Spot 9: Several7s Characters

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These were made by Several7s 


Username: Several7s

Name: Unseelie King (Arawn)

Age: He has been around since before anyone can remember.

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has short black hair and distinct horns that emerge from the top of his head. He wears a golden band on his head. His skin is extremely pale- almost white. He has a tall, lean build. The two sides of his face have a striking contrast to each other. On the right, he's a handsome young man with an inky black eye. On the left, his eye is missing and his face is covered in scars.

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Some years after Cruce faked the day of his lover. The wounds from that loss are still deep.

Backstory: He has been around for so long that some people call him God. The one thing that made him inferior to the Seelie Queen was that he didn't know the Song of Making. When he fell in love with a human girl, he begged the Seelie Queen to make her Fae, but the Queen refused. This prompted the King to leave the Seelie court and build a place where his lover would never age. There, he spent countless eons trying to replicate the Song of Making. It was always incomplete and the result of his efforts was the Unseelie Court. After some time, he essentially turned himself into the Unseelie King that he is now through the incomplete Song of Making. He worked with his Unseelie Prince Cruce to perfect the song, but Cruce betrayed him, revealing his work to the Seelie Queen in an attempt to merge the courts. Instead, the Seelie Queen got enraged and imprisoned him, summoning the King. When the Unseelie King arrived, the Queen confronted him. Cruce disguised himself as the Queen's prince V'lane, so that when the Queen summoned him, she accidentally summoned her Prince instead. She killed him in front of the Unseelie King to show what she would do to all of his creations. Cruce escaped back to the white mansion while this went down and erased the memories of the Unseelie King's lover. Then he used illusion spells to make the King think she had killed herself because of him.

It wasn't long after these events that he discovered a way to travel between different universes. He used this to team up with other people who enjoyed watching others suffer like he did. Then he proceeded to kidnap certain people from different realms and forced them into impossible situations with the promise that they could return home if they survived. He never actually intended to allow that, but they must have figured that out, because they orchestrated an escape. He almost succeeded at stopping it, until one of his prisoners offered him a deal. He would get three of them and the rest went home. He took his three prisoners to his mansion, where they would never age, and tortures them for fun. Years later, the effects of his games came full circle when all of the realms merged without warning.

Personality: He has become a cruel and manipulative person, who hates the Seelie and loves to watch others suffer. When he walks among the mortals, he has to take on multiple human personalities, and never uses the same one twice.

Main Goal: He still wishes to perfect the Song of Making, but while he works on that, he plans to unite the realms under his rule and use the forces from these new realms to destroy the Seelie once and for all.

Type of Villain: Once, he cared greatly for someone and lost them. Now, he no longer cares for anyone. He will manipulate, hurt, and do whatever he believes is necessary to achieve his goals. He's cunning and will find ways to rope people into deals where he's the only one who benefits in the end.

Powers/Skills: He has an incomplete Song of Making, but it is only capable of creating the Unseelie. While he cannot like, he's an expert at finding ways around that, such as omitting important truths or letting people assume things. He has heightened senses of smell, and hearing as well as unnatural speed and grace. He can also harness the power of ley lines and other various magics.

Minions: His Unseelie, who he created and commands.

Second in Command: No one in particular. Cruce was the closest, but now the Unseelie King believes him to be dead.

Who They Kidnapped and Why: He still has Raiden, who survived years of torture through seemingly sheer willpower alone. Using Raiden, he has also blackmailed Raiden's faithful companion Lexi into helping him as well.

Anything Else: He still feels the loss of his love acutely. Though he would never say it, it's the rage and sense of loss from her death that causes him to lash out like he does. He loves to hurt others because it's how he deals with his own emotional pain.


Character 1

Username: Several7s

Name: Raiden

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: He once had bright green eyes, full of Hope. Now they're dull and hopeless. His once vibrant presence now lacks nearly any kind of emotion, either because he's numb, or because he hides it. His hair is blonde, but usually stained with his blood. There are scars covering his entire body, though only a few are on his face. He usually hides his face under his hoodie. He has a tall, thin body, standing around 6 feet 3 inches.

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Sometime not too long ago and after the Grand Magic Games.

Backstory: He was raised by a dragon named Ionean when he was really little, and learned Sound Slaying magic. Then Ionean disappeared with the rest of the dragons, leaving Raiden to fend for himself. He was taken in by a young couple. It was during his time with them that he found an egg and hatched it. When a female exceed came out, she stuck with him and wouldn't leave his side. They became best friends and he named her Lexi. Later, when he turned fifteen, his parents died, leaving him with nowhere to go.

When Ayame showed up at his ruined home and offered to get him into the guild she was part of, he accepted and joined Silent Phoenix. They became a close family to him and he would have done everything to protect them. So when he got kidnapped by the Unseelie King and forced to participate in his games, Raiden eventually ended up sacrificing himself to save those that had been kidnapped with him.

