Task One: My Entry

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So even though I'm not participating, I'm still writing entries, following the rules, and being fakely graded by my husband and I know some of you like reading my entries, so I'm still going to post them. Here's my Task One entry. 

Wind blew the tannish-golden fur of Kiara's lion form back as her four paws sunk into the ground and slipped back out with each step that she took as she ran. This wasn't a prairie or savannah by any means, but the meadow outside Klaus' mansion worked just as well as anything. Other than how the temperatures stayed more in springtime here and Kiara personally preferred the heat of the Pride Lands where she had been born and raised, it felt just as good as home.

At least, it had been her home until Zira had won the throne. Zira had stolen everything from her; not only had she killed her grandfather, Mufasa, long before Kiara had been born, but Zira had plotted with her son Kovu and had killed Simba. Kiara missed her father deeply. Many times, they had run through the grasslands of the golden prairies of their home, just enjoying the feel of running together. Other times, they had hidden inside it as he had taught her how to hunt the antelope or buffalo. Kiara's heart ached and for a moment, she paused on a hill overlooking the rest of the meadow below. If she looked just right, she could almost see Simba running at her from a distance.


The wolf running beside her had a mixture of gray and coal-black fur. He paused in his running and cocked his head at her, but she ignored him and sank down in the grass. It prickled her fur, but she ignored it too and instead, focused on the feel of her claws extending and retracting from her paws and back into the ground again. Something about the action calmed her and put her nerves at ease.

Lately, she and Klaus had been spending more time together, running, he in his wolf form and her in her lion form. Sometimes when she and Klaus were alone, Kiara thought she saw another side of him, but she couldn't forget that he held the families of two men hostage to force them to do his bidding. Nothing he ever did, no amount of time spend running with her would ever change that. He was a villain, just like Zira and Kiara could never compromise her standards of being a good person, just like her father taught her. She would just stay with Klaus until she could find Zira and seek justice for her father's death.

How many times had Kiara thought about summoning Rumplestilskin, the Dark One? If she made a deal with him, he could help her find Zira and bring her to justice all with one deal. But the price of doing such a thing... "Magic always comes with a price, Kiara. You must never use it," Simba used to always tell her.

Next to her, Klaus had shifted back, but it didn't bother Kiara that he was stark naked in his human form. The high grass hid his body from her anyway. "Why did you stop, love? Here I thought you were enjoying yourself."

He had his charming smile plastered on his face, but as much as it irritated Kiara, it felt sincere. Maybe. It was hard to tell with him.

In response, she chuffed at him, gazing back out at the meadow. Oh, how she wished her father would appear there, as if he had never been killed. Her thoughts drifted to Kovu, but all that did was fill her with pain. She had loved him with her whole heart and he had died in battle against her. With his dying words, he had promised that he had never meant or wanted Simba to die, that it was Zira and had been her all along. Lies? Truth? Kiara didn't know and she didn't think she would ever find out either. She and Kovu had been madly in love. They were supposed to have married and gotten their happy ending.

How could Kiara find her happy ending now? Now, after her father had been killed, Kovu had betrayed her and died, and then Zira had stolen her kingdom? Was a happy ending possible for her?

"Oh, come now, love. Weren't you enjoying yourself in the slightest?" Klaus smirked at her as he laid back, placing his arms beneath his head. His daylight ring glimmered with the light shining down on it.

With that, Kiara rose on her hunches and bounded off, hoping to outrun him.


"Turn again." Oscine stared down at the vampire-werewolf hybrid named Tyler, who was also Klaus' second in command other than a few witches he knew, with a hard expression. In all honesty, she didn't really care how much pain Tyler was in; sure, he seemed like a sweet kid. Maybe he had been once; she didn't know. But now, he was half vampire and served the most dangerous vampire in Skyrim. Not Skyrim anymore, Oscine reminded herself. The realms had merged, which meant she faced more than just the vampires from her homeland. Klaus was something that had never existed before, at least not in Skyrim. There, no vampire could ever become a werewolf. It made Oscine hate this place even more.

