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Taking stock of what remained of his troops, Khan was furious. Exactly half of all his forces had mysteriously turned into piles of dark gray ash with no explanation what so ever. He decided to call a meeting of his remaining officers.

"I have put off my plans for too long," Khan informed them. "It has always been my intention to conquer the Star Wars Zone and use its power to subjugate the rest of the galaxy. But one thing after another has hindered me. No more. Call in everyone, all our forces from across the realms. We're taking Star Wars, now!"

"But Sir..." Khan's communication officer started to say.

"Avada Kedavra!" Khan screamed. A flash of green light flooded the room and the officer dropped dead to the floor. Khan's eyes blazed as he looked around the room. "Anyone else care to challenge me?"

Only silence answered him.


Victory was a tasty dish, Sterling thought to himself as he watched his new allies cheer and celebrate. Jabba the Hutt was a cruel and evil master and with his death, his victims finally felt their first taste of freedom. It made Sterling feel good about himself to help end such tyranny and fear. Slowly, the hard knot of shame and self-hatred deep inside himself began to ease, just a little.

Cries of shock and fear suddenly echoed across the cargo hold where they had just recently defeated Jabba. Clouds of ash filled the air as one by one, Jabba's ex-minions disintegrated into piles of dark gray ash.

Sterling jumped up on a container and say that roughly half of the people in the room was now gone. Of the four that worked with Sterling and Happy against Jabba, only Ashlynn the madolorian was left. Seeing Sterling rise above everyone's heads, they all turned to him and began pelting him with questions. Sterling had no idea what to say to any of them.

A bright red glow flooded the room from outside the forcefield separating them from the harshness of space. A young, attraction female flew on her own through the shield and landed on the cargo hold floor.

"I see that I'm a little late," she said as she looked around the room. She had a dominating attitude and her face held a faint trace of contempt for everything around her. Her condescending sneer did little to take away from her very attractive face.

If this was a normal day before he'd met Khan, Sterling would have considered her a challenge he just couldn't refuse. But now, all he wanted to know was what had happened to his people. Because without even realizing it, Sterling now considered all of Jabba's people his responsibility and was intending to do whatever he could to help them.

"My name is Carol Danvers, but you may call me Captain Marvel," she said. "I've come here to inform you about a serious threat to the entire galaxy. This... merging of the realms," her face twisted in disgust at the term, "has disrupted the balance in the universe and allowed the titan Thanos to acquire the Infinity Stones before he was supposed to. The only way to stop him and return everything back to its natural order is to defeat all of the villains that are currently running loose."

"What villains are you talking about?" Sterling shouted above the noise as everyone began talking at once.

"It doesn't matter," Captain Marvel said. "Others are dealing with them. It's my job to bring down Khan Noonien Singh and you're going to help me do it."

"Who says we have to listen to you?" Ashlynn shouted at her. "We just lost our friends after defeating one monster. What makes you think we're going to fight another? Who do you think you are?"

Captain Marvel smirked and held up a fist. Brilliant rainbow colored light surrounded her as she charged up her power.

Suddenly, with a whoosh, a silver blur shot passed Sterling's face. It impacted against Captain Marvel and exploded. She flew backward and slammed against the metal wall of the cargo hold. Sterling turned to see Shrike holding an empty rocket launcher.

"What?" Shrike said as Captain Marvel picked herself up off of the floor.


The rolling hills around them reminded Firnen of memories Saphira had shared with him of her time in Palancar Valley near the town of Carvahall. Attickitcuk stood calmly at his side as he gazed at all the people around them.

Firnen knew he was calm because he could feel Attickitcuk's emotions echoing across their newly formed bond. The loss of Saphira had left a deep hole in his heart, but the recent loss of his rider Arya had only widened and deepened that hole. Attickitcuk's companionship was a balm to help ease his never ending heartache.

"Who are you, strange creature?" a soldier in red demanded of Attickitcuk. "What business do you and your... dragon, have here?"

Before Attickitcuk and Firnen could figure out a way to answer him, since neither of them spoke English, a figure in red and blue leapt high in the air and flew over the long lines of soldiers on the ground. He hit the ground and rolled to his feet right in front of Firnen. He had a stylized design of a spider on the front of his outfit and a mask over his face.

