Task Four: My Entry

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Hey guys! Here's my entry for Task Four. If you want, check out my book called the Merge, which is my entries put together in a story and I'm going to add other villains and characters to it too. Enjoy :)

Darth Vader knelt on the ground in front of the hologram in front of him. In its blue outline was his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, his pale and deformed face covered by a black hood, similar to Vader's own. Pain coursed through his entire body, but Vader channeled the Dark Side of the Force through his nerves, which enabled him to move. "Metropolis has been taken care of, my master," Vader said in a smooth, calm tone. "Klaus has taken complete control and he has reinforced his rule in his other territories."

Sidious cackled. "Good. Good. He must continue to believe he is in control. We will wait for the right moment to strike him down. And when we do, we will seize control of all of his assets."

"Very good, my Lord." Vader hung his head. The hologram clicked off and it was a relief to Vader; using the Dark Side to hide his feelings, fearing that Sidious would discover his true intentions was difficult. Sidious was still one of the most powerful Dark Side users in existence. It would take Vader and Klaus together to kill him.

It would not be Klaus who would be betrayed.

No. After Klaus had reunited Vader with a wife he thought was dead, he would be forever in Klaus' debt. Vader still was unsure how the different realms worked once they were merged, but Klaus had explained that the Padme from Vader's timeline, the one that had died, had Merged with another—this one, that Vader had arrived in time to save.

At the thought of his wife, whom he had not seen, Vader's heart raced. Even after everything they had gone through, Padme Amidala still had the same effect on his heart, as if he were still a boy and she a Queen.

Vader gently knocked on the door to her room. They were on the third floor of one of the mansions in Idris. This particular one had been given to Vader by Klaus because it was the closest to Klaus' new Headquarters in the Clave Hall.

"Enter." Padme's soft voice reached Vader's ears and it was a sound he longed to hear for the rest of his life.

Vader pulled his hood down as he entered and shut the door behind him. Standing before her, he desperately wanted to become Anakin Skywalker again, a man she had loved and adored. Now, he was unsure where she stood with him. "Padme, my love."

Padme's warm brown eyes shot up to him. Today, her brown hair hung simply down her shoulders, for she was without her typical handmaidens and droids to help fix it. To Vader, she was still as beautiful as she had been when they had first met. "Anakin."

Vader nearly winced at the name. "How are you? How is our child?" Vader sat down next to her and reached out to gently touch the top of her swollen belly, but he did not miss the way she shifted her weight away from him.

He removed his hands and looked away from her. Anger surged through him but it was soon replaced by pain. This, he knew, was internal pain, not the physical pain his body was in because of the injury Obi-Wan had given him. No, this pain was because he had Force-choked her, and in his timeline, Vader had killed her. In hers, he had arrived to save her before she gave birth, before she had died, but none of that changed what he had done.

"We're okay." Padme's eyes glanced back up at him and she pursed her lips.

"Are you certain? No labor pains?"

Padme shook her head. "None. We still have another month yet." For a moment, when he met the eyes of the woman he loved more than life itself, Vader could almost imagine that they had their old life back. Before Sidious, before the Dark Side, before the nightmares, before everything.

Vader nodded and stood from the couch. "I will send in a few medical droids to stay with you from now on." He started toward the door.


At the old nickname for him, Vader froze with his hand on the doorknob, his back facing Padme.

"Is there any part of you that's still there?" Even without looking at her, Vader could hear the tears in her voice, tears he knew fell from her eyes.

For once, Vader felt the familiar sense of the Force in his being and let Padme's love wash over him. His old self was so close he could feel it and before he could stop it, the truth slipped from his mouth. "I—I don't know."


Klaus was testing him, Kanan was certain of it. There was no other reason why the original vampire would dare let Kanan in the prison after the escape he and Hijikata had attempted.

Maybe it was just that Klaus knew how defeated Kanan felt. Losing Sabine had pulled him into a dark place. While he stood inside the main lobby of the prison, Kanan tried to call to the Force for strength, or at the very least, to reign in his raging emotions.

Hera. More than anything, Kanan wanted to see her. No, he had to see her. Swallowing deeply, Kanan stretched out with the Force. When he was certain Ahyra and her dinosaur creatures had left down one of the other hallways, Kanan used the opportunity to slip down a hallway in the middle. This prison was structured a bit differently than the other one; the hallways winded and curved more, but with the Force as his guide, Kanan easily crept to Hera's cell.

"Hera," her name was a whisper on his lips as he peaked through the bars of her cell. She sat on a top bunk above Zeb, eyes filled with tears. Her typical garb had been replaced with simple clothes that hung loosely on her body. Her lekku rested beneath her. Kanan longed to see her with his own eyes, to know more about her than only what the Force could tell him.

