Task 6: Crossover

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"He's here," Count Dooku said, looking at his appentice, Avek.

"Who, Master?" Avek cocked his head.

"My old master... Yoda. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are with him. Now is the time, Avek!" Dooku ordered.

"Yes, Master," Avek said. "I sense five other presenses with them."

"You know what to do."


Welcome, everyone, to Task Six! Like the title says, this Task is a crossover task... Between Star Wars and Avatar, The Last Airbender! 

Your characters are battle weary, wounded from the previous tasks and fights. As they nurse their wounds, try to recover from all the deaths, and wait by their vehicles for the next task to begin, they desperately try to keep going through the pain, both internal and external.

The warehouse doors open. At first, your characters think it's just more tributes. Upon second glance, however, they realize that's not the case.

Standing before you are three different groups of people.

First, is Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's a famous Jedi General and he's a Jedi Master on the Jedi Council. He is standing beside Sokka from the water tribe, dressed in typical blue water tribe attire, and a blind girl named Toph, wearing green and yellow earth nation clothing.

Second, is Anakin Skywalker. He once learned under Obi-Wan himself, but now Anakin is a Jedi General himself. He's the best pilot in the galaxy and extremely famous. He's won many battles in the Clone Wars. Beside Anakin is Aang, a bald kid who is dressed in orange and yellow monk clothing with blue arrow tattoos on his body.

Third, is the most famous Jedi Master of all, and the oldest - a little green alien named Yoda. He speaks with verbs at the ends of his sentences, but despite that and his height, he's feared and revered. He stands beside Katara, Sokka's sister, who's also wearing typical blue water tribe clothing. Beside her is Zuko, a man with a burn scar on the left side of his face, wearing Fire Nation clothing. Despite it, he's not with the Fire Nation - just the opposite in fact.

As your characters speak to them, you are told the following things:

Obi-Wan, Sokka, and Toph are all going on a secret mission through the base to discover a special datapad. On it, is the location where The Unseelie King, Ozai, and Dooku have impisoned all the tributes' characters. They received information that there were captured people who needed help, so that's why they're here.

While that's going on, Yoda, Katara, and Zuko will be attending a special political meeting in the main hall of the base. They'll be meeting with Fire Lord Ozai to attempt to convicne him not to side with the Separatists. It's a distraction, and the goal of the meeting is to keep them from discovering about Obi-Wan's group and their special mission. The other goal of the meeting is to convince Ozai not to ally with Dooku. Your Task 6 Mandatory character must attend this meeting.

Meanwhile, because Dooku is already here with several star destroyers and fighters, Anakin is taking the fight to the skies. Together he and Aang are going to fight Dooku's fleet.

Now here is your decision.

Your characters must decide whether to help them or not. This is their chance to escape these games. To rescue their families and get through the portal before the Gamemakers discover you're gone and to get through the portal and to your families before the Gamemakers can come through to order your families to be killed. It's a great risk, but it's your chance of escape.

Your characters must divide themselves between the three groups based on their skills and which ones they would join. Would they be best to join the political meeting? On a secret stealth mission? Or would they be best in the starfighters and starships fighting a space battle?

Divide your characters and then write about these situations and what happens.

The political meeting must be Star Wars - Avatar, The Last Airbender politics at its finest. At the end of the political meeting, Dooku shows up with battle droids and his Sith. Ozai joins Dooku in the fight along with his firebenders.

Zuko and Katara will fight against Ozai in a battle of bending the elements. Yoda will fight Dooku in an epic lightsaber duel. A few of your characters must join them and the rest will hold off the firebenders and battle droids. Zai and Avek will join in the battle, Zai water and blood bending, Avek fighting with a lightsaber and using the Force in another dual. Your characters must face up against them too. This is an epic boss fight for your escape! Show me!

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan's group will discover the datapad. Along the way, your group must run into trouble. The datapad reveals that in order to break into the special magical pocket world/realm that your families are inprisoned in, you must have the special Portal-Key. This Portal-Key is kept with King Sargon at all times. The problem is, King Sargon isn't here on the base and he never has been. That's all that you have the time to figure out, because you're discovered by firebenders and droids. You have to fight your way back into the main room.

Anakin's group will be fighting a typical Star Wars style battle in the sky. Show me Star Wars. At the end, your ships land or crash and you have to fight your way into the main hall of the base, where the political meeting was taking place. Now it's a battle ground for droids, benders, and Force-users.

Remember the three different groups and to keep me in suspense about each of the situations throughout the entry, leading up to the main fights.

All situations must end on a cliff hanger. You cannot say who won the lightsaber duel or bending battles, or the fight in the skies. The datapad doesn't have the name of the location where your families are imprisoned. Remember the information it reveals, mentioned above. As your characters are either fighting in the main hall (for Yoda's group) or trying to get there (Obi-Wan and Anakin's groups), your entries must end on a cliff hanger before all your characters finally arrive at the main meeting room.

Also, King Sargon, The Unseelie King, Kaellyr, Keelie, Vamyx, Ozrakh are not here! They cannot be included in your entry. (You'll face up against them in the next two tasks).

I'll be judging based on your portrayal of both Avatar: the Last Airbender and Star Wars. I will focus specifically about judging your descriptions of the base and the meeting room, as your characters have the political meeting and go on the secret mission, and the galaxy as your characters fight there, and your action scenes during the boss fight.


- If there are no more drop outs, then we will have an elimination for Task 6 (finally). If we have one or more drop outs, then we won't have one. Two people will be going up for elimination. One will be saved. One will be eliminated.

- Also, there will be no more character creation tasks. IF YOU GUYS WANT THERE TO BE A CHARACTER CREATION PRE TASK 7 then comment here and let me know.