At least here there wasn't a risk of her turning. Back home, simply being around the vampires or being drained by one of them with their magic was enough to turn you. Oscine had narrowly avoided that many times by a priest she knew about in Morthal; not that she liked priests after being kidnapped by some when she was a child.

"I – I can't..." Tyler groaned, slamming the upper half of his body onto the ground while he stayed on all fours. Chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles where she had him in what he called the Lockwood Cellar in Mystic Falls, Virginia. It was his old hometown, before the realms merged and before Klaus had ordered him away.

"You have to. The only way to break your sire bond to Klaus is if you no longer feel pain when you turn. You feel grateful to him for freeing you from the curse of being forced to change on a full moon. So you're not stopping until you have changed at least a hundred times." Oscine crossed her arms over the steel armor on her chest, gazing down at the high school senior without sympathy.

Sweat coated his tanned body as he closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Bones cracked, but she wasn't sure where – maybe his leg or hip.

She couldn't simply kill Klaus. He was immortal, other than a white oak stake which had never been found. Rumors were that a special dagger dipped in the ash of a white oak stake could temporarily kill him, so her first step was to destroy his army, starting with Tyler. There was more than one way to destroy him; destroying the hybrids' forced loyalty by breaking the sire bond of every hybrid under Klaus' rule.

Starting with Tyler.

After his sire bond broke, he could help her break the other hybrids' sire bonds and then they all had a better chance at killing Klaus.

Tyler screamed as his leg completely shattered in the center, slowly turning him into his wolf from. Werewolves from Mystic Falls took hours to turn, which was another thing she wasn't used to. She had fought a few rogue werewolves in Skyrim before. One second they were human and the next, they were in their humanoid wolf form lunging for her throat.

Oscine glanced at Tyler. "Keep turning. I've gotta run and don't worry; I'll cover for you." Klaus had given her only a few hours before his next meeting, so she couldn't be late. Until she killed him, she had to keep up appearances.

All Tyler could do was respond back with another scream, but Oscine still didn't feel for him. As soon as he helped her defeat Klaus, she planned to kill Tyler and the other hybrids too.

All vampires had to die.


"Why don't you and I spend some more time together?" Klaus eyed Kiara. Both in her lion form and in her human form, she was truly a sight to behold. In his thousand years of living, he had seen many beautiful women, but none that intrigued him so much as she did. Her bravery and determination were but just two of the traits he found he enjoyed about her.

Kiara frowned at him and shook her head. "I appreciate you letting me stay here, Klaus, but I told you, I'm not interested in anything other than friendship and then... I'm still not – not sure." Kiara crossed her arms and sat down in a chair beside the window, which let in sunlight that gleamed on her dark skin.

Klaus leaned down so that he eye-to-eye with her. "Just a little kiss." He smirked and then closed the distance between them. She was far slower than he, but he let her slip away from him and across the other side of the room before he turned to look at her.

"Klaus... I'm sorry, but I can't." Kiara clenched her hands but her eyes met his without hesitation.

Klaus pursed his lips but had his expression recovered in less than a second. His blood boiled on the inside with anger and hatred toward her; why wouldn't she want to be with him? It hadn't been the first time she had rejected him, but it would be the last. He had given her every opportunity and she had wasted it.

Soon, he would make her regret it.

Without revealing any of this to her, Klaus smiled at her. "I thought you should know that my hybrids have found Zira. Apparently, rumor has it that she's on a journey to return to the Pride Lands as its Queen..." His voice trailed off, enticing her with the information, as he knew it would.

"If she returns to the Pride Lands, her lionesses will rally toward her and I'll – I'll never get the throne back. Our numbers have diminished since... Since the last time we fought them." Kiara's eyes fell but she released no tears, which Klaus applauded. Or at least, he would have, had she not rejected him. Now, he wanted to see those eyes filled with tears or better than that, filled with fear – fear of him.

