Everything You Need To Know

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Yay. We're getting closer to starting! Woo!

I'm assuming all of you know the basics of how these competitions work, but if you don't, I'm going to give you a quick run-down. In simple terms, you make characters based on the requirements in this chapter. Every few weeks once the competitions start, I'll give everyone a writing prompt that tells a story. You'll do the prompt from your characters' POV. Then I'll grade everyone's entries and we'll move on to the next one and yes all the prompts and all your entries will flow together to tell a story. If you have any questions feel free to comment or PM me about it.

So what's new in AG: Fandoms 2?

The realms have merged. The villains realize they will lose if they don't start taking things over, so they recruit (and by recruit, I mean kidnap and blackmail) heroes from different realms to help them expand their territory and take over more realms. As the writer, you have to come up with what your villain has on your different characters in terms of blackmail and controlling them.

Villains are trying to expand their territory by fighting in realms to win control of it. Your characters are fighting for them. Each task if you win the realm it expands your villain's territory.

In order to control a realm, you have to have a character from that area. As you expand your territory, you capture and recruit more heroes to work for you basically. Every entry, you have to go to every character's perspective that you have and if you don't and if you leave anyone out, you have to kill that character off, which means you lose their realm. In order to expand your territory, you must create at least one more character from that realm you took, but that also means more perspectives to go to in entry, more word count.

At the end, whoever has the most territory will also win the same prize as the winner voted in.

Your villain's territory is now a neutral zone so that way their original realm can still be taken over. Like if you're Darth Vader, the Star Wars realm can still be taken in pieces.

Each realm will have a certain number of pieces of them. Like, you can't take over the entire Star Wars realm, but rather, one part of it, like Tatooine or Coruscant.

Every task, along with the main task, no matter what is going on, your villain is taking over new realms and expanding their territory. This means they're also kidnapping more heroes from each realm. In each task, it's up to you what realms you include, which is also woven into the task scenario—such as a negotiation but it's up to you which realms are negotiating, etc. So every task, you'll be gaining new characters because remember, in order for your villain to keep control over the territories that they have, they have to have characters from that realm/fandom. You might have to kill off characters, especially if you don't include their POVs in your entries, which mean you'll lose their realms. So as I post the rankings, keep track of the realms/fandoms you have control of.

How do you win a realm? This is based on when you write the task, how well you write the fandom you chose to include in your entry. When I grade your entries, I'll tell you who won which realms and gained control of them.

Each realm will have pieces of it that you can control, that way, if there are two writers who did a fandom well, one can have one piece of it and the other can have another. An example of this would be: say two writers both wrote the Star Wars fandom/realm into their entries and they both did it well. To one I would give Tatooine and to the other I would give Coruscant. The specific fandom's pieces will be listed out in another chapter, which also includes the map of the realms so you know where each realm/fandom is located.

Why is location relevant?

Being in control of realms/fandoms that are next to each other gives you a bonus in the amount of Fandom Points you earn. Well, what are Fandom Points?

Each task, the more details you include in your entry about the fandoms involved (your characters, villain, and the realms/fandoms included in the task), the more Fandom Points you earn. You can use Fandom Points to buy items from the Shop. In the shop, you can buy:

- Characters which lets you create more original characters from other fandoms (characters within that fandom of your own invention)

- Villains to be sub-villains/minions/allies with your main supervillain

- Main characters from fandoms that haven't been chosen yet aka characters from that fandom (such as Ashoka or the Clone Troopers from Star Wars or Katara, Sokka, and Zuko from Avatar, or Snow, Charming, Belle, and Rumple from Once Upon A Time, basically any character from that fandom)

- Pieces of realms that you haven't or won't go to in your entry, simply for the use of expanding your villain's territory

- Save your characters from having to be killed and thus, saving you their realm you would have lost if you had to kill them

When I release the map, the location of the realms will make more sense, but if you take over realms that are next to each other, each round, you will earn a certain amount of Fandom Points automatically just from that alone. Two realms connected earn you 3 Fandom Points. Three realms connected earn you 5 Fandom Points. Four realms connected earn you 7 Fandom Points. Five realms connected earn you 9 Fandom Points. And six or more realms connected earn you 10 Fandom Points.