The mask slid back on its own to reveal a young man with brown hair. "Hi," he said breathlessly. "My name's Peter Parker, but everybody calls me Spiderman, I mean... a lot people do, um well..." He stuttered for a minute as everyone stared at him. "That doesn't matter. Anyways, Dr. Strange sent me. Said to find a dragon and his friend, who's apparently a Wookie. That's really cool." He stuck his thumbs in the air for some reason known only to himself. "I love Star Wars. But um... yeah. I'm here to go with you guys to fight this Khan guy. By the way, that's not the Khan guy from Star Trek is he? Cause he's Bad A, and I'm babbling so I should probably shut up now."

Firnen and Attickitcuk looked at each other. Firnen could feel Attickitcuk's confusion and frustration like a physical spike to the brain so he decided to do his best to handle the situation. Do you know where Khan is, right now? Firnen sent his thoughts directly to the young man.

"Oh, wow," Peter said with a look of shock on his face. "You talk. I mean, of course you talk. But I thought it would be in actual, like, words, you know. Or maybe the Wookie would talk," he said pointing to Attickitcuk. "Wow, um yeah. I know where Khan is, I mean, Dr. Strange said he was going for Star Wars and we'd need a ship to get there. You have a ship, right? Cause he didn't give me one and this suit Mr. Stark gave me is nice and all, but I can't fly or nothing. Yeah, shutting up." He coughed and shuffled his feet.

We had a ship, Firnen sent. But that strange man sent us here and we have no idea where here is or where our ship is.

Before Peter could answer, although his mouth had opened to do just that, a loud boom echoed across the field as the Domination surged into the sky above them.

"Wow," Peter said. "Talk about timing. That is yours, right? Of course it's yours. I'm an idiot. God, I love space. When can we go? I mean, it's your ship so of course you should be the one to say when we go. But Dr. Strange said we need to hurry and yeah, that's..." He continued to talk long after Firnen and Attickitcuk had stopped listening.

It was time to take the fight to Khan.


Deep in the void, far from any inhabited system, the Dauntless drifted aimlessly. Its engines were cold and dead. Only a few faint lights twinkled along its hull, revealing that it still have power and thus, life.

Jere sat in his pilot's seat and stared at the blackness all around them. They were so far out from the core of the galaxy that very few stars were visible, just darkness with a few specks of light. Isis was somewhere in the back of the ship, humming to herself as she explored on her own for the first time in her life.

He didn't know where he was supposed to go from here. He had risked it all for Isis; his ship, his career, and ultimately his life. He couldn't go back to any UNSC controlled system. They'd arrest him on sight and haul Isis off to be studied and dissected.

His whole life had revolved around the war with the convent, but Khan had used their religion to cause them to destroy themselves. Now with no war, Jere found himself without purpose. Isis was safe and would live long after he was dead so there was nothing left for him to do.

Suddenly, a faint hiss crackled across the communication console. Isis flew into the room just as a voice echoed from the speakers. "Hello there, Dauntless," a male voice said in a slightly British accent. "My name is Jarvis and I've been sent to recruit the two of you for our war against tyranny."

"Who sent you and how did you know we were here?" Isis snapped across the channel before Jere could say anything.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Isis," Jarvis said. "But I am here to help. You see," Seven figures appeared in the view screen in front of Jere. The sensors reported that they were metallic but nothing else. "I'm just like you, Isis. I'm an AI created by Tony Stark. I'm transmitting some plans for you. It's to build an AI neural network connector that can restore the link between you and Jere. I only ask, in lue of payment, that you join us in the fight against Khan."

The communication console began humming and chirping as it downloaded the information packet from Jarvis. A squeal from Isis told Jere that it was exactly what the two of them needed. Isis flew off to the back to start building the few electrical components it required.

"Thank you, Jarvis," Jere said softly. "You have no idea what this means to us."

"On the contrary," Jarvis said, just as soft. "I do. The battle will be held in the Star Wars Zone. I'll be waiting for you."

Jere keyed the mic twice in acknowledgement as he started punching coordinates in the nav-computer. Even if it cost him his life, to finally be truly reunited with Isis, Jarvis's unselfish gift was worth it. A few minutes later, Jere slid the connector into a slot in his helmet and Isis, in all her glory, was back in his life the way it was meant to be.

Jere and Isis, together, brought the ship around and jumped.

Destination: Star Wars


Attickitcuk hurried through his preflight checks. After securely placing Peter Parker in a gun turret and isolating his radio so he didn't distract all of them, Attickitcuk brought the Domination around and left the atmosphere, preparing to jump back defend his home.