One step forward and Kanan's breath hitched in his throat.

Hera sobbed. She curled over and hugged herself and let her entire body tremble.

"I'm here, Hera," Kanan started to say, but he stopped himself.

The Dark Side echoed through the empty halls. Every fiber and muscle of Kanan's being screamed at him, warning him that Klaus was here.

Leaving his heart behind with Hera, Kanan sprinted away until he reached the lobby. Even though it had been empty just a few short minutes ago, now it was filled. Ahyra and the witches and hybrids that patrolled the halls gathered along the edges of the room along with a few of her dinosaur creatures.

Klaus, Tyler, Oscine, Damon, and Vader entered the room, dragging Clark Kent and the other Kryptonians behind them. Kanan didn't want to sense what was happening. Each Kryptonian was bound with the mysterious green rock called Meteor Rock and it weakened them. They groaned and the powerful beings were in pain and dying, unable to fight back any longer.

Klaus grinned and stood in the center of the room as the hybrid guards ushered the Kryptonians to their cells. "Ah, Kanan. There you are."

Kanan swallowed deeply but glanced in Klaus' direction. "Why did you bring me here?"

Klaus gestured to the Kryptonian prisoners being dragged down the hallway on the far right, where there were empty cells. "I just wanted you to observe the new prisoners being brought in. That's all."

Kanan's chest ached and he couldn't stand sensing their discouragement and hopelessness. It flooded into him but he gritted his teeth, trying to show Klaus nothing.

Kanan, a Jedi Knight, had failed to protect innocent people from Klaus' evil rule.


"My money's on pinkie over there." Damon glanced sideways at Bart.

As much as Bart hated working for the vampires who had murdered his closest friends, he knew he had no choice. It was either obey Klaus or get turned into a bloodsucking slave and that was the last thing Bart wanted. That, and Klaus could just as easily execute Clark and he was the last person Bart had in the world.

Despite his thoughts, Bart smirked and gazed at the two mages. Damon, Bart, Hijikata, and Four—an odd name, in Bart's opinion—had been sent to the mage guild called Fairy Tail in the realm of Fiore. Bart had seen a few people with strange abilities back on earth, but nothing like this. Everyone in this crazy guild could use magic—like, actual magic. It blew Bart's mind.

So he tried to enjoy himself. In reality, he was in a hard case of denial. They had been sent here to befriend Fairy Tail and kill the more powerful mages among them, making it easier for Klaus attack later. Bart never once thought about that. From what he did know, though, Klaus and his hybrids had attacked the guild outright like Klaus had done in Metropolis but the Guild of mages had easily beat them. Several of the hybrids had been burned—granted, they healed later—and others had been frozen solid. Fairy Tail was more troublesome than Klaus had expected. Which was his reason for the three vampires and Bart's unconventional approach.

"Eh, I think Popsicle over there could take him." Bart smirked.

The pink haired mage named Natsu spewed fire out of his mouth, like straight out of a legend about dragons. Standing across the guild hall from him, a black haired, shirtless man named Gray threw ice out of his hands. The ice and fire met together, which made Bart feel odd. Part of him felt too hot and the other part of him felt too cold.

"I still have no idea how you convinced them we have magic." Four glared at Damon who chuckled.

"Leave it to me, Fourless." Damon shook his head. "I don't know how anything would get done without me."

Their other companion, Hijikata, had stayed silent. If Bart was being honest, Hijikata scared him more than Damon. The Japanese man sat silently, eyes serious and full of rage. He never spoke and only did exactly as they were told.

"Hey! Are any of you hungry? I've got some great food cooking." A white-haired beauty winked at them from behind a counter across from them. Bart sped over there so fast that he easily ran around the entire room in less than a second, bypassing both mages. The woman blinked and yelped from the breeze Bart had stirred up.

"I'm starving, gorgeous. I'll eat anything you put in front of me." Bart grinned at her as he leaned on the bar.

Her cheeks turned pink but she smiled back at him.

"I'm going to go throw up," Damon muttered.

Bart wanted to shoot him a glare, but chose to keep his attention on the gorgeous cook instead. "So what's your name, gorgeous?"

"I'm Mira! You're Bart, right?" Mira put her hand on her hip and winked at him.

"Yep." Bart flashed her a crooked grin.

"It's like watching the Notebook, but weirder." Damon groaned.

At that, Bart did turn around and shoot him a look. "Yeah, I don't need commentary from an old man who probably forgot how to flirt."

