Task Three: My Entry

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Klaus was on the verge of having everything he had ever wanted. Granted, he still would have preferred for his family to see him in all his success, but ruling the six realms he already had satisfied him enough. Well, almost, anyway. Klaus would never be fully satisfied until he controlled all the realms, or at least quite a bit of them. To do that, Klaus knew he needed many more resources than what he had. His army of hybrids, bender-vampires, and Endarkened Shadowhunters simply wouldn't be enough to take over the next realm Klaus had set his eyes on. There were not only several more people who would be of great use to him there, but a few other things he wanted; the green "meteor rock" as the people there began calling it, which had an odd effect on the humans there and gave them strange magical abilities. That, and the rumored race of immortal beings.

Klaus' next target was Smallville and the nearby city of Metropolis.

Before he did anything else, Klaus knew he needed a spy network. In his little town of Mystic Falls before the Merging of the Realms, Klaus had always dreamed of being a king, but alas, the times of kings and kingdoms on earth had finished. Yet... with the Merge, well, those times had been brought again. A must for every king were spies completely loyal to him.

So he had traveled to another realm when one of the prisoners had heard rumors of an Order called the Templars—and not the ones from earth's history as Klaus remembered. They wanted to bring the world under their control to keep order, so with a few promises from Klaus that he would do exactly that, they made him their leader. The group was made up of humans—albeit highly talented ones—but they understood that Klaus was their only way to achieve their goals.

Over the course of the next week, while Klaus tried to figure out a way to gain a fleet of starships of his own from one of the other space-realms, he tested the Templars and their loyalty. When it proved true, he gave them their first mission; to scout out Smallville and Metropolis and see what they could discover.

Questioning Kanan had become easier than ever. After Klaus had killed his precious little Sabine, well, the Jedi Knight had become more cooperative than before. That was how Klaus had learned of Bounty Hunters, so he and Kanan traveled to the Star Wars realm where Klaus had been able to compel a few thousand credits and hired the Bounty Hunters he wanted. So long as he continued to supply them with credits, they agreed to work for him. Fortunately, he could easily compel credits any time he desired.

In order to take over Smallville and Metropolis and ensure victory, Klaus needed to bolster his army. Endarkened, hybrids, and bender-vampires would more than likely be enough, but Klaus wanted to have victory and then rule his realms. For that, he needed a larger army. It was easy to have the Furies in Japan use the Water of Life to create more—after all, there were plenty of humans there to choose from. Hijikata had not been too keen on that, but after Klaus had compelled him to kill his wife, Hijikata would not risk his daughter's life.

Furies still wouldn't be enough. Klaus did some research, not just into Smallville, but soon discovered there were other realms where humans had extraordinary powers. All he had to do was travel there, break a few out of prison facilities where they had been kept and then the powered humans—called mutants—became loyal to him since Klaus had saved them.

Similarly, he traveled to another realm with magic and broke a few dark mages out of prison. He used the Templars to hear of the ones who had the most power and thus, would be the most useful to him and broke them out. Fortunately, the two siblings had an entire guild of mages who came at their beck and call and then the entire Dark Guild called Shadow Blade agreed to help Klaus in the event that once he rules, they could control the realm they came from—Fiore.

All that was left was that Klaus needed a better guard force for his new prison. Witches enchanted it so that no one could enter inside without the witches' consent and all the hybrids inside had been compelled by Klaus to forget where the location was, but he needed as many hybrids as possible for the fight, not including the ones keeping Mystic Falls in Klaus' control. So he sent Ahyra and her dragon and dinosaurs there along with a few hybrids he could spare, at least for the time being.

Klaus counted his forces. Some Furies had been left to guard Japan in Klaus' name, a few hybrids to keep Mystic Falls in check, several benders back in the Northern Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom villages and fortunately, they brought him new benders every day to turn into vampires, thus continually bolstering his troops. Zira, the vampire-lioness assured him the Pride Lands were still under her control and she ruled in his name—she and all her lionesses had been sired to Klaus when he had turned them. Zira's troublesome enemy, Kiara, had been left in the dungeon until Klaus figured out what to do with her. Other than that, he left a few Shadowhunters to keep charge over Idris, which was where Klaus made his new base, and took his army straight for Smallville and Metropolis.

