Task 6: Weddings, Monsters, and the Snap!

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Hey guys! So sorry this is late. For the vote, we decided there would be no more character creation tasks, so please keep track of your fandom points and if you want to add a character, comment on the SHOP and keep track of what characters have already been claimed. You cannot include them or have them if someone else has them. I will take off points if you do this.

Remember that your Fandom Points are still highly important. There will be a winner based on final entries, scores, and one based on who has the most territory. So your Fandom Points will help with that. Please check out the map because new Fandoms have been added to the list and both it and the map have been updated.

Here is a list of people who have Fandom's touching and the Fandom Points they earn from it.

JesterheadJohnSnow –(four realms touch so you earn 7 Fandom Points for that and you have another three realms that touch so you earn 5 for that for a total of 12 Fandom Points this round)

ariel_paiement1 – (8 realms touch, so you earn 10 Fandom points this round)

RondaRayl – (8 realms touch, so you earn 10 Fandom Points this round)

KaturaBayliss – (6 realms touch, so you earn 10 Fandom Points this round)

JamesWhite074 – (6 realms touch, so you earn 10 Fandom Points this round)

Several7s – (2 realms touch, so you earn 3 Fandom Points for that and another 2 realms touch, so you earn another 3 for that for a total of 6 Fandom Points)

Sara_R_Stark – (2 realms touch, so you earn 3 Fandom Points for that and another 2 realms touch, so you earn another 3 for that for a total of 6 Fandom Points)

MusicgirlXD – (2 realms touch, so you earn 3 Fandom Points this round)

alice_may_johnson, 00VesperFan, and LostNeverland4 you both don't have realms that touch

(I have 10 from 15 touching)

Welcome to Task Six: Weddings, Monsters, and the Snap!

For this task, you have several options you could do.

One, your villain has set up a marriage alliance between one of your characters and the kidnapped heir to another realm of your choice. While your villain is busy with something important, they have sent your characters to fulfil this alliance by marrying the heir to another realm. Naturally, your characters know what will happen if they disobey the villain. Show how they're going to be trapped in a life they don't want, especially if they already have a loved one.

Two, your villain has ordered one of your characters to impersonate the heir to a realm that the villain wants to take over. Pick a fandom with a type of magic that lets your character change their appearance into this heir—examples would be a witch from Vampire Diaries cast a spell on an object your character has to wear to look like the heir, a long lasting polyjuice potion, technology from Star Wars reshaping their face to look like the heir, or anything else from a fandom that can do this. They have to become the heir and act like them and feel trapped in this life. Show their fear at being discovered or saying the wrong thing.

Three, Thanos from the Marvel realm has gotten the infinity stones and done the SNAP. Another words, the power of these stones has literally wiped out half of the universe. Half of all life. Show the repercussions of this, on your characters and your villain and their army.

Four, there is a big giant monster or powerful supernatural creature from a fandom of your choice roaming around one of your villain's territories and you and your characters have been sent to deal with it somehow. Think movies like Godzilla and so on.

Five, for reasons you can come up with, either all of your technology has stopped working and you have to use magic to make it work or your magic has all stopped working and you have to use technology to fix it.

AWESOME BONUSES for doing all of these options in your entry, including: unlimited word count for this task and next (aka the finals), adding a fandom of your choice to the list, 20 fandom points, and not having to go to all your character's POVs for this task and next.

Word count:

4,500 total or 2,000 per option if you do them all

Due date:

Wednesday, September 18, 6 pm central. This gives you a week and three days


Option 1 – 0 required but up to 1 if you want

Option 2 – 0 required but up to 1 if you want

Option 3 – Half of your characters and villain's army required and half their families/friends

Option 4 – at least 2 of your characters and 1 injured but you can kill up to 4

Option 5 – 0 required up to 1 if you want


None. Next round is the finals

Ballot punishments:

Ariel, because you were balloted first, you must include a poem in your entry and make it fit naturally. It cannot be original.

JesterheadJohnSnow and jesusfreak202, because you were balloted second, you must include a fight scene and a casual scene between the same characters at different points in your entry

KaturaBayliss, JamesWhite074, and Sara_R_Stark, because you were balloted third, you must give your villain a humanizing moment, even if its brief

Several7s, RondaRayl, and MuscgirlXD, because you were balloted second to last, you must include a wedding however brief, in your entry

alice_may_johnson and LostNeverland4, because you were balloted last, you must include the word never in your entry somewhere

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