Task 3: Magic

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"I can't wait for this task to begin." Keelie grinned and glanced at Kaellor.  "I must say, you're quite a genius sometimes."

Kaellyr nodded his head. "I know."

"The possibilities actually are rather intriguing," Zai commented.

"Watch! The tributes have all arrived to their realms!" Keelie hissed annoyingly. 


Welcome to Task 3: Magic!

For those of you who chose Harry Potter..you and the other tributes that chose Harry Potter have been thrown into a large room that you can't escape from. The floor is decorated black and white squares. You realize you're standing on a chess board. Each of you must choose a piece and stand on it. Then the game begins. You choose where your piece moves. If it gets taken, you are smashed and killed. You and your characters may be on the same side and you can have other tributes' characters with and against you as you play. You can incorporate and twist the game however you see fit. This entire task is the chess game. Play it - I want to see your characters live the game! None of your characters have any of their magic or abilities during this game.

For those of you who chose Once Upon A Time... In the Enchanted Forest, all the Fairy Tales are true. Snow White, Prince Charming, their daughter Emma and her son Henry, along with Emma's boyfriend Captain Hook, Henry's adopted mother/stepmother Regina all live in Storybrooke. Regina was once known as the Evil Queen and she sought after Snow White's heart in revenge for what Snow did to her. She's been split from her evil self and now the Evil Queen wants Snow's heart once again.

Meanwhile, the Ice Queen has frozen most of Storybrooke and cast a curse on it: no one can leave. She wants Emma and Elsa because their powers are misunderstood. She will do anything to tear them apart from their loved ones while Elsa looks for her missing sister Anna.

All the while, Regina's sister, the Wicked Witch wants to make Regina's life as badly as possible. She'll do anything to make Regina's life miserable.

You must choose which of these villains to face. Describe the events that take place as your characters face up with these villains who are each trying to accomplish their goals. Let me see Storybrooke and remember the main themes of OUAT - Good always wins; evil isn't born, it's made.

Don't forget the important characters:

- Snow and Charming – their love always finds each other and they believe in always doing good.

-Hook is an ex-pirate who's trying to change for Emma.

-Emma, because Snow and Charming are her parents, she is the product of true love.

-Her son Henry, had a father who's now dead and he always believed that Fairy Tales were true, even when they were all under a curse and didn't know who they were. (Also because of the curse, Snow and Charming are around the same age as Emma – in their 20's).

-There's the 7 dwarves, who would do anything for Snow.

-Regina, who was once the Evil Queen. She adopted Henry after Emma gave him up. She's dating Robin Hood.

-And then there's Rumplestilkin. He's the Dark One who loves making deals and he's always ten steps ahead everyone else. There's no telling whether he's good or bad. Sometimes he is and other times he isn't. Before he was the dark one, he was a coward who abandoned his son, Henry's father. Now that Henry's father is dead... He's pretending to be good, but in reality he always has an ulterior motive. His true love is Bell, who he tries to be good for. But he loves the power of being a Dark One too much.

For those of you who chose Fairy Tail... It is toward the end of the Grand Magic Games... Magnolia is a world filled with magic where mages that can use magic form guilds. These guilds often protect the people, but sometimes they go rogue. Fairy Tail is a good guild, the one that protects people the most. Every year, powerful guilds get together in a competition called the Grand Magic Games. Fairy Tail needs to win in order to gain back credibility. Before the games came to a close, a portal to the future was opened and now the gateway allowed hundreds of dragons to be released. Dragons have been extinct for thousands of years, but in the future, they came back and destroyed the world. The one controlling them is a mage named Rogue. His past self is good and exists here and is friends with the members of Fairy Tail. However, his future self has come back with the dragons, ready to destroy everything.

Now, the fighting is for real, not a competition. You and your characters will fight alongside Fairy Tail to protect the city from the dragons. You may also include other tributes' characters, but remember the mages from Fairy Tail!

Here are the main members of Fairy Tail.

-Natsu. He's obnoxious and all he cares about is fighting and food. He's a Fire Dragon Slayer and his catch line is "I'm all fired up now!" His best friend is a blue cat named Happy.

-Gray. He's Natsu's best friend, but they fight all the time. He's an Ice Devil Slayer who's as cool as his ice is.

-Erza. She's tough, practically Natsu and Gray's older sister (even though they aren't related. If she see's them fighting, she yells at them and they are terrified of her. She has magic where she can pull different types of armor and weapons to attack.

-Gajeel. Covered in piercings with long, crazy black hair, Gajeel is intimidating. He's the Iron Dragon Slayer and he and Gray and Natsu love brawling. He and Natsu are rivals but deep inside they're best buds. He loves his cat, Pantherlilly, who can turn into a giant, humanoid cat and fight beside him.

-Laxus. His grandfather is the leader of Fairy Tail. Like Gajeel, he once lost his way, but now his loytalty to the guild is unwavering. He's serious and a little arrogant because he knows he's the best. He's the Lightning Dragon Slayer.

