Task 7: My Entry

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Wooo. I tell you what guys I really dreaded writing this. Mostly because I had a lot of other projects going on that take priority but I really felt like I owed it to you guys and these characters to at least finish the story. It's terrible, it's rushed, but hey, it's an ending with closure, tied up loose ends, and for once, I ended things happily. Sort of. I hope you still enjoy reading it :) It's also my shortest entry yet O.O

"Wh—what Klaus is doing... is wrong." Kani gasped again and then met his gaze with intense crimson eyes. "It's wrong. Y—you have to stop this. We—we shouldn't kill or—or hurt others. Pr—promise me that y—you'll find a way..."

"Find a way to what?" Kaisu's eyes widened and a million emotions swarmed through him in that moment, for the first time in decades.

"...defeat him."

Kani exhaled and breathed her final breath.

Kaisu couldn't get the final moments of his sister out of his head. How could he work for Klaus for another second? Waste another moment of his time, going against his sister's dying wishes?


Whatever happened, it was up to Kaisu to lead Shadow Blade against Klaus, to honor his sister. He had to.

But how could he defeat an immortal being?

He couldn't do it alone.


Losing Dakyr tore a hole in Ahyra, a hole that soon became a void. No matter what she did, she couldn't escape the silence within her own mind. All that she had left were the few dinos she still had and the prisoners who had become her friends.

Hera. Kiara. With newfound strength and determination, Ahyra went to the center of the prison compound. There, it didn't take her long to figure out how to shut down the shield generator so they could all escape.

More importantly, so the others could come in and help their families. If they were going to defeat Klaus once and for all, the families had to be freed, so that he could no longer threaten them.

Ahyra unlocked Kiara's cell first, then Hera's.

"What are you doing?" Kiara questioned as she stepped through the bars.

"We're escaping and we're going to help the other prisoners escape too." Ahyra met Kiara's dark eyes and then Hera's.

Both women nodded. It was time for Klaus to be defeated and it all started with them.


Kiara held her breath as she, Ahyra, and Hera darted through the prison, opening every single cell. If they were going to escape the dementors, then it would take all of them together.

Down the hallway, one of them headed straight for her. Dread oozed through her bones, but she fought through it, holding onto her pain and anger. It drove her forward and she shifted into her lion form.

By that time, Ahyra's direwolves and raptors dashed through the hallways, unbothered by the dementors' powers. They tore them apart on her command.

As the prisoners escaped their cells, they rallied, ready to be freed at last.


Please don't be too late, Damon thought. For the first time recently, he was terrified, terrified that Elena had disappeared with the others and that he was too late to help her.

As he zipped through the prison hallways, dodging prisoners, dementors, and dinosaurs, his eyes searched only for her.

"Damon!" At the sound of her voice, his head snapped up.

Elena stumbled out of her cell, weakened from all the blood loss. Klaus still hadn't stopped using her blood to turn new vampire-werewolf hybrids from all over the Merged Realms.

"I'm here." Damon held her and zipped back through the prison. He didn't stop until they were outside.

Elena glanced up at the sun with a smile.

He had almost forgotten this version of her was human again. Damon leaned down and kissed her with all the ferocity and passion he could muster. After all this time without her, he could muster up a whole lot. "I have to go back in there. I—I owe a friend. Wait here."

She nodded and he disappeared back into the prison. Inside one of the cells, a little Japanese toddler sat on a cot, wailing and crying. "Alright, Teary-Eyes. Let's get you home to Papa, huh?" Damon picked her up, hoping he held her right, and zipped back out of the prison, careful to avoid all the danger.

The last thing he needed was to accidentally kill Hijikata's kid, whom he was trying to save.


When Hijikata's eyes rested on his little girl in Damon's arms, two very different emotions ran through him. One chilled him to the bone; a fierce protectiveness and urge to take her and kill anyone who stood in his way. The second warmed his heart, like the relief of a breath after being underwater too long.

"I believe this belongs to you." Damon smirked and held her out to him.

Chiyo reached her tiny arms out and Hijikata took her and held her tight. She looked just like her mother, so much it made his chest ache. "Chiyo. I love you," he whispered in Japanese.