He was taken with two others- Raven and Infinity. As the Unseelie King's prisoners, they were subjected to torture and often forced to fight against each other or other Unseelie in The Court. This made Raiden stronger, but only as far as he could survive the torture. Infinity was the first to die. She committed suicide three years after they were taken. During their time suffering together, Raven and Raiden fell in love. Raven conceived Raiden's child, but with everything else, she couldn't handle the pregnancy. She miscarried and died, but after so much hurt and loss, Raiden couldn't handle that. He still doesn't realize she and their daughter are dead, and sees them with him wherever he goes.

Personality: He's a strong guy, but years of torture have changed him. He's no longer the joking, fun loving guy he used to be. Now, he's quiet and often absorbed by his thoughts. He constantly daydreams of seeing his guildmates again, but knows it probably won't happen. This puts him in a strange, hopelessly hopeful position, where he often switches between hopeful moods and very negative ones. He has often thought of ending it, but Raven always talks him down, promising he'll get out someday soon.

Powers/Skills: He is a sound dragon Slayer. Basically he can manipulate and eat sound, using it to fight his opponents.

What is the Villain Blackmailing Them With: When the Unseelie came to Raiden, he offered him his freedom if he helped. Raiden was tempted to agree, but realized he would be trading his freedom for the enslavement of possibly thousands and refused. The Unseelie King, enraged, promised that if Raiden didn't help him, he would destroy Silent Phoenix and everyone in it. Still extremely loyal to his friends and his guild, he reluctantly agreed.

Loved Ones: Raven. They went through a lot together, and became very close during their imprisonment. They fell in love and had a daughter, who Raiden named Hope. There's also Lexi, who he misses, and the rest of his guild mates too.

What They Want In Life: He just wants to settle down with his family and be a part of Silent Phoenix again.

Anything Else: After years of torture, he has become accustomed to pain. He's physically stronger and tougher than he was, but mentally he's starting to blur the lines between real life and his imagination. Also, because he was kept in a place where time doesn't pass, he is still nineteen, despite five years having gone by in the outside world.


Character 2

Username: Several7s

Name: Lexi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: In her normal form, she is a cat with orange fur that has red dots. Her stomach is yellow, and she wears a golden band on each arm and on her tail. When she uses transformation magic, she looks human, except for her tail and ears. Her hair is orange in this form, with a few red streaks. Her eyes are a distinct yellow color in either form. In her human form, she's about 5 feet 6 inches tall. She still wears her bracelets in human form.

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Seven years after the Grand Magic Games ended.

Backstory: From the moment she was born, Raiden was always there. They went through everything together, good and bad. She was there when he lost his parents, and she joined Silent Phoenix with him when they had nowhere else to go. The two were practically inseparable, until they were kidnapped and taken to another realm by the Unseelie King. During his games, Lexi watched many people she grew close to die, including innocent children that never should have been there in the first place. Then, when they were finally so close to escape, the Unseelie King showed up to stop them once again. Raiden, Infinity, and Raven offered to be his prisoners if the others could go free, and Lexi was forced away from Raiden, who begged her to tell the others he was dead and never come back for him. She knew it was for their safety and hers, but she never stopped looking. For the next seven years, she honed her abilities and learned transformation magic. She trained to be able to fight on her own and took tough jobs alone, pushing the limits of what she could handle. She grew to be closer friends with many in the guild, and learned a lot about fighting against different styles of magic while she trained with them.

When the realms unexpectedly merged, she knew she had a chance to find Raiden again. Not caring if it would void their contract with the Unseelie King, she set off alone in search of her best friend.

Personality: She's generally very happy, and jokes around a lot. She tries very hard to cover up how much she worries for Raiden, but firmly believes that he is still alive. She always feels guilty, being happy when she knows he's suffering so that she could get safely home. Most says, her thoughts are consumed by thoughts of how to find him or what they could do when she did get him back. You'll often see her staring out into the distance, lost in thought. She's very perceptive of others' emotions and will often note when someone is hiding something. She's a loyal friend and would never hurt the people she loves. She would, however, do everything in her power to destroy those who hurt her loved ones.

Powers/Skills: She is an exceed capable of transformation magic and, of course, flying. She spent a lot of time with Panther-Lily as well, learning to wield a sword effectively and fight.

What is the Villain Blackmailing Them With: When she was looking for Raiden after the realms merged, the Unseelie King approached her. Knowing she wanted Raiden to be freed, he told her that he would free Raiden if she helped him. She agreed.

Loved Ones: Her guildmates, but also Raiden, who she never gave up on finding.

