Finals: MusicgirlXD

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Alveraz, the once all-powerful city, now lay in ruins. Reports flooded in from all over the global of great destruction. Greater then Zeref could ever nor Achnelogia could unleash. Irene stood on top of a mound comprised of a fallen building "This is a setback." She stated, "however, nothing we can't work through." Closing her eye, she made a giant eye appear in the sky. She watched all that was kidnapped and capture emerge from their stone coffins. "It seems the final showdown is just about to start."


A blonde approached Eletta. "Well, have you decided?" Dimeria asked.

Gritting her teeth, Eletta pulled out her sword. "I have. You made me kill my father!" Screaming she rushed towards her. Dimeria smirked. Before Eletta reached her, her clothes exploded. All that was left was a shredded corset and underwear. Eletta screamed and her cheeks flushed a bright red.

"You'll regret fighting me," Dimeria told her. Eletta pointed her blade towards her. She slashed downwards towards her. Dimeria laughed and sped away. Eletta pulled a pistol from her side and pointed it at the spot where Dimeria would have reappeared. Before she got there, Eletta fired her pistol. As she reappeared. a bullet when through her. Dimeria dropped to the ground. Blood poured from her wound. Before she could make a move. A red glow made everything disappear


Blasting into the air with a wind current, Zephyr sped away. A man chased after her. A man in a business suit followed after her. Jacob caught up with her. Zephyr screamed as he delivered a blow against her. The nomade blocked using a wind tunnel. Jacob stated stoic. Blades appeared in his hand and he delivered blow after blow. Screaming, she fell out of the sky. A red glow overclouded them.


A man walked through Alveraz. A dog treat hung from his mouth. "Now, this is what, I call destruction. I'm glad I lived long enough to see it." Pushing his bangs back, Undertaker showed off his green eyes with a scar running from his eye to his chin. "Now, what's next." Glancing around, he watched a man come into view. Pulling his synth from behind him, he ready for an attack.

"Do you really want to fight me?" Bloodman asked. "I'm a demon, you can't stop me if you tried. I can be your worse nightmare."

"I already living my worst nightmare and have come to terms with it, years ago." A skull appeared over Undertaker's face. He swiped his blade downwards, shooting towards Bloodman. The monster fell backward. His body began releasing bane particles. Jumping into the air, Undertaker slammed his blade into his chest. "I'm already dead." A red light overshadowed them before they could continue the fight.


Running through the streets, Cassandra searched for other people. Sliding to a stop, a dragon stood before her. Smirking, Cassandra through her arms out. Figures appeared before her and rushed the dragon. Turning its head towards her, the dragon hit the figures with his tail.

"You have fooled me for the last time."

A figure sat above her laughing. "A villain from her past is a dragon. How perfect is this?"

Gritting her teeth, she turned to face him. "Neinhert." The man with purple hair and a green suit nodded. Cassandra through her hands out as warriors appeared all around her. I can play your game. Let's see how well your Hisotrias can fight against mine." The dragon collided with the fighters. Cassandra moved them as if they had minds of their own. Swords classed against the dragon's scales. Arrows pierced his heart. Turning quickly, an arrow shot from one of her figures. Neinheart jumped out of the way and unto the ground beside her.

Snapping his fingers, more dragons appeared. One of them grabbed her by her waist. Her figures disappeared. Laughing, the dragon began crushing her. The world around her faded as red glow overcame the battle.


"Where's Zeref?" Natsu inqurded as he ran through the destroyed city. "I must find and destroy him." As he spoke, a white girly hand grabbed him and pulled him into the air. "Let me go," he shouted pounding on her fingers. The girl made a 'tsk' sound before throwing him against the ground. Yelling, Natsu hit the ground with his head.

Jolting up, he growled at the girl. Brandish stood before him. "I have no intention of betraying my country, but I refuse to let you see Zeref."

Standing, Natsu lengthened his stride. "Tell me where Zeref is right now!" Natsu ran towards her. Jumping up, his left fist became engulfed in flames. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist." He called as he slammed his fist into her leg.

"Pesky fly." Brandish stated. Waving her hand, Natsu shrunk.