Along the way, they came across a compound called Dauntless, so Klaus and his hybrids had taken the entire place over in a few hours and compelled them to serve Klaus. A select few called Divergents had not been able to be compelled, but it didn't take Klaus long to speak to the others, find their loved ones, kidnap the weaker ones to control the stronger ones. Then, Klaus and his army continued on their way.

From the information the Templars had given him, Metropolis was currently at war. A man known as the Blur protected the city but recently had gone rogue. According to Klaus' head Templar, Alexandre, the Blur's real identity was Clark Kent and he was an alien from another planet. More of his people had come to earth, specifically one named Zod and he posed as the Blur and the two had been at war and trying to find some middle ground.

Klaus grinned. He would take on this Zod for himself and he would leave Clark in the hands of his new Sith. Kanan simply wasn't enough to teach him the Dark Side of the Force, so while Klaus decided what to do with Kanan, he had learned from Kanan who the most powerful Sith in the Star Wars Realm was—Darth Vader. Before they had left, Klaus had gone with some of his Bounty Hunters and contacted Vader after learning from the Templars what Vader wanted more than anything: his dead wife back. Judging from the differences in timelines with the other realms, all Klaus had to do was travel to a realm in the Star Wars universe where Vader's wife was still alive and then he reunited them. His wife hadn't been very happy, but Vader was certainly grateful. He had begun teaching Klaus immediately and promised that together, they would kill his Sith Master called Sidious and rule the galaxy themselves. At some point, Klaus suspected Vader would betray him even though he had brought him back with his wife, but for now, their interests were aligned.

So Vader would take on Clark and Klaus would take on Zod. Using the Templar information, he sat around with those loyal to him—both blackmailed and ones he had recently rescued—to discuss the details of the battle.

"So while my comrade, Vader and I are dealing with this Zod and Clark Kent duo, the other Kryptonians will need to be dealt with," Klaus said as he strode around the room, arms behind his back as he eyed the sixteen people in the room.

Vader stood quietly behind Klaus with his arms crossed over his chest and cloak covering his face, all except for his golden Sith-eyes.

Klaus glanced up at Hijikata, who stood in an opposite corner from Kanan, seething. The two hadn't spoken since their failed escape, and internally, Klaus grinned, knowing that they would never try something like that again. Plus, if they did, Klaus had Alexandre with them all, to blend in, pretend to be one of the poor blackmailed, and inform him of any insurgency. "Hijikata, you will lead the Furies in an attack against them along with Kaisu and Kani leading their guild, Shadow Blade."

Sitting on a couch, the two crimson-haired Asian twins nodded but it was Kaisu who spoke. "As you wish, Klaus. The Kryptonians will fall."

"That's what I want to hear. Now, according to the latest information," Klaus started as he stopped in the center of the room, "Metropolis is also filled with vigilantes. Rina, you and the other Bounty Hunters take the fleet to bombard Metropolis and Smallville while everyone else deals with these vigilantes."

"You got it." Rina the alien had tentacles for hair but she nodded. Klaus found her oddly attractive, but he focused instead on his planning.

"The one called Green Arrow is a skilled archer. Jace, your runes and fighting skills will be an asset against this one." Klaus met eyes with the blonde man covered in tattoos but ever since his red-haired girlfriend had been killed, his eyes held only hate.

"Alec can help." Jace's voice was deep and filled with hate.

It made Klaus grin. "Perhaps, but if I let your parabotai fight with you, would your sister, Alec's twin, be enough to keep you in line?"

Jace gritted his teeth. "You still have all the Shadowhunter children, so that would be a yes."

Klaus met Damon's gaze. "I do believe he's trying to be sarcastic."

"Trying and failing." Damon smirked.

"You'll face this green archer, Jace." Klaus shifted his gaze to Alexandre and the other Templar beside him. No one in the room new that they were Templars except for him, so he chose his words carefully. "Andre and Hawk, you'll deal with Watchtower. Adrick, you'll accompany them."

The three men nodded and Klaus ignored the confused looks around the room. Both Templars already knew what Watchtower was and had all the information they needed for it.

