Task 5: My Entry

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My word count is 5,844 (Yes I DID IT WOO). I am using my sponsorship perk to ignore the aspect of the grading rubric that would take away from following a task rule - the people I killed in this entry were made up and I had to do it for the sake of the case. It's hard to build victimology with characters in this games. Lol. I did my ballot punishment and killed off 7 of my own characters. And I didn't pick up any artifacts. Enjoy. 

Lights flashed in a kladescope of colors, dancing across the floor of the nightclub. Bodies packed together, smelling of the bitter stench of sweat, the spicy scent of alcohol, and the sweet aroma of blood. Music thundered from the speakers, vibrating the floor through to Azzaro's toes. His sensative hearing picked up the tiny tremors that the vibrations made as the sound exited the speakers. When his eyes turned black, Azzaro's veins appeared on his face as a woman grinded up against his hips. With a growl, he wrapped his arms around her.

"Ready to have a good time, baby?" she murmured, sashaying back and forth in time with the raging beat.

"I'm always ready." With that, Azzaro sank his teeth into her neck. To everyone else, it looked as if he was passionately kissing her. The flavor of blood exploded in his mouth, dragging forth the vampiristic instincts inside him. His blood pumped loud and hard as he drained her. When he was finished, he placed her body on a couch beside other people passed out from drug use.

Sitting at a bar, eyeing him, was a beautiful blonde woman.

Azzaro grinned and darted over to her at a quick human pace. "You've been looking at me."

The woman's eyes traced up his body. "You're quite handsome."

Azzaro leaned toward her, kissing her cheek. As she tilted her head back, he planted kisses along her jawline until he reached her neck. "Don't scream or move," he compelled, looking in her eyes. She froze and he plunged his fangs into her neck.


Standing at the crime scene, Rhys grimaced. No matter how many times he did this, it never got any easier.

"There are two puncture holes in her neck." Erik, the forensic scientist on their team, placed the plastic cover back over the vic's face.

"What do you think COD was?" Rhys looked around the nightclub, empty of partiers and instead filled with local police and FBI agents.

Erik stood up, crossing his arms. "Hard to say without speaking to the M.E., but my first guess is exsanguination. Based on how pale she is and the lack of color in her veins."

Rhys nodded with another grimace, gesturing to the first victim, her body displayed on a couch across from where the first vic's body was.

"Same thing," said another member of their team, named Adrienne. She was the oldest on their team and the best profiler they had. "Two puncture wounds to the cartied artery. Pale skin, lack of color to the veins."

"So how is the Unsub bleeding them dry without anyone noticing?" Rhys questioned, looking around the club. "This place is packed every night. Someone would have noticed."

Erik shrugged. "Maybe he took them and drained them somewhere else, then dropped their bodies off here. Everyone else might have thought they were just passed out from alcohol or drugs."

Rhys nodded. "If that's the case then where he laid them is special. There's gotta be some kind of meaning to it."

Adrienne frowned. "I don't like this. We definitely have a serial on our hands, but not like any we've seen before. We've been here for weeks with no leads and a profile that isn't helping. I think we need to call in the BAU from Quantico in on this."

Rhys' eyes widened. The Quantico BAU team was the most famous FBI profiling team. If the Kansas City team needed their help, then... This case was worse than he thought. He couldn't stomach the idea of this guy being out and free. Maybe with their help, they could all catch him. "Okay. I'll make a call."


"So we're supposed to be catching an asesino?" Lolita glanced at Isaac with an eyebrow raised.

Isaac nodded. "That's what the file says." He had to admit, out of all the realms they had been sent to, he was happy to be home, back on earth. Working on a case was just like any other day at work for him. Isaac was back in his element. With well over fifty people on his team, he was happy that they were at least somewhere he knew like the back of his hand, somewhere he could keep them safe.

"Lolita, Aria, and Rhavvi, take Bry, Tiger, and Razzet with you to the hotel. Zerathia, you should go with them." Isaac paused, letting that sink in, before he looked at the group of more difficult tributes. "Zira, Osciine, Ajax, Midaji, Eogan, you should go with them. Mystee, Tyvon, Zia, Mykkan, you too. Liam... stay with them, so that if we need someone, you can teleport them back and forth." The group nodded and to his surprise, none of them protested. Even Zira looked happier than usual.