"Change me back," he shouted. Running up her leg, Natsu jumped into the air. "Fire Dragon Roar!" His fire hit in her in the stomach. Natsu began plummeting her with fire attacks. Brandish rolled her eyes and shrunk to her normal form. She regrew him as well. Natsu laughed and landed as a surprise attack on her face. A red glow encased them both as she hit the ground.


Shaking his head, Legoless emerged from underneath rebel. He grabbed his head. The elf couldn't believe he just survived the world ending. Shaking his head, he cleared his mind from his daze. He was still in Alveraz. He had to stay focused. A red-haired female engrossed his mind. "Turiel." He smiled. "I'll find a way home to you. I promise."

Looking around, a male with red hair came into view. "It is I, God Serena, strongest of the saints, have come to destroy you." Legoless rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe he would admit something of the sort. Pulling an arrow out of his quiver, he fired at God Serena. The mage cried out as the arrow struck his heart. He collapsed upon the ground as both men were overcome by a red glow.


Grumbling, Artemis pulled her leftwing from underneath a broken statue. Holding out her flute, she placed it under the statue and rolled it away. The hybrid rolled the opposite direction. Artemis flapped her wings and rose in the air. She took in the destruction of the land. From every corner of Alveraz, buildings laid in waste.

"Pitiful isn't." A male stated.

Artemis lowered and glanced around. A man wearing a white toga with a cross on his back and forehead approached her. "Lacrade" The hybrid growled.

Raising his hands up to his chest and hold them close to each other as if in prayer, Lacarde smiled. "Indeed it is." Artemis had the staff in hand and gave it a spun. It grew as it whirled. The hybrid pulled her hand behind her, ready for a blow against him.

"Pleasure," the white mage spoke. Screams and moaned erupted around him. Artemis kept her mind directed towards him. Lacarde smirked as white tentacles flung themselves towards her. They wrapped around her. Artemis whimpered as a foreign sensation swapted over her.

"What- is- this?" She asked as it slowly took her.

"Humans really on three sensations, sex, hunger, and sleep. Pleasure may sound cruel, but in reality, you die in the most pleasing of manners."

Screaming, Artemis bit her lip. She raised her flute to her mouth, played a few notes them swapped towards him. Purple blades flew towards him. "Your magic is vulgar!" She yelled at him. Lacrad sidestepped. The blades missed him. Artemis pulled back, crossed her arms in front of her and screamed at him. "Dragon's Song!" Several purple circles flew out of her mouth. The roar pushed him back. Lacrad only smirked.

"Famished Soul." Lacarad states.

Artemis' magic suddenly cut out and the hybrid fell to the ground below. She jerked up and held her stomach. "My stomach hurts so bad."

"Yes, Famish soul makes you hunger for anything in sight. In the end, you consume yourself and those around you. No matter how much you eat you'll still be famished."

Artemis stared at her staff. The rode slowly faded into a loaf of bread. Drooling, she began nibbling on it. As she nibbled her mind went back to when she about 8 years old. Living deep in a forest, a girl's sobbing disrupted her sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she flew out of a cave she called home. In the moonlight, she spied a girl with black pigtails spun together in doughnuts, sitting on the ground crying.

Flying down to her, Artemis greeted her. "Hi, why are you crying?"

"My dad, brought me here to make me stronger. I cry too much. I'm not..." Pausing, Minerva glanced up at the stranger. "Who are you?"

"I'm Artemis. I was just released from tower of heaven and not sure what to do with my life."

"Will, you be my sister and we can protect each other from Dad?"

"Sure, sounds like fun."

Wood cranking pulled Artemis out of her thoughts. Growling she turned towards him. "I'll fight my hunger to get back to her!" Rising to the air, Artemis through her hands out straight across her body before bringing them quickly before with both palms up. "Sonic base!" Four basses surrounded him. Their beat destroyed the ground beneath causes him to fall.

"R.I.P." He stated.

Bringing her arms together, Artemis cried, "Sonic Sheild." A disco ball appeared around her. Her eyelids became heavy. Biting her lip, she through her hand up then brought it back down. "Lyra." Smiling, she began playing her handheld harp. Waves blasted against him. Lacrad blacked out from her attacks. Sighing, Artemis collapsed upon the earth. A red glow overtook the duo and everything faded.