"Collin, your Avatar form with a rifle should be strong enough to take on a vigilante they call Cyborg. Metal and technology inside him makes him stronger than a human, but your Avatar form has reinforced titanium steel bones, yes?" Klaus cocked his head at the blonde man sitting in a chair in the corner, avoiding both Hijikata and Kanan. After all, he had betrayed them.

Collin nodded. "Yes."

"Excellent. Jecht, your firebending will be perfect against another known as Aquaman." Klaus didn't wait for the muscular fire-bender to respond, before training his eyes on Damon. "Damon, I think you'd be perfect against the Flash, don't you?"

Damon's smirk grew. "I guess we'll just have to find out."

Klaus turned back to everyone in the room. "Do not fail me. If all goes as planned, by the end of the day, Metropolis will be mine."


Kiara hummed quietly to herself as she sat inside the new prison cell. They had all been relocated but they had all been blindfolded, so she had no idea where she was or how to escape. Her muscles ached and longed to be set free, to run amidst the prairies of the savannah back home.

A home that was now ruled by Zira and her vicious lionesses. Kiara didn't even know which of her own lionesses had been turned into vampires, if any lived, or if they were still loyal to her or Zira.

Or Klaus.

She curled her knees up against her chest and clung to them, trying not to release the tears that desperately wanted to come out. The boredom and imprisonment were getting to her and if she didn't get out of this cage soon, she honestly believed she would go crazy.

"It'll be okay," a soothing voice murmured through the grate on the bottom of the floor.

Kiara hadn't realized she had cried, let alone that she had started sobbing. Quickly, she wiped her eyes, suddenly ashamed. "I—uh, I'm okay."

"My crew and I always find a way out of this. They're family and we never give up."

"What's your name?" Kiara asked as a distraction. Her family was dead, so that was the last thing Kiara wanted to think about.

"Hera. Yours?"



Oscine clutched the short-haired blonde sheriff woman by the throat, keeping the woman in front of her as she extended her fangs. "You may be a vampire, blondie, but so am I. You try anything and I'll break your mother's neck."

The blonde vampire stared at her in shock, eyes wide with fear. "Please, don't hurt my mom."

Oscine shrugged. "I don't want to hurt your mother, blondie. But you see, Klaus ordered me, Tyler, and the other hybrids to keep everyone in Mystic Falls in line, so that's what I'm doing to do. Stop whatever you and your little friends are planning at the Salvatore Mansion. This town belongs to Klaus, got it?"

The blonde woman nodded. "Yes, okay, we got it! Just leave my mother alone!"

Oscine shrugged and released the sheriff to the ground and sped out of the woman's house. She had posed as a regular citizen needing help a few days before, so the blonde had foolishly invited her in. It was a phenomenon Oscine had never heard of before; back in Skyrim, vampires could easily get into people's houses. They did all the time, which was how so many innocent people there ended up dead. Now that Oscine was a vampire, but one that had been created from Klaus, belonging to this strange Mystic Falls Realm, she was a vampire by that Realm's rules and standards, which meant, she had to be invited in houses in any realm. It was horribly inconvenient.

She met up with Tyler near the Lockwood Mansion, a place that had apparently used to be his home.

"Please tell me you didn't kill Caroline's mom." Tyler's eyes pleaded with hers.

Oscine shook her head, crossing her arms over her steel armor. "Nope. Blondie agreed to stop trying to rebel."

Tyler shook his head, hands shaking. "My friends, they're not gonna stop 'till they get this town back. They never do."

Oscine shrugged. "Maybe, but we'll have to reinforce Klaus' rule and you know what that means, Tyler."

He stared at the mansion that had once been his home and she couldn't imagine the pain he was feeling right now... Keeping his home under control of a vampire he despised and yet was forced to obey. Oscine's skin bristled every time she obeyed one of Klaus' orders.

"There's some other people staying here now." Tyler shook his head. "From what I've overheard, they're working for another villain, someone like Klaus who's trying to take over."

Oscine licked her lips. "If Klaus finds out..."

Tyler glanced at her. "Let's hope he doesn't. I don't want a war between two villains tearing my hometown apart."


