They were like her second family and never left her side. They appreciated her loud nature and didn't hold her back, instead encouraging her to go forwards and make her future.Realm They're From: EarthFandom They're From: Harry PotterToken: She brought a small golden pendant hanging from a chain around her neck. This pendant was given to her by her mother when she left for Hogwarts as a good luck charm, and she's never taken it off since.Anything Else About Them: noneOther: Black Butler Public School Arc

BONUS CHARACTER #6 (Task 3 Comment 1 Award and Rankings)

Name: Leilah MichaelsAge: 17Gender: FemaleAppearance: Leilah is a 5'9 athlete who spends most of her time out on the basketball court. She has actual muscles from large amounts of exercise and a very slim build. Leilah has long black hair typically in a ponytail down her back with silvery eyes. Image Link: Backstory: Leilah was born into a family of sports players. Her parents had her playing something during every season of the year, and their expectations for her were through the roof. Eventually, though, she was taking a late night run when she was attacked by a rogue vampire and turned. Her life has never been the same. Personality: She always used to be carefree and easy to be around, though has since developed deep feelings of hatred to her parents for controlling her life. Leilah is respectful to almost every human she meets, though has a dark side. Magic/Powers: Leilah has all the powers vampires possess. She has super speed and eyesight, enhanced abilities and even mind control. Weapon of Choice: Leilah doesn't feel the need for a weapon, and instead uses her fists to win her fights. Strengths: strong-willed, determined, athletic, understanding Weaknesses: constantly angry, holds grudges, doesn't like to see other points of view Greatest Fear: Leilah's greatest fear is heights. Her younger brother nearly slipped and fell into the Grand Canyon while they were visiting, and she's been scared since. Insecurities: Leilah is insecure about the beast she has become. She began her life as a respected girl who had many ambitions and goals for her life, but it was all ripped away from her. Loved Ones: Leilah's most loved one is her younger brother. She's always been there for him and vice versa. Realm They're From: Earth Fandom They're From:Vampire diaries Token: Leilah brought with her a small silver stone. She picked it up off the ground the day her brother almost fell into the canyon and hasn't let it go since. Anything Else About Them: noneOther: Black Butler Public School Arc

CHARACTER # 6 (Task 5 Mandatory)

Name: Kane

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Kane has short black hair and greenish blueish eyes. He's nearly 6 feet tall, though is the shortest of his family. Kane tends to wear the blue colours of his tribe. He has a blue shirt made of two pieces of fabric crossing in an x over his chest, some dark blue/grey pants, and boots good for hiking. Around his neck, he wears a necklace on a chain with a symbol meaning 'water.'


Kane uses water bending, meaning he is able to basically control and bend water to his will. He also uses bloodbending, meaning he bends the water in people's' blood to control their movement.

Weapon of choice:

Kane's weapon of choice is his bending. He can use his water to form weapons or freeze his enemies, though can also use it to heal himself or his allies.


Kane is strong willed, strong physically, good at picking up on foreign languages and good at negotiating


Kane is overdramatic, easy to get angered, not good at running long distances and too willing to do anything for power


Kane went out exploring past the borders of his land, and was captured by three fire benders. He put up a good fight and managed to take down two of the benders, though was knocked unconscious and sent into the games by the third.

Greatest Fear:

Kane fears not being as good as everyone else. He's always been the best, and when people overtake him, he feels inferior. This has always been the case, as his siblings used to make him feel like he was the best before cutting him down. His self esteem was shattered, and the only way for him to be happy was when he was proven to be the best.


Kane is insecure about his abilities. He spends hours upon hours training in order to make himself the best. Naturally, he isn't as strong as the rest of his family, though he always wants to be the best. Training is the only way for him to improve his skills.

Loved Ones:

Kane's only loved one was his younger brother. He never tormented Kane for his skills because he was the only one worse than Kane. The two are three years apart, though they've always acted the same.

Realm They're From: Earth

Fandom They're From: Avatar The Last Airbender


Kane brought his necklace. This necklace was given to him as a present from his younger brother. Kane feels it has emotional value, and makes him feel stronger than normal. He never takes it off, not even during training.