What They Want In Life: She just wants to rescue Raiden so things at the guild can be normal again. Nothing is the same without him, and everyone feels it, even seven years later

Anything Else: She is fiercely loyal to Raiden, willing to sacrifice her life for him if necessary. She would do anything to save him from his suffering, especially because she blames herself for it.


Character 3

Username: Several7s

Name: Reiko Hairo

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has long, lilac hair that falls in waves around her shoulders. Her eyes are a slightly darker purple color. She's tall- around 5'9", and has a strong, lithe form. She has gotten used to wearing light armor and clothes that are easy to maneuver in. She keeps two high-level swords strapped to her back and always has several knives on her belt.

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: She was taken out of SAO several days after clearing the twenty-seventh floor with Kirito and the rest of their company.

Backstory: Reiko was a beta tester for SAO and logged back on the first day the game officially came out. Unfortunately, this trapped her with the rest of the ten thousand who also logged on. She determined to play actively and help the rest of the players get past floor 100 and escape. While doing this, she met another player, Akiro. The two became best friends and stuck close together as they fought through the floors. They grew strong together and often fought in groups with Kirito, Asuna, and their friends. Not long after helping to clear the 19th floor, Reiko ran into Laughing Coffin. For reasons she never discovered, the guild targeted her. They trapped her in a house and played with her for days before Akiro, Kirito, Asuna, and Klein showed up to rescue her. She never found out why they didn't just kill her, but she stuck close to her guildmates after that. Many times after, she encountered the guild again. They always promised they would finish what they started. She knew if they came back she would have to get stronger, and spent nearly all of her time after that grinding the highest level mobs she could to improve. Akiro kept up with Reiko, despite how hard she worked. After several months of this, Reiko accepted that she needed to slow down, if not for herself, then for Akiro, who would never abandon her. She and Akiro decided to take a break from leveling and working through floors in order to relax for a few weeks. During this time, Laughing Coffin found her again and ambushed the pair while they were swimming in a lake near town. This time, they targeted Akiro. They forced the two of them into a corner and nearly killed her. To save her friend, Reiko pushed Akiro out of the fight and held off their attackers while she ran. This time, the Laughing Coffin members managed to strike a killing blow. Reiko thought she was dead, but something about the world changed just as the last of her health disappeared. She respawned at the town on their floor as if nothing had happened. Little did she know, this was when the world merged with the other realms.

Personality: She's generally a very optimistic person, with an outgoing personality. Time in SAO changed that some, but it's still there. She's the kind of person who will always give her life for her friends if necessary. She hates to see the strong bully the weak, and firmly believes that it is her job to rescue as many people as possible. She'll think hard decisions through rationally in most situations, but if her loved ones are involved, she tends to get reckless. She won't back down from a fight, especially if she sees it as unavoidable. Although she has strict morals and believes in honor, she also believes that if someone else is trying to kill you by abandoning their honor and fighting unfairly, it's okay to do what's necessary to win and survive.

Powers/Skills: She fights with swords and knives. Because of how the realms merged, she is still her avatar, which leaves her with all of the unique skills she had in the game. Most of these are sword skills.

What is the Villain Blackmailing Them With: When she respawned at the town, she immediately went out in search of Akiro, worried something might happen to her friend. Unfortunately, something did happen- the Unseelie King got to her first. He used Akiro to get to Reiko and blackmail her into helping him.

Loved Ones: She has a guild of friends in SAO, and a family in the outside world, but Akiro will always be her best friend. She's almost like a little sister to Reiko, and she would do anything to protect Akiro.

What They Want In Life: For the longest time, she just wanted to beat SAO and logout to go back to her family and outside life. But after spending so long in the game, she adjusted to that life. Beating the game is still a goal, as is survival, but she's learned to enjoy it along the way. Part of her wishes she could settle down in some town and lead a normal life, but she won't stop fighting for the 100th floor.

Anything Else: She still has nightmares about her time as a prisoner of the Laughing Coffin guild. She would never say it out loud, but they terrify her more than any creature in the game ever did.

Also, despite being her avatar, she looks like her real world self because of the SAO mechanics.


Character 4

Username: Several7s

Name: William Hart

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has shaggy white hair that frames his face and pale green eyes that look as if they shine with a light from within. On his face, he has a pale scar from when he first got his powers. He's around 5'6", and often wears hoodies and sweatpants when he's just hanging out. His hero outfit is a black suit with a green and brown belt and a bunch of thorns creating a W in the center of his chest.

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Three years after he became a superhero during movie night with his family.