These are automatically added EACH TASK THAT YOU HAVE THOSE REALMS CONNECTED. Remember, if you have to kill a character and lose realms, you'll lose these bonuses if they stop being connected. A good thing with this is that if you lose characters, you can use any Fandom Points you have to buy a new character from the realm you may have lost and thus, save your territory or even to save your character from being killed off.


To start with, when you make your reservation, it will be a first come first serve choice between villains. You'll comment your username, spot number, and what villain you'd like to have, along with the fandom they're from. More than one writer can pick the same fandom, but you cannot pick the same villain, so once a villain is chosen, no one else can pick that one. I'll try to list out as many as I can to help you guys out. After that, you'll be creating four characters to start off with. Two of them MAY be actual, main characters from any fandom if you choose or you can make all four original. However, if you pick a main character from a fandom, you can only have one character from one fandom. For example, if I wanted to write Anakin Skywalker and I chose him, then I couldn't pick any more characters from Star Wars, so my other main character would have to be from a different fandom, like Aang from Avatar.

Also, main characters are first come first serve, so if someone comments Anakin Skywalker before you, then he's their character and not yours. Feel free to coordinate if you want, but you cannot go to their perspective if that main character doesn't belong to you.

At least two characters out of the four HAVE to be original, which means you create them to exist within fandoms of your choice, but you can do all four original if you want. Also, for original characters, two can exist within the same fandom, but no more than that. Remember that main characters, like Anakin Skywalker or Aang, can be the only ones from that Fandom that you choose if you go that route.


Other writers can kill off your characters in your entry. If the same character of yours has been killed five times, then you have to write a scene in your next entry where they're killed. But you can have one of your other characters sacrifice themselves to save them if you choose. Each time a character has been killed, you must have them be injured in your next entry, at least until they've been killed five times.

Likewise, you as a writer can kill off the characters of other writers. But keep in mind what happens when you do it too many times—mentioned above.


Ballots are fun challenges in the competition to challenge yourself and other writers. You can ballot whoever you want, including yourself, as long as you stay within the allowed number of ballots. Ballot challenges this time could be a little evil, so you've been warned.


No eliminations or voting in this Games!


As usual, Awards are special perks you win for doing a certain thing in your entries. The perks range from extra word count, new characters to create, to saves from having to kill a character, saves from losing a territory because of a character's death, being able to create extra main characters (including ones from the same fandom), and a free pass on the number of POV's you have to go to (like instead of all your characters, an award perk would let you only go to a few of them).

Email Formatting:

All of your entries will be sent to [email protected]

Please format your entries like so:

Subject: Task # - wattpad username

Body: This is where your entry goes

At the end of your entry, please list out the following:

Word count: (how many words long was your entry? Be honest)

Deaths: (in entry kills)

Ballots: (names of writer's usernames whom you're balloting)

Awards: (list the awards you went for)

Do not stray from this formatting or points will be taken off. Please create a new email for every task


None for this competition! (Unless you guys want there to be)


At the appointed date I will open up reservations. This is for you to comment and reserve your spot on the appropriate page, signifying that you will join AG: Fandoms 2. When I confirm that your spot is reserved, you will have a certain amount of time to make your villain and characters. This is also when I will give you the character forms that you must fill out (yes, they're way different than before)


The winner of AG: Fandoms 2 (both the voted winner and the one who has the most territory) will have their book promoted across all my social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. I will use your wattpad username to make you more comfortable. You will get a shoutout on my wattpad profile, added to my Authors Games Hall of Fame book and a special chapter at the end of this book dedicated to you. Winners of the special awards will receive permanent mentions in my AG: Hall of Fame book

Because it needs to be listed, (for some reason, I actually forgot to do this with AG: History, LOL) here are a list of rules:

1) Be respectful

2) Follow the rules

I had to. :D Just kidding. 

3) Don't get discouraged if your score is low.

4) I do my best with the feedback, so go easy on me

5) Please don't drop out

6) Don't be late

7) Send entries via email and include the formatting listed above

8) Content not allowed is the following: Extreme foul language, sexual content, no homosexual content; basically just make sure it's as clean as possible

9) I am launching my book, so I will do my best to read, score your entries, and post everything on time but please try to be patient with me if I take some extra time

10) Have fun! At this point, these AG's have helped us form a community of sorts, so we're all here to just have fun and enjoy ourselves. 

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