Anything Else: none

CHARACTER # 7 (Task 6 Mandatory)

Name: Lauren EvansAge: 25Gender: FemaleAppearance:Lauren has long dirty blonde hair that she usually has tied up in a lazy bun atop her head. She has crystal blue eyes and very pale skin. Lauren is nearly 5'6, though likes to wear taller boots that raise her height to nearly 5'8. She usually wears very comfortable clothing, such as thin sweatshirts and dark leggings or jeans.Image Link: :Backstory:Lauren grew up living a life of luxury. Her parents were both government officials, meaning they received quite a bit of money and power. When Lauren turned 11, her parents revealed to her that she was actually part of a relatively unknown group of individuals known as Shadowhunters. She was sent to begin training later that year, and was given her first weapon, a small silver sword, at age twelve.Lauren graduated highschool with extremely high grades and a scholarship to an in-state college. She then went through 5 more years of schooling and another year of training to join a similar job to her parents. Once she was in a stable situation, Lauren joined her parents on missions to fight the demons who plagued their earth.Personality:Lauren has a very spunky personality. She's grown up living a privileged life, and expects nothing less wherever she goes. She is more than willing to call you out on your faults, and won't feel bad if she makes you feel guilty. Lauren's only ties are to her family, and she's nearly incapable of making friends due to her typically bratty attitude.Magic/Powers:Lauren can use Runes to fight off demons and other enemies who stand in her way.Weapon Of Choice:Lauren has a sword she strapped to the inside of her thigh that she uses to fight off demons. Her sword is extremely durable and made of a shining silver, and is easily accessible when it is needed.Strengths:Lauren has great insight, manipulation skills and loads of courage.Weaknesses:Lauren is quick to judge, meaning she can barely form any connections; she has really high standards, meaning anything she doesn't deem acceptable just doesn't work for her; she's extremely cocky and outspoken.Greatest Fear:Lauren's greatest fear is losing her power. She enjoys being of high rank and being able to boss people around. She would hate to be among the ranks of people who haven't had a life as great as hers.Insecurities:Lauren's only insecurity is about the Runes littered all over her body. Her job basically restricts its employees from having excessive amounts of tattoos, so she has to go to great lengths to hide them. She's embarrassed that she needs all these markings, and doesn't want people to see them.Loved Ones:Lauren loves her french bulldog named Matthew. To her, it seems like her pet is the only one willing to stick by her side.Realm: EarthFandom: ShadowhuntersToken:Lauren brought Matthew's old collar with her. It's so small that she can wear it as a bracelet around her wrist. When she gets nervous or stressed, she rubs the fabric of the collar and is instantly reminded that someone back home is waiting for her return.Anything Else:Lauren seems like a bratty, spoiled child (she is), but she does have a good heart. She does what she does because she wants those close to her to be happy and safe. She doesn't want people to consider her to be mean, though she was brought up in a way that she simply can't change her personality for fear of her parents shunning her.

BONUS CHARACTER # 7 (Task 5 Idea Points 1)

Name: Edana DalaAge: 21Gender: FemaleAppearance: Edana has fiery red hair and dark brown eyes that seem to shimmer in the light. She has pretty tan skin and a very lean shape, and is about 5'8. She always wears the olive green outfit the rest of her rebellion comrades require, and has a pair of black boots that rise up to her knees that she rarely can be seen without. Image Link: :Backstory: When Edana was a child, she lived a perfect life on Naboo with the rest of her small family. Her parents were kind and accepting, and her younger sister, Arin, was her closest ally. Eventually, Edana grew to realize that her parents were part of the band of people rebelling against the Empire, and that her family was actually from a long line of Jedi still fighting to return the galaxy to its rightful state. At age 7, her parents began secretly training her in the ways of the Force, doing their lessons in a dark cellar underneath their small house. Edana was a natural, and by the time her training was deemed complete at age 16, her skills could match those of her parents. Edana was gifted a silvery blue lightsaber that had survived since the Clone Wars, and she believed that with her new powers, she could assist her parents in their fight against the Sith and their corrupted plans. Soon, though, word got out that Edana's parents were part of the Rebellion. The Empire instantly put them under arrest and murdered Edana's sister, taking Edana in as their own. Edana was forced to partake in their retched acts, and had to endure nearly three years of training in the ways of the Sith. Finally, when the Rebellion attacked the Empire's new Death Star, she managed to escape and rendezvous with the escaping rebels. Once everyone realized that she was the daughter of two of their best soldiers, she was allowed to join them in their desperate battle against the Empire. Personality: Edana has a lot of inner anger that she is barely able to repress. She despises the empire for murdering her sister and parents, and sympathises with those who have suffered similar pain. She is kind and caring, and will never judge a person by looks alone.Magic/Powers: Edana is able to use the Force, and has the ability to use Sith lightning, though refuses to use that power because it makes her feel dirty.Weapon Of Choice: Edana's weapon of choice is a blaster pistol, though she does have lightsaber training. She always has both weapons on her at all times, and will switch between both depending on the situation.Strengths: Edana is very kind and caring, she's easily trusted, and she's very physically fit.Weaknesses: Edana still has lots of uncontained anger from working with the sith for so long, she has constant flashbacks from the day she watched her only friend (her sister) get killed, and she's had one of her hands cut off and replaced by a mechanical version, limiting her Force abilities.Captured: Edana was taken when she and a small gang of rebels were attempting to blow up a forcefield generator on Endor, and the Emperor decided to send her off to one of his connections to pay her back for her misdeeds.Greatest Fear: Edana's greatest fear is being forced to return to the Empire. She hated being taught the ways of the Sith, and hated even more the feeling she got when she watched the Empire kill innocent people.Insecurities: Edana worries that people will hold her past against her. Once they hear she was part of the Empire, they instantly seem to despise her, and Edana just can't stand being hated.Loved Ones: Edana's only loved ones were her sister and parents, though they've all been killed.Realm: CoruscantFandom: Star WarsToken: Edana took with her a small friendship bracelet her sister made for her as kids. They had matching bracelets, and Edana remembers never taking it off.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 8 (Task 5 Idea Points 2)