He knew, that going against Khan meant the death of his people. He knew, and yet, no longer cared. Some acts were more important than their lives. If the cost of his people's safety meant that tyranny flourished, then the cost was too high.

Just before he pushed the button to send them to hyperspace, Attickitcuk looked around at the Wookies beside him. His co-pilot Sreelakki gazed back at him with pride shining from her eyes.

"For Kashyyyk," Sreelakke said softly in Shryiiwook.

"For Kashyyk," Attickitcuk echoed, his voice carrying to every part of the ship. Answering cries came from the crew as Attickitcuk sent the ship hurtling through hyperspace.

The stars whirling around them were quickly replaced by hundreds of starships as the Domination exited hyperspace on the edge of the battle between the Imperial Armada of Palpatine and Khan's invading forces. Normally, Attickitcuk would be setting his sights on the Empire's Star Destroyers but it was Khan that they were here to fight.

Grudgingly, Attickitcuk sent a message to the Empire signifying they were here to fight for them. He was hoping that they'd refuse and give him a reason to attack them as well, but it was not to be. Now listed as an ally, the Domination joined the fight against Khan.

Attickitcuk sent them in toward the heaviest fighting. Star fighters were everywhere, bolts of red and green streaking across the void. He felt the heavy vibration roll through the ship as the turrets opened up and began picking off any star fighter that got to close.

Attickitcuk let his weapons officer, an old Wookie that he never could remember his name, pick their primary target. The Domination was built to handle large as well as small starships. Attickitcuk quickly received a target, a mid-size cruiser slightly separated from the rest.

They sped over and Attickitcuk watched as dozens of red beams tore the enemy ship in half. Attickitcuk was always surprised at the power of the phasers from the Star Trek Zone. They seemed to pass straight through normal shields without a problem.

Even before the enemy was destroyed, Attickitcuk was given another target. This one was deeper in the enemy formation so he had to be careful where he flew so as not to become a target himself.

An evil grin spread over his face as Attickitcuk began to weave and dodge through the chaotic battle. Over there, left side low. A voice in his head distracted Attickitcuk for a second. He focused on his left to see a trio of patrol craft veering toward them.

Thanks, Attickitcuk sent to Firnen.

Your welcome, Firnen sent. This is no different than aerial combat between dragons. Different weapons, of course but, the flying's the same.

Attickitcuk smiled and focused on his flying, this time with a second pair of eyes helping him. Firnen's extensive experience was an unlooked for boon when it came to space combat. He could predict flight paths better than anyone Attickitcuk had ever seen. It inspired to new heights and he pushed his ship as hard as he could.

Although they were destroying dozens of enemy ships, the battle was not going their way. Khan had amassed too many ships. Every time one was destroyed, two more were there to take its place. The Imperial forces were steadily dwindling.

Attickitcuk found himself hard pressed against six smaller ships. They had him surrounded and nothing he did could break their formation. Fortunately, the Domination's dual shields were still holding but it was only a matter of time before they failed.

"Need a hand?" a familiar voice said. A fast moving blur shot passed the nose of their ship. A second later, two of the ships surrounding them exploded. A quick look at the friend/foe transponder showed them that the Dauntless had finally joined the fight.

"Sorry, it took us so long," Isis's beautiful voice said. "We had a long way to go to get here."

"We got your wing, Domination," Jere's deep voice said. "You lead, we follow."

"You haven't forgotten about me now, have you, love?" Sterling's voice said before Attickitcuk could reply. The four remaining ships sped off in different directions as over three dozen warships of various makes and models slid into formation around the Domination. "In case you were wondering," Sterling said. "Jabba's dead and his crew is now mine. Let's get this party started!"

Attickitcuk clicked the mic twice with a smile on his face as he dove back into the fight.

The extra reinforcements allowed the haggard defenders a brief moment of respite but Khan's forces redoubled their efforts and the fighting turned nasty. The backbone of Khan's fleet was the new Dreadnaught ships like the Domination. With combined technology from both Star Wars and Star Trek, they were devastatingly effective.

There were also twenty five hundred of them.

Although Palpatine had over ten times as many ships as Khan, he simply couldn't match them in terms of combat ability. The Empire was forced to fall back time and time again. In the distance, but rapidly closing, a round gray planetoid was drawing nearer. After twenty minutes of constant fighting, the planetoid was close enough to see that it wasn't a real planet, but a man-made space station of epic proportions.

The Death Star.