Just keep an eye on the outer perimeter, Ahyra whispered to her bonded dragon. Dakyr and Ahyra could communicate telepathically ever since she was a little girl. From what little she remembered of her homeland, Alagaisa, Dragon Riders could mentally communicate with their bonded dragons. Unfortunately, she had been taken and dropped off at another strange world where she and Dakyr had barely been able to survive.

One thing that helped them was taming a lot of dinosaurs.

You got it, Dakyr thought. The Direwolf pack is patrolling the north side of the prison, and the Rexes are south. The raptors are inside with you, so you'll have to watch them.

Ahyra sent him a mental nod and glanced down the hallway where a long line of cells waited. Part of her wanted to use her dino friends to help free the prisoners, but for some strange reason, she couldn't disobey Klaus. I don't understand why, she thought to herself, or at least, she thought so, but Dakyr answered her.

Ahyra, he's done something to your mind. It's even having an effect on me. I think he's controlling you somehow... forcing you to obey him. Dakyr's thoughts turned sad, but he was soon filled with frustration and anger. On The Island, Dakyr had fought many creatures and saved Ahyra's life more times than she could count, but nothing they had ever faced before had been a predator like Klaus. He killed for sport, not survival, and now somehow... he could control others? Everything about him was unnatural to nature.

I'm trying to fight it, but I can't Dakyr. Ahyra's mental voice sounded hopeless.

Dakyr's determination filled her with newfound strength. Leave it to me. Everyone's doing what they're supposed to, so I'm going to concentrate on breaking his hold on you. I'll have to stop talking to you for a while. Will you be alright?

Yes. Ahyra shut her thoughts off and away from Dakyr so he could concentrate. As she rounded a corner and headed down the hallway to another row of cells, voices reached her ears.

"... no way out."

"Unfortunately, that seems to be the case," said a second voice. "So, Kiara, you can't go into your lion form?"

"No. Even if I could, I'd never get out of the iron bars."

Are these prisoners talking about escape? Ahyra was certain to keep her internal voice away from Dakyr's mind. She could feel his effort and concentration, the mental toll fighting Klaus' hold on her had on him. Torn away from her thoughts of Dakyr, Ahyra listened to the two prisoners speaking. Every muscle of Ahyra's body urged her to find the prisoners and silence them, or inform Klaus, but she squeezed her eyes shut, clamped her hands around her arms, and planted her feet on the ground.

Sweat coated her entire body and she collapsed onto her knees. The prisoners in the cells on either side of her—not the two who were talking but others—probably thought she was insane. Then again, with only a bonded dragon and a bunch of dinosaurs for company, compared to them, Ahyra probably was.

Just walk away. Ahyra wasn't sure if it was her voice or Dakyr's. Either way, she whirled around and ran in the opposite direction of the two female prisoners.


Kani stood beside her brother Kaisu as Klaus' army of hybrids, vampire-benders, and furies, led by Hijikata, charged forward into the crowd of Kryponians. The odd-looking alien Bounty Hunters flew their starships—that somehow weren't run on magic energy, which fascinated Kani, since everything in Fiore ran on magic energy—over the city of Metropolis to bombard it and soon, force the citizens to surrender.

First, Kani and the others in the army had to do their part. They met the Kryptonians on the main street in the city. Several cars had been parked and discarded on the side of the road. To her left, a man in a blue shirt sprinted away, carrying a little girl. For a moment, Kani glanced up at the starships in the sky, wondering what in the world they were doing. These were innocent people.

As if sensing his twin's unease, Kaisu shot her a look. "Kani, we will do what we have to."

"For what purpose? So that we can rule Fiore? Is this price worth that?" she whispered.

Kaisu gritted his teeth as his crimson red hair fell across his face. "So that we can be free. The Magic Council will continue to hunt us and Shadow Blade."

Behind her, the other members of Shadow Blade rallied behind them. Hijikata and the Furies charged into the fray of Kyrptonians while the Endarkened targeted the other half. Kani held up her hands and used the words to power her first spell. "Steel-make beast!"

