Spot 12: KaturaBayliss' Characters

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These characters were made by KaturaBayliss

Villain Form| 

Name: Azula 

Age: 15 

Gender: Female 

Appearance: Long black hair contained in a traditional Fire Nation Phoenix tail, ivory skin, golden eyes. Slim, athletic build. 

Part of Fandom: End-season two 

Backstory: Although the second child and a girl, Azula aspires to succeed her father as the Fire Lord/Lady, usurping her brother Zuko's position of first in line after he was banished from the kingdom. Azula has been actively hunting both her brother and the Avatar throughout the earth kingdom. Always the favourite of her father, she takes more after Ozai than her mother, Ursa. 

Personality: Azula is ruthless, cunning, and manipulative, with symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. 

Powers: Firebending, blue fire

Main Character Form 1

Name: Zuko 

Age: 17 

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Black, shaggy hair. Golden eyes and ivory skin marred by a burn scar over his left eye. Tall and athletically built 

Part of Fandom: End-season two 

Backstory: Banished and burned by his father for disrespecting a general, Zuko was told not to return until he had captured the Avatar-a task which Ozai thought impossible. Determined to restore his honor and return home, Zuko has followed the Avatar and his team all over the world with his uncle, Iroh, at his side. Recently, he has begun to see the error of his ways and has attempted to be a better person-all but giving up his hunt for the avatar. 

Personality: By nature, Zuko takes more after his mother, Ursa, than his father, Ozai. Zuko was a sweet, tender-hearted child; but after being permanently scarred and banished by his father, he became hardened and angry, even obsessive. Zuko struggles to control his temper, but deep down, he wants to do what is right. 

Powers: Firebending, lightning redirection 

Blackmail: Azula can covince his father to allow him to come back home

Main Character Form 2| 

Name: Kira 

Age: 16 

Gender: Female 

Appearance: Black hair, mocha skin, dark eyes. Tall, athletically built. 

Backstory: In the year 2076, Akira lives with a group of human survivors of the RM virus that wiped out most of the world's population during the break-a war between genetically-engineered superhumans known as Partials and humans. Since the Break, every human child has died of RM and no one has seen a Partial in eleven years. Akira goes on a search to find the Partials in hopes of curing RM. 

Personality: Akira is smart, flexible, tough, and compassionate. 

Powers: Akira is a Partial. She has accelerated regenerative abilities and is able to communicate with other Partials through the Link-a pheromone system like that of dogs. 

Blackmail: Azula knows where the cure for RM can be found.

Character 3

Name: Katura Bayliss 

Age: 17

  Gender: Female 

Appearance: Dark-red hair. Emerald-green eyes and ivory skin. 5'10 and slim build 

Part of Fandom: Book two 

Backstory: In the year 2467, the humanity has survived near-extinction through the third and fourth world wars. America is no more and freedom is an idea long-forgotten in Kazaan-the totalitarian order that controls what's left of Eurasia. Katura Bayliss was raised in a priviledged family by a governor father and bioengineer mother. After being sent to medcial school at age 16, she began to see past the lies and state-produced propoganda. When she finds out her closest friend is a member of the Resistance, Katura is torn between what she has been taught her entire life and the horrifying reality of the measures those in power use to maintain control over the people. When her only friend is murdered in an attempt to hide the truth, Katura defects and ends up among Resistance, fighting to make the truth known. She is captured by the Kazaani Security Bureau and tortured, but finally rescued. After a freak accident, she and her handler, Alexonder Komerov end up in a strange land and must find their way back into their own world.

Personality: Katura hates to see suffering and prefers to handle things peacefully whenever possible. Growing up in a dysfuctional family, she has a distorted view of interpersonal relationships and craves approval from authority figures. 

Powers: Accelerated immune-system and enhanced intelligence. 

Blackmail: Azula holds the key to returning to her world.

Character 4

| Name: Alexonder "Xonder" Komerov 

Age: 24 

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Blond hair, golden eyes and naturally-tan skin. 6'5 and athletically-built. 

Part of Fandom: Book two 

Backstory: Orphaned at a young age, Xonder was raised by the state to be a killing-machine; following orders and snuffing out rebellion without mercy or second thoughts. Displaying a talent for brutality, he was trained as an interrogator and torturer-a job which he initially believed to be necessary to national security. When he is ordered to brutally murder someone who has committed no crime, it causes him to begin questioning everything, leading to his eventual defection. Xonder discovers that the Amerians-long thought to have been wiped out in WWIII, are very much alive and have spies within the Kazaani regime. He joins them as they aid the Resistance in overturning the government; leading a team of American agents and Kazaani defectors. When a weapons test goes horribly wrong, he finds himself, along with one of his agents, thrown into another universe 

  Personality: Xonder is calculating leader who has control issues and an explosive temper. He believes himself to be a monster and struggles to control his violent tendencies, trying to channel his talents into establishing justice. 

Powers: None 

Blackmail: Azula holds the key to returning to his world.

Character 5

Name: Kaya

Age: 15

Ability: Waterbending

Personality: ESFJ

Grew up in the Northern Water tribe and wants to help take down Azula.

Character 6

Username: KaturaBayliss
Name: Ursa Bridger
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Medium skin, jet-black hair styled in an angled bob haircut, cobalt-blue eyes, average height and build. Wears Mandalorian armor.

What part of fandom are they from: After Star Wars Rebels, Sabine found Ezra and they had two children together.
Backstory: The daughter of Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger, she grew up with a love for adventure and sarcastic sense of humor. Early in life, Ezra discovered that his daughter had inherited his strong connection to the Force and began training her as a Jedi. When both Ezra and Sabine were killed by the Empire, Ursa and her brother, Kanan, were orphaned and forced to learn how to survive on the disintegrating planet of Mandalore.
Personality: Witty, flexible, and sarcastic, Ursa loves attention and is rarely thrown off guard. She is fiercely protective of her younger brother.
Powers: Manipulation of the Force-is an exceptional mechanic
Loved ones: Kanan Bridger
What do they want in life: To carve out a happy existence with her brother

Character 7

Username: Katura Bayliss

Name: Jedidiah Webb
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'11, and shaggy, light-brown hair that he keeps tied back with a leather string. Sea-green eyes, sun-tanned skin, and wiry build. Wears a loose-fitting, linen shirt, leather sword-baldric, sturdy breeches, and well-worn boots.
What part of fandom are they from: Non-canon
Backstory: The product of a brief dalliance between Captain Jack Sparrow and a barmaid from Tortuga, Jedidiah grew up aspiring to see more of the world and with a thirst for knowledge. One of the few literate Tortuga natives, he read every book he could get his hands on and became a profficient swordsman.
Personality: Jed is a dreamer, though somewhat quiet and seemingly serious. He enjoys learning and longs to explore the world to learn about the different places, peoples, and cultures.
Powers: No magicle abilities. Quite agile and an excellent swordsman as well as an able swimmer.
Love ones: Mother(deceased)
What do they want in life: To learn, explore, and understand. He feels as if he is out of place and is destined for something else in life.

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