- Either way, there will be a CREATION PRE Task 8 and pre task 9. These will be specific to the environments in both task 8 and task 9. More information on those later and no it will NOT be for creating characters. Character Creation Pre Task 6 was your last chance to do that, unless you guys want one.

- Remember that Task 6 and 7 are your last chances to use any sponsorship perks you have and after Task 6 if you're not sponsored, then you won't have a chance to be. So anyone who isn't sponsored, then this task, Task 6 is your last chance to impress me.

Due Date:

February 13, Tuesday, 6pm central. This gives you ten days.

The first three people to hand in will receive an extra 0.5 added onto their overall score and receive an automatic guaruntee to get into the quarterfinals (next task). Keep in mind, if we have more drop outs, this won't mean anything because this round's elimination won't happen.

The last two people to hand in will lose 0.5 off their overall score.

Anyone who hands in before February 10th, 6pm central will be allowed to get an early start to the creation pre task 8 (trust me, this might be useful). (jaypvie because I know you're gone and won't be back until the 10th, then you can have an extension and don't worry about the ballot punishment deadline. If you want a chance to still win this early hand in perk, then if you hand in before the 13th which gives you three days, then you can win this perk. PM me if you have any questions)!

Anyone who hands in after February 11th, 6pm central will not win any awards this round, have to kill off an extra character, and lose any sponsorship you have.

Word Count:



Stealth Mission - Whoever wins this award will make the special mission with Obi-Wan be very sneaky.

War in the Stars - Whoever wins this award will give me an epic space battle!

Duel of the Fates - Whoever wins this award will show me an epic lightsaber dual!

Politics - Whoever wins this award will nail the political meeting.

Ships - Whoever wins this award will give me some epic ship moment(s)

Elements - Whoever wins this award will really show me an intense bending battle

Bloodbender - Whoever wins this award will write a super intense situation with Zai bloodbending a character. Give them a friend and make it dramatic! I wanna cringe, I wanna cry!

Tearbending - Whoever wins this award will kill off a character that will make me cry!


Each of these will have special perks and awards. If you guys comment and want another character creation then these awards will also give you perks for that.


You must kill off one of the Gamemakers (either Avek and Zai).

You may kill off up to six other tributes, but it's not required.

Character Deaths:

You MUST kill off at least 7 of your own characters. You may kill up to twenty. If you have less than seven, then you must kill off at least three. If you have less than three, well, then you must kill one.

And yes, I know the maximum character deaths being twenty is a little overboard but some of us have fifty-plus characters, haha!


This is your last chance to ballot anyone and Task 7 will be the last task for ballot punishments. You can ballot up to seven people. Use them!

Sponsorship Perks:

wordsmith- Ozrakh has given you his two best orc fighters to strengthen your numbers. Each of them is worth a dozen droids and two firebenders, thus greatly strengthening your numbers. Because of this, you have extra strength, increasing your word count to 7,000

Several7s - The Unseelie King approaches a minimum of two and a maximum of three of your characters and tells them that he believes Dooku or Ozai will betray him. He wants them to sneak through the base and find information on them. If you accept and give him any valuable information, he will be persuaded to let those characters he approached and ONLY the ones he approached, to visit with their families using a portal device (without actually traveling there). Should they fail, they and their families will be killed. Whichever they decide is entirely up to you. Because of this, you can ask me for information on Task 7 and this will allow you to start writing it early.

animallover1321 - Zai will avoid fighting your characters when she arrives to the battle. If you decide, your characters can try to talk her out of blindly following Ozai after all the Fire Nation has done to the waterbenders. If you do this, then Zai can join your characters if your character(s) can convince her to leave Ozai. If she joins your characters then she will fight with your characters and help you hold Ozai and his men off so they can escape (this will happen just before your entry ends on the cliff hanger). Because of this, you can add an extra 2 points onto your task score

JesterheadJohnSnow - Avek chooses to fight your characters as a test of their power, but not out of the desire to actually kill them. He gives them a way out of the room to save them from Dooku if they choose to take it. Because of this, you can avoid any punishments and can escape one aspect of the grading rubric.

jesusfreak202 - Vaymik unleashes a great power with any of your characters that has a connection to dragons. This includes giving them back their original form. Because of this, you can unleash a great power of an extra 1,000 words.

jaypvie - Keelie casts a spell on a few characters of yours (no more than three) to where they cannot be harmed for a short period of time. Because of this, you can ask me to ignore one aspect of the grading rubric, and thus you cannot be "harmed."

TARDIS_at_221B_ - Kaellyr has given your characters a Fairy Drink that allows them to become invisible for a short time. Because of this, you are invisible and can avoid killing off characters, any punishment if you hand in last, and any ballot punishments.

OliviaBinfield, tiffanyjane1997, the Gamemakers are watching you and so am I. Impress me with your entries for a chance to be sponsored and receive all its perks for Task 7.

Ballot Punishments:

1. wordsmith-, jesusfreak202, Several7s - because you were targeted the most, you must have one of your characters lose one of their senses either permanently or temporarily and describe a scene from their POV that must be at least 100 words long.

2. JesterheadJohnSnow and jaypvie - because you were targeted in the middle, you must have one of your characters kill another one dramatically and this must cause your team to slowly begin to fall apart.

3. Sara_R_Stark - because you were targeted last, you must have one or both of your mentors die.

4. tiffanyjane1997, animallover1321, OliviaBinfield, and TARDIS_at_221B_ because you weren't targeted at all, you must somehow either include a song or part of a song in your entry, or have parts of your entry be themed like a song. You must list the song with your entry with the deaths and ballots.

If you want, you may do one or all of the other ballot punishments AS LONG AS YOU DO YOUR OWN. There will be a special award given to anyone who manages to include all of the ballot punishments in their entry.

If I forgot anything, please let me know! 

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