A giant, wolf-like creature formed out of steel and appeared on the ground in front of her. A blonde Kryptonian woman stared up at it in shock. "What planet are you from?"

"Fiore." Kani smirked and directed her steel wolf toward the blonde woman. The wolf lunged forward, but the blonde woman had disappeared. "What the—?"

Something smacked her in the chest and Kani felt something inside her snap. In that same, split-second, she flew backward and slammed into the glass of a building window across the street.

"Kani!" Kaisu called out for her.

Stars danced in her vision and pain wrapped around her chest and squeezed it tight. "Steel-make copy!" Upon her command, a copy of the blonde woman appeared, made entirely out of steel.

"What is this?" The woman frowned and stared at the copy in shock.

Kani smirked but it turned into a grimace from the pain in her chest that kept her from breathing properly. The steel copy was able to mimic the blonde Kryptonian's speed. So it zipped around her just as fast, which kept Kani from seeing what exactly was happening.

This gave Kani time to stand up and prepare her next attack.

The blonde woman suddenly stopped and hurled pieces of steel toward Kani. Ignoring the pain in her chest, she dashed to the sides, desperately trying to avoid being hit. Her eyes widened in shock as she finally realized what had happened.

She had ripped the steel copy apart. So these Kryptonians are fast and strong...

The blonde woman blinked and what looked to be red magic energy shot from her eyes like beams. Kani dove down just as the beams struck the building behind her, leaving two gaping holes.

"What? Their magic comes from their eyes?" Kani yelled to no one in particular. She cursed. "You've got to be kidding me."

She cracked her knuckles and readied herself for one intense fight.


Never in her life had Rina seen so many Bounty Hunters working together in one setting. Then again, with Klaus supplying them with all the credits in the galaxy they could ever want, what Bounty Hunter would refuse him?

The idea of Darth Vader working with them didn't sit well with Rina. She played with the edge of one of her tentacles as she steered her starship over the city's skyscrapers.

"Where are you, Jacota?" Rina asked into the comlink.

A dark chuckle came back in reply. "Hovering over the housing district. This world is awful strange... No aliens here. Just humans."

Jacota was a blue-skinned Twi'lek who was tough as nails but Rina swore sometimes he had no brains. She rolled her eyes and didn't bother to respond.

She fired town two proton torpedoes onto a skyscraper. As it collapsed, humans screamed and ran in all directions like ants, except that ants were more organized. "All we gotta do is fire enough shots in this city for the humans to know they're kriffing screwed. Got it?" Rina made sure her voice broadcasted on all channels to make sure all the Bounty Hunters heard her. One of her major pet peeves was repeating herself.

This wasn't at all the excitement she had looked forward to. The humans just stood on the ground, staring at them in shock. Rina sighed and fired a couple more shots, this time from the gun below her in the front. Her ship beeped and she hit a button which pulled up a map of the area. A red dot appeared and started toward her, followed by a dozen more.

"Jacota, you see anything?" Rina asked.

"Looks like they have some primitive aircraft. This'll be fun."

"Finally, a fight at last," Rina muttered to herself. She turned her wheel hard to the right and pulled her ship directly into the line of human aircraft. They really were primitive, V-shaped basic planes that shot some sort of small metal at them. "They don't even have lasers? What kind of world is this?" she asked herself with a shake of her head.

She fired and shot one in front of her, then turned the ship around sharply to the left to shoot down a second. A third came around behind her, so she chased after it. Her first shots slammed against the top of a building, which made it start to collapse, but the second shots blew the aircraft up.

"I take back my previous statement. This isn't a fight, let alone a fun fight." Rina shook her head. "Kriff!"


Alexandre glanced down at Hawk and farther down, the incompetent, untrained mutant named Adrick. "We must hurry." Alexandre shook his head, but kept his impatience to himself. After all, his job was to pretend to be just another blackmailed soul, one that the others could easily sympathize with. In the case they ever tried to resist Klaus' rule, Alexandre, as one of their trusted, would learn of it and inform Klaus of it immediately.

Hawk was still a member of the Templars, so likewise, he pretended to be blackmailed as well. Alexandre did not know much of him yet, for he had been a member of the modern day Templars. Even though all the branches of the Templars had merged, it did not mean they did not fully know the others too well as of yet.