Backstory: William was raised by a mother who never stuck with one man for long. He had nine other siblings and grew up close with all of them. He was the eldest, and he knew, even if his siblings didn't, that none of them had the same father. He never met his dad, but he was okay with that. Even though his mother discarded men like old clothes, she did the best she could for her children and kept them well-fed and happy. He never felt as though he was missing anything, and none of his siblings did either. As the eldest, he was always very protective of his siblings and even helped raise the younger kids. He and Roman- the next oldest- got jobs to help support their large family. He was seventeen when the particle accelerator exploded. Roman had suggested visiting the park before bed, so the teens had gone out to do just that. When the shockwave hit, it blasted William into a tree. One of the branches sliced deep into his face, causing the scar he still has today. After the event, his hair turned white and his eyes had a strange glow to them. Doctors dismissed it as a cause of the traumatic experience, but he knew something was different. When he discovered his ability to manipulate plants, the first person he told was Roman. After talking for a while, William told Roman he wanted to use his powers to help people. They picked the name Wolfsbane as William's codename and started training. Roman became William's 'guy in the chair', and used his connections to get Cisco Ramon to make William's suit. (He never admitted how, but Cisco wasn't very happy about whatever Roman did when they first teamed up with the Flash.) The two fought crime together and teamed up with the Flash pretty often, though they never told anyone who William was or that he was technically a minor.

Personality: He is a protective big brother, and always puts his family before himself. He would do anything to keep them safe. Of course, he isn't one to let anyone get hurt if he can help it. He loves playing games and gardening. Being outdoors relaxes him. Living in such a big family, he has come to expect the unexpected, and learned never to procrastinate. Studying is important to him, as he wants to go to college someday. He's smart, but hates English. He has a big stubborn streak and won't give up on something until long after he should have realized it's hopeless. He also hates losing.

Powers/Skills: He is a metahuman with the ability to manipulate plants. He can grow them from seeds and move them at will.

What is the Villain Blackmailing Them With: When he first met the Unseelie King, it was after his family had gone missing. He was sure one of his other meta enemies had learned his identity and come for him, until the Unseelie King showed up and made his offer. He would let William's family go, but only after William helped conquer the merged realms.

Loved Ones: His mother, Avery, his brothers, Roman, Wesley, Kaden, Joseph, Gavin, and Jeremiah, and his sister's, April, Cathrine, and Marisa. He has a bunch of friends at school as well. He also considers the Flash and his team friends, even if he doesn't feel safe telling them who he is, just in case.

What They Want In Life: One day, when the city is safer for his family, he wants to save up the money to move out, maybe find a girl and get married. He isn't sure he can give up his work as Wolfsbane, though, and knows if he ever has a serious relationship, it has to be with someone who will know that side of him and accept it.

Anything Else: Despite his mother's actions with other men, or perhaps because of them, he treats women with respect and won't get into a relationship unless he's serious about it. He won't judge his mother, but he won't be like her either.


Character 5

Username: Several7s

Name: Kiara Kazē

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has tanned skin from her time spent out in the sun. Her hair drops down to the middle of her back. She keeps it pulled back in the traditional waterbender style most of the time, but after traveling as much as she has, she tends to experiment with other styles too. Most of the time, she likes a simple style that keeps most of it out of her face. Her eyes are bright blue and full of life. Sometimes, on stormy days, they look almost gray. She's almost always smiling, usually out of habit, though it can be genuine too. Typically, she wears traditional water tribe clothing, but she's gotten used to wearing much looser and more decorative clothing over the years. She has a tall body type, with longer legs/

Origins: Avatar Legends of Korra

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Right after Korra opened the Southern spirit portal and Raiden and the group met with Tonraq. In the process of taking over, the Unseelie King saw her and decided she would be useful.

Backstory: As a child, Kiara loved to dance. She would perform for her parents, and as she grew up, she would perform for others in the tribe too. When she discovered her waterbending abilities, she learned how to use them quickly. Her mother, who she inherited her bending from, taught her many advanced techniques early on. She learned to heal from Katara. Since Kiara still loved to dance, she found ways to dance with the water, incorporating it into her technique. When she was twelve, a group of earthbenders visiting from Ba Sing Se saw her performance and were captivated. As the tribe soon discovered, these weren't normal earthbenders, but outlaws involved in human trafficking. They kidnapped Kiara and took her with them to the earth kingdom, using Equalist chi-blocking techniques to subdue her bending whenever she tried to fight back. They kept her with their group, having her serve them and dance for them when they wanted entertainment. They would use her as a distraction so they could rob people, threatening her with punishments if she didn't obey.

Twice, she managed to escape from them, only to happen upon them again and be recaptured in a cruel twist of fate. The last time she escaped, she fled into the forest in the earth kingdom- a place where she wouldn't be followed. There, she met the swamp benders and learned to use waterbending to manipulate plants. She left the swamp benders a year after meeting them, now seventeen years old. Having spent five years away from her family, she was anxious to return. However, when she did, she found that many things had changed. She realized that as awful as her captivity had been, she loved the travel, and staying home no longer held much appeal to her. She didn't fit in anymore, so she left and began to travel the world, exploring different places and learning many different versions of waterbending. While exploring, she met a young woman named Aira, an talented airbender who won't explain how she got her bending. They became best friends, wandering around together and helping people where needed. Eventually, Kiara traveled back to the South Pole to visit her family again, just in time for the Unseelie King to show up and discover her.