Remember: The mage magic has no effect on the dragons, but the dragonslayers... it's up to them to help kill the dragons. So if you're fighting a dragon, only a dragonslayer character can kill the dragon officially. Also, Natsu is taking on Rogue himself in an epic mage fight... He could need your help.

Whatever happens, in the end, all the dragonslayers are killed, along with most of your characters! You must kill most of your own characters off. But a mage casts a spell to throw back time, taking her own life in the process. All the deaths that happened, didn't happen and the dragons are thrown back into the past, where they belong.

No matter what Fandom you chose (Harry Potter, Once Upon A Time, or Fairy Tail), your new character (Task 3 Mandatory, that you've already fully built) meets your other ones in the task and saves one or more of your characters!

Artifacts that you can find at the end of your entry:

This round, I'm doing the artifacts differently. Rather than items you can find, these artifacts are actually people that show up to help you fight. These people can either stay with your group from now on, or simply disappear after this task. The people you can find are:

- A pure white and pure black tiger. They're brothers (from the book series Tiger's Curse

- A handsome, fallen angel named Patch (from the book series called Hush, Hush)

- Celaena Sardothien, an assassin (from the book series Throne of Glass )

- One of the four children from Narnia, either Peter, Edmund, Lucy, or Susan (from the series called Narnia

- Either two hobbits named Merry and Pip, or two dwarf brothers named Fili and Kili (from the Lord of the Rings series and the Hobbit)

Due date:

Wednesday December 6th, 6pm central. This gives you TWO weeks and two days due to Thanksgiving.

The first three people to hand in will receive an extra 500 words on word count to use on any task before the semi-finals AND an extra 0.5 added to their TASK score

The last two people to hand in will have to kill off a character will have to kill off a character and will have 0.5 taken off their overall score

If you hand in before December 1st, then you can create a character from any video game of your choice and will receive details about Task 4 and a hint about task 5, along with 200 extra words to use next round

If you hand in after December 3rd, then you will lose any sponsorship you have, not win any awards this round, and not be able to create any characters next round.

Word count:



Chess Came Strategist - Whoever wins this award will show me an epic chess game filled with strategy moves

Magic Comes With A Price - Whoever wins this award will show me the OUAT quote "All magic comes with a price." It must happen to one of your own characters

Evil Isn't Born - Whoever wins this award will give me feels for a villain - It can be one from the OUAT task or the one that you made!

Fairy Tail Never Gives Up - Whoever wins this award will SHOW me that Fariy Tail never gives up. This is a major theme in Fairy Tail and I'm going to be picky. GIVE ME FAIRY TAIL FEELS - either with Fairy Tail, your characters, or both.

The rewards for these are hidden and special - each one may have its own bonus or one bonus for everything. The awards will be a SURPRISE (remember last tasks the awards were epic)


SIX characters belonging to other tributes. FOUR are required

Character Deaths:

THIS IS NEW AND ITS REQUIRED. It's how many of your own characters you will have to kill in entry, just like other tributes' character deaths.

2 - You must kill off 2 of your own characters. If you chose Fairy Tail, I suggest it be at the beginning of your entry because the time spell goes back a minute and thus any deaths done in that minute won't count.

Sponsorship Perks:

-wordsmith- Ozrakh has given all of your tributes one potions of adrenaline to use when their own adrenaline runs out. This will allow them to fight for a longer period of time. Thus, you as a writer also have a 12 hour extension to use without worrying about being late or dealing with a late punishment

Several7s -Unseelie King has given FOUR of your characters Farie potions that will allow them to fly for a short period of time. Thus, you as a writer have an extended word count to 5,000

jaypvie- Fire Lord Ozai has given your characters a special drink that allows any magic or abilities your characters have to work ONE time during the chess game, causing damage to one of your opponent's pieces; it won't be enough to kill them, but it will actually do some damage. Thus, you as a writer can name one person and they will have to kill off one of their characters.

OliviaBinfield - Count Dooku has given your characters special knowledge about where the villain you choose has hidden - where their lair is. Thus, you as the writer can ask who has balloted you for this task.

animallover1321 - Zai has given one of your characters a drink that will let ONE of your characters control another character for a short period of time.

JesterheadJohnSnow - Avek has given your characters a boost with the Force, making any abilities or powers they have more powerful for a short period of time. Thus, you as a writer may add 0.5 points onto your TASK score, or any other writer's task score of your choice.


Ballot punishments:

1 - ZSB2000, Several7s, jesusfreak202 - Because you were targeted the most, you must make the overall theme of your entry revolving around a song of your choice - list this song at the beginning of your entry.

2 - jaypvie, TARDIS_at_221b_, BeyondDuck, wordmith- - Because you were targeted in the middle, you must incorporate the phrase: "I can't last much longer" somewhere in your entry.

3 - OliviaBinfield, animallover1321, Sara_R_Stark, JesterheadJohnSnow - Because you were targeted the least, one of your characters must be mortally wounded in your entry.

If I forgot anything, please let me know. I know this is a lot of information to take in, so please comment here or PM me with any questions.

Good luck 

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