Damon sputtered. "Flirt? You call that flirting? I'll show you how it's done, Speedy Gonzales."

Bart definitely didn't want Damon barging in, but Damon whooshed over to the counter. He smiled up at Mira and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

Bart strained his ears but couldn't hear anything.

Mira giggled and Damon kissed her cheek and pulled away.

"Man, what'd you tell her?" Bart glared up at Damon as heat surged through him.

"That's for me to know and you to dot, dot, dot."


"Eeeeeehhh?" Lucy, Erza, and the blue flying cat named Happy all freaked out with eyes that were a lot wider than they should be.

Damon had just kissed Mira in one of the Guild's many hallways. The two girls and the cat had walked in on them. "Oops," Damon said, drawing out the "s."

Mira blushed, which only made her pale face look more flushed than she really was. Even as Damon backed away and started down the staircase, he could hear her heart pounding. When they were kissing, he had planned on trying her blood, but he didn't want to risk it with the others catching them like that. There was too much at stake, so Damon chose to be the hero, like his brother Stephan.

For once.

"Mira, you have only just met and—" Ezra started.

Damon grinned as he walked down the staircase and back into the main hall.

"Damon! Are you a real man?"

Damon glanced up and up, like really high because the white-haired man who towered over him was a giant. Literally. "Uhhh... last I checked."

"Don't let Elfman bother you. He's always like that. My name is Laxus." A man with blonde hair had two metal triangles sticking out of his head.

"Laxus, huh? You look like Frankenstein." Damon smirked at the blonde man. These people were freaks for sure... like straight out of a comic book, or a manga.

"What?" Laxus frowned at him and crossed his arms. Yellow lightning danced across his skin.

"Never mind." Damon patted his shoulder, which singed his fingers, and walked passed him. On one of the tables in the cafeteria of the Guild Hall, Gray and Natsu were arm wrestling. Gray slammed Natsu against a table and shattered it, which crashed all the food onto the floor. Some of the sauce from a bowl splattered onto the stomach of a man who was painting... on himself?

"This place is weird..." Damon muttered to himself. Definitely a comic book, and not the kind he was fond of.


The veins on the scarlet-haired woman's neck pulsed. Four could feel his fangs extending, which caused his mouth to ache. Nothing about being a vampire felt natural to him, but thanks to Klaus, everyone from Dauntless were now vampires. So far, the perks were nice—super speed and strength. The healing meant he could take whatever risks he wanted.

As he stared at the woman's neck, unable to control the sick, twisted urges inside him, Four could only think about how he would have to change his name to Five. No part of him wanted to drink human blood, let alone hurt someone. His mind raced, wondering if that still classified as his fear of killing someone or if the bloodlust made it different.

"Here." Damon yanked him into an empty room and held out a blood bag to him. "Can't have you drawing attention to us."

Four snatched the bag and tried not to rip it open. His throat burned and ached and all he could think about was how thirsty he was. Feeling repulsive, he drained the bag and glanced up at Damon. "You got another one?"

Damon shook his head. "No. I only brought enough to last us a few days. I didn't want to chance someone finding our unusual food, Fourless."

"Stop calling me that. My name is Four." Four glared at him.

Damon shook his head. "What kind of name is that? Let me guess, your parents were drunk when they named you."

"You don't know anything about my past or me, so leave it alone, Damon." Four stood directly in Damon's face, nose to nose with him.

Damon shoved him backward, throwing Four into a wall. "Reality check, Fourless, older vampires are stronger than you." He grabbed Four by the neck and pinned him against the wall. "I'm an older vampire." With that, he zipped out of the room.

Four stood and shook his head with gritted teeth. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door only to run into Scarlet. What was her real name again? Four couldn't remember.

"Four, right?"

Four nodded. "Yeah. You are...?"

"Erza. It's nice to finally have some new recruits." She smiled at him and leaned against the doorway as she crossed her arms.

He wanted to talk to her—conversing with strangers came naturally to him after helping the new recruits of Dauntless so much—but he thought better of it. By tonight, she would be dead. Erza was one of the mages Klaus named for them to kill before his attack. She and Natsu were the two most powerful mages here, so they were the ones that Four, Damon, Bart, and Hijikata were supposed to team up against to kill.

Only Fairy Tail's guild master, Makerov, was stronger, but Klaus had sent Alexandre to assassinate him.

"Are you alright?" Erza's eyebrows furrowed together. From what he knew of her, she seemed to care about other people. Everyone here seemed that way. The mages had tended to their needs and made them feel at home. Erza and the others seemed just like siblings.

Four was afraid.