Klaus shrugged as he sat down in the same chair she had been in a few seconds before. He grabbed a cup of high quality bourbon and sipped it. "I think a few of my hybrids could be spared to help you and your lionesses retake the Pride Lands."

Kiara's eyes widened and she smiled at him. "You really mean it? You'll help me?"

Klaus nodded with a smile of his own to match hers as he finished downing the bourbon. Footsteps echoed from downstairs and he immediately knew who it was; the Jedi Kanan and the Fury Hijikata. Both had tried separated attempts at rescuing their loved ones but Klaus knew better than to have their families locked up in his mansion, the same place where he kept Kanan and Hijikata when they weren't on missions for him. He heard the front door open and knew the calm heartbeats belonged to his other ally, Oscine. "Yes, of course I'll help you, love," Klaus responded to Kiara. "Brad, take Trent, Nate, and Eric and go with her," he ordered his hybrid that stood guarding the door. Brad nodded and Kiara followed him out of the room. In the doorway, she stopped and looked back at Klaus.

"Thank you, Klaus," she murmured softly. As she left the room behind, Klaus grinned wickedly, recalling his earlier conversation with Zira.

"You want your throne back, don't you?" Klaus asked her, knowing the temptation would be too much for her to resist.

"Of course I want my throne back! But Kiara, that little pest in my side, will be there to rebel against me. I have less lionesses than she thinks I have and I will not lose to her again! The Pride Lands belong to me!" Zira shouted, anger evident in the crease of her brows and the fury in her eyes.

"You don't need many lionesses to beat Kiara." Klaus smirked, walking around Zira until he stood behind her to whisper in her ear. "All you need is a bit of vampire blood to turn you and those loyal to you..."

With Zira and her lionesses now being vampire-lion hybrids, Kiara and her lionesses would never be able to beat them.

"Brad," he called. Brad let Kiara go ahead of him and he slipped back into the room with Klaus.


"Make sure that Kiara and her lionesses are captured alive. Be a shame if she were to be killed too soon," Klaus said with a gleam in his eye. Everything was going as he planned.


The Force didn't feel right, especially not here. Technically, it hadn't felt right ever since the realms had merged, but here in Klaus' mansion, the Force itself trembled, almost like it did in the presence of a Sith, though not quite as badly.

Kanan Jarrus kept his arms crossed, using the Force to sense where everything and everyone was located. In front of him and slightly to the right, a staircase towered up to the second story and three of Klaus' hybrids walked down it along with a woman named Kiara if Kanan remembered her name right.

They left out the door behind Kanan and he hesitated. No part of him wanted to walk up those stairs and talk to Klaus. How could he just stand there and converse with the man who had kidnapped Hera and the others? They were Kanan's family and he refused to stand idly by while they were captured and hurt. He had already sacrificed himself for them once and he would gladly do it again, but this...

In a situation like this, when he didn't even know where they were, what could he do?

"We should go upstairs," muttered the tall man to Kanan's left.

"Hijikata, right?" Kanan asked as he followed behind the taller man.

Hijikata nodded at first and then answered after a moment of hesitation. "Yes."

Probably thought I couldn't see him nod, since I'm blind, Kanan thought. He didn't bother explaining it to him, so the two men stayed quiet as they finished the short trip up the stairs and down a small hallway to the right into Klaus room.

Some beings in the galaxy had energy. It wasn't like the energy Kanan felt around other Force-users, but lately with the merging of the realms, sometimes the energy spiked. He had figured out that that usually meant they had some sort of other strange abilities, like Klaus with his super, well, everything.

"Where is Chizuru and Chiyo?" Hijikata growled. The Force trembled around him so it didn't take much for Kanan to sense how much anger and hatred rolled off of him. Not that Kanan could blame the man, but Kanan relied on the Force and it kept him calm while he tried to figure out a way to free Hera and the others.