"As long as the hotel isn't cheap, then it's fine by me. I'll just stay away from the rest of you losers." Zira grinned.

Osciine looked at Ajax. "Least we can brawl to keep ourselves occupied."

"Akane, would you go with them?" Isaac asked.

Akane nodded. "I would love to come with the young'ins."

As Liam began teleporting them back to the hotel in groups of four, Isaac looked at the rest of his tributes. He had already divided them into separate groups based on their skills and who would help with certain parts of the case. "Some of you will help in parts of the case better than others," Isaac started. "For this reason, I've separated you based on your skills. Azaki, Zaylee, Lyzerri and Sarah, you will be working with the two BAU teams' analysts to research anything we need about the case. Naturally, they'll send their agents to the crime scenes and I want Tyler, Nia, Jace, and Khulan to go with them - you'll be helpful tracking the Unsub. Padme, Suzi, and Lina, I want you to work with their media coordinator, but Suzi, you'll speak to everyone on the phone. Here on earth, no one knows that animals can walk upright and talk." As they all nodded, Isaac continued. "Likewise, I also want Padme to help talk to the families. Odette, Mallia, Akari Okada, Lynia, Rhivaria, and Averella, I want you to as well. Jared and Skull, your mind reading abilities will help with that, so listen in for details. Akari Kondou, Matt, Katai, Tyson, Konosuke, Takayo, Shinji, Mythix, Jecht, Mushu, River, and Blake, you will be joining patrols and protecting anyone that might be a target. They'll have a few of their agents interview any suspects we arrest, so Skull and Jared, you'll both be listening on those interviews as well. Vymik and Kanan, you both can use the Force to help. Does everyone understand?"

When they all nodded, Isaac started up the Impala to drive them to the police station where the two BAU profiling teams were waiting.


Journey leaned over to the BAU Quantico Team's analyst, Penelope Garcia. "Look, I've never explained a case to this many people before, so you think you can handle this?" Journey asked her.

Penelope grinned. "Oh, honey, I've had this since yesterday."

Journey chuckled. They had only been working together for a couple of hours, but she was really starting to like Penelope. She didn't have many friends and she definitely didn't meet anyone who was a geek like her.

Fortunately, the police station had a basement with an empty room and two long tables with enough chairs to hold the sixty-plus people gathered there. Obviously, this was not a typical case. At least everyone has name tags. I doubt anyone could remember names except Reed and I, Journey thought.

"This case is top priority," the Quantico team leader, Hotch stated. "Go ahead, Garcia."

"Thank you, sir." Garcia stood up and Journey was super grateful it was Garcia talking and not her. She was content getting information on the case and letting Penelope tell everyone about it. "Over the past three weeks, bodies have been found, two at a time. The first two victims were Tracy and Max O'neath... The couple was out jogging together and their bodies were drained of blood. The second were two friends, Alley Reeves and Bethany Luve who were having a sleepover. There was evidence of sexual assault, but their bodies were also drained of blood. Then, last night, two women - Erin Carth and Neela Vikens - with no apparent connection were found at Seamers, which is a nightclub downtown. They were also drained of blood. We also just received information that four more bodies turned up this morning at a gym - Amanda Wiess, Kyle Lendham, Vikki Norvald, and Ashley Nerra. Amanda was the only one whose body was completely drained, but Vikki had signficant blood loss, and both Kyle and Ashley had been severely beaten," Garcia explained.

Adrienne scrolled over on the tablet. "The only thing that's the same is the blood being drained. He's reckless and impulsive - each crime is different...Even the details."

Morgan gestured to the pictures on the screen. "Why the sudden escalation? This guy goes from two bodies every week, to four in a massacre."

"His M.O also changed," Rhys added. "It's like two victims weren't enough and he escalated from only taking blood to downright violence and sadism."

Khulan glared at the screen. "The blood loss and puncture holes... This is identical to a million other cases where I'm from - vampires."

Reed glanced at him. "Did you know that Porphyria is a rare hereditary blood disease with symptons that are uncannyily similiar to what is perceived as the classic characteristics of a vampire?"