Damon nodded his head toward the doors of the Idris mansion. "Not to cut this reunion short or anything but now that she's outta danger, we gotta bolt. The others are waiting for us and if we're going to take down Klaus, it has to be now or never."

Hijikata nodded. The last thing he wanted to do was leave Chiyo so soon after reuniting with her, but duty came first. Defeating Klaus, seeking justice for Chizuru, ensuring the world would be safe again... That mattered more right now.

Feeling as if he was tearing his heart out of his chest, Hijikata kissed his daughter and left her with Elena to save the world.


Kanan had never thought he would have this moment again. His arms wrapped around Hera and pulled her to him tightly. For a moment, they shared all their love and grief and pain. The Force trembled all around her and he knew in that moment that Zeb was gone.

They were the last two left alive. Of course, Chopper was around here somewhere, but the thought their entire family was gone left a void inside Kanan he couldn't describe. Only Hera knew what it felt like.

They reluctantly parted and he stretched out with his senses. Most of the others were in the room—Hijikata, Damon, Ahyra, Hera, Kiara, Jace, Laxus, Gajeel and even Kaisu were all ready to betray Klaus. He had hurt too many, killed too many innocents.

"How are we supposed to defeat someone who is basically immortal?" Ahyra smacked her thighs.

Laxus brought lightning to his fingertips. "It wouldn't be the first time we've defeated the undefeafable. After all Klaus has done, he has it coming."

Damon shook his head. "No. None of us would ever defeat him in an outright fight—we'd die too fast."

Kanan shook his head. "That and defeating Klaus won't change anything. There are at least a dozen other villains out there, including the one in control of the gauntlet. Whoever has it already used it to destroy half of the universe... How are we supposed to stop that?"

Jace gritted his teeth. "One villain in a world is a pain. But all the villains from every realm together..." His voice trailed off.

"... It's impossible." Kiara's voice sounded defeated and dry.

Kaisu shook his head. "There may be more villains now but there is also much more magic than before. Does anyone even know what caused the Merge in the first place?"

Everyone in the rooms shook their heads but all eyes turned to Damon.

He sighed. "Just because I was Klaus right-hand-man doesn't mean I knew everything. He never knew why they Merged—just that they had. Personally? The only thing I can think of that powerful is the Infinity Stones... The very same ones that Thaanos used to..." He snapped his fingers.

Kanan sensed the grief in the room. Several people flinched.

"Then they can Merge the realms back." Jace shrugged.

Kanan swallowed. "Getting them back from Thaanos? Klaus had me spy on the Mandalorians and before they officially joined him, they learned that several groups of people from other realms already died trying to get the gauntlet from him."

"Then we need another way to unmerge the realms. There's always a way." Kanan could clearly hear the hope in Hera's voice. Part of him was glad that Sabine and Zeb's deaths hadn't made her lose it.

"I have a way."

Every eye in the room turned to the door to see the last person they ever expected to walk in.

Darth Vader.


Jecht inhaled and exhaled sharply as he brought fire to his hands. To keep the innocent people from his home realm alive and do as Klaus asked—marry Daenerys—he was going to have to fight and kill Acnalogia. After being with Daenerys in King's Landing for a few days, he had heard the terrible horror stories of Acnalogia's power and how he had razed entire realms to the ground to be at Sidious' complete mercy.

With a final exhale, Jecht took a step onto the empty field where Acnalogia was in his dragon form, about to fly off.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hot Sauce."

Jecht turn to meet the eyes of Damon Salvatore watching him closely. "If Klaus sent you here on a report, tell him Daenerys agreed to marry me if I defeat Acnalogia."

Damon held up a finger. "A, you can't beat him and B, you don't have to obey Klaus anymore."

Jecht cocked his head. "What?"

Damon smiled at him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Quick summary, prison break, everyone's free, including your people, so we're all planning to unmerge the realms or rather... change it so that the realms were never Merged in the first place."

Jecht opened his mouth to answer, but Damon continued.

"Long story short, Vader is on our side now. Klaus Merged him with all the other selves he's ever been and lets just say, he had a change of heart, like me. Knowledge of what you've done, been, or are going to do will do that to you. He and Kanan knew of a place called the World Between Worlds. It will let us go into the past and stop the realms from ever being Merged in the first place."