Personality: She's tough, but caring. Having lived far too long in captivity, she has a very special soft spot for others who suffered in similar ways. She's very sensitive to others and how they feel. Often, she can identify when something is wrong and she isn't afraid to point it out and attempt to help. Toward those who hurt her and her friends, she feels only anger. Still, she can't ignore someone who is suffering, even if she doesn't know them. She's a soft-hearted, sweet girl with a violent side that comes out whenever she feels threatened. After escaping the people who captured her, she refuses to go back to that life again. Not without a fierce fight.

Powers/Skills: She's a waterbender with healing talents. She has been all over the place, learning different techniques for waterbending. Because of her many attempts to escape captivity, she knows many things that most from the Southern Water Tribe would never learn. She's also a great fighter, because she can use her dancing to maintain better control of her bending.

What is the Villain Blackmailing Them With? Aira, for one. Kiara's friend accompanied her to the Southern Water Tribe. The Unseelie caught her before Kiara could help, and now uses her to keep Kiara in line. But the Unseelie King threatened her with something else too- if she didn't help, he wouldn't just kill Aira. He would break her until she couldn't recover. Until there was no chance of her being able to dance again. The combined threat was enough to convince her to help him.

Loved Ones: Most of her family is still alive, as well as Aira, who is being used against her.

What They Want in Life: She just wants to wander and help people. Instead, she has to help a madman hurt people. It's the opposite of what she wants.

Anything Else: She still harbors a lot of scars and emotional issues from her imprisonment, even though she tries hard to hide it. Her dancing is a way to deal with things that happen to her. It isn't just a hobby- it's a coping mechanism and a way to relax when things become too much to handle.


Character 6

Username: Several7s

Name: Royce Melborn

Age: He looks to be mid-twenties, but with his elven heritage, it's hard to tell how old he really is.

Gender: Male

Appearance: He's a short Mir (half elf) with unkempt black hair. His form is thin and muscular, and typically covered with loose, maneuverable clothing. Most of the time, his face is partially covered by a cloak. His eyes are are dark green color, and almost look black in certain lights. There's a bit of stubble on his cheeks, but he keeps it from growing into a full-fledged beard.

Origins: Riyria Revelations

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Just before Gwen was killed in the original books, and before he found out about his daughter, Mercy.

Backstory: He grew up a part of the Black Diamond- a gang in Ratibor. As he got older, he went from a thief to an assassin for the guild, but the faster he rose in the ranks, the more the First Officer began to worry Royce would become a problem. At this point, Royce had a best friend named Merrick and had befriended Merrick's lover Jade as well. To take care of Royce, the First Officer sent Jade and Royce on assignments without telling them the identity of their target. He set things up so Royce fought with Jade. Royce won, killing Jade, only to realize after removing her mask that it was his friend. This destroyed his friendship with Merrick, who vowed revenge and got Royce imprisoned. This is where he eventually met Hadrian. They were forced together by a wizard named Arcadius, who got the two men to team up. After around twelve years together, Royce eventually stopped hating Hadrian and the two became best friends. Together, they managed to get themselves framed for killing a king and set off on plenty of different adventures to try and keep the kingdom from falling apart. All of this was interrupted, of course, when the realms merged and the Unseelie King kidnapped them.

Personality: Royce is a very distrustful sort. His experiences have shaped him, creating a man who is extremely difficult to befriend. He won't make it easy to make friends with him, and he often tends to enforce his own philosophies over others, believing they are superior. He makes most decisions based on whether or not it's good for him or the people he loves. If he doesn't help you, it's probably because it won't help him or because you can't pay. Hadrian brings out a somewhat more compassionate side to Royce, but he'll always deny it and often doesn't act on it. He prefers to let Hadrian do the nice things he considers to be stupid. That way, when Hadrian inevitably gets himself into trouble, Royce can go save him. Despite how it sometimes looks, he cares deeply for the people he calls friends. He would do anything to keep them safe, and if he had found out about his daughter sooner, he would certainly have taken Mercy and Gwen to a remote farm and watched the world burn from a safe place.

Powers/Skills: He's an excellent thief, having grown up around it. He also excels at assassination and fighting. Daggers are his preferred weapon- his own dagger, Alverstone specifically. He can also hear much better than humans, see better in the dark, and live longer.

What the Villain is Blackmailing Them With: The Unseelie King found out about Mercy before Royce did, and now uses her as incentive to get Gwen and Royce to help him. He took Hadrian as well, in case Royce wasn't attached enough to the daughter he only just learned about.