Khulan shook his head. "We are from other realms, which means that whoever is doing this could be as well."

Isaac nodded, placing his hands on the table. "It's true. If we're here, then that means the Unseelie King has something planned for his games. Whatever this case is, I have a feeling it deals with other realms too."

Hotch closed his folder. "Either way, he's escalating, which means we don't have much time before there's more victims. The massacres will only increase in number."


"Let's go over victimology," Hotch said.

"It's all over the place -" Deonte started. "Tracy and Max were a couple, both of them from middle class and in their 30's. Alley and Bethany were college girls, both working extra jobs to make ends meet."

Morgan nodded. "But Erin and Neela were high risk victims, living the party life, barely a dime to their name. Then you've got a gym with four people in upper class."

"His type keeps changing too," Nia said. "Max was the first man and he didn't kill another one until Kyle. Tracy was a readhead, Bethany and Alley were both brunettes, Neela and Erin were both blondes. Amanda had streaks, Vikki with dyed hair, and Ashley was another brunette."

Adrienne slowly nodded, scribbling onto her notebook. "He's extremely impulsive. Where the first two crimes were planned out and organized, these last two crimes were just the opposite - taking victims of opportunity, changing his M.O, being inconsistent with his victimology - it all points to a highly reckless and impulsive behavior."

"Yeah, and that points to this Unsub being young - changing what he wants with his moods," Rhys said.

David Rossi frowned and said, "But the organization of his previous crimes suggests experience and for that he has to be at least in his upper 20's."

Isaac shook his head at the tablet. "He's also a sadist - the sexual assault at the second crime scene combined with beating two of the victims from the last crime scene implies that he's doing what he wants and he enjoys it."

Hotch glanced at Isaac and Adrienne. "As the other team leaders, I'll let you assign your teams while I assign mine. Reed and David, I want you both to talk to the M.E and see what you else you can find out about the bodies. Morgan and Printess, head over to the latest crime scene, and JJ, stay with me to work the profile here at the police station."

They all nodded as Adrienne closed her notebook. "Rhys, I want you to head over to the first crime scene. We'll compare it to what they find out about the gym. Erik, go with Reed and Morgan to the M.E, see if you can find more information on the earliest victims. Deonte you'll stay here with me."

Isaac looked at the rest of his team. "Nia and Tyler, go with Rhys to the first crime scene; Khulan and Jace head over with Morgan and Printess to the latest. Padme, work with Adrienne, JJ, Suzi, and Lina to coordinate with the media while Odette, Mallia, Akari Okada, Averella, Lynia, and Rhivaria interviews the families. Jared and Skull, listen in. Vamik and Kanan, I want you to review the suspects the police have already. Azaki, Zaylee, Lyzerri, and Sarah are already with Journey and Garcia back at the research department. The rest of you, stay here."


"These woods are definitely isolated." Rhys glanced around them at the thick trees.

Nia walked off the path deeper into the trees, while Tyler knelt down at the jogging path. "Yeah, if you stray off the path, you could easily get lost in here. Unless you're a local," Nia said.

Tyler pressed his hand against the ground, tracing in old tracks that were mostly gone. "The tracks are mostly gone, but they would have come through here. With the isolation, no one would have seen the murderer drain their blood."

Rhys nodded in agreement. "They tell joggers to always jog with someone - Tracy and Max were together, so how did the Unsub ambush them both?"

Tyler stood up while Nia exited the woods back onto the jogging path. He was happy to have her back in his sight, but he forced his thoughts to focus on the case. "Either blitz attack Max from behind, or use Tracy against him."

Rhys shook his head. "This doesn't make sense. I went to the nightclub right after we got word of it and that place would have been packed. We couldn't figure out how he drained Erin and Neela of blood with no one noticing. Unless he drained them somewhere else and displayed them there."

"That feels like too much work for this guy." Nia crossed her arms. "Adrienne said he's reckless and impulsive. Even these earlier scenes, organized and planned as they are, still feel like he's improvising with his victim choices. How could he be so impulsive and then take the time to drain them somewhere else just to plant them in the nightclub?"

