Task 2: Factions

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"Remind me why we're making them do this again?" Avek grumbled, clenching his lightsaber. 

"We must see how these newcomers view themselves. Where do they place themselves, when given the choice? Which moral value is more important? Bravery? Selflessness? Peace? Honesty? Intelligence?" Kaelor's smooth voice and calming tone only made Avek more angry, but Keelie found it enjoyable to listen to. 

"How is this going to be entertaining?" Avek muttered.

Kaelor smirked, turning his attention to the screens, which showed the tributes and their mentors all hopping into their vehicles and being transported to the next realm. "The initiation is not as dull as it seems. Watch. You shall see, my friend."


Welcome, everyone, to task two!

After the battle, your mentor and main character nurse their wounds. Together, you and your mentor meet the new tribute who had been mortally wounded in the battle, and then the others who arrive shortly after. With barely enough time to patch up your wounds, the Unseelie King orders you and the tributes into your vehicles, informing you to read the instructions when you arrive in the next world. Once again, it transports realms. You have no idea what audience would be watching, but if there is, there's no telling what anyone thinks. You step out into what once had been a grand city, filled with skyscrapers. Now, it is only a ruin.

On a scroll, written in fancy writing, is your instructions: "You have come to the realm Earth - an apololypic version of it - to the city of Chicago. The people here are divided into factions and now... So will you."

Your task is this: your mentor is to take their characters to the choosing ceremony. There, each character must choose one of the five factions:

Erudite - Wearing variations of blue clothing, Erudite values intelligence. They work with computers and eduction.

Abnegation - Wearing only gray and white clothing, Abnegation values selflessness. They do not think of themselves and work tending to the factionless and also are the government since they are seen as the best in judgement.

Candor - Wearing variations of black and white clothing, Candor values honesty. They only speak the truth and often work in law and politics.

Amity - Wearing variations of comfortable red and yellow clothing, Amity values peace. They will always avoid fights and avoid conflicts and work as farmers.

Dauntless - Wearing only varations of black and dark gray clothing, Dauntless values bravery. They are often seen jumping onto the city's moving trains and considered being reckless. They work as the city's law enforcement and security.

At the choosing ceremony, each faction is divided into sections within a circular auditorium known as the Hub. On a stage sits five bowls, one for each faction. The Erudite bowl contains water, the Abnegation bowl contains gray stones, the Candor bowl contains glass, the Amity bowl contains soil, and the Dauntless bowl contains burning coals. A man stands up and explains the factions and what this Choosing Ceremony is to everyone. When each of your characters names are called (not counting your mentor), they will walk up on stage, grab a knife and slice their hand. Their blood will drip into the bowl of their choice, representing the faction that they chose. 

Your entry starts either before the choosing ceremony, or right as it starts, but you must already be in the Divergent realm at the beginning of your entries!

Your mentor is not going with you! Each of your characters MUST go into a faction that is accurate to their personalities. This could mean that your characters stay together, or separate; that is entirely up to you. If the faction you choose for them doesn't fit well with their personalities, a point will be deducted.

Once all the choices are made, the characters leave with other initiates of the same faction choice. They will have to suceed in that factions' initiation and pass it. Normally, in Divergent, initiation takes several weeks. You may choose to have it take place within the course of a day, or take your time and show the passing of time - this is up to you, but you cannot have longer than a week pass by.

Erudite - Erudite initiation contains many subjects that tests your intelligence. It also involves a test of your ability to use your wit to assess a crisis while under pressure. A committee reviews the initiates' transcripts, test scores, and a writing sample. They must pass the minimum academic requirement to continue. They are required to take a battery of tests in natural science, social science, mathematics, computer science, humanities and English. They must pass all the tests to continue. They identify a field of study, similiar to a college student choosing a major. They take courses in all areas associated with this field of study and must pass all the classes to continue. They must also complete a research project/thesis on a specific topic within their chosen field. Once this project is approved by a committee, they will be a member of Erudite. If you choose Erudite, you must show your characters thinking process and get me into their head.

Abnegation - Abnegation focuses on the virtue of selflessness. They must spent thirty days doing community service. Little is actually told about the actual process, so that's up to you for interpretation, but at the end, the older members wash the initiates' feet and they are declared members. It is said that very few Abnegation fail initiation, but it will include losing onesself and not thinking about yourself. If you choose Abnegation, you must show your characters struggling with self forgetfulness.