Hovering in the sky, Crow glanced over the destruction of the city. Looking away tears ran down his cheeks. The male pulled his dark blue hood down revealing his grey skin and green hair. A female around the age of thirteen. Her green skin, fangs, purple dress, and purple hair made him smiled. "Graceland," he mumbled, "I'm sorry for everything Madam Red made us do. My only hope is to come back home to you, sister."

Closing his eyes, he reponed them. His eyes glowed a solid red. Two extra eyes appeared on his forehead. The man raised his hands up in the air. A red orb appeared in his hands. Crow had demon genes running through his veins. Once he tapped into these abilities he more than doubled his ability.

An explosion sounded behind him. Grunting, he spun real quickly and a red solid barrier appeared in front of him. A man in an orange jumpsuit stood on the ground under him. "What do you think you're doing?" Wall snide, "I'm not done playing with you."

Pulling the corner of his lip up, Crow made a 'Tsk' sound. "You use Alchemy magic. Mine is black and demonic. You don't stand a chance nor does your magic work against me."

"We'll just see about that." Holding his hands out, missiles appeared in the air. They shot towards him. Crow laughed, raised his hands up then flung them downwards towards the missiles. Dark red beams shot from his hand. The beams hit the rockets and destroyed them on contact. Red ribbons wrapped around Crow's body.

"If you want a fight, then I feed you your worst nightmare."

"Your forgetting, I can determine your weakness." Wall laughed.

Crow smirked. "When in demon form, I have no weakness." Red orbs formed on his hands once more. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Fussing his demonic magic into the spell, Crow covered the world in a red glow. Once it vanished, everyone returned to the life the had before they were captured from their homeland.


Aang returned to team avatar, defeated Fire Lord Ozi, married Katara and raised three kids.

Azura returned to her home on the lake and trained many Fire Nation members in the skill and was invited to the capital by Fire Lord Zuko. She now lives in the Capital as a member of his advisory board.

Zephyrine was invited to dwell at the Air Temple Island with Aang. She married a non-bender and had several kids who all became Acolytes. One of which was Pema who later when on to marry Tenzin.

Legoless succeded in returning to Middle Earth and helping Frodo defeat Suran and return Middle Earth to peace.

Anastasia died without her father knowing who she was. However, she was reborn before Frodo found the ring. She grew up never knowing Zeref. She gave up her immortality to unite the Dwarfs and Elves under one roof ending the feud that had existed since the beginning of time.

Due to the spell, Crow died. Graceland mourned deeply for her older brother unknowing the price he paid for her live a long and happy life.

Eletta sailed the seven seas and have been in and out of problems with the Navy. She eventually lead the pirates in a revolt against them and has claimed herself to be Queen of the Seas.

Cassandra went back to Starlight where she teams up with Jason and Karen. They defeat the evil prince and the inhabitants are free from the tyranny of the dragons.

Undertaker remains unchanged. He works at his own funeral parlor giving information to the Earl Phamtomhive. He later one goes to creat a horde of Zombies, by messing with their records, that attack a ship sailing on the ocean. The ship sank eventually sinks but very few make it off alive.

Natsu returns to Fiore and Fairy Tail. He and flirts a lot with Lucy and continues to grow in his magic. He and the Fairy Tail Guild go on Adventures and go overboard.

Artemis returns to Sabertooth to find her sister, Minerva, who has rejoined the guild and Sting is the new guild master. She is excited at this turn of events and changes her way as well. She marries Rogue and together they go on jobs and Frosche is her favorite Exceed of all.

Katniss returns to Panem where she defeats Snow and kills Coin. She goes on to marry Peta and has two children that will never have to grow up to face the Hunger Games.

Bernard died early, however, after Crow's spell, he returned to Narnia in time to hear that the King and Queens of old had disappeared and Narnians are running for their lives from Talmeranians. He teams up with Prince Caspian to take the King of Talmeran.

Zeref returned to Alveraz and to this day, plans to return to Fiore to steal Fairy Heart.

Madam Red returned to Lodon where she continued murdering prostitutes alongside Grell. Later, Ciel finds out of her work and catches her red-handed. Grell kills Madam Red and battle Sebastian.

Grell continues his work as the grim reaper and driving Seabasintin insane by getting the butler to date him. Grell, to this day, still thinks he's a woman

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