Name: Kane Ivory Age: 18Gender: MaleAppearance: Kane has a very large build. He's nearly 6'3 and is extremely strong for his age. He has light blue eyes and shaggy brown hair. Typically, he will wear a green tunic and brown leggings for his job working as a blacksmith's apprentice.Image Link: :Backstory: Kane grew up living in a poor household. His parents forced him into work at the age of 14 so that he could help support their growing family. By the time Kane was 16, his mom had five daughters and two sons other than him to look after. Kane only had one older brother who, as soon as possible, moved to King's Landing to live the life he'd always dreamed of. Kane was left behind, forced to continue working constantly. When Kane turned 17, his father died in a mysterious accident at his workplace. Kane's mother was no longer able to support the family, and had to quickly marry Kane off to a butcher's daughter. From what Kane heard, most of his siblings were auctioned off and sent to new houses with families who truly cared about their wellbeing, only heaving his two youngest siblings with his mother. Kane wasn't happy with this arrangement, but his wife made sure to keep him close.Personality: Kane is very hardworking. He doesn't like to take breaks, and would rather get his work done than dally around. He will never take no for an answer, and will fight for what he believes in. Kane never had time for a formal education due to the fact that he was constantly working, so he doesn't know much other than how to work and take care of a family.Magic/Powers: noneWeapon Of Choice: SwordStrengths: Kane is very manipulative and good at tricking people into assisting him. He's also very kind and trustworthy, meaning people can get quite close to him.Weaknesses: Kane is not good at fighting, slow while running, and has a severe lack of social skills.Captured: On one of Kane's weekends, he was walking alongside a river, skipping stones as he allowed himself to relax after a long week's work. Suddenly, two men jumped out from behind a large tree and tied Kane up, though not after Kane had managed to throw in a few good punches. The men threw him into a lake and jumped in after his sinking body, and the last thing Kane saw before he passed out was a spinning orb of water propelling them out of the lake and into the morning sky.Greatest Fear: Kane's greatest fear is not being able to support himself. He sees people wandering the streets with nowhere to go, begging for money as they have none of their own. He pities them, as he knows how it feels to be so close to starvation and poverty. Insecurities: Kane hates how he will never be able to be the husband his young wife wants him to be. She wants a gentleman who will take her on long walks at sunset and care for her when she is sick. Kane has no experience with women whatsoever, so jobs like these seem strange.Loved Ones: Kane's only loved one is his wife, Clara. He can barely see her as his wife, and pictures her as more of a sister. They're extremely close and are able to share everything with each other.Realm: WesterosFandom: Game of ThronesToken: Kane brought with him a small, round stone. It was one of the last stones he was going to skip the day he was captured, though it was left in his pocket.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 9 (Task 5 The Rose Award 1)

