Finals: LostNeverland4

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"Cyborg, give me a turn!" I yelled as I attempted to grab the controller.

Cyborg swiped it away and laughed in my face. "I told you my turn wasn't over yet."

I crossed my arms and slumped onto the couch. Nothing was worse than Cyborg hogging up the video games.

I looked over at the door as someone walked in. I expected to see Robin was I was surprised when a boy in green came through. "Who are you? Why do you look so funny?"

He came closer. "Beast Boy, you're going to come with me."

Cyborg stood from the couch with me. "Who the heck are you? How do you know his name?"

He pushed his hand out towards Cyborg before Cyborg could blast him with his arm, sending Cyborg flying backward. "Beast Boy is going to come with me or I will bring back your worst enemies. Slade, Red X, Mad Mod, and more. We both know Robin is still dealing with Slade and Red X. There are worse things than what I have planned for you."

I looked at Cyborg who was telling me not to go.

As if to further blackmail me, the boy turned his chin up. "You know Tara is alive and I can make her remember everything you had together."

I looked at Cyborg once more. "I have to... I have to keep the team safe and be with Tara."

"Beast Boy, don't," Cyborg said.

I faced the boy and straightened my posture. "I'll go with you."

"Good. Let's go." He led me out of the tower and gave me a look. "Welcome to my team. Considering Rapunzel is married to your Robin, we won't be starting from scratch with the introductions. I'm Peter Pan."

Pan's POV

I dropped Beast Boy off on Neverland with the others to keep him company for the moment. I walked back towards the dome of dreamshade that trapped Jason within.

"You serve me no purpose, Jason. Harlow no longer serves me a purpose." I twisted my wrist and closed my palm into a fist, watching as the large dome shrunk down and pierced the boy with poison. His screams could be heard for miles, his body writhing in agony. The poison ran through his veins before reaching his heart and turning it black as it froze in the middle of a pump. His cries went silent.

I walked back to the camp, watching over at the team I had formed. "Harlow, I wish I could say you have made me proud but I am devastated to say you have broken my heart with your behavior."

Her face contorted into that of anger. "This is what a victim does. They fight back."

"And those fights have consequences." I smirked as I turned on my heel and headed to speak with Felix.

Harlow's POV

I turned to the others and swallowed. "What is he talking about? What could he be talking about?"

Widening my eyes, I came to the conclusion he could be talking about Jason. I ran towards the very spot he had been trapped in for so long now. I stopped, staring at the dome formed around him. "Jason!" I yelled out as tears flowed freely from my eyes.

I could see the vines bunched together, pushing against whoever had been inside. I covered my mouth, falling to my knees. "Jason..." I laid my head on the ground, letting out my pain.

Once my tears dried out, I sat up and closed my eyes as I pictured Pan's face in my mind. He was going to pay for everything he did. Without me under his rule like this, I was going to rain on his parade.

His reign over me was no more.

I pushed myself onto my feet and headed back to the camp. "He killed Jason and I'm going to build a team and a plan to go to war with this a-hole. Whoever wishes to join, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Reid's POV

I stepped closer to her and nodded my head. "I'll join. I'll help form a good plan against the bad guy. I study human behavior and stop bad guys for a living. I'm qualified to do this."

Harlow grabbed my hand. "Good, you're going to help me out then. Anyone else?"

Lucy stood up and put her hand up. "Count me in. I want to see him pay for what he's done to Thomas, trapping him here."

I nodded. "Let's go form a good plan. We are done with his games."

Lucy's POV

The three of us ventured off into the trees to get some privacy. I turned to face Harlow and Reid as I crossed my arms. "Alright, what will this plan be? We're humans. We have to somehow defeat a boy who is stronger than us. He has power."

Reid put a finger up but closed his mouth before speaking.

Harlow looked at him and nodded. "There is something I was taught as a woman. When a man is stronger, you have to fight smarter, not harder. That is the method we must use."

Reid looked at her. "She's right. We must fight smarter. What would be a way we could defeat him?"

"He's a magical boy. What better way to defeat magic than with magic?" I suggested.

Harlow said, "We don't have magic."

I shrugged. "No, but we can use his magic against him. Somehow, we have to. We are fighters. We won't give up."

Amelia's POV

I ran through the woods and screamed as a black hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the sky. Harr wrapped his tentacle around my ankle, following us into the clouds and the second star to the right.

We were dropped off on Neverland by the black shadow of his we had summoned. I looked at Harr. "Good thinking on pretending to be a lost child."

Both of us made our way through the woods and I came upon Harlow, Reid, and Lucy. Harlow looked over at me and her eyes grew darker. "What the hell do you want?"

I looked at Harr and back at Harlow before taking a deep breath. "We're here to defeat Pan."

Harr's POV

Harlow scowled. "Yeah, right. You are the two who turned against us. You outed me, and now Jason is dead!" she shouted.

I winced and Amelia stood her ground. "I can't make you forgive me. I'm not trying to. I just want to defeat him is all."

"Who's to say you're not lying? You could be working for him to find out our plan and turn against us," Harlow said.