Candor - Candor's initiation is based largely on the virtue of truth and features lie detector tests daily. Toward the end of initiation, the intitiates must take a truth serum. The leaders and trainers then ask them a series of personal questions. The purpose of this is to get all the embarrassing truths about people out in the open so that the initiate will never have the urge to lie or deceive again. If the initiate refuses to tell the truth or take the serum, they will not pass initiation. This will really allow you to delve deep into the personality and get to know your characters. If you choose Cander, I want to see the embarassing personal questions - make your characters squirm as well as let us get to know them!

Amity - Amity values peacefulness and friendship and features singing songs and picking fruits. Stage one deals with picking berries and harvesting food. Stage two is simulations with things that annoy you the most. The reason for having that is so you don't go crazy, and you stay calm and peaceful throughout the process. Stage three isn't really a stage, you just eat the food you harvested and sing songs to become a member. If you choose Amity, show me your character getting annoyed! Press their buttons and show me their emotion!

Dauntless - Dauntless divides their initiation into three stages: first is phyisical, second is emotional and third is mental. Each stage is heavily weighted and each one relies on the skills learned in the previous to suceed. All the initiates sleep in the same room. Getting into the Dauntless compound is also complicated; they must climb a large metal sculpture and jump onto a moving train, then jump off that train onto a rooftop. Then they must jump off a seven story building to get into the compound, landing in a net. Physical involves fighting and training and pushing your body to the limit. Stage two, emotional, focuses on the simulation room where initiates are sat into a chair and are injected with the fear serum. This will make them see their greatest fears and they must overcome them in the dauntless way to escape the initiation. The third stage takes place in a large room where they are placed into the fear landscape and this is the final test. They are forced to live out all their fears in a simulation while the Dauntless leaders watch. If you choose Dauntless, I want to see your characters pushed to the limit.

Your entries must begin either when you first arrive in Chicago or at the start of the ceremony. It will end shortly after you pass initiation. Also, for whatever reasons (up to you to come up with), whatever powers, magic, or abilities your characters have will not work. They must face these initiations as human, without their magic/powers/abilities!

To review, your characters must attend the choosing ceremony and choose a faction. Then, they must be put through that factions' initiation and pass. Your character must struggle and this is the chance to really delve deep and get to know each and every one of your characters. They can all be in a faction together, or different ones, but the faction they go into must be accurate with their personality. Because personalities have multiple traits, it's realistic that doing this would be somewhat difficult for your characters. Last task was focused on action; this one is focused on strong character developments, their emotions and thoughts, and getting to know them deeper. This is the place where I should see your character arcs really starting, even with new characters. It's also a good chance for character dynamics. Remember that you can take from one day to a week for this to happen; whatever suits you best.

Also, don't get boring on me! Keep me entertained!

YOUR CHARACTER(S) MEETS YOUR NEXT CHARACTER IN THE FACTION THEY CHOSE. If your characters separated, then you may choose only ONE of them to meet the next tribute (this is your next mandatory character). You can develop and show this new character's name, what fandom they're from, and their basic personality, but they CANNOT be totally detailed yet. You will turn in their character forms when this task, task 2, is scored. This new character MUST also fit in with the faction they chose, which is why you can already know their personality traits! Your character who meets the new one will know they're a tribute because they come from a different realm, and they can mention that one of the Gamemakers captured them.

During your entry, your characters may find one or more of the following artifacts:

- A golden key on a keychain. When you hold it, it allows you to turn into the size of a Titan.

- A ultility belt of a Titan Hunter that allows you to temporarily fly (Both of these first two can be given to you by a tribute of the name of Erin. After you take or deny the artifacts, he must leave but you can interact with him).

- A large can of salt that repels monsters and magical creatures (This is given to you by one or both of the Winchester brothers. If you take or leave the salt, that's up to you, but shortly after this, they disappear and you have no idea where they went).

- A rudius, which is a wooden gladiator sword given when they won their freedom. This will open or unlock anything you want it to. (This is given to you by a gladiator named Spartacus. He can be accompanied by other gladiators named Crixus and Gannicus. After you take or deny the artifact, they must disappear).

You may find one or all of these and yes different characters can find different artifacts. Or you don't have to find any. It's entirely up to you!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Remember that I'm looking for character development - the starting of your character arcs and really getting deep with them and showing me what their personalities are. I want to see them struggle and I also want to see character dynamics - between your own characters and even other people's if you have the extra word count. Give me personalities, arcs, emotions, character development and dynamic! I'm going to score harshly with this, so give it to me! :) 

Due date:

Saturday, November 11, 6pm central. This gives you a week and four days to hand in!