Loved Ones: Gwen, the woman he loves. Hadrian Blackwater- his best friend and the man who keeps Royce honest. Even though he just learned about her existence, Royce would do anything to save his daughter, Mercedes, regardless of the consequences.

Anything Else: The world can burn for all he cares. He isn't as kind or soft-hearted as Hadrian- he'll do whatever it takes to keep his friends and family safe. They are, and always will be, the only things that matter more than his own life.


Character 7

Username: Several7s

Name: Gwen Delancy

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: Gwen is a dark skinned woman with long black hair that settles around her shoulders in waves. Her eyes are a lively, bright green, usually lit up with a smile. She's tall and slim, and tends to wear revealing clothes because of her line of work.

Origins: Riyria Revelations

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Shortly before she was supposed to die.

Backstory: Gwen lost her mother on their trip to Medford. Since her mother's dying wish was for her to continue the journey, Gwen did so, with a bit of money she was given by a man who told her she would meet a man "dressed in his blood" in Medford, and that she would have to save him. When she got to Medford, only one man was willing to hire her. Originally, she was hired as a bartender, but she soon got pressured into prostitution. When a fellow prostitute got killed, she realized her employer wouldn't protect them from the men who came through. Upon this realization, she convinced the girls she worked with to move across the street and they started Medford House, where Gwen ran her own brothel and eventually bankrupted her previous employer. Later, she met Royce- the man she was instructed to save- and did indeed save his life. The two eventually fell in love, and she helped Royce and Hadrian often with setting up jobs and earning money.

Personality: Gwen is a kind-hearted woman who hates to see others hurt. She cares about people and tries to protect women who have been abused like the friend she lost at her first job. She inherited the Sight from her mother, and often uses it to learn about the past and futures of the different people she meets. However, she also keeps many secrets because of what she sees, worried that she could mess things up if people knew about their futures. When she sees important events, she'll often do her best to ensure they happen as they should, believing that it's at least partially her job to keep the future of her home from going off the rails. Part of that includes manipulating Hadrian and Royce to some small degree, so that they stay on the paths they're destined to take.

Powers/Skills: She has the ability to see one's past and future by reading their palms. This is often helpful, but having that kind of information makes things difficult too, as she can't always reveal too much of it to people.

What the Villain is Blackmailing Them With: Her daughter, Mercy, who was kidnapped by the Unseelie King, and Hadrian, who she considers a good friend.

Loved Ones: Royce and Mercy, of course. Hadrian is a friend, and she cares deeply for each and every woman who works in her brothel.

Anything Else: She knew she would be killed before it happened. Secretly, she's somewhat relieved by the Unseelie King interrupting that course of her life. However, her Sight has never been so drastically wrong before, and having it happen now makes her worry that something went terribly wrong when the realms merged, beyond the obvious issues.


Character 8

Username: Several7s

Name: Elizabeth Swann

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her hair is long and falls in blonde waves around her shoulders. Her eyes are chocolate brown, with a special, spunky sparkle in them. She has a bit of a prideful air about her on occasion, but most of the time, though she dresses like a lady, she acts much less like one than she should.

Origins: Pirates of the Caribbean

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Shortly after the attack on the Pirates hideout

Backstory: Elizabeth grew up in a rich family, with parents who expected great things for her. They wanted her to marry the perfect man and tried to force her into marriage at nineteen. By a

Strange series of events, she ended up becoming the hostage of Captain Barbossa, because she used a false identity that happened to be that of someone that could break the curse on Barbossa's crew. Will set off to rescue her, with the help of Jack Sparrow. After they rescued her, lots of things happened. The trio had many adventures together and just before the Unseelie King attacked, she had married Will during a battle against one of their many enemies.

Personality: She's a spunky, stubborn sort- not the type to be ordered around. She loves with a passion and is willing to sacrifice even people she cares about if it will save Will. She would do anything for him, and losing him has left her broken. Where she's usually quick to spit in the face of her attackers and has a silver tongue, she has become much more subdued. Her hope is gone, and it shows in her listlessness.

Powers/Skills: None in particular, really. She can wield a saber with some skill.

What the Villain is Blackmailing Them With: Nothing- he already took everything. She's helping him because when the Unseelie King offered to let her help him, Raiden convinced her to agree and wait for the right moment to get revenge.

Loved Ones: No one. Not after the Unseelie King's attack.

Anything Else: She'll stop at nothing to kill the Unseelie King for what he did to her. Also, his actions altered the entire history of the Pirates of the Caribbean Universe... drastically.


Character 9

Username: Several7s

Name: Akram Arnold

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Appearance: He's tall, with blue eyes and brown hair. He has a beard that he keeps neatly trimmed and even in a prison jumpsuit, he still manages to look put together and almost regal. He puts a lot of stock into appearance and will only wear the best suits. Going to prison ruined that, but give him a day of freedom and he'll come back in a very expensive suit.