"He wouldn't," Tyler said. "He left Tracy and Max here in the woods, where he drained them."


Khulan grimaced as the scents of fresh blood filled his nostrils. He had already drank a blood bag that morning, so he didn't currently need any.

"If I'm the Unsub, I come into the gym," Morgan started, walking through the door. Prentiss stood on a treadmill, just like Ashley would have.

"As soon as you come in, I can see you." Printess looked up at Morgan.

Morgan shrugged. "So maybe you're listening to music, or maybe I fit right in. I come at you, so how do I control Kyle, Vikki, and Amanda too?"

Jace looked up in the corner. "Security cameras."

Printess headed outside the gym. "I'll talk to the owner and take a look at it."

Khulan took a deep breath. There were several unfamiliar scents - human body odor, blood, and perfume, but there was something underneath it all. The scent of a vampire. "I don't recognize the scent, but there was definitely a vampire here," he said.

Morgan lifted an eyebrow, but before he could say anything, Prentiss walked in with the owner.

"... in the back, so I can show you what we have."

They followed behind the owner as he pulled the footage and reversed it to the previous hours. Sure enough, a man strolled in, looking Ashley right in the eyes. Just as she stopped moving, he zipped around the room, too fast for the camera to see.

"What?" Morgan asked.

"Definitely a vampire. He compelled Ashley not to move and then got to work, compelling the others," Khulan said.

"He's careful to hide his face, though. Which proves he is organized." Morgan frowned.

"Then why so reckless?" Printess asked.

Khulan shook his head. "It's the vampire instincts in him. He's organized as a person, but when the bloodlust takes over, he goes for who he wants, when he wants them. It explains so much."

Prentiss grimaced. "We need to get this tape to the rest of the team."


"Having help coordinating with the media will be beneficial," Adrienne said, glancing at Padme, JJ, and Lina. She looked at Suzi with widened eyes. Padme suspected it was because on this planet, few of them had seen any races other than humans.

"What do you need us to do?" Padme looked at Adrienne with a pleasant smile.

"I need to get back with the profile. We've been contacted by a few news stations, so Suzi, I want you to call them and set up a time for a press conference. Padme, I'm going to need you to speak at the conference. We don't want to start a panic and we cannot have it released that the Unsub a vampire. Here on earth, nothing... fantastical exists, so we need to make him seem like just another serial killer. Because he's reckless and impulsive, Hotch suggested we can go ahead and let them know that we're following leads on the case and in the meantime tell the people not to go out alone after dark - stay in extremely public places and don't talk to anyone you don't know."

Padme nodded. "I understand."

JJ glanced at Lina. "Lina, you and I can set up a tip hotline and stay on that."

"Suzi, you can help them, but keep track of the press," Adrienne ordered. "Padme, if we need to hold another conference as the investigation continues, I will let you know."

An hour later, Padme stood in front of a podium. It was slimplistic compared to the senate house back on Coruscant and not near as many people had gathered. Padme felt as if she was where she belonged and more importantly, where she could help the case the most. Below the podium, a crowd had gathered, each one with devices Lina told her where cameras, microphones, and notepads, devices for writing, recording, and speaking loudly so everyone could hear.

"The FBI has been working hard to investigate the recent string of murders found in the city. Everyone must be vigilent. If you must travel at night, please travel in a large group and only visit the most public of places in the area. Do not talk to or leave with anyone you do not know. This man is vicious, so be on your guard. If anyone has seen anything, specifically from the nightclub called Seamers or from the gym called Moving, please call our tipline." Padme held her head up high as the crowd of news reporters talked simultaneously.

"In the blue shirt in front," she said, eyeing a man with glasses in the front row.

"Is it true that the FBI has put two FBI teams together, and that they're working with a mysterious government organization?"

Padme smiled brightly. "The FBI BAU's Quantico and Kansas City teams are working together on this case and they are the only organizations that work for the government. In the red dress." Padme gestured to a woman in the middle.

"Will the numbers of the dead at each massacre start to rise?"

"We are following leads on the murderer and seek to protect the citizens of this city. No further questions or comments. Thank you," Padme said. Deep inside, she couldn't help but wonder how many more people would die before they caught the killer.