At the top of Watchtower, Alexandre held out a hand, motioning Hawk to stop. Hawk immediately complied and then glanced at him. "Klaus wants us to kill or capture her?" Hawk whispered.

"What do you think?" Alexandre shot the long-haired man a look. Below them, Adrick had finally caught up to them, but his fingers shook.

"I can't hold on for long," he said with a grunt.

Alexandre kept hold of the tower's window they hid beneath with his right hand and then with his left, he aimed directly at the blonde woman typing on a new, modern-day device. With his finger, Alexandre released the mechanism in his gauntlet and a rope dart fired out of it.

It hurled toward the short-haired blonde and wrapped around her neck. Alexandre leapt through the window, cinched it tightly, and used it to drag her to him. Her back slammed against his chest and she grunted, using her fingers to try to pry the rope off her neck. "Adrick, the system..." Alexandre glanced at the young man who had just climbed through the window behind Hawk.

Hawk pursed his lips. "She could be more use to us alive. If she's the one commanding this place, with all these computer systems, she has information on all the vigilantes."

"No!" she cried out with another grunt.

Alexandre met Hawk's gaze.


"Etherion!" As soon as the word left Kaisu's lips, he directed his hands so that his palms faced each other. Silver, bubbling acid appeared as a sphere and within a few seconds' time, it grew into a huge wave that curled in front of Kaisu's face. His acid attack easily ate through the Kryptonians red-laser like energy.

The black man cursed at him.

Kaisu smirked and lifted his hands to the sky, fingers dancing as they formed another attack. "Cero." It was a soft word, but hundreds of wires created from Kaisu's acid twisted and formed in the air, starting from his hands. With each finger, he directed the wires.

The black man had sped around to try to come at him from behind. Kaisu had already predicted that move—most people with speed made such efforts, as if they thought that because Kaisu could not see to keep up with their movements, he would not expect an attack from behind. How foolish of them. He created several wires behind him, cutting off the black man's escape.

More formed over him, since Kaisu had witnessed a few of the Kryptonians flying and then moved the wires inward toward the black Kryptonian's body. The man laughed. "Nothing can hurt me, so all that you're doing is in vain."

Kaisu shrugged. "I guess we shall soon find out." With that, Kaisu closed his hands and immediately, the acid wires tightened on the man's body and burned through his skin. The Kryponians' invulnerable skin wasn't resistant to magic, apparently. "Our magic hurts them!" Kaisu shouted.

The other mages in Shadow Blade heard him and began to cheer. To his right, one of his most trusted threw her hands into the air and fired several magic bullets out of her fingers at the Kryptonian she fought. Briefly, Kaisu searched for his sister. Her steel had encaged a blonde Kryponian woman, but she was quickly tearing through Kani's cage.

"Kani!" Kaisu stepped back as the acid ate through the last of the black man's skin and Kani met him in the center of the street. "Our fusion. It will rid us of many Kryptonians."

Kani nodded and grasped his hand. Together, in a single voice, they both shouted. "Argana!"

Kani formed hundreds of steel knives and each one became infused with Kaisu's acid. Upon Kani's command, the knives hurled at many of the Kryponians, who were distracted with Shadow Blade's mages.

The knives embedded into the Kryponians' skin and then slowly began eating through them.


While Hawk tried to talk Alexandre out of killing the blonde woman in charge of Watchtower, Adrick closed his eyes and connected to Watchtower's systems. Information overloaded his mind, every file and every bit of data in her computer systems. Each of the vigilantes' names, powers, strengths... All of the bad guys they had fought and taken down. Everything downloaded directly to Adrick's brain over the next several minutes.

The rest of the world was lost to him. When this happened, all of his brain power focused on whatever information he was downloading—not by choice; it was something that happened automatically—so his mind couldn't really do much else other than breathe and keep him alive. No movements or words, nothing except downloading the information.

When it finished, he used his mind to connect to Watchtower's systems. All of the devices the vigilantes had that they were using to communicate, every bit of dialogue they said, came directly to Adrick's mind.

"System ready to shut down." Adrick's voice was a monotone, nearly as computerized as his brain in that moment.