Happy stood on the command deck next to Sterling. He watched as Khan's ships forced them to constantly give way and retreat. When a massive dark gray ship pulled in to view he watched in confusion and Jabba's ex-crew all cheered. Apparently, they knew the new ship and what it could do.

His eyes practically fell out of his head as a dark green beam of intense light erupted out of the Death Star and cut through Khan's ships like a scythe through wheat. It only took a couple seconds, but when it was over, half of Khan's new ships were destroyed.

Everyone was overwhelmingly happy thinking Khan's plan was finished. Only Sterling wasn't Happy. "Quiet down, everyone," he said. "It's not over yet. Khan's fleet still out-guns ours and now the Death Star is useless. It'll take half an hour to recharge its reactors and we don't have that. He'll mop the floor with us in less than ten minutes. We need to stop him first."

"Cut the head off the snake," Shrike said. He sat at one of the consoles at the back, commanding a series of turrets along the hull of the ship. His helmet hung from the back of his chair and his dark red armor gave him a bloody image. Ashlynn sat next to him and her blue armor made her seem pretty in comparison, although Happy knew she was even worse than him. Everyone turned to look at Shrike in confusion due to his mysterious statement.

"Care to explain?" Ashlynn said, the only one not looking up from her station.

"Kill Khan," Shrike said, as if it was that simple. Ashlynn snorted and shook her head. Sterling had a thoughtful look on his face and Happy knew whatever came out of his mouth next was going to be reckless, dangerous, or both.

He was right.

Five minutes later, Happy found himself flying down a corridor of Khan's flagship, the Tyrant's Fist, with Sterling, Ashlynn, and Shrike. A joint effort with Attickitcuk in the Domination and Jere in the Dauntless had opened a way for the Domination to use its teleporters to send the four of them, Firnen, Attickitcuk, Jere, Isis, a woman named Captain Marvel, and a boy by the name of Spiderman into out-of-the-way spots in Khan's ship. The plan was they were to make their separate ways to Khan and kill him.

Of their little group, Shrike led with Ashlynn at his side while Sterling faded from view as they ran down the empty corridor. Somewhere along the way, a blaster pistol had been forced into Happy's hands. Happy barely knew what to do with it but he figured it'd be handy none the less.

Their corridor opened up into a large room filled with crates and more problematic, people. They opened fire as soon as they saw Happy's group. Shrike and Ashlynn returned fire a split second later and bolts of red and green buzzed around the room. Happy got off two shots of his own but both missed horribly.

The battle was over quickly as the two Mandolorians systematically cut down all but one of the enemy soldiers. That one was taken out by Sterling. He had appeared behind the guy and shocked him with some device Happy had never seen. Shrike strode over to the unconscious guy and examined a device on his arm.

"According to this," Shrike said. "Khan's command deck is three floors above us. There's a turbolift down that way." He pointed down a hall at the other end of the room.

"Got it," Ashlynn said as she marched off. "Taking point." She switched her weapons out as Sterling fade away. Now, instead of her two pistols, she held a large rifle tightly clenched to her shoulder. Shrike fell in behind her as he reloaded his own rifle.

The way to the turbolift was clear but as soon as they reached the doors, soldiers suddenly swarmed for both directions. Ashlynn slapped the controls and the door opened. "Get in, cat!" she yelled as she fired one way while Shrike covered the other.

Happy flew in as fast as he could. Sterling appeared next to him and reached for the controls. "Come on!" he yelled to the Mandolorians.

"No time!" Shrike yelled back. "Go! We'll cover for you and follow when we can."

Sterling hesitated, unwilling to leave them behind. Red bolts streaked in as he just stood there, so Happy darted forward and punched the button. The doors started to close. Before the door was completely sealed one last blaster bolt shot through and hit Happy in the side.

He dropped to the floor with a pained cry. It hurt more than anything he'd ever felt. It burned and his little body shook. He clutched his side with both of his paws. Sterling knelt at his side and pulled one of his paws away.

It was covered with blood.


No matter which way you looked at it, there was only one way that a creature as large as a dragon was going to fit in a starship. So Firnen wasn't the least surprised to find himself standing in a cargo hold. It was similar to the one he stayed in back on the Domination, although this was the forward bay instead of the one in the stern.

No sooner had they teleporter in than a small army of soldiers broke in through the cargo hold's only door. Firnen had his answer ready and a torrent of fire crushed them flat, melting the metal doors and destroying everything in the corridor beyond.