Amelia tilted her head. "Find out your plan? Is that what this is? I was traded off. I was Pan's loyal lost boy and he traded me for a girl with magical hair. I've come to realize that you can't trust a bad guy no matter what they do. They may have been a loved one, but they can still want to eat you. Anyone is capable of evil... That includes you."

"Don't try and excuse your actions."

Amelia shook her head. "No, I'm not. I was naive. I was trying to protect my parents and I realized that I don't have to fear Pan. I have to fear the unconsecrated. They are truly the ones who will kill my family and turn against us. They were humans who turned into monsters. Pan is just a bloody demon that happens to look like a boy.

"I screwed up, Harlow. I screwed up bad. I'm sorry and I know you won't forgive me and I don't blame you. It won't change how I feel about Pan. I hate him and I want to see him dead. I want to see him become a meal for the unconsecrated, the ones he used to threaten me and my parents. I want him to have a taste of his own medicine."

Farquaad's POV

"Use his medicine against him. That's what we have to do," Lucy said.

I smirked and backed into the trees before heading off to see Pan himself. When I found him, he seemed not at all phased by my presence. "What is it?" he asked.

Walking towards him, I put my hands behind my back. "The others are planning to use your magic against you. They are declaring war."

Pan smirked and stood up from the rock he had been sitting on. "War, you say? They want to start a war, against me? How silly of them, and how utterly stupid they must be. I say we wait for these little kids to start a war against Peter Pan. I would love to see how this plays out."

Thomas' POV

I looked up at Pan as he came into the clearing with Lord Farquaad. This couldn't be good. The look on his face was of something more sinister.

"I was told that some of you seem to be plotting against me. This is me declaring for you to declare war." He looked between each of us, waiting for the culprits to come forward.

Harlow stepped out and straightened her posture. "It's no secret. You murdered my brother and how I'm going to take your life."

"And now I'd like to see you try," Pan said.

Rapunzel's POV

I gasped as Harlow ran towards him and dodged his magic.

It hit Thomas and caused a burn on his shoulder. I ran over to his side and grabbed him, sitting beside him. I began to sing, watching my hair glow as I pressed it against his shoulder to heal his wound.

I looked over as Pan shot an arrow at Lucy. I let go of Thomas and headed over to her, grabbing my glowing hair.

"Rapunzel, no!" Roman yelled behind me. I looked back at him as he sprinted towards me. I turned to see Pan shooting an arrow in my direction and I had no time to stop it.

Roman's POV

I pushed Rapunzel out of the way and made a pained expression as the arrow flew into my chest. I fell to the ground and grabbed the end of it, trying to pull it out.

Rapunzel bent over me and shook her head. "Hey, it's okay. I'm going to save you."

"Don't save me. Stop Pan. Go home to Eugene. Marry the love of your life." I looked at my chest. "It hit major organs. If I pull this out, my lung will collapse. I won't be able to breathe." I coughed up some blood.

I could see the look in Rapunzel's eyes. She couldn't bear to watch this monstrosity any longer.

"No!" Harr yelled out. I turned to watch Pan pulled Amelia's heart from her chest and crumple it in his hand. She fell to the ground as her lifeless eyes staring into the abyss of the forest.

Everyone was losing their lives. I could only let this happen, being as helpless as I was.

Mowgli's POV

I stood from the sidelines, watching the war go forward. I dodged magic every now and then, not bothering to get involved. I could not risk the lives of my family. It wasn't in me to put up a fight at this time.

Rapunzel stood and turned to face Pan. As he aimed an arrow as her, she used a frying pan as a shield. She lassoed her hair around his feet, pulling him to the ground. She walked over and smacked him with a frying pan. "How ironic, don't you think? I'm using your own name against you."

The new green guy turned into a large, green elephant and sat on Pan to keep him in place.

Pan transported himself from underneath the elephant and looked at them. "You forget I can do things you can't."

Jared's POV

I stood beside Mowgli, unsure of how I could ever fight alongside these warriors. They seemed to be doing okay without a small boy screwing it up.

Pan brought dreamshade vines through the brush, using his hands to control them without a single touch. He brought them towards Harlow as she aimed to avoid the poisonous plant.

Reid grabbed Harlow from harm's way and looked for something he could use against the boy.

Rapunzel stepped in front of Pan and hit him once more, using her frying pan. The green guy turned into a green pterodactyl and used his claws to pick Pan up and drop him into the bush of poisonous vines.

Pan stayed calm and collected as his body began to glow in areas where the thorns had pierced his skin. He looked at everyone else. "Is this how you think it ends?"

"This is how it ends for you, Peter Pan. This is how it ends for you," Harlow spat in his direction.

Rapunzel shifted her gaze toward Roman and Lucy, both of which had lost a lot of blood. Their chests were no longer moving as their hearts had failed to beat.

Reid grabbed the bow and arrow and turned on his heel, letting it fly into Lord Farquaad's chest. "Not so fast. We didn't forget about you."

Harlow dropped to her knees. "We're free... And now the real question is..." She looked at the rest of them. "How do we get back home?"

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