Name: Amy FlemingAge: 16Gender: FemaleAppearance: Amy has medium length blonde hair that is dyed blue/green at the tips. She usually keeps it in a fishtail braid that flows down her shoulder. Her eyes are sky blue, and she almost always wears a thick ring of eyeliner and mascara. Usually, Amy likes to wear light and comfortable blue or green shirts, just because she feels like blue and green match her personal style best. Image Link: :Backstory: As a child, Amy had a very boring life. She went to school every day and spent the rest of her time reading or writing in her bedroom. By the time she reached fifth grade, Amy had joined a group of friends who she would hang out with constantly. That group stuck together throughout the rest of their elementary school years, and even made it into middle school together. But when all the girls had turned 14, everyone but Amy had begun smoking and sneaking their parents' alcohol to school in metal water bottles. They tried to peer pressure Amy into joining them, though Amy ratted them out to the school's principal before they could force her to begin their bad habits. After that, Amy had a hard time trusting. She never reached out and attempted to make friends, and anytime anyone approached her, she would struggle to back out of the situation. But she was only in school for another two years before her parents revealed the horrifying truth that Amy was actually the daughter of Poseidon, and she would be forced to leave their family home and join a summer camp full of kids like her. Amy was ready for the fresh start, and when she got to Camp Halfblood, she was accepted with open arms. Amy even managed to get really close with a son of Hermes, who after nearly three months, asked her to be his girlfriend.Personality:Magic/Powers: Amy is the daughter of Poseidon. She has the ability to move and manipulate water, talk to sea creatures, and breathe underwater.Weapon Of Choice: SwordStrengths: Very strong (both physically and mentally), good at handling stressWeaknesses: Not good at working with people, very shy and quiet, typically hated because she's a daughter of one of the Big ThreeCaptured: On a mission with her half brother Percy and his two friends, the group was split up in order to reach their goal faster. Only traveling with Zack, they stopped at a restaurant to eat some dinner, though were taken hostage by the diner's owner. Two men wearing all black carried them out into a van, and the next thing they knew, they were no longer in their own world.Greatest Fear: Amy's greatest fear is being forced into a situation she doesn't want. She knows that people used to want to take advantage of her for her shy and quiet personality.Insecurities: Amy always hates how tall she is. She's nearly 5'9, and towers over the rest of the kids in her grade. She feels really small inside, though her height seems to say otherwise.Loved Ones: Zack Landman is the son of Hermes who she connected with. The two are now in a relationship.Realm: EarthFandom: Percy JacksonToken: Back in her first year at Camp Halfblood, Zack made her a necklace out of a shimmering gold string and a beautiful shell. She hasn't taken it off, and feels like the necklace gives her good luck.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 10 (Task 5 The Rose Award 2)

Name: Zack LandmanAge: 17Gender: MaleAppearance: Zack has dirty blonde hair that always seems to hang in his face. His eyes are so dark blue that they are almost purple. His skin is extremely pale, though he does like to draw on his hands and fingers with black markers because he is too young to get real tattoos.Image Link: :Backstory: As a child, Zack grew up in New York. His father had a stable job working as an animator for a large company, though after a close encounter with one of the monsters Zack could only imagine encountering, Zack was forced to move to camp Halfblood. He was one of the youngest in the camp for a time, and he constantly felt out of place. He would hide in the back of the Hermes cabin after being claimed, not used to constantly welcoming new campers into their own personal area. When a new girl named Amy moved into camp, Zack finally found a friend. By that time, he wasn't the youngest, though Amy seemed in need of the guidance Zack was never offered. Personality: Zack is very welcoming and comforting, though he has a tough exterior that is hard to break through. Once he lets you in, he is willing to become close, and will share all of his passions and secrets with you. He is a powerful warrior who is willing to defend his friends and his own honour.Magic/Powers: Zack is the son of Hermes, so he doesn't have any real powers, but he is very strategic and manipulative. Weapon Of Choice: Like most kids at Camp Halfblood, Zack uses a sword to fight off monsters.Strengths: Zach is a good leader, he has great strategies and is very smart.Weaknesses: He has no true powers, so working with him is a struggle. Zack also struggles with social anxiety, and meeting people causes him extreme stress. Lastly, Zack has a large scar on his left arm that causes him extreme pain if it is touched. This means that he is incapable of holding a sword with that hand, which is hard because he is typically left handed.Captured: Zack was taken right alongside Amy (above).Greatest Fear: Losing the ones he is closest to.Insecurities: Zack has never been as good at fighting or as powerful as the rest of the campers, so he feels like he isn't truly contributing to their success. Loved Ones: AmyRealm: EarthFandom: Percy JacksonToken: A crumpled up ticket from a My Chemical Romance concert he went to as a kid. Music has always been his crutch, and an experience such as the one he had a while ago kept him going for many months following.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 11 (Task 5 Early hand in 1)

Name: Lucas MichaelsAge: 31Gender: MaleAppearance: Lucas has shaggy brown hair and piercing grey eyes, as well as olive skin and a stocky build. He's nearly 5'11, and always wears comfortable sweatshirts and jeans. Image Link: :Backstory: Lucas grew up in the early 1980's. His family was the same as all the other families that lived in his neighborhood. They had enough money to support their family and buy themselves nice things. But when Lucas turned 15, his dad lost his job, and his mother, annoyed at his father's lack of success, had filed for a divorce. Lucas was left with his dad while his two brothers went with his mom. After that situation, Lucas felt like his life would never be the same. He struggled to keep his grades up in school, though it became increasingly obvious that he was relying on alcohol and drugs to pull himself through. One night after drinking with his friends, Lucas stumbled drunkenly into an alley where a shadowy man approached him. It turned out that this man was a vampire who ended up turning Lucas.Personality: Lucas hasn't been able to emotionally recover from the trauma of his teenage years, so he is constantly down. His anger is uncontrollable, and he holds grudges. He isn't good at working with other people, and isn't good at taking over a leadership role.Magic/Powers: Increased strength and enhanced senses Weapon Of Choice: Dagger Strengths: All of his abilities and senses are heightened Has lots of experience fightingIs calm during stressful situationsVery understandingWeaknesses:Sort of impulsiveBelieves he can't be killedNeeds to hunt constantlyPretty untrustworthy due to his pastCaptured: On one of his hunts, Lucas was attacked by a group of vampires working for the Unseelie King. They kidnapped him and sent him into the games.Greatest Fear: Lucas' greatest fear is having people hold him back.Insecurities: Lucas hates what he is. He wants to return to the time when he was human and continue living the life he never got to finish.Loved Ones: noneRealm: EarthFandom: The Vampire DiariesToken: Lucas brought his old pocket sketchbook from middle school. He used his drawings to explain his emotions, so this small notebook holds the key to his entire past.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 12 (Task 5 Early hand in 2)