He held out his fire breath as long as he could and when he was done, only an inferno of molten metal remained. Even the enemy weapons and armor were vaporized by the intense heat.

Attickitcuk looked at the wreckage, and then looked at Firnen. Firnen suddenly felt rather foolish under his intense gaze. So how are we to get to the bridge now? Attickitcuk mentally sent to Firnen.

Firnen cringed. Then a thought came to him and he smiled a toothful, dragonic grin. Grab my tail and follow me, Firnen sent. Firnen moved to the center of the room and reared up on his hind legs. With his front claws, he tore into the metal ceiling, ripping out great big chunks and throwing them aside.

In no time at all, Firnen had torn a hole large enough for himself to crawl through and pulled himself upward. Attickitcuk grabbed ahold of the spike on his tail and allowed the dragon to pull him through the ship.

Firnen continued climbing, deck by deck. Every so often, Attickitcuk would direct him to the left or right, guided by his extensive knowledge of this style of ship. Once was to avoid the thick power coupling running the length of the ship. The other was to bypass a blast-proof bulkhead that would have taken too long to dig through.

Finally, Firnen and Attickitcuk reached the top of the ship and found themselves in a cavernous room made of dark colored metal, Khan's only modification to Attickitcuk's designs. Firnen had seen enough egotistical tyrants to recognize a throne room when he saw one.

Khan had even placed a large throne-like chair at the far end of the room. He wasn't sitting it at the moment though. Instead, he was pacing back and forth in front of it, sword in one hand and a dark wand in the other.

Before Firnen could even take a step, a forcefield wrapped around him and locked him in place. Fortunately, Attickitcuk used his jetpack to dash aside and avoid it. He stalked toward Khan, his twin, curved blades at the ready and hatred in his eyes.

"You foolish, primitive, walking-carpet," Khan sneered. "This is the last time I'll allow you to interfere in my plans. Die for me. Avada Kedavra!" A bolt of sickly green light shot straight for Attickitcuk.

Attickitcuk was too close to dodge aside and Firnen's heart clenched, expecting to see his friend die right in front of him. A flash of blue and red surged by, pulling Attickitcuk out of the way in the nick of time.

"Woah, that was close," Peter Parker said. "I mean, you were there and he was there and that bolt was like... You know what, never mind. Let's do this." He threw out his hand and a wad of white stuff shot toward Khan.

Khan blasted it aside with a spell, but Spiderman just kept shooting, web after web. Khan growled, sheathing his blade and pulling a second wand out. "Uh oh," Spiderman said, jumping up and sticking to the ceiling as a bolt from Khan's wand struck the ground beneath him. He began to jump and dodge, never staying at the same spot for more than a second without letting up on his shooting. "A little help here, please," he called out.

The door on the far side of the room burst open. "You got it, kid," Captain Marvel answered as she flew into the room. A blazing red glow surrounded her as she swooped down on Khan, intending to pound him flat.

Before she could get close, a brilliant white energy shield sprung up around Khan, blocking Spiderman's webs and slamming into Captain Marvel and knocking her backward into the wall. Khan twirled his left wand and the metal bulkhead morphed and twisted around her, pinning her in place like a bug on the wall.

"Yikes," Peter said, as Khan resumed the barrage on him. He turned tail and ran, zig-zagging across the floor as he barely dodged the deadly spells. He seemed to have some sixth sense that let him stay just ahead of Khan's attacks.

The farther Spiderman got from Khan the easier it was for him to dodge and so he resumed casting webs back at Khan, although he never got close to hitting him. Frustrated, Khan forcibly broke the shield around himself and stalked toward Peter, intending to finish the fight quickly.

Khan's spells had torn huge holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling in his attempt to kill Spiderman so Khan had to weave his way through carefully. A particularly broken section caused him to slow down so as not to get cut on the jagged chunks of metal.

A flash of silver was all that saved him as Attickitcuk lunged toward him with his blade. Khan managed to twist sideways but Attickitcuk's blade still struck his right hand wand, splintering it into a thousand pieces.

Khan leapt backward, drawing his sword in the process. Attickitcuk growled deep in his chest and drove forward, blades flashing. Khan blocked both blades with his sword and raised his wand to kill Attickitcuk but a line of white webbing wrapped around his wrist as Spiderman flew by, pulling him off-balance and causing his spell to miss.