Odette handed Mr. and Mrs. Weiss - Amanda's parents - a box of tissues as they sat down on a sofa. She and Averella sat on one across from them. Her heart broke for them, watching Mrs. Weiss stare emptily into space. "What was Amanda like, Mr. and Mrs. Wiess?"

Mr. Wiess closed his eyes and smiled. "She was a bright student - intelligent, beautiful. She had a lot of friends and went into Harvard. We had plenty of money and wanted her to have everything she wanted."

Through the glass window of the room, Odette could see the other two interview rooms just like it. In one of them, Mallia and Akari were speaking to an older couple and in the second, Lynia and Rhivaria both spoke to a middle aged man.

"Is there anyone who would want to hurt her?" Averella's eyes softened.

Mrs. Wiess gasped. "Of course not! What are you trying to say?"

"Mrs. Wiess," Odette started, "we are not trying to imply anything."

Averella nodded in agreement. "We just have to make sure that whoever did this isn't someone who was directly targeting her. All we want is to catch the killer so Amanda and the other victims can have justice."

Mrs. Wiess slowly nodded. "Um, no. There were a few girls who were jealous of her, but no one who would... Who - who would..." She sobbed and tears poured from her eyes.

Odette placed a hand on Mrs. Wiess leg. "Thank you."


Kanan waved his hand, using the Force to influence the mind of the man sitting across from him in an interview room. "Tell me what you saw last night at the nightclub Seamers."

The man's eyes went blank and he spoke in a monotone. "Everything was spinning. People were dancing and there was this girl, man she was hot. I sat beside her and tried to speak to her, but she was layin' there, passed out on the sofa. I checked for a pulse and realized she was dead! She was dead, man! When I looked up, there was a guy kissing this girl's neck near the bar... He looked up and grinned and I - I swear, he had blood on his mouth, man! Real blood!"

Kanan glanced at Vymik, trying to ignore how he was forced to work with the Sith. In the window behind him, even though he couldn't see through it, Kanan could sense Jared and Hotch's presence as they listened in on the interview.


Hotch glanced at Jared, who was peering into the druggie's mind. "Get a sketch artist in there," Hotch said to an officer.

"I have what the man looks like. This man's memories of him are foggy, but I've got something." Jared hated prying into someone's mind, especially a man who had been on strange drugs, but he knew it was the only way to catch the killer.

Hotch nodded. "Good. We'll have you talk to the sketch artist after him to make sure the details are there."


Everyone working on the case gave out the sketch of the vampire. Now it was time to wait for tips on the hotline and continue working the profile. After a few days on the case and no new leads, Isaac decided that a few of his tributes could use a break. Some of them didn't want to come. Adrienne and her team and Hotch and his team continued working the profile.

In the meantime, Isaac took Osciine, Ajax, River, Xaraan, and Droshin - who had somehow survived from his wounds at the Shinsengumi headquarters- to a cafe. He brought along Erik and Mallia to hopefully keep the others from causing problems or starting fights.

"What can I get ya, honey?" the barista asked, holding a tray full of coffee.

Issac looked up at her. "Coffee, black." As the other seven ordered their drinks, Isaac leaned back in his chair with a sigh. Mentally, he was going over the details of the case. A reckless, sadistic, and impulsive vampire who knew how to cover his tracks could strike anytime and anywhere. Their only real hope was the sketch.

Isaac glanced up at the bulletin board. Erik had already placed the sketch up on it and was speaking to the barista as she placed coffee on another table. Shifting his gaze to the table, Isaac kept going over and over the information. It felt like there was something they were missing, but he couldn't figure out what.

Two men killed; one at the first crime scene and one at the latest. He escalated from two victims, to four in a massacre and then goes silent for two days. What are we missing? Isaac thought.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash in the back. The barista had fallen to the floor and the other one lay behind the counter. All Isaac had time to see was a pool of blood flowing through the opening of the counter.

By the time Isaac shifted his gaze to the tributes across from his table, both Xaraan and Droshin stared at him in shock. Behind them was a man matching the sketch artist and his hands were plunged into their chest as he tore their hearts out.