"I've told you time and time again that as long as you do what I want, they'll be kept alive," Klaus said, his voice indifferent. "Honestly, you wouldn't expect me to reveal their location to you so that you could, what? Try to rescue them, I presume?"

Hijikata's hands trembled as he balled them into fists, but the man stayed silent.

"Why did you want to see us?" Kanan asked as a subject change; he didn't want to risk Klaus' anger if Hijikata accidentally mouthed off. Any anger Klaus felt could be taken out on either of their families.

"Yes, about that..." Klaus stood and walked around the room. Kanan couldn't see colors or appearances anymore, which only bothered him whenever he wanted to see Hera, but he could tell that Klaus had a very strong gait and held himself higher than everyone else around him. Spoke of his ego. "I'm sending you with a group of my hybrids, the best fighters, and you're to travel to what I like to call the Four Nations. Specifically the Northern Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom. The Northern Water Tribe have a few waterbenders I'd like to 'borrow' and in the Earth Kingdom there's a village of earthbenders you're to take as well."

"By take, you mean kidnap?" Kanan's voice darkened. No way. A Jedi was supposed to protect people and he had spent decades of his life fighting the Empire so that the people of the galaxy could have a better place, a safe place out from beneath the Empire's tyranny. Now here was an immortal creature, the likes of which the galaxy had never seen before, and he was becoming a tyrant of his own.

Kanan had to find a way to bring him down, but first he had to find Hera and the others. Klaus would never give him the location, so maybe during the fighting, Kanan could get it from one of the hybrids. Klaus was too clever and could sense anytime Kanan had tried to use a Jedi Mind trick on him. Fortunately, the Force was the only thing keeping Klaus from being able to compel Kanan like he could with almost everyone else.

"Kidnap..." Klaus started as he stood still and gazed at them both. "Think of it as liberating them. I've made a bit of a deal with their dictator, Fire Lord Ozai and right now, he needs the Four Nations to be free of as many benders as possible. I offered to take them off his hands. It's a simple.... retrieval of goods."

"People aren't goods," Kanan snapped, but he swallowed and used the Force to calm the anger inside him at Klaus and his injustice.

"Get it done or you know what will happen to your families. Tell me, Kanan, shall I start with Hera, or that young little Sabine? Isn't she like a sister to you?"

More than anything, Kanan wanted to pull out his lightsaber and kill Klaus right then and there, but he couldn't. Not only would that seal the fates of the people he cared about, but he was a Jedi and as evil as Klaus was, Kanan couldn't kill someone without a weapon. Then again, Klaus' entire body was a weapon. Could a lightsaber even kill him, since he was rumored to be immortal?

"You got it." Kanan grimaced and turned to the door. Kidnapping innocent people was not something he wanted to do; the last thing he had ever imagined himself doing, but what choice did he have? If it came down between Hera's life, or even Sabine's, and doing the right thing, then Kanan really wondered if he was a true Jedi at all.

The Jedi Order died out a long time ago. The Force helps you and guides you but the Jedi are gone. Sometimes, Kanan, you got to get your hands dirty, he thought to himself.

He didn't know whether he believed it or not.


Hijikata refused to stop until he found Chizuru and Chiyo. His wife and daughter were the only reason why he hadn't committed seppuku. He was the last of the Shinsengumi in an era when samurai were no more, but it was Chizuru and Chiyo who made his life bearable, enjoyable even. Klaus, he thought, his blood heating from anger and rage. As soon as I know my wife and daughter are safe, I will cut him down.

The hatred slowly began to morph into bloodlust as he and Kanan joined Oscine and a handful of Klaus' hybrids while some of the Furies he had caught after taking over Japan left in a separate group. From what Hijikata knew, it hadn't taken Klaus and his hybrids long to gain control of the country's new government. At the moment, Hijikata didn't even care about that; all that mattered was Chizuru and Chiyo.