The last thing he wanted to do was kill her or any of the mages at Fairy Tail. They didn't deserve it.

But if he didn't, Klaus would kill Tris.


That night, as the mages all slept, while Damon and Bart lured Natsu away from the guild—so they could fight without alerting the others—Hijikata and Four snuck into Erza's room.

Four swallowed deeply.

Hijikata hated doing this as much as Four did, but unlike the new vampire, Hijikata showed none of it. After he had been forced to kill Chizuru... had killed the woman he loved more than life itself, nothing else was as worse. So, Hijikata accepted his fate and vowed to obey Klaus to keep his precious little girl alive. After Chizuru's death, Hijikata could not lose Chiyo. He couldn't.

Erza's bright red hair splayed out on the pillow beneath her as she slept quietly and peacefully.

"I—" Four choked and shook his head. "I don't think I can." He kept his voice at less than a whisper.

Hijikata took a deep, silent breath as he quietly unsheathed his katana.

Then in a perfect, single movement, he sliced off her head.


"So, where's the pile of food?"Natsu asked as he glanced around.

Damon glanced at Bart for a second before he zipped toward Natsu. Gritting his teeth, he plunged his hand deep into Natsu's chest to rip out his heart. Or at least, that was what he meant to do.

"Fire Dragon Slayer's Roar!" As soon as Natsu leapt out of the way and shouted it, fire exploded out of his mouth straight for Damon.

By the time Damon blinked, he and Bart were on the other side of the field they had brought Natsu to. "Thanks, Speedy," Damon said, patting Bart on the back.

Bart shook his head. "If we don't kill him, Klaus will punish us, right?" For once, the kid lost all sarcasm and stared at Damon as if he was actually afraid.

Damon nodded. "Yeah, kid. Look, just distract him. You can avoid getting singed. I'd rather not be barbequed."

Bart nodded and sprinted toward Natsu. He shoved Natsu backward, but Natsu went to punch him with fire covering his fist.

While they were distracted, Damon waited for Natsu's attention to be completely focused on trying to hit Bart. The kid zipped around Natsu faster than Damon could see.

Natsu's back was turned toward Damon as Bart charged at him from the front.

Damon sprinted toward him and plunged his hand into Natu's back. This time, the blow landed. Natsu stiffened with a groan.

With a look of disgust, Damon ripped the pink-haired dragon slayer's heart out and tossed it to the ground.

Bart stared at him with widened eyes and a pale face in utter shock.


Alexandre climbed along the wall of the Fairy Tail Guild hall and slipped through the window into Makarov's room. The tiny old man slept peacefully in his bed.

It was not the first time Alexandre would be assassinating an elderly person and it would not be the last. He served the Templars faithfully and would not stop until their goal of order and control was met.

Alexandre leaned over Makarov's bed and extended his hidden blade. It pierced the old man's heart, killing him instantly. Alexandre had not wanted to use the strange device that Klaus had called a cell phone but it was the quickest way to start the attack.

"Their leader is dead. It is time," Alexandre wrote. He sent it to everyone—Klaus and all the others he had blackmailed into service.

Then he slipped back out the window without being seen.


Adrenaline surged through Jace's blood and he tapped the seraph blade against his thigh. He and the Endarkened Shadowhunters waited for the signal that the three targets had been taken down.

Nothing mattered to Jace, not anymore. He loved Izzy and Alec and did whatever he had to in order to keep them alive, but he fell into his role as Klaus' servant too easily. He longed for the fight that was about to happen, even against mages that could use magic like Warlocks.

Normally, Jace hated the waiting before a fight, but this time, it was agonizing. Waiting gave him time to think and thinking meant his thoughts dwelled on Clary, on how he had finally gotten her back only to have her ripped away from him again. The pain there was excruciating, so much so that Jace thought it would suffocate him. So he did the only thing he could do; he shut it all down and replaced it with the urge to fight and kill. He wanted this, no needed it. Against the mages, opponents stronger than him because of their magic, there was a good chance he could be hurt and that was exactly what Jace looked forward to.

His phone beeped and he glanced at the message from Alexandre. "Go," he said. As the command passed through the ranks of Endarkened, who had been ordered by Klaus to obey Jace, he rushed forward straight toward the front doors of Fairy Tail's Guild Hall.


"Water slicer!" The blue-haired woman caused a tidal wave of water to slice at Jecht in all directions but he leapt into the air and brought fire against it.

Kanan used the Force to cause the water to slam against the side of the wall and held out his lightsaber. "Surrender. Neither of us want to hurt you."

Jecht clenched his fists, hoping that she chose to surrender.