Origins: The Dissenters

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Not long after the events of the first Fandoms ended- just two years after his reimprisonment.

Backstory: His family was rich and owned a company that earned millions every year. Akram was born with a natural affinity for leadership and his parents groomed that. He grew up being told that one day, the Arnold family would rule the world and he took that message as both a promise and a challenge. He started small with his conquests, working at his school first. Even at eight years old, he very quickly had most of the kids in his school under his thumb. The ones that weren't found their lives very difficult. His parents, rather than reprimanding him for his behavior, continued to encourage it. Everywhere he went, he had to be the one in charge. He was the one calling the shots all his life and he loved it. It gave him a feeling of power that nothing else could. When he married, it wasn't for love, but to join with another wealthy family and further his reach. The marriage wasn't awful for either partner, however. It was slow, but eventually Akram grew to love his wife and she came to love him as well. She had the same desire for power as he did, but died in childbirth before she could see their plans of world domination through. Her death hurt Akram in a way he never thought possible, but the birth of Ethan helped to ease the pain. He vowed to bring up the child as he was brought up- with full knowledge of his destiny and that he was a leader. His father was diagnosed cancer when Ethan was just a year old and it killed him quickly. His mother died not long after. They said it was suicide, but that was questionable. It was impossible to prove otherwise, though. Akram inherited his parent's company and all of the money and power that went with it. He had the means to begin the plans he and his wife had been planning for years, and so he began to put his plans into effect. They worked perfectly, and he had twenty years of absolute power. Except for one thing. The rebels. They insisted on getting in his way time and time again. He considered it a game at first, believing he would crush them within a year or two. When that didn't happen, he was both intrigued and angered by it. Eventually, the idea that he might find their leader and kill him before he could start the rebellion took root in Akram's mind. He had all of his scientists working on a way to time travel, but eventually learned that someone else had cracked it before him. He also learned that, at one point, he'd actually had the leader of the rebellion, but she'd gotten away. Ethan gave him a name- her real name- and that was all it took. Akram didn't wait for the final testing of his project, he just went back in time on his own. He knew that if Wren went back in time, she would be trying to get evidence against him. His younger self would never expect it, but if he could send his younger consciousness here, then that Akram could take care of the young Wren and he could deal with the older Wren. It would have worked perfectly- it should have worked perfectly. He even anticipated Wren sacrificing herself to him to get concrete evidence that he was a killer and planned for it. Despite that, her friend Dylan still found a way to record Akram as he stabbed Wren. It was enough to put him away for good and reset the timeline. When he woke up he found he'd spent twenty long years in jail. His plans had come crashing down around him and he spent all that time nurturing a deep hatred for Wren.

Personality: Akram knows how to get what he wants. He can be kind and sweet and sound like the perfect guy, but it's all a game for him. He weaves a web of lies to trap people and they never see it coming. Deep down, he's a harsh, angry man who believes that absolute power is the only way he can be happy. Control is the most important thing in his life and he'll to anything to stay in control. He's ruthless, but he will give second chances to people. He knows that if his men only work for him because they're afraid they'll be killed if they don't, then if given the option, they might easily betray him. So he makes sure they know the consequences of failure, but also takes good care of them and keeps them reasonably happy. He's a crafty guy, so he has no problem manipulating people. He also loves playing chess, though his opponents are rarely worth spending the time beating.

Main Goal: Complete domination. He wants a world where he is the sole ruler, whatever it takes. People will either worship or fear him, and no one would try to rebel. His perfect world is one where everyone is his puppet.

What Kind of Villain: The manipulative kind. He'll get inside your head and try to convince you things he wants are your ideas, if you don't already know what kind of person he is. If you know who he is, he'll use force to make you do what he wants. He is cruel and would be happy to torture anyone into submission, or worse, if necessary.

Powers/Skills: He has no powers to speak of, but he's smart and a good strategist. His ability to lie effortlessly helps him in many situations too.

Minions: His minions are all gone since his imprisonment, but now that he's out, he plans to gather the ones that are still loyal and use them. If all goes well, the Unseelie King, too, will one day be another of his minions.

Second in Command: His second is a man named Mersor. Neither trusts the other, but Mersor is too afraid of Akram to try anything outright.

Kidnapped Characters: None yet, but he would love to find Wren and Dylan again, and finally make them pay.

Anything Else: The guy's a politician, which makes him much more dangerous than a normal warrior or monster might be.

Character 10

Username: Several7s

Name: Wren Nolan

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Appearance: She looks younger than she actually is, and has a well-toned body. Despite much time spent in the sun, she's still rather pale overall, with freckles and a rounder face. Her straight, brown hair hangs just below her shoulders, typically in a ponytail or braid. She has longer, side swept bangs that part more on her left side.