They used Klaus' enchanted mirror that somehow magically teleported them to the Four Nations – specifically the Northern Water Tribe first.

From what Hijikata understood, Klaus' friend and witch had cast a spell on several mirrors so that if the owner's blood was dripped onto it, it would open up a portal that could take them between realms. Without the realms merging that would not have been able to have been done before. Not that Hijikata cared about anything other than doing his mission from Klaus and returning so that he knew Chizuru and Chiyo would be safe.

He couldn't lose them. He couldn't.

Cold, wintery winds bit at Hijikata's skin and the wind caused his black jacket to flap. He clenched his hands around the hilt of his katana as he, Kanan, and Oscine paused with the hybrids behind them. They stood on a large sheet of ice overlooking the Northern Water tribe below them. The city was unlike anything Hijikata had ever seen. Most of the buildings, if he could call them that, were made from ice and snow. Bright blue water flowed through canals that often had boats floating on them manned by people with dark skin and often times, brown or black hair.

One hybrid behind Hijikata started forward, but Hijikata caught his arm. "What are you doing?" Hijikata demanded harshly.

"Klaus wants us to kidnap a few waterbenders, so that's what I'm doing." The man ripped his arm out of Hijikata's grasp.

"Walking right on in isn't the best way to get this done." Kanan grimaced as he spoke, his blind eyes staring blankly ahead of them.

Oscine grunted. "Kanan's right. Some of you need to go down there and fight, so we can see who the waterbenders are. While they're trying to kill all of you, we'll subdue and kidnap them."

With that, Oscine slowly started to slide down the ice wall until she landed in the soft snow below them. The hybrids with them leapt down in a single bound, with Kanan following behind them. Hijikata took Oscine's approach, resisting the urge to shiver when the cold made his skin burn. It was far worse down below the wall, but his mind focused on the mission at hand, refusing to even think about how dishonorable it was; kidnapping innocent people who didn't deserve it.

They're mothers and sisters and daughters or husbands or brothers or sons... a voice whispered in the back of Hijikata's mind. He shoved it aside and patiently waited with Oscine and Kanan.

One of the hybrids leapt onto the boat in the canal while the other two darted toward two unsuspecting people, a man and woman, walking along a small path made of ice.

On the boat, the driver dropped his oar and shifted his hand around. With the movement, water rose from the river in a wide arc and it slammed the hybrid in the boat against the wall of a building. That building rested on the same path as the other hybrids with the man and woman.

The woman screamed and backed up but the man had shifted his feet into a fighting stance that Hijikata didn't recognize, but he carefully observed him. The stance gave him power while he used his arms to grab water from the river with special, flowing movements.

These hybrids had learned the hard way from their friend's mistake, so they supersped out of the way. By now, a group of more men joined the two water benders and the first hybrid had recovered.

"Now," Oscine muttered. She followed a tiny path that Hijikata's eyes had missed and hid in the doorway of a building, waiting for the second water bender to cross by her.

Kanan held up his hands and used the invisible energy that Hijikata didn't know the name of to stop the wave of two more waterbenders in the back from slamming against one of the hybrids.

With their attack stopped, the two waterbenders had no defense against the hybrid who knocked them out before they had a chance to do anything.

Hijikata let the Fury inside him unleash as he followed Oscine's path. She had knocked out another waterbender and had hid again while the hybrid distracted two more waterbenders.

Hijikata flew by them all and headed to the back of the group of waterbenders where they worked together to create a large funnel of water. Keeping his katana sheathed, Hijikata passed them all and with a single stroke, struck them all with his sheathed katana. They collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

"In the boat!" one of the hybrids called. Bells rung throughout the ice city, so with a grimace and a brief moment of hesitation, Hijikata grabbed two of the waterbenders and tossed them into the boat. By the time he grabbed the last two, Oscine, Kanan, and the other hybrids had all gotten the other waterbenders in the boat and stood on it themselves. With a total of nine captives, they sailed across the river back toward the city's outer walls.

