Task 4: Awards and Rankings

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Here are the awards handed out this task:

Bushido - JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, jesusfreak202, TARDIS_at_221B_, animallover1321. All of you who won this award will be able to make a character that knows a hero from any book or movie. You also win ten extra Idea Points.

Shinsengumi - JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, wordsmith-, jesusfreak202, TARDIS_at_221B_, animallover1321. Everyone who won this award can tweak a main character from a list of Fandoms I will provide in the Character Creation Pre Task Five chapter. You also will be allowed to save at least TWO of your own characters from having to be killed off in Task Five - another words you can kill off two characters less than the required amount next round.

Moments - JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, wordsmith-, OliviaBinfield, jesusfreak202, TARDIS_at_221B_, animallover1321. Everyone who won this award will be able to pick a moment from their favorite fandom on the Fandoms list and create a character that witnessed that moment even if it tweaks the scene a little bit. You also win the right to bring back ONE of your dead characters from any task you've killed them off.

tiffanyjane1997, jaypvie, you both won the award Shinsengumi and Moments and Sara_R_Stark you won the award Moments, but because you guys handed in after January 3rd, you are not allowed to receive the awards from them. Sorry.

First three people to hand in - JesterheadJohnSnow was the first, Several7s was the second, and wordsmith- was the third. You all will receive an extra 0.5 added onto your task score.

The last two people to hand in - tiffanyjane1997 was second to last and jaypvie was the last (subject to change when ZSB200's entry comes in). You both will have to kill off an extra character and have 0.5 taken off your overall score.

Handed in before the new year - JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, wordsmith, OliviaBinfield, jesusfreak202, animallover1321. You can make three characters from any fandom you choose, receive an extra 1,000 words on word count, and you have the right to use an automatic score of 10 on task 6, so long as you hand in an entry for Task 6.

Handed in after January 3rd - Sara_R-Stark, tiffanyjane1997, jaypvie, ZSB2000. All of you will (sadly) lose any sponsorship you had, not win any awards this task, and are not allowed to create any characters this character creation pre task. Next time, hand in before the punishment deadline to avoid all this.

Here are the updated list of sponsorships:

wordsmith- - Ozrakh is highly impressed with your team and he will offer you even more help. Continue the amazing work.

Several7s - The Unseelie King smiled upon your team today because they performed well; just as he had hoped.

animallover1321 - Zai was most entertained watching your tributes but she is keeping a close eye on you. Be wary.

JesterheadJohnSnow - Avek is pleased with what he is seeing. Keep up the power he sees within your team.

TARDIS_at_221B_ - Kaellyr has finally found a tribute worthy of his sponsorship. He is most impressed with you. See to it that you do not fail him.

jesusfreak202 - Vaymik is still intrigued.

Keelie has dropped ZSB2000, Ozai has dropped jaypvie. Jaypvie, do not lose heart, for Ozai might be interested in continuing your sponsorship next task, if you do not fail him.

Count Dooku is watching you, OliviaBinfield and if you do not impress him next time, he will drop your sponsorship as well.

Here are the scores for this task alone:

1. Several7s = 12.3

2. wordsmith- =12.2

3. TARDIS_at_221B_ = 12

4. jesusfreak202 = 11.5

5. jaypvie = 11.4

6. JesterheadJohnSnow = 10.8

7. animallover1321 =10.2

8. tiffanyjane1997 = 9.5

9. Sara_R_Stark = 9.3

10. OliviaBinfield = 8.1

11. ZSB2000 = PENDING

Here are the scores overall:

1. wordsmith- [60.4]

2. jaypvie [59.7]

3. Several7s [58.9]

4. JesterheadJohnSnow [56.7]

5. jesusfreak202 [56.2]

6. animallover1321 [52.6]

7. TARDIS_at_221B_ [52]

8. OliviaBinfield [49.9]

9. Sara_R_Stark [49.7]

10. tiffanyjane1997 [44.8]

11. ZSB2000 = PENDING

Here are the ballot rankings:

1. wordsmith- 5

2. jesusfreak202 - 4

3. jaypvie - 3

4. Several7s - 2

4. TARDIS_at_221b_ - 2

4. ZSB2000 - 2

5. Sara_R_Stark - 1

5. JesterheadJohnSnow - 1

6. animallover1321 - 0

6. OliviaBinfield - 0

6. tiffanyjane1997 - 0

Here is a list of Idea Points you each have (not including awards):

wordsmith- 9 (5 used buying characters, 5 from task 4)

JesterheadJohnSnow - 4 and 10 extra from award (10 used, 3 from task 4)

jesusfreak202 - 5 and 10 extra from award (5 used, plus extra 15 used, 5 from task 4)

animallover1321 - 3 and 10 extra from award (5 used, plus extra 15 used, 3 from task 4)

ZSB2000 - 11 (5 used, any more pending)

jaypvie - 23 (0 used, 4 from task 4)

Several7s - 7 and 10 extra from award (5 used, 5 from task 4)

TARDIS_at_221B_ - 17 and 10 extra from award (0 used, 5 from task 4)

OliviaBinfield - 15 (5 used, 2 from task 4)

tiffanyjane1997 - 4 (15 used, 2 from task 4)

Sara_R_Stark - 9 (0 used, 2 from task 4)

Let me know if I forgot anything! All the extra points or points taken off have been applied to the rankings as well as the awards any of you have PM-ed me about. Next will be the character creation task! 

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