Name: Lilith (Lily) GrandeAge: 29Gender: FemaleAppearance: Lily has brown to blonde ombre hair and light blue eyes, as well as pale skin and a stern expression constantly on her face. She wears her hair in a braid that reaches her upper back, just barely covering the large Survey Corps emblem on her brown jacket required by all members of the military. She always wears a Survey Corps outfit that consists of a short brown jacket, loose shirt underneath, white pants, and brown belts looped around her thighs that connect her 3DMG to her waist.Image Link: :Backstory: Lily grew up living in Shiganshina nearly ten years before Eren Jaeger was born. She left her town at age 14 to begin her military training, finding her confining duties to be repetitive and unworthy of her time. Eventually, she graduated and joined the Survey Corps. By then, she was about 18. Lily quickly worked her way up the rankings, and by the time she was 24, she was already a captain of her own squad. She was particularly close with Hange Zoe and even managed to connect with Captain Levi, the stoic commander who rarely cracked a smile.Personality: Lily is a free spirit. As a child, her parents worried she would get herself in trouble with her dreams about leaving the walls and exploring the outside world. She is very determined, and when she wants something, she will work as hard as she humanly can to achieve it. Magic/Powers: noneWeapon Of Choice: 3DMG and small daggers she can conceal underneath her uniform.Strengths: Has experience in the militaryKnows true fear, so she knows how to handle stressful situationsIsn't worried to jump into the actionWeaknesses:Is generally hated for her annoyance at being held inside the wallsDoesn't want to make too many attachments for fear of losing all her friends Constantly paranoidStruggles to rid herself of dreams and flashbacks about some of her worst battlesCaptured: While the Survey Corps were out on a mission outside the walls, she was separated from the group. A large group of Titans quickly swarmed her, and she was only saved by three caped figures who whisked her off into a forest. Her thankfulness was quickly overshadowed when these figures ended up kidnapping her and sending her to the games.Greatest Fear: Everyone she loves dyingInsecurities: She has self esteem issues, and is constantly insecure about her appearance. Everyone tells her that she's actually pretty, but she doesn't know how to believe them. Loved Ones: Her only loved one is her sister whom she left behind on her adventure to the military.Realm: EarthFandom: Attack on TitanToken: She brought with her a necklace that she never takes off. On this necklace is a pendant which opens up to reveal a small cloth heart sewn for her by her sister.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 13 (Task 5 Early hand in 3)

Name: BlakeAge: 19Gender: MaleAppearance: Blake has thick brown hair that is always falling in his face. His eyes are a very pretty shade of hazel, though in the darkness, they look completely black. His skin is pale and he always wears comfortable combat clothes in his darkest shade of black. Image Link: (yes I did use a picture of Gerard Way as my image)Backstory: Blake grew up living in Amity, the peaceful farming faction which valued hard work and honesty. He had a younger sister who shared the same ideals as the rest of his family, and Blake always felt left out because he didn't enjoy their calm, monotonous lifestyle. He envied those in Dauntless who got to spend their days fighting and training constantly. When the choosing ceremony finally came, Blake, against his parents' wishes, joined Dauntless.Personality: Blake has a very rebellious personality. Something like this is especially fit for members of Dauntless, seeing as they have to constantly do daring feats that require someone willing to complete them. Blake is very closed off and has a hard time opening up to people. He likes being by himself, though isn't worried about having to join a group of communicate with one of his superior officers.Magic/Powers: noneWeapon Of Choice: PistolStrengths: Good with a gunA great leaderUnderstands negative emotions and is willing to help people who are downWeaknesses:Is quick to judge people who are jerksGets angry quicklySpontaneous After hearing what happened to his friend, he wants to avenge Kat, even if it means taking down those who have hurt/killed those who connected with her throughout the gamesCaptured: He was captured in the same way Kat was. Two officials simply walked to his sleeping quarters and requested for him to join them on a top secret mission.Greatest Fear: Not being able to avenge Kat's death.Insecurities: He is one of the weakest of the group, though back home, he was the strongest. He hates how everyone is suddenly so much stronger than him.Loved Ones: The only one who really made an effort to connect with him was Kat, though she's dead.Realm: EarthFandom: DivergentToken: Back when he and Kat were first in Dauntless, they got matching piercings and tattoos. He brings a pair of earrings that both he and Kat wore. They remind him of a much simpler time. Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 14 (Task 5 comment 1)