"Kanan," the hybrid ordered.

Kanan's jaw gritted, but he lifted his hands and part of the wall collapsed, just enough for them to sail through. Behind them, the invisible energy he used repaired the wall as if they had never even been there.

They used the mirror to return to Klaus mansion where his hybrids locked up all the benders and Klaus ordered them all to return and make a few more trips.

Hijikata cursed, gripping the hilt of his katana as his hands shook. Nine captives and now they were being forced to return for more. He glared at Klaus and it took every ounce of will he had in himself not to try to kill him. Only the thought of Chizuru and Chiyo kept him from it.

With their strategy, it wouldn't be long before the Northern Water Tribe belonged to Klaus.


Kiara roared as she led the dozen lionesses still loyal to her and her father along the savannah near Pride Rock. Once again, the heat surged against her fur and she finally, truly felt as if she was home.

Zira led her lionesses behind her and Kiara almost gasped in surprise at how few there were; just eight of them.

We can win, Kiara thought. We can beat them and finally win back my father's kingdom. Joy filled her heart as she growled and used all the power and strength in her legs to carry her forward across the golden grass.

Zira's eyes had become as crimson as blood as the two charged at each other. Kiara blinked and Zira had vanished. By the time Kiara turned around, Zira landed on top of her and her razor sharp claws dug into Kiara's back.

Kiara yowled in pain and tried throwing her off, but Zira was strong – too strong. She pinned Kiara to the ground, mouth open with two fangs extended toward Kiara's throat.

A wolf leapt on Zira and growled at her. Behind it, another of Klaus hybrids stood in his human form, eyes flashing yellow. "Klaus wants her alive," the hybrid said.

Zira hissed at him, but stayed where she was.

Kiara struggled but the wolf on top of her had pinned her to the ground just as hard as Zira had. The wolf clamped down on her ear and pain surged through it as he slammed Kiara's head into the ground.

Blackness overtook her and as she was lost to the world, her thoughts drifted to Klaus. He betrayed me...


While one of Klaus hybrids fought furiously against an earthbender, Kanan slipped in between two of the village huts and concentrated on the hybrid with the Force. "Where is Hera? Where is Klaus keeping her and the others?" Kanan murmured out loud. As he spoke the questions, he pressed them into the hybrid's mind, using the Force to pry as deeply as he could.

The hybrid, fortunately, was weak minded and he caved against Kanan's pressing. That made him hesitate in the fight and Kanan could sense the earthbender winning. Not that it would do much good, considering hybrids could only die two ways; having their heart ripped out or their head decapitated.

The hybrid's mind flashed to a location, a town in the neutral zone but still quite a distance away from Klaus' mansion. This was more of a prison or at least, it used to be, quite a small one, but Klaus' witches and a few more hybrids had taken over and used it to house and contain Hera, Zeb, Sabine, Chizuru, Chiyo, and another woman the hybrid knew was called Elena.

Kanan left the hybrid's mind, not wanting him to know Kanan had ever been there, and leapt out of from between the two buildings. Rescuing his family was the only way to never do anything like this to innocent people again. After Kanan rescued Hera and the others, they would rescue the benders that Kanan had helped Klaus kidnap and then, then they would find a way to defeat Klaus once and for all.


Klaus grinned and looked at the half a hundred benders all in chains in the back courtyard of his mansion. Elation and excitement flared inside him at the prospect of what was about to happen.

He extended his fangs and bit into his own wrist. His hybrids patrolled the area, making sure none of the benders could move. Two of them kept Hijikata restrained in the upper story of his mansion. Klaus had decided not only to use Elena's blood to turn most of the benders into vampires, similar to how he had made his own hybrids by using Elena's blood to turn them, but now he wanted to see what effect Chizuru's blood would have on them; if they turned into Furies or Oni – whatever the effect would be. Oni were powerful, almost as powerful as vampires and the only problem with Furies, like Hijikata and the others Klaus had stolen from Japan, was their short lifespan. Each time they used up their power, it killed them faster, but Hijikata had survived for longer on Chizuru's blood – according to what Klaus had tortured out of Chizuru, anyway.

