Task 1 - Elimination Entries

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Spot 7: tiffanyjane1997 Handed in: yesterday afternoon. Word count: 500 even

Crimson sat alone looking at the chaos that went around. Too much had happened too quickly. The weather contrasted her mood perfectly; the early sunrays spreading warmth, the colors returning. The black and grey forest was now many shades of green. The ruined grounds with rivulets of blood now somehow seemed less threatening.

A lady with a bucket of water walked over in Crimson's direction and hastily changed her path as Crimson looked up. Crimson's chin quivered. She was used to being an outcast but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Ever since the battle, she was treated differently.

After the battle, different groups were created. Those who weren't hurt helped those who were less fortunate. A search party was created to look for any Viking assassins hiding on the land.

Crimson had tried to help but people had been too scared to touch anything she offered. Even Chris had somehow managed to disappear.

Ultimately she gave up and found herself sitting alone. She thought of the moment she had lashed out with all her powers. She had felt the heat coursing through her veins until it turned to fire. She hadn't been able to avert her eyes as she had swept the Vikings off the land.

She couldn't control her own powers!

She wasn't made for this...these games. The Fire-lord had something on Chris, not on her! Maybe she was chosen on accident. Chris could fine someone else, she thought.

Her thoughts were in turmoil but her decision was final.

She wanted out.

She wanted to quit and go back to the world she came from. A world where she stole from the rich, didn't give a crap about the poor, and did whatever the hell she wanted anyway. After all that she had endured...she deserved it.

She got up. She was going to find Chris and tell him.

She took a step and stopped. Something had hit her in the chest. It felt like being punched. She felt the world around her slant. The trees leaned to a side, the color rapidly drained from the air.

A sharp arrow protruded from her chest. She couldn't feel pain, she realized. She was going in shock. Her outfit turned crimson as all noises faded. She felt she was pulled out of the world; only allowed to see it from distance.

Someone screamed. Couple of people ran uphill, pointing at someone hiding in the shadows.

She knew she was hurt, badly. But no pain came. She felt scared, tears blurred her visions, just as she saw a face in front of her eyes and knew...everything would be okay.

It was a woman, long hair, fair, eyes full of sorrow. It had been so long...but she knew she was looking at her mother.

She attempted reaching out but her arms no-longer obeyed her. She had stopped breathing.

Her eyes flickered to the arrow impaling her.

No pain...just tiredness and resignation.

It was over...she was meeting her mother...she thought...as she closed her eyes.

Spot 3: Legolas- Handed in: Today at 10am. Word Count: 498

Esme's fingers brush across the floor beneath her, wooden, splintering and rough to touch. Her eyes snap open as they scan the horizon just beyond the small rowboat, and it is this moment that arms wrapped around her slight frame and a hand covers her mouth. Stifled by the leather gloves, no one can hear her pleas. Barely strong enough after the last incident, no matter how much she wants to fight, Esme cannot bring herself to do so. Every limb is heavy, but the assailant carries her with ease. No matter how many times she shouts for Marcus, her words get caught in her throat and lost before reaching her tongue.

Gazing up towards her attacker, deep set gray eyes avoids eye contact. Mousey hair that falls over his glistening forehead in wisps, blood clumped on the strands. Esme kicks her legs with might, but his grip remains unchanged and unmoved. Every breath grows labored and every second seems endless, under a heavy mist that swirls about, Esme barely notices how the salty air tastes on her tongue.

Boom! With no strength left, her heart races to keep up with her frazzled mind and rampant breathing. In a fluid motion, she is no longer in his grasp, but deep beneath the murky waters. His hands wrap around her wrists, she can feel the strain and tears in her joints. The pain is sharp as they are hyperextended. The water rushes in like it owns her. It enters cold and murky, stealing away the air that could prolong her life just long enough. She can taste it, the salty ocean, foul and unclean.

Her head is pounding, while every cell in her body begs for the relief oxygen can bring. Her whole body throbs as she tries to reach the surface of the water guarded by his unforgiving grip. Heaving, her lungs burn as though they have been set on fire. Indigo swirls slowly envelope her and Esme accepts her death. Numb and paralyzed, there is no way left to stop him.

Boom! Each time her heart beats, Esme tries to grasp onto her lifeline and bring herself back like she did before.

Boom! She remembers the feeling of hope, how bright and vibrant and warm it can be, just as it fades away.

I'm not ready to die.

Boom! Esme has lost touch with her body, senses ripped away, torn from her body to leave her in an unending darkness.

I'm not ready to die, it repeats over and over.

Boom! Marcus is there, calling for her to hold on, but she isn't. Esme doesn't want to hold on anymore, as her heartbeat falters.

I'm not ready to-

Everything was black. She found herself falling in this darkness, hurtling to an invisible floor. A floor that would most likely kill her if she continued to fall at this speed. The air pushed against her face, she closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Then there is silence.


Pardesi_chick did not hand in, which means that she's automatically eliminated. If you want a say in who stays and who goes, then please read both tiffanyjane1997's entry and Legolas-'s. Then make a decision and score both entries based on what you read. If you guys don't want to or don't have the time, then I have already scored them and made my decision. As soon as everyone either scores them, or tells me to move on, then I'll post the winner. Let me know :) Please include reasons with your scores - between 1 and 12. 

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