Khan broke the web and rolled out of the way of Attickitcuk's next strike. Khan rose to his feet with a cry of fury. Suddenly, Sterling flickered into view next to him and struck him hard across the face with his fist before disappearing again. Khan staggered from the blow still managed to block one of Attickitcuk's blades. The other blade left a jagged slice across his side that caused blood to splatter to the ground.

Before any of them could take advantage of his wound, Khan once again cast the blinding shield spell and forced the backward. Attickitcuk used his jetpack to lunge back into the fight, hacking and slashing at the barrier.

Spiderman dropped to the floor and inched closer, ready to attack of leap away as need be. Sterling appeared next to him and grabbed him, both of them disappearing. Khan's shield started flickering as Attickitcuk's attacks whittled away at it.

A blast of fire struck it from the side, breaking it and allowing Attickituck to lunge for Khan before he was quite ready. Firnen looked over to see Captain Marvel had almost broken free of the wall. She was slowly melting the wall with her fire, leaving a huge pile of melted slag on the floor.

When Firnen looked back at the fight, he saw that they'd reached a kind of an impasse. Khan had mostly healed from Attickitcuk's earlier strike. He was dueling Attickitcuk with his sword while fending off Spiderman's webs with his wand. Firnen couldn't see Spiderman, just a bunch of webs flying in from multiple different directions. He realized that Sterling must be hiding him as the ran around together.

While all of this was going on, a door on the side of the room slowly opened. Firnen saw the tiny blue cat stumble his way into the room and collapse against one of the piles of metal lying around. He looked to be in bad shape but he still raised the tiny pistol in his hand and did his best to aim it at Khan.

In was at that moment the Firnen knew. Dr. Strange had told him that a time would come when he needed to break the link between himself and Khan. The metal dragonscale in his brow still connected the two of them.

Time seemed to slow and then... Firnen shouted.

It wasn't a physical voice. No. This was a purely mental blast, sent straight from his mind to Khan's through the metal dragonscale. It struck Khan hard and he stumbled, dropping his wand and sword as he reached up to clutch his head. Firnen could feel Khan resisting his shout and poured all that he had into it. All his rage and helplessness. All his sorrow and grief at losing Arya and their bond. He poured his heart and soul into stopping Khan for good.

At the moment, that one perfect moment in time, Happy fired. The pistol kicked so hard it flew out of his hand as that single bolt of red flashed across the battlefield. It struck Khan in the back and he dropped to his knees and screamed in pain.

It gave Firnen the edge he needed to break Khan's hold over him. The metal dragonscale in Firnen's forehead began to melt and finally boiled away into nothing. Khan gave a wordless cry of agony as Firnen's mental shout destroyed his mind, taking his sanity away forever.

As Khan's eyes glazed over in witless stupidity, Attickitcuk's blade severed his head from his shoulders.


Sterling couldn't believe it. They'd done it. Khan was dead and they'd won. All the pain and suffering he'd gone through was now over. He walked over to the little blue cat, intending to thank him for all that he'd done while the Wookie freed the dragon so they could go home.

He reached down and gently shook Happy's shoulder, but he didn't stir. He placed his hand upon his chest but felt nothing.

Happy... was dead.

He'd given his life so that they could defeat Khan. Sterling felt tears form at the corner of his eyes and for the first time in his life, he didn't try to stop them. Happy had done so much for them and there was nothing he could do for him. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair.

This wasn't how it was supposed to end.

As Sterling kneeled beside Happy's body, the others came and gathered around them. Firnen looked down at the little hero and knew that if it wasn't for Happy's sacrifice, they'd have lost and Khan would have destroyed everything good in the world.

As they watched, Happy's body slowly disappeared in a rain of white specks, like petals. Or cherry blossoms, Firnen thought. He knew, without even asking, that Happy was going home, back to his family, his...

His guild, Attickitcuk sent. Fairy something, I think. Now that Khan's gone, we'll all be sent home. I'll never forget you, my friend.

Nor I you, brother, Firnen sent. He could feel a strange, gentle power reach for him. The world around him began to fade as he was pulled away. Back to Alagaesia and the world he'd left behind. He felt his memories of all he'd experienced begin to fade as everything went black.

Firnen woke as a bright beam of sunlight broke through the clouds above Du Weldenvarden. He was resting atop the Crags of Tel'Naeir, Oromis's old home in the Elven city of Ellesmera. From out of the forest near Oromis's old cabin, his rider Arya strode into view.

Firnen smiled as he heart swelled. He was home.

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