"Never!" Gray threw his hands forward as he jumped into the air. "Ice make: hammer!"

A giant hammer made out of ice struck toward the two men from above. Kanan easily avoided it by leaping out of the way, but Jecht slammed his foot against the ground, causing flames to burst outward. At the last second, he did a spinning heal kick and sent a wave of fire to melt the ice.

"I've fought against flames hotter than yours," Gray shouted.

Behind them, a blonde woman had used a key that made a cow appear. He had a large weapon in his hands that Jecht couldn't see. The blue-haired woman's water combined with Gray's ice and shot toward Jecht, but he parted it in half with a wave of fire.

Kanan's lightsaber sliced through the cow's weapon and he struck it in the heart for a quick kill. The cow disappeared and he held his lightsaber up to the blonde woman's throat. "Surrender or we kill her."

Jecht met Kanan's eyes and he could see that Kanan didn't want to do this. With his family threatened, Jecht had no doubt that he would, though, especially after the rumors that Klaus had already killed someone Kanan was close to. "Kanan's right; give up."

"Fairy Tail never gives up without a fight!" Gray snarled.

"You did fight and you've lost." Jecht formed a ball of fire in his hands and prepared another attack.

Kanan clenched his lightsaber tighter. "I will kill her. Don't test me."

Gray met the blonde woman's eyes. "Lucy!"

"Why is my darling Gray concerned for my rival?" The woman who could bend water gazed at Gray with love in her eyes and then shot a hard glare at Kanan and Lucy.

While she was distracted, Jecht kicked toward her back with a wave of fire.

"Ice make: shield!" Gray barely had time to jump in the way and block Jecht's attack with his shield. Jecht slammed his fire-covered fists against the ice shield until it shattered. With a grunt, he kicked Gray in the face and threw more fire at him.

"Gray darling!" Fury and vengeance danced in the water woman's gaze as she threw her hands out toward Jecht.

"Stop!" Kanan shouted.

Gray groaned where he had collapsed on the floor. Jecht stood over him with a flaming fist, ready to punch him in the face.

The water woman stayed perfectly still.

"Don't hurt my darling! What do you want?" the water woman asked with a sob.

Jecht reached for the chains he had looped in his belt and he cuffed Gray. Klaus had found a type of chain that kept the mages from using their magic—called Seal Stone—so he had gotten plenty of it. "Come here," Jecht ordered the water woman.

She held her hands out.

"Juvia, don't!" Gray shouted at her.

"I will not risk your life, Gray darling." Juvia met Jecht's gaze and held out her wrists. He chained her and then Lucy. He and Kanan ushered them out of the chaotic Guild Hall while the Endarkened Shadowhunters and the Shadow Blade Guild fought the other mages.

"Who does Klaus want us to capture next?" Kanan asked him.

Jecht eyed the man with metal piercings fighting beside a purple haired woman who could write words that appeared in the air. "Gajeel. He's one of the dragon slayers."

"I understand." Kanan dashed back into the Guild Hall. Jecht shoved Gray, Juvia, and Lucy down on their knees while a few of Klaus' hybrids came over to guard them. Through one of the windows, Jecht watched as Kanan used his lightsaber to slice through Gajeel's metal arm.

Gajeel groaned. "You're gonna get it! Iron dragon slayer roar!" Flecks of metal hurled toward Kanan but he used the Force to send them flying against the walls. When Kanan got serious, he was an impressive fighter. Knowing that they were using their abilities to capture more people, to bring them under Klaus' control, only brought Jecht pain. How could he stand by and watch this happen?

Kanan used the Force to shove Gajeel backward but the man recovered quickly. "Iron dragon slayer iron fist!" Kanan's lightsaber cut through Gajeels' iron arm.

The purple haired woman behind him scrawled words into the air. "Fire!" Flames sailed through the air.

Jecht leapt through the window and grabbed them with his fists. He wielded them like swords and struck the purple haired woman with them across her torso. Burns coated her arms and chest.

"Levi!" Gajeel darted toward her, which left him exposed to Kanan.

Kanan struck the dragon slayer's leg, making sure not to hit anything vital. With a scream, Gajeel collapsed, but he crawled toward Levi.

"Gajeel," she whispered.

"Levi. Stay with me, pipsqueak!"

Kanan held Gajeel down with the Force, while Jecht yanked up the man's hands and chained them. Kanan held Gajeel while Jecht knelt beside Levi and chained her hands. He lifted her up princess-style and carried her toward the door.

"Be careful with her!" Gajeel shouted.