Name: Jacob RossAge: 17Gender: MaleAppearance: Jacob has short black hair and green eyes. He is about 5'8, and always wears the required uniform for Hogwarts. He is in Ravenclaw, the house representing intelligence and wit, so he has to wear the required uniform (with his house's colours being blue and bronze).Image Link: :Backstory: Jacob grew up living in Manchester with his mom and his brother. His past wasn't as exciting as other wizards in his year, as his life was completely normal until he was sent to Hogwarts at age 11. At the sorting ceremony, he was put in Ravenclaw, and ended up becoming friends with another wizard named Elizabeth. The two were close until Elizabeth was taken to the games, Jacob quickly following. Personality: Jacob, as a Ravenclaw, is very intelligent. He spends his time reading and analyzing text, and is especially good at solving complex math equations. Jacob is pretty introverted, though once he gets used to someone, he will warm up to them fast. He doesn't especially enjoy excessive physical activity, though he is willing to stand up for himself and his friends. Magic/Powers: All magic he's learned at HogwartsWeapon Of Choice: His wand, though he is capable of using daggers or swords.Strengths: Good competitorGood at fighting with both magic and conventional weaponsWeaknesses:Not very good at working with a teamIs pretty introverted and quietGets very nostalgic and misses Hogwarts Has a fiery temperCaptured: After Elizabeth was taken to the games, Dumbledore requested that another wizard follow to assist her (should she survive her challenge). Jacob, being one of her closest allies, was instantly chosen and sent to the games. Greatest Fear: Jacob's greatest fear is betrayal. Insecurities: Jacob is insecure about his height. Some of the other boys at school constantly tease him about how much shorter he is than all of them. Loved Ones: ElizabethRealm: EarthFandom: Harry PotterToken: He and Elizabeth both have candy canes that they constantly keep in their pockets from the first party they ever went to together.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 15 (Task 5 comment 2)

Name: Adrienne WhitewoodAge: 18Gender: FemaleAppearance: Adrienne has long blonde hair and cloudy grey eyes. Due to her being an elf, her ears are pointed, and she seems to be extremely beautiful to all those who see her. Her skin is pale and she wears a lot of darker greys and earthy tones.Image Link: :Backstory: Adrienne grew up living a life of adventure. Her parents were constantly on the move, dragging her and her older brother along on dangerous attempts to escape the constantly growing army of people who her parents owned money. On one of these daring attempts to evade a merchant and his family whose goat her dad had stolen, Adrienne was taken captive. Her parents took her brother and fled, not bothering to save her. Eventually, Adrienne was sent off to Mirkwood where she was taken in by an elven family whom she didn't know. They had her working for their family, and seemed to be much more accepting and inviting than Adrienne's past family.Personality: Adrienne is very reserved. She is typically very calm, caring and understanding. Most people get extremely mad when crossed, though Adrienne is capable of shutting people down with quiet words and threats alone.Magic/Powers: noneWeapon Of Choice: Bow and arrowsStrengths: Has much experience fightingIs very calm and collectedStays in the present and doesn't constantly stress about the futureWeaknesses:Her primary language isn't EnglishShe doesn't understand modern cultureHas to constantly work to hold back all her angerCaptured: One night after returning home from work, two cloaked figures broke into her home and carried her outside. They shut her inside a dark van (which she was extremely terrified of) and took off into a dimension far from her own.Greatest Fear: Betraying the ones she loves.Insecurities: Everyone else is able to perfectly communicate, though Adrienne knows little to know language. She tries to hide this by only talking to Legolas and having him translate for her.Loved Ones: The family that took her in after being abandoned originally.Realm: Middle EarthFandom: Lord of the RingsToken: When she was taken into her new household, her family gave her a small silver pouch on a chain that she hung around her neck. The pouch was small enough to only hold a single pink stone with a heart engraved on it. It was a sign of family, and everyone in the household had one.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 16 (Task 5 comment 3)