Jecht wasn't sure he followed everything Damon said, but he nodded. "What do we need to do?"

Damon smiled. "I was hoping you'd ask. We are going to be the distraction to get Klaus' attention away from Anakin and Kanan."


"If the realms were never Merged in the first place, what will happen to you?" Hera's hands clenched on Kanan.

He smiled at her and kissed her with an intensity he didn't know he had. "I love you."

"I love you, Kanan."

He turned around and followed a man he despised into the Temple. Together, he and Vader had miraculously opened the Portal to the World Between Worlds. Vader said that the Force knew they needed it. Kanan wasn't entirely sure he believed in Vader's transformation, let alone that Vader believed the Force was guiding them.

When Kanan stretched out with the Force, it finally felt whole again. More than that, in fact. It felt as if he could see or feel everything that was happening; past, present, and future. Voices echoed, some things from legend that Kanan had only heard of, some things that Kanan had seen himself, and others that he was certain hadn't happened yet.

"Here." Vader's voice lured him away from his thoughts. Kanan sensed as the two men approached one of the portals in the realm. There were dozens all around, each one leading to a different point in time.

Kanan exhaled sharply. When the realms unmerged, there would be nothing that saved him. He would die and be with the living Force. But Hera... Zeb and Sabine would be alive. That was all that mattered.

Vader hesitated. "If I do this, Padme dies..." His voice trailed off.

"When we do this, I die." Kanan glanced at him, though his blind eyes stared right through the Sith Lord. "But it will make everything right."

Vader nodded and both men reached out with the Force. Kanan used it to sense what was going on inside the portal.

A villain he had never seen before slipped on the gauntlet filled with six stones. Even from here, Kanan could sense their power.

"The Infinity Stones," Kanan whispered. "Is this the Snap?"

Vader shook his head.

Just as the villain brought their fingers together, Kanan and Vader used the Force to grab the gauntlet away.

Both men disappeared and the gauntlet landed on the ground in the World Between Worlds, lost foreve.r


The realms returned to the way they were always meant to be. Kanan died and became one with the living Force. Hera, Sabine, and Zeb continued their adventures, never knowing or remembering the horrors that had transpired there.

Vader became one of the most evil villains in the galaxy, at least until he was saved by his son. He destroyed the Sith and brought balance to the Force, as the prophecy of the Chosen One foretold.

Laxus reunited with his sister, who eventually warmed up to the guild. Gajeel and Levi continued their bantering and flirtations while Makerov, Erza, Natsu, and Fairy Tail continued their adventures, fighting across Fiore and constantly going overboard.

Kaisu and his sister finished their time in jail. They and Shadowblade attempted to take over, but Fairy Tail defeated them just like they had with a dozen other Dark Guilds.

Ahyra and Dakyr lived happily on The Island. She tamed more dinosaurs than should have been possible and they build a shelter and made a happy life. Perhaps, she might have missed having human friends, but this world was most of what she had known and the life made her happy and content.

Kiara returned to the Pride Lands and rallied the lionesses. Together, they defeated Zira and her lionesses and Kiara took her rightful place as Queen of the Pride Lands.

Hijikara held much grief in his heart at the loss of the Shinsengumi, but as he and his wife Chizuru raised their daughter, Chiyo, eventually, his heart was healed and he adjusted to his new life as a father and a husband.

Eventually, Jecht joined Team Avatar and fought with them as they defeated the Fire Lord and brought peace to the Four Nations. At last, he was able to marry and have a family, one that could grow up in a world of peace, not war.

Jace soon discovered that Clary hadn't died with her brother. They defeated him and after a while, finally convinced Clary to say yes in a marriage proposal. Jace was Alec's best man and Izzy was Clary's maid of honor. They continued fighting evil and saving the world, which was what they always did best.

Perhaps none of them remembered the chaotic time known as the Merge. Or perhaps, some of them had nightmares, memories of another time and place, one where villains won and the heroes lost. Then, they would wake and realize the reality around them where the heroes saved the day and the world had been saved at last.

For now. 

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