Origins: The Dissenters

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Two years after the conclusion of the storyline.

Backstory: Wren grew up in a house with five siblings, and spent much of her time reading, and later writing, during the first fifteen years of her life. Shortly after she turned seventeen, a man named Akram managed to take over the world and began a harsh ruling system over everyone.

Around the age of twenty-two, Wren began to fight back in smaller ways, raiding supply shipments and attacking key points in Akram's different defenses. This quickly grew into a full scale Resistance, which Wren led from the background for years, slowly making progress towards Akram's defeat. However, after she turned 34, things got weird.

A man named Dylan sent her back in time somehow, and managed to land her in her younger body. In the past, she worked with Dylan to stop Akram before he had the means to take over. The plan succeeded, and afterwards, Wren went on with Dylan to become partners in the police force. They later married and had five kids.

Personality: She's a very empathetic person. When people are suffering, she does her best to help them, and hates to see that suffering to continue. It always bugs her when certain, generally unimportant, details don't go right for her. She loves the outdoors and enjoys watching the night sky on a clear night. She still does writing when she can, though more often than not, keeping her kids out of trouble takes most of her time. Certain things can really push her buttons and annoy her to no end. If someone wants to talk to her, she's good at listening and letting them rant. However, when she has her own issues, it takes a fair amount of coaxing to get her to open up about it. Most of the time, Dylan is the only one who has any luck with that.

Powers/Skills: She doesn't have any magical powers, but she's proficient with a knife, and varying types of hand-to-hand combat. She can also use a handgun quite well.

What the Villain is Blackmailing Them With: Akram found and took her and Dylan's children. Currently, they have no idea where their children are, and Akram is using that to force her into cooperation.

Loved Ones: Her husband, Dylan, and her children, Alyssa (13), Alex (10), Destiny (7), Gavin (5), and Caleb (2). She also has her best friend Zephyr and her husband, Rudy, as well as their five kids (who she is the Godmother for). Her parents are both still alive as well, and she has five siblings- two brothers and three sisters.

Anything Else: She is very much a protective mother, and she remembers a world where she had to kill to survive. However, she can't imagine attacking and killing heroes- especially the ones that she knows about from popular books, shows, and movies in her own world.


Character 11

Username: Several7s

Name: Magnus Smart

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: He looks much like his brother, Max. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He stands around 5'6, with a thin build and perpetual grin. Typically, he wears simple clothing, such as jeans and t-shirts. However, he will wear suits when the occasion calls for it.

Origins: Get Smart

When They Were Pulled From Their Fandom: Shortly after Max was killed.

Backstory: Magnus didn't grow up with his older brother, Max. They were raised in different states and by different parents. He grew up in a fairly normal family, but always found life boring. Shortly after turning twenty, he was recruited by the spy agency known as KAOS to help them in their quest for world domination. Of course, they didn't present it like that- rather, they tricked him into thinking he was helping people. During his time with KAOS, he found out about his brother, and eventually realized he was on the wrong side of the fight. He approached the Chief of Control in secret during a job and offered his services. Since then, he has spent his time deep undercover with KAOS. Unlike Max, however, Magnus had a natural affinity for spying, and got things done through more than just pure luck. He trained for years under KAOS spies, and knows more than a few tricks to get what he needs. Multiple times, he crossed paths with his brother, and they got to know each other in secret. Magnus kept tabs on his brother in an attempt to make sure Max wasn't getting into any trouble he couldn't get out of, but his insane luck usually kept him intact. During his time in KAOS, he fell in love with a fellow agent (a woman who also worked with Control from inside KAOS). The two of them married and work together closely in the field.

Personality: Magnus is a happy sort. He doesn't much care for hurting people, but he is also a survivalist. If it's him or the guy trying to kill him, he has no problem getting rid of the enemy. He likes to be helpful, so it was actually easy for KAOS to get him to join them. His years of work in the field have taught him to be distrustful of others, but he tends to believe sob stories more often than not. He's also a dog person, and doesn't much like cats.

Powers/Skills: He doesn't have any powers to speak of, but he is quite good at what he does. He knows varying forms of hand to hand combat, and can use most guns competently. That said, he doesn't know anything about modern guns.

What the Villain is Blackmailing Them With: The Unseelie King found out about Magnus shortly after Raiden returned from taking out Max. Seeing an opportunity, he kidnapped Magnus's wife and is using her to keep him in line. After all, it worked for everyone else, so why mess with a good formula?

Loved Ones: His wife, Mariah. He also has a few friends at Control, but most of the people he associates with are evil, and don't make the best friends.

Anything Else: He and Max are actually alike in many ways, despite being raised in different circumstances

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