Furies from Japan joined Klaus' hybrids in making sure the bender prisoners stayed put. It hadn't been difficult to take over Japan just a few short days ago; Klaus had gone in with a few of his hybrids, compelled a the government leaders, stole the water of life, the scientists working on it, and the Furies they had created. Most of them were back in Japan, guarding the country for Klaus after he had compelled the leaders to be completely loyal to him. It was pathetic and not even worth getting excited over; the entire country had just gone through a shift and was still trying to form its government in the aftermath. What was even more pathetic was that most everyone in the bloody country were human, other than the Furies created by the scientists there and the Water of Life. The Oni, well, they had been a whole separate problem. Most of them fled and Klaus still had rebellion to worry about, but fortunately, he and his hybrids had managed to kill most of the Oni simply because the Oni, after all, could be killed and he – well, he just couldn't.

Klaus strolled in front of the chained benders and gazed at each and every one of them. Most of them reeked of fear and had looks of anger or terror on their faces. Good, Klaus thought. They should fear me and after they turn, they will be loyal to me. Just like my hybrids.

He walked up to the first bender, a man wearing a blue fur coat, and grinned as he looked at the rest of them. "I'm giving you a gift!" he shouted. "The gift of my blood and you'll know more power than any one of you have ever experienced before! And with this gift, I will help you defeat your oppressor, Ozai!" With that, he forced his wrist into the man's mouth. As soon as the bender had drunk some of his blood, Klaus broke his neck.

Many of them screamed or cried out and several of them thrashed and tried to escape their chains. His hybrids and furies came to contain them and Klaus simply moved on to the next one and the next.

When they woke, they would drink Elena or Chizuru's blood and then... Then they would be his vampire-bender hybrids.


Hijikata's hair had become pure white as he used his Fury side to try to break the grip of the two hybrids grasping his arms. They threw him against the wall and held him there.

He growled, a sound deep in his chest as he looked out the window. Chizuru... His precious Chizuru...

A hybrid grabbed her where her wrist bled and held it out to the benders as they woke after Klaus fed them his blood and snapped their necks. The first bender extended fangs from his mouth and bit down onto Chizuru's wrist. Another hybrid took a second woman, but all Hijikata could focus on was Chizuru.

The love of his life, the woman who had stayed by his side through war, through blood, through death. She was the only one left; the only one Hijikata had left. He couldn't lose her, refused to lose her, not her, not the woman he loved, not the mother of his child.

"Chizuru!" Hijikata screamed, tears in his heart and voice.

"Hijikata!" Chizuru cried out and sobbed, thrashing as the hybrid yanked her away from the bender and held her tightly. Her matted hair and tear-streaked eyes looked up at the window Hijikata watched her from. "Hijikata! I love you!"

"I love you!" The words tugged at his heart and gave him the strength he desperately needed. He used it all, all the strength his body could give him and broke free of one of the hybrid's grips. He slammed that arm against the second hybrid and they both flew back against the wall.

Hijikata sprinted toward the window, preparing to jump out –

Pain exploded in his lower back and when he glanced behind him, the hybrid ripped his hand out of Hijikata's back. Weakness overcame him as his hair returned to its normal color and he collapsed onto the ground. The wound wasn't healing as it normally would have and instead, a pool of blood formed on the floor beneath him.

"Hijikata! No!" Chizuru screamed.

"Chizuru..." he whispered.

"Hijikata!" Her voice was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.


Klaus was turning the benders. The number of vampires under his control would double and Oscine had no idea if it would even be possible to break any sire bonds that could form between them.

Killing Klaus was impossible and yet if she didn't stop him, his army would grow and make him that much harder to kill later.

Oscine growled where she overlooked the courtyard from a window in Klaus' mansion. "Let's see if you live without your head," she muttered beneath her breath.