"Do it." Alexandre met his gaze, face hidden beneath a hood.

"No! No, you can't—" The blonde woman struggled in Alexandre's arms to no avail; he was far too strong for her.

Adrick knew if he shut down their computer systems, the vigilantes wouldn't be able to communicate. They would be in the dark, with no way to call for help or backup. It would help Klaus achieve victory.

He saved me from the laboratories, Adrick thought. It was the only thought he could fully process in that moment. Taking a deep breath, he focused on his mind's connections to Watchtower's systems and shut it down.


Hijikata unsheathed his katana as anger and vengeance that he couldn't seek consumed his thoughts. The Kryptonians were just as fast as he and the other furies, which meant they moved at high speed constantly. Unfortunately, when his katana struck the first Kryptonian in the chest, his blade shattered.

The Kryptonian smirked at him and blinked. Two red beams shot out of their eyes and hurled straight for Hijikata. He darted out of the way faster than the red beams and narrowly avoided being burned.

Suddenly, Kryponians began to fall on either side of him. Hijikata frowned and glanced back to see the two blood-haired twins using their magic to attack them. More Kryponians lined up to face them, while some took to the air and flew off.

The male blood-haired twin glanced at Hijikata. "Shadow Blade can handle this. Take your furies to take care of the human law enforcement officers."

Hijikata gritted his teeth, hated being told what to do, but to defy the man would be to defy Klaus. At the same, Hijikata's blood boiled. "Follow me!" Hijikata called to his men. One of them handed him another katana and he gripped the hilt tightly in his hands.

He and the furies sped through the city until they came to where the humans had strange black carriages where they tried to hold off the starships in the air. Hijikata darted toward the first officer and stabbed him in the heart, followed by a second.

With each human he killed, Hijikata unleashed his anger at Klaus and himself. Killing was all he was good at, and the old, peaceful life as Chizuru's husband and Chiyo's father was over. Now, all Hijikata was, was a fury... a soldier, a killer. He grasped his new katana used it to kill the human officers and grieve. Each death he caused was like a tear that Hijikata could no longer shed.


Hawk glared at Alexandre, unable to completely hide his revulsion. Alexandre had tied up the blonde woman in a chair in the center of Watchtower and he used his hidden blades to cut her face. "Tell me what information you know."

The woman squeezed her eyes shut. "You're just going to kill me when I do, so just get it over with!"

Hawk admired her bravery. He wanted to save her, but how could he, without revealing that he was a Templar traitor, undercover meant to take them down for the assassins? Did that even matter anymore, with the realms merging and all these innocent people forced to obey Klaus?

Yes, Hawk thought, it does matter. As long as Alexandre believed Hawk was with the Templars, he could work with the other blackmailed people, tell them who Alexandre really was, and help them form a plan to escape Klaus and the evil things he forced them all to do. It wouldn't be easy but it was possible, but only if Hawk kept his cover.

Yet... as a Texas Ranger, he simply couldn't let this woman die either.

Hawk walked up to the woman and stood behind her. Alexandre straightened and brought his hidden blade back inside his right gauntlet. "Listen, he's not going to stop torturing you until you give up the information we want," Hawk whispered in the blonde woman's ear.

"I—I can't..." she cried, biting her lip with an internal groan deep in her throat.

This wasn't the first time he'd had to sneak a prisoner out of Templar clutches and it wouldn't be the last. Fortunately, he still had some of the poison on his hidden blade, one that the Assassins had given him and that none of the Templars knew existed.

Hawk brought the hidden blade to her chest, as close to her heart as possible. The closer to her heart, the faster it would work through her system. "Tell me, or you'll suffer for it." The words coming out of Hawk's mouth tasted like poison and he often asked himself what Walker would have done if he had been in his situation. That doesn't do you any good right now. Walker's not here, Hawk thought.

The blonde woman shook her head with a whimper.

Hawk shrugged and sliced his hidden blade across her chest. It tore the upper part of her shirt and left a good size cut in her skin. The poison left no trace and soon it would slow her heart and breathing to make her appear dead.

Alexandre growled and stabbed his hidden blade into her leg