Isaac reached for his pistol, but the man disappeared. In that same second, Ajax had his sword unsheathed - much faster than Isaac. Osciine pulled out her battleaxe, and River shouted. Her blast of energy hit the wall behind where Droshin and Xaraan's bodies both fell. The man wasn't there.

As Isaac pulled out his pistol, Osciine's battleaxe was plunged into her chest. The man threw it against the wall and it impaled her body.

Isaac loaded his gun while Ajax disappeared in a blur of blue and white with the man, fighting him faster than Isaac's human eyes could fully see. By the time Isaac blinked, Ajax's head flew across the room and landed in the corner.

Cocking his gun, Isaac watched Ajax's body still. At last, the man stood still, coated in a thick layer of blood. River opened her mouth to shout, but the man zipped over to her and ripped out her throat.

Issac and Erik fired at him, but the man simply zipped around them. He grinned sadistically as Isaac and Erik whirled around to aim at him again.

The man broke Erik's arm and twisted it.

Isaac fired off several rounds, aiming for the man instead of Erik. The thundering sounds of the shots echoed through the cafe. Pain exploded in Isaac's chest before he had a chance to hide for cover.

Glancing down, he saw six holes in his chest. Coughing up blood, he collapsed to the floor, bleeding out. His heartrate slowed and his visioned began to fade. The agony inside him fled, leaving his body cold.

"No, please don't hurt me!" Mallia screamed with a sob.

Isaac blinked as the man approached Mallia and growled. As Isaac's vision completely blackened, his unconsiouness faded into nothingness.


Objectivity. Compartmentalization. It was something Matt learned as a soldier. When a comrade died, it was natural to grieve, but... A soldier could never let that grief keep him from focusing on his mission.

Both of the BAU teams continued talking about the profile and trying to catch this bastard. Others, like Kanan and Blake, were staring off into space. Jared and Averella had left the room entirely, as if they couldn't bare to be around the heartache and tragedy. Akari, Lolita, Odette and a few others were crying.

Matt wasn't sure what he was doing. He sat in a chair as his eyes watched the two BAU teams. His ears listened to their words, but his mind... While his mind and thoughts took him to a dark place, grief and pain overtook his heart. Isaac, their leader, the man who had tried so hard to protect them, to save them, the man who had introduced every single one of them, the man Matt had known for weeks now... was dead.

River's throat had been shredded. Osciine had been impaled. Ajax's head had been ripped off. Droshin and Xaraan's hearts had been torn out. Erik and Isaac had both been shot. Mallia's body had been completely drained of blood.

Listening to the conversation, Matt's thoughts focused on the vampire and how they were going to catch him... and kill him.

"Upon investigating the crime scene," Adrienne started, her voice objective, "we discovered that he took the time to drain Mallia's body of blood."

"He wouldn't have had time to do that until everyone else was already dead." Morgan played with a pen on the table.

"Guys, take a look at this." Reed stood up and walked over to the map of the city. As he talked, he pointed to red dots scattered on the map. "Each dot represents a place where the victims were killed. If you connect the dots..." He paused, drawing lines connecting each of them. It formed a triangular shape, with a direct center that Reed pointed to. "The center is this area here."

Hotch nodded and pressed a button on the phone.

"Speak and it shall be done, my lovelies," Garcia said.

"Whattya need?" Journey asked.

"I need you both to search for other murders in the area where bodies have been drained of blood- focus on downtown." Hotch looked at the phone as he spoke.

Khulan rose and walked closer to the phone, leaning over it. "Also, could you look up for any reports of people losing their memory, or maybe having accidents... being attacked by animals?"

"Can do. We'll get back to you in a bit." Journey said as the call clicked off.

Adrienne glanced at Khulan. "What are you thinking?"

"Vampires typically escalate. We have the ability to compel humans to forget encounters, so if there's a bunch of cases with memory loss... combined with them only remembering animal attacks, which is a typical excuse we fill in the memories with, then it's a good chance it's our guy." Khulan sat down in a chair.

Adrienne nodded. "Good thinking. In the meantime, let's review the first crime scene again."


"According to my archive that I managed to connect to your servers," Azaki started, looking at Journey and Garcia, who were both sitting at several computer screens, "I've managed to find a report of a woman named Rachel O'neath."