Oscine pulled out her battleaxe and leapt out the window, right toward Klaus.

As she swung her axe downward, Klaus whirled around on her, but by then, there was nothing she could do. She freefell through the air, but Klaus jumped up faster than her eyes could fully follow. By the time she blinked, he had shattered her axe and grabbed her by the neck. "Trying to kill me, are you? Yes...I can see it in your eyes... You hate vampires, don't you?"

Oscine grunted, slamming her knee against his chest, but it did nothing. His grip on her was far too tight; there was nothing she could do. This is it, she thought, heart pounding. He's going to kill me.

"I should kill you," Klaus started as he looked up and met her gaze. "But I have something far more poetic in mind." Before Oscine realized what was happening, Klaus shoved his wrist against her lips. Warm, coppery blood fell into her mouth and she choked, refusing to swallow.

He gripped her neck and jerked it backward, just enough for a few drops of it to slide down her throat. No! Before she could even finish her scream, Klaus snapped her neck.


I'm 3090 over the word count, so that's 3.1 off for word count (*gasp*)

I ballot myself once

I went for the awards: Across the Stars (Hijikata and Chizuru); I Hate You (both for Oscine, Hijikata, and Kanan to Klaus); and Teamwork (showing Hijikata and Kanan and how they kind of work silently but efficiently and how Hijikata, Oscine, and Kanan all think things through and strategize especially compared to the hybrids).

So Klaus took over the Northern Water Tribe and a few villages in the Earth Kingdom. I also did a few of the optional ones, so he took over two of my four blackmailed characters realms: Japan from Hijikata and Hakouki, and then The Pride Lands for Kiara from Once Upon A Time. So those are the three realms Klaus took over.

Fandom Points:

1) Pride Lands – Kiara born and raised

2) Zira won the throne

3) Zira and Kovu killed Simba

4) Rumple is the Dark One

5) Magic always comes with a price

6) Kovu's death and dying words

7) Good never compromises (OUAT)

8) Happy endings exist (in OUAT)

9) Klaus wears a daylight ring

10) Tyler became a werewolf vampire hybrid

11) In Skyrim, no vampire could be a werewolf

12) In Skyrim being around a vampire could turn you

13) Priest in Morthal can cure it

14) Lockwood cellar in Mystic Falls, Virginia

15) Tyler's hometown is Mystic Falls

16) The Hybrids have forced loyalty to Klaus through a Sire bond

17) Break a sire bond by turning over and over again

18) In Mystic Falls werewolves are forced to turn on the full moon

19) Klaus is immortal

20) A special dagger dipped in white oak ash can temporarily kill him

21) The White Oak stake has never been found

22) Werewolves in Mystic Falls take hours to turn

23) Skyrim werewolves change instantly

24) The Force trembles in the presence of a Sith

25) Kanan is blind

26) Kanan uses the Force to sense things; so he can't see color or appearances

27) Jedi protect the galaxy

28) Kanan fought against the Empire

29) Jedi don't kill unarmed prisoners

30) The Northern Water Tribe city is made out of ice

31) It has canals in it

32) It's called the Northern Water Tribe

33) It has a lot of snow and cold there

34) The people have dark skin and hair

35) They use boats on the canals to travel through the city

36) Only men waterbend there

37) They use hand motions to move the water

38) They also use stances to keep their footing solid

39) When they waterbend, they grab water from a nearby source

40) Hybrids only die two ways; beheading or having their heart ripped out

41) A Jedi Mind Trick works on the weak minded

42) Furies have a short lifespan

43) Japan had a shift in government after the Boshin War (Hakouki)

44) The Water of Life made the Furies

So if anyone was curious, my fake score was as follows (it's all the word count's fault LOL):

-3.1 for being over word count

-0.7 for grammar

-0.2 for punctuation

-0.1 for action

-0.1 for sentence structure

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 7.8

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