Even though Kaisu, Kani, and Shadow Blade had been ordered to take Fairy Tail alive, Kaisu could not help the desire within him to make this a true magic battle and use as much power as he had.

"Maelstrom!" A tornado of acid swooped across the Guild Hall, catching Elfman in his beast form and his younger sister Lisanna.

"Erza's dead!" someone sobbed.

"I can't find Natsu!"

"Where's Master Makarov?"

Mira's eyes stared at Kaisu with wild fury. "Devil soul!" She flew toward him with wild hair and claws, just like a devil.

"Acerbic weapon!" Kaisu barely had enough time to form a sword out of acid to block Mira's claws on her right hand. He missed her left hand and her claws struck him deep in the chest. As he stumbled backward, he pressed his acid sword against her right claws. Her skin hissed and sizzled and her deepened voice cried out in pain and fury.

"How dare you kill my Guildmates? You will pay for this!" Mira flared her wings and screamed at him in fury.

"Lightning dragon slayer roar!" The shout came from his left as Mira charged at him from the right.

Kaisu had no choice.

"Etherion!" It was his most powerful attack, one he saved for the most desperate situations. A wave of acid exploded around him, powerful enough to eat through Mira's devil form and the lightning roar.

Mira collapsed onto the ground, unconscious in her human form.

Laxus wasted no time. "Lightning dragon slayer thundering fist!" Laxus leapt toward him from the left, his fist covered in electricity.

"Cero!" Kaisu formed wires out of acid. The wires caught Laxus' arm, and using his fingers, Kaisu manipulated the wires to force his arm away from him. The acid started eating through his flesh.

"Fairy Tail will never give up!" Laxus took a deep breath. "Lighting dragon slayer's wing attack!"

Kaisu twisted to the side and narrowly avoided both strikes of lightning. He yanked the wires apart, slamming Laxus against the wall with his arms extended on either side of him.

Another mage from Shadow Blade threw out a magic attack of wind at Laxus, slamming him against the wall until he fell unconscious.

"Shadow Blade wins and Fairy Tail loses, Lightning Dragon Slayer," Kaisu muttered. Kaisu looked at the Shadow Blade mage standing over Laxus. "Put chains on him and Mira. As soon as the others are defeated they will all be our prisoners," Kaisu ordered.


Rina gritted her teeth and ignored the itch she had on her face. It took both hands for her to steer her starship over top of the Ministry of Magic as she led the Bounty Hunters in an attack from the sky.

She pressed a button to her left and proton torpedoes sailed through the air from her ship to the top of the building. One of the torpedoes slammed against a spire and exploded. Rocks and stones collapsed to the ground as the people beneath them ran out of the building, screaming. The second torpedo hit the main part of the building on the second story.

The people below them held wands and shouted up magic spells. A big ball of white light flew toward her, so Rina rolled her starship to avoid it. "This isn't as easy as Metropolis." It sounded like a complaint, but in reality, she was excited at the thought of a challenge for once.

Below her, two dark figures led an army of hundreds into the fray against the wizards.


Oscine sped forward with the other hybrids alongside the Furies, being led by one of Hijikata's second in commands. One of the spells flew toward her, but Oscine twisted to the right and leapt on top of the wizard that had cast it. She plunged her fangs into the woman's throat and zipped around behind a second wizard just before they cast a spell at her. From behind the second wizard, Oscine held his head on either side and broke his neck.

Darth Vader's crimson lightsaber cut down wizard after wizard, while he used the Dark Side of the Force to block and redirect spells. Klaus tore through the wizards faster than anyone and his hybrids rallied behind him.

Adrick and the other mutants followed him too, but they were more reluctant. The hybrids and vampires, who had been joined by the newly turned Dauntless vampires, used their speed to avoid the wizarding spells and tore through the necks and throats of every single one of them.

In the sky above them, the starships from the Bounty Hunter fleet shot pinpoint laser strikes at the Ministry of Magic Building. They did minimal damage, because what Klaus wanted was inside it. After he obtained the Ministry's magical artifacts and devices, Oscine had no doubt he would destroy it. Some of the other starships flew around, targeting any wizards who cast protection spells and shield spells.

"Aquamenti!" A jet of water hurled straight for Oscine, but she darted around it and broke the wizard woman's neck.

To Oscine's right, one of the wizards pointed his wand at part of a collapsed tower. The rocks shifted and formed together until a rock giant stomped toward her. "You have to be joking." Oscine rolled her eyes and leapt on top of it. With a wild cry of fury, she pounded her fists against the top rock, shattering it. As it collapsed beneath her, she grabbed one of the broken pieces and hurled it at the wizard. Her attack was so strong it took off his head.