"O'neath..." Journey murmured. "That's the last name of the first two victims."

"Give me a sec." Garcia typed on her computer keyboard and pulled up the report. Lyzerri, Zaylee, and Sarah stood behind her to read it. "According to the reports, four weeks ago, Rachel reported a break in. She said that a man came in and raped her and then drank her blood, but because she was on drugs and had been arrested for prostitution before, the police officers brushed it off and didn't investigate it. Her brother, Max O'neath, the first male vic, got arrested for assaulting an officer. Apparently, Max told the offcier that he knew name of the man who had hurt his sister - someone named Azzaro. When the police refused to investigate it, Max went postal and attacked the officers."

Journey exchanged a look with her. "Do you think that's why the vampire killed Max and strayed from his M.O of only female victims? To get revenge for giving his name up?"

Garcia nodded. "It's a possiblity. Now I just gotta find Azzaro's address..."

"Going to be hard with only a first name." Lyzerri sighed.

"Give me a minute, guys." Azaki began typing at her archive, trying to find out anything that could help them.


Tyson was happy to finally have something to do. It irritated him that he hadn't been able to do anything to save the eight members of their team... Especially one of their leaders, Isaac.

Tyson and the other tributes on the protection team followed the two BAU groups to Azzaro's house. Apparently, there was only two men named Azzaro in the downtown area and one was currently doing ten years in jail. That only left one.

They raided his house.

Khulan broke down the door and he and Tyson zipped to the front of the group, since they were the two vampires.

Inside, Azzaro was making out with a woman on the couch, drinking from her neck. "What is this?" he hissed, jumping to his feet.

Without wasting any time, Khulan and Tyson grabbed either of his arms to hold him in place as Akari Kondou rushed forward with her katana raised, preparing to slice off his head. "This is for Isaac-san," she said.

"Wait!" Hotch, Morgan, Reed, Rhys, Adrienne, Deonte, Akari Okada, and Shinji rushed into the room, guns raised. Shinji's katana was still sheathed. "Do not kill him!"

Morgan glared at them. "If you kill him, then you're no better than he is."

Akari began to shake. "I - I -"

"Akari," Shinji said, stepping toward her. "You know this isn't the honorable thing to do. Let them take him in and arrest him. He will go to prison for the rest of his life."

"We can even give them vervain," Khulan said. "It will hold him."

"Akari Kondou," Akari Okada said. "Please do not do this. Do not lower yourself to his level."

Akari sheathed her katana and they arrested Azzaro.

Tyson met Akari Kondou's eyes. Deep inside, Tyson thought they should have killed him for what he did. Azzaro didn't show our team any mercy. Why should we? Tyson thought.


Azzaro grinned as the fools injected him with vervain back at the station. The instant they did, the two vampires on either side of him relaxed and left the interrogation room.

All his life, he had been drinking a little vervain. Slowly, over time as the years passed by, he had become nearly ammune to it. They had only given him a dose that would have taken down a normal vampire. It was going to take a lot more vervain than that to take him down.

With a growl, Azzaro sped out of the door faster than they all could see. A beautiful redheaded woman walked down the hallway with some type of yellow glowing screen in the air in front of her. Azzaro grabbed her around the neck and placed his fangs right against her skin.

She screamed and the yellow glowing screen disappeared.

Everyone in the room all jumped up and turned. The vampire-werewolf hybrid started toward them. "Don't move. You're fast," Azzaro said, "but not fast enough before I rip her throat out."

The woman whimpered.

Another man with black shaggy hair stepped forward. "Just let her go," he said through gritted teeth. "Azaki, don't move, okay?"

"Takayo..." Azaki murmured.

"As we speak, all the vampires that I turned are surrounding the police station," Azzaro said, hearing their growls and hisses outside. "They're going to tear this place apart."

A man in the back glared at the door. "I can sense several beings approaching." He ignited a blue glowing lazer sword.

"What's it going to be, guys? Let me go... or all of you die?"

Character deaths:

Isaac, Erik, Mallia, River, Osciine, Ajax, Droshin (again), and Xaraan. 8 total. 

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