The first TWO people to hand in will receive an extra character from a fandom of my choice (this will probably not be on the list and you will get to suggest fandoms to me)!

The last THREE people to hand in will have to kill off a character and will have 0.5 point taken off their task score. 

If you hand in before Friday, November 10th 5pm central, you will receive an extra 1,000 words on your word count, and an extra 1 point on your task score.

If you hand in between Friday, November 10th 5pm central to the due date (Saturday November 11th, 6pm central), you will lose any sponsorship you have, not receive any awards and will not be allowed to make any new characters next round.

Word Count:

5,000. I'm being so nice.


Internal Struggle - Whoever wins this award will show their character going through an internal struggle of some kind, whether it's emotional or mental

Personality - Whoever wins this award will really express their character(s)' personalities throughout the entire entry

Character Dynamics - Whoever wins this award will really show character dynamics either with their own characters, or with characters belonging to other writers, or both

Worst Fear - Whoever wins this award will scare me with their characters fears

Ships Begin to Sail - Whoever wins this award will give me an epic relationship between two characters, or the starting of one - you guys can do this. Make me give them a ship name ^^

The rewards for these are hidden but special - each one may have its own bonus which could include extra points, or one huge bonus for everyone such as making a character from a NEW list of fandoms! The awards will be a SURPRISE. So do try for them!


Three - They can be witnessed or committed by one of your characters


Five. USE THEM. Everyone did a great job doing this last time. Remember, you CAN ballot me and it won't affect anything :)

Sponsorship Perks:

BeyondDuck - Keelie has cast a spell and given your characters the ability to overcome one of your weaknesses. The effect of this spell, however, gives you a different weakness.

wordsmith- - Ozrakh has given you and your characters a potion of increased strength. This means that you won't get tired as easily and facing a Dauntless initiation on the physical side of things might be easier.

Several7s - the Unseelie King has opened the portal and given one of your weaker characters to have an Unseelie bodyguard following them (this bodyguard and their personality are entirely yours to invent).

jaypvie- Fire Lord Ozai has given you a special drink that allows one of your characters to keep all of their magic and powers during this.

ZSB2000 - Vamyx sees dragons as ancient and wise creatures. For this reason, he has given Thurnir a secret of how to pass one character's factions' initiation. This way would be considered "cheating" but now one of the characters of you choice knows how to easily pass it.

OliviaBinfield - Count Dooku has given your characters insight - a brief detailing of what the initiation in each faction is. This can help your characters decide which to choose, but remember it still has to be part of their personality.

Enchantresses and Sara_R_Stark - Avek and Zai want to see how you do. They are waiting to be impressed and if they are not, they will drop your sponsorship at the end of this task. For this reason, they will offer you no extra help.

Artifact perks/punishments:

The One Ring - If you picked this artifact up, then congratulations. It will allow you to turn invisible for a longer period of time and as of right now, nothing bad happens.

Everyone else, remember the artifacts picked up either in the Disney Realm or before the battle.

Ballot punishments:

jayvpie, wordsmith-, Enchantresses - Because you were balloted the most, one of your characters is seen as a threat. Therefore, other tributes or inititiates will view them this way and make their life as difficult as possible, even to the point of being cruel to them. This must deeply affect your character (you may choose one of your characters for this). This must take up at least 700 words of your entry.

Several7s - Because you were targeted almost just as much as the first ones, one of your characters must barely escape an assassination. You may choose whatever character you wish, but the assassination must be the result of your character being a threat to another inititiate (as in, they're doing too good). This must take up at least 550 words of your entry.

Sara_R_Stark, ZSB2000, and BeyondDuck,- Because you were targeted directly in the middle, your character must be the center of a major fight. This can start with words, but at some point must escalate into a fist fight. This can be between all of your characters, or one character and other inititiations or other tributes. That's entirely up to you. This fight must take up at least 300 words of your entry, but no more than 500.

Jesusfreak202 and JesterheadJohnSnow - Because you were targeted the least, your character must feel like an outsider or an outcast for part of the story. Whether they're shunned by your other characters, other people's characters (aka other tributes), or other inititiates, they are shunned. The reasons are entirely up to you. This must take up at least 300 words of your story. 

If I forgot anything or anyone, or if you have any questions, feel free to comment or PM me. Good luck everyone! 

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