She winced but turned her attention to the next one.


Kani's chest throbbed and ached as she stood outside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Endarkened Shadowhunters forced each and every mage to their knees. The large white-haired man knelt next to two white-haired women, both his siblings, Kani guessed.

Damon dropped the pink-haired mage's body onto the ground. A collective gasp of horror rang through the crowd. Hijikata threw a red-haired woman's headless body to the ground. Erza, if Kani remembered right.

Kaisu towered over Laxus, the lightning dragon slayer while Four and Bart stayed in the back. Kani glanced over to see Makarov, Fairy Tail's Guild Master, lying on the ground. A wound bled from the center of his chest and he wasn't breathing.

"You betrayed us!" a blonde haired woman screamed in horror at Damon. "All four of you did! Why? What did we ever do to you? How—how could you do this? Natsu! It—how could you do this?" The woman's screams tore through Kani until she couldn't breathe.

Just as she turned around to run into the Guild Hall, to hide, to do anything other than watch this, she heard the most horrific, animalist cry.


Kani turned to look just in time to see a blue cat darting over to Natsu's blooded body.

Damon's mouth twisted into a snarl at the cat.

Tears flooded from the blue cat's eyes, dripping onto Natsu's unbreathing chest. "Natsu, y—you h—have to wake up! Get—get up! W—wake up! NATSU!"

Other than the cat's horrible sobbing, no one else said anything or made a sound. This world, this guild, these mages were empty and void of anything other than the grief that hung in the air like a dark cloud.

One of them, the ice mage called Gray glared at Natsu's body and then at each of his Guildmates. "Natsu wouldn't want us to give up!" His voice was firm and full of certainty and strength. "Erza wouldn't want us to give up! So we can't! Fairy Tail can never give up! Because we're family and we have to carry on the legacy that Natsu and Erza left behind and fight for us, just like they would have!"

The instant that Gray finished his speech, the other mages gave a wild cry, one of hope, of vengeance, a cry of promise and strength. They were the ones in chains, but it was Kani and Klaus' other followers who felt trapped and alone.


"I think I've started to memorize their guard changes," Kiara whispered to Hera next door. "I can't change into my cat form, but I can still smell when the dinosaurs are coming. The hybrids and witches all have a unique smell too—not a pleasant one." Kiara wrinkled her nose. Where the dinosaurs smelled familiar—like any other animal in the savannah, the hybrids stank of something vulgar. The witches had an earthly aroma to them, as if she walked into a field of wildflowers.

"So whenever we do it, it has to be during one of those times." Hera groaned in frustration. "None of this will matter if we can't find a way to break out of these bars."

Kiara walked up to the bars of her cell and clenched them with her fingers. There was no way she would be able to break them. "I'm guessing neither of you can?"

"Zeb?" Hera asked.

There was an animalistic growl and then a thud. "No."

What were they going to do?

"Maybe I can help."

Kiara's eyes widened to see one of the guards, the woman in control of the dinosaurs, named Ahyra, standing in front of her cell.


Through her bond with Dakyr, Ahyra could feel the mental strain fighting Klaus' compulsion took on him.

Dakyr, are you alright? she mentally asked him.

It was a minute too long before he responded. Yes. I've broken his compulsion, but it has taken a lot out of me. I will be okay, Ahyra, but be careful. I will not be able to assist you.

Ahyra glanced at her pack of direwolves and raptors. As much as she wanted Dakyr by her side, she and her dinos were going to have to do this alone. Together, they could break the prisoners out of here. With their families no longer in danger, the others could rebel against Klaus and maybe together, they stood a chance against him.

"Maybe I can help," Ahyra said. Kiara and the alien named Hera had been speaking of escape for days, but the hybrids just ignored it; escape was impossible, in their minds at least.

"You're one of the guards." Kiara stared at her in shock and backed away from her cell bars. In the dim lightning, her dark skin made her look like a shadow.

"Klaus had compelled me, but my dragon fought it off," Ahyra whispered. She shook her head. "There's no time to explain. Stand back."

Fortunately, one of her T-Rexes had been able to fit inside the prison. She made an excuse—that she needed him to check on the prisoners—and brought him with her. Her other one, his mate, was too big and couldn't fit, so Ahyra had been forced to leave her outside.

Maybe it was a stupid plan, having her T-Rex kick through their bars. It would have been easier if she had a pachie, but Ahyra hadn't ever gotten around to taming one.

"What are you going to do?" Hera asked her.

Ahyra nodded her head to her T-Rex, who towered behind her.


At the sound of Klaus' voice, her breathing froze.