Name: Ashlyn CrowneAge: 17Gender: FemaleAppearance: Ashlyn has snowy white hair that she always keeps in a tight braid behind her back. She has dark purple eyes and pale skin, and always wears different variations of blue clothes.Image Link: :Backstory: Ashlyn spent her earlier years traveling the world with her parents. They were always in a group with one other family, though the two families both bended different elements. Ashlyn was a waterbender, and spent most of her time training with her two older sisters, and the other family were all firebenders. Ashlyn got especially close with the youngest son of their companions, Declan.Personality: Ashlyn's personality is as free and constantly changing as the water she bends. One moment she is happy, the other she is a rage-filled mess. This typically happens due to lack of sleep, so whenever she actually has time to indulge in some well needed rest, she's constantly enjoyable to be around.Magic/Powers: WaterbendingWeapon Of Choice: Her bendingStrengths: HardworkingLoyalTrustworthy Weaknesses:Wary of new peopleUntrustingQuick to judgeCaptured: She and Declan were both captured after they stupidly decided to stray from their group and explore the land outside their makeshift base. Two firebenders captured them and took them far from their families.Greatest Fear:Losing DeclanInsecurities: She used to think that her bending was the coolest thing ever, but these new people all have powers so much stronger than hers.Loved Ones: DeclanRealm: Earth?Fandom: Avatar The Last AirbenderToken: She and Declan share friendship bracelets. Hers is blue and his is red, representing their elements.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 17 (Task 5 comment 4)

Name: Declan DorneAge: 17Gender: MaleAppearance: Declan has rose coloured eyes and brown hair, as well as tan skin. He wears a lot of comfortable black and red clothing, and is nearly five inches taller than Ashlyn.Image Link: :Backstory:Declan spent his earlier years traveling the world with his parents. They were always in a group with one other family, though the two families both bended different elements. Declan was a firebender, and spent most of his time running around with his friends from the other family who were all waterbenders. Declan got especially close with the youngest daughter of their companions, Ashlyn. Personality: Declan is naturally very flirtatious. He enjoys running around with his brothers and sisters, and physical activity in itself makes him feel great. He likes to laugh, and doesn't want there to be any sort of sadness in his life.Magic/Powers: firebendingWeapon Of Choice: his bendingStrengths: Calm and collectedDoesn't hold grudgesUnderstandingPowerful (good at bending)Weaknesses:Has a fiery (haha) temperImpulsiveOverprotective of friends and sistersWants to get things done the easy wayCaptured: While he and Ashlyn were exploring outside their campsite, two firebenders took them hostage. They were tied up and transported to the games using two cars (which neither captive had ever seen).Greatest Fear: Losing AshlynInsecurities: He's grown up living with a bunch of girls and only two brothers, so being a boy was always weird for him.Loved Ones: AshlynRealm: Earth?Fandom: Avatar The Last AirbenderToken: He and Ashlyn share friendship bracelets. His is red and orange.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 18 (Task 5 main ballot award)

Name: Anakin SkywalkerAge: 23Gender: MaleAppearance: Anakin is nearly 6'2, and has shaggy blonde hair. He has orange/yellow eyes that always seem to hold unbearable pain, and has a sharp scar over his right eye. He always wears the required Sith robes, though his are black, and has a dark glove on his right hand that disguises the mass of metal and wires replacing his real limb.Image Link: :Backstory: Anakin grew up as a slave boy on Tatooine. One day, a Jedi named Qui Gon came to the shop he was forced to work at, asking for parts to replacing the broken ones on his ship. When a sandstorm hit, Anakin took the Jedi and his two companions to his house to wait out the storm. While at his house, Qui Gon explained to Anakin that he was capable of becoming a powerful Jedi, and after an intense podrace, Anakin was freed and allowed to return with Qui Gon to the Jedi Temple. When Anakin got to the temple, he began training under the wing of Qui Gon's old apprentice, Obi Wan Kenobi. The two became great friends, and in barely any time, people began speculating that Anakin was actually the Chosen One, the Jedi who was supposed to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force. Eventually, Anakin was corrupted by Chancellor Palpatine, and became his new apprentice. Obi Wan was sent to kill Anakin after Anakin lead a raid against the Jedi Temple, though failed. During their fight, Obi Wan attempted to murder Anakin, only resulting in Anakin slashing off his left arm and escaping from the scene. Personality: Anakin is typically very impulsive, causing him to do many stupid things. He's a great teammate and an amazing friend, though his past still haunts him. He doesn't know how to contain all the anger and pain he still holds after the murder of his mother, and constantly worries about the wellbeing of his wife. He can be very snarky and sarcastic, though is also very lovable.Magic/Powers: The ForceWeapon Of Choice: The Force and his lightsaberStrengths: Anakin is probably the strongest Jedi ever, meaning he is extremely connected to the Force. He is also very good at forming connections with people, and is a trustworthy teammate.Weaknesses: Anakin constantly worries about the wellbeing of people who can quite easily take care of themselves, giving himself a lot of stress. He also wants to jump right into the action, making himself seem very obnoxious and impulsive. Lastly, he is very bad at controlling his anger. He is willing to lash out at people if they wrong him or people he loves. Captured: Anakin was being sent on a mission to Tatooine so he and a small band of Stormtroopers could decide if the planet was good enough for a military base. When he was on his way to the planet, his ship was intercepted, and he was taken captive.Greatest Fear: Anakin's greatest fear is not being able to save the ones he loves. As seen in Revenge of the Sith, he will go to great lengths to save people, even if it seems rough. He will do anything to keep them safe.Insecurities: Anakin is insecure about his position. Everyone always treats him as if he's some sort of god who will bring balance to the Force, may it be as a Jedi or a Sith. He's always wanted to be one of the best Jedi, but now, he isn't so sure.Loved Ones: Anakin's loved ones are Padme Amidala, his secret wife, and his old master Obi Wan Kenobi. The three are all really close, and even though Obi Wan is only a best friend, he is still one of the most important people in Anakin's life. Though both of them don't really accept Anakin's decisions, there is always going to be a bond that can never be broken.Realm: (constantly changes)Fandom: Star WarsToken: Anakin brought with him the necklace he made for Padme back when he was a slave boy leaving Tatooine. Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 19 (Task 5 lack of sponsorship)

Name: Legolas GreenleafAge: around 2900Gender: MaleAppearance: Legolas has very long blonde hair that reaches his upper back. In his hair are three intricate braids. He has crystal blue eyes and pretty pale skin. Usually, Legolas will wear dark greens and earthy brown clothes, though when he is attending things as a prince, he will wear fancy silks.Image Link: :Backstory: Legolas was around when Bilbo Baggins went on his adventure of a lifetime, and even helped fight in the battle against Smaug. Later on, he accompanied Frodo Baggins, Bilbo's younger cousin, on a similar adventure to destroy the Ring of Power. Personality: Legolas has had over 2900 years of experience in fighting, so while on the battlefield, he is very calm and collected. He is very proper, as he is a prince, though is also very carefree, and will turn horrible situations around using competitions among teammates. Magic/Powers: Other than an amazing athletic ability, none.Weapon Of Choice: Bow and ArrowStrengths: Good at intense stunts, very athletic, good teammate, smart and strategic.Weaknesses: Doesn't understand modern culture, worried about returning home, isn't good at sharing the leader role.Captured: On his way to an urgent meeting between leaders, Legolas and his band of adventurers were attacked by a large group of orcs. None of them went down without a fight, though, and they managed to take down nearly the entire group before backup was called. They were taken over, and all of Legolas' partners were killed. Greatest Fear: Not being able to live up to the standards of an elven prince.Insecurities: Though he is one of the strongest in his group, Legolas also worries that he will never be good enough to really lead them due to his lack of knowledge about modern society.Loved Ones:Realm: EarthFandom: The Hobbit/Lord of the RingsToken: Legolas brought a small green emerald in the shape of a leaf, as it brings back memories of all his past adventures.Anything Else: none

BONUS CHARACTER # 20 (Task 5 balloted 1)

Name: Sophia BlackAge: 16Gender: FemaleAppearance: Sophia has crystal blue eyes and jet black hair that she always ties back in a ponytail. She likes to wear darker colours, such as blacks, greys and blues. Usually, she will wear a comfortable shirt (in the three colours listed above) along with some blue jeans and Converse high tops.Image Link: :Backstory: Sophia grew up living in London, England with her paranormal investigator parents. They were constantly having to relocate as her parents investigated new monsters or spirits. Eventually, their jobs took them all the way to Gravity Falls, Oregon, across the globe in North America. Sophia was completely unwilling to pack up and move to America, as she was enjoying her home in England, though her parents insisted that this would get them enough money to move back to London and stay there. Annoyed, Sophia was shipped off to America where her parents bought them a small cottage in the large expanse of woods surrounding Gravity Falls. For a while, she never even left her house, though with word of her parents apparent success in their hunt, gradually began appearing outside more often. Personality: Sophia is very shy. She gets attached to places easily, and once she is somewhere, she doesn't want to leave. When she makes friends with someone, she will be very open and honest.Magic/Powers: noneWeapon Of Choice: Slingshot Strengths: Friendly and compatible with most peoplePerceptiveHonestBraveWeaknesses:Not a good fighterDoesn't like people who have authority over herIs really spontaneous Captured: While her parents were out on a mission, Sophia decided to head into the woods for a walk. While exploring a shimmering stream a few miles in, someone reached out from the water and pulled her under, effectively knocking her out. Greatest Fear: Sophia's greatest fear is having everything she knows and loves ripped away from her.Insecurities: Sophia is insecure about how bad of a fighter she is. Everyone else on her team seems to be so much better than her.Loved Ones: Sophia loves her orange tabby cat Sprinkles.Realm: EarthFandom: Gravity FallsToken: Sophia has an old pair of headphones she always keeps in her back pocket. Even after the headphones started to break down, she never stopped using them.Anything Else: none

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