Alexandre paused around the corner inside the mansion in Idris that Klaus had given to the Templars. They were all mostly downstairs, gathering information, but a man's voice reached him from up here. He paused to listen in.

"I'm just glad I finally was able to get a hold of you." A pause. "Yes, the Templars still believe I'm with them. I don't know how much longer, I mean, now that Klaus is involved—This... This isn't just about taking down the Templars anymore. Klaus has to be stopped, but we're—we're in over our heads here."


Traitor, Alexandre thought. He wondered how he and the other Templars had missed it. From the sounds of it, Hawk was on the phone with someone.

Alexandre darted up behind him and extended his hidden blade. Before Hawk could react, Alexandre plunged his blade deep into Hawk's back.

Hawk rasped wetly and groaned as he collapsed onto the ground.

"Who are you working for?" Alexandre asked him as he knelt down beside him.

Hawk shook his head with a pained groan. "You will have to kill me."

Alexandre picked up the phone to his left where Hawk had dropped it. Hawk tried to reach up for it, but Alexandre stepped on his hand and shattered the bones. As he screamed, Alexandre held the phone to his ear. "You hear the screaming? I know that Hawk is a traitor and he is going to die. You will be next."

Sobs echoed from the other side of the phone.

Alexandre dropped it to the ground and stepped on it. Just like Hawk's hand, the cell phone shattered. "Now, if you tell me who you are working for, I will kill you quickly."

Hawk shook his head.

Alexendre pulled out his hidden blade and shrugged. "Your choice."

Either way, Alexandre would get the information he wanted and then he would kill him.


When Klaus knew that the Ministry of Magic would be his, he led several of his hybrids to break into the prison called Askaban. They sprinted through the place at full vampire speed and broke out every single one of the evil wizards there.

Many witches had warned Klaus of the dementors, but he had a plan. Before he had come to Askaban, Klaus had snatched a few of the Fairy Tail mage prisoners. Now, he threw them before the dementors, who obeyed his commands. "There now. So long as I keep them happy, supply them with people to torment, they'll do what I need them to do."

"Which is what?" one of his hybrids asked.

Klaus grinned. "Become my new prison guards."


Word count: 6,712

Deaths: Natsu, Erza

I didn't go to Hawk's pov, or Adrick's, or Collin's, so I will be killing them next task. Fairy Tail was difficult for Klaus.

For my ballot punishment, I did a broken hearted ship scene between Anakin and Padme and Kanan and Hera

Awards: A Hero's Heart (Fairy Tail and everyone in it); A Hero's Death (I mean, Natsu's death and then Happy *sobs*

Fandom Points: 

1. Sidious face is pale and deformed

2. Holograms are in star wars

3. Sidious wears a black hood

4. Padme used to be a queen

5. Padme has maids and droids to help do her hair

6. Vader force choked her

7. Ani is an old nickname Padme has for Anakin

8. Hera has lekku

9. Kanan is a Jedi Knight

10. Fairy Tail is a guild in Fiore

11. Mages in Fairy Tail can do magic

12. Natsu has pink hair

13. Natsu has fire magic

14. Gray is often shirtless

15. Gray has ice magic

16. Mira has white hair

17. "That's for me to know and you to dot, dot, dot" is a line Damon actually says

18. "Are you a real man" is something Elfman always says

19. Elfman has white hair

20. Laxus has blonde hair

21. Laxus has two triangles sticking out of his ears

22. Laxus has lightning magic

23. One of the mages in Fairy Tail does paint on himself (on his stomach)

24. Four only has four fears

25. That's where Four gets his name

26. Erza has red hair

27. Makerov is Fairy Tail's guild master

28. Erza and Natsu were the two most powerful mages in Fairy Tail

29. Makerov is stronger than them

30. "Fire Dragon Slayer's Roar" is one of Natsu's attacks

31. "Water slicer" is an attack that Juvia has and she has blue hair

32. Ice make hammer is one of Gray's attacks

33. A cow is one of Lucy's keys

34. Gajeel is a dragon slayer

35. Levi has purple hair and script magic

36. Gajeel has an iron dragon slayer roar

37. Gajeel has an iron dragon slayer iron fist attack

38. Lisanna is Elfman's little sister

39. Mira has a devil soul

40. Lightning dragon slayer thundering fist is one of Laxus' attacks

41. So is lightning dragon slayer roar

42. Aquamenti is a wizard spell

43. Askaban is a prison in Harry Potter

44. The Ministry of Magic is where powerful wizards are

45. Dementors are inside Askaban

46. They're prison guards

47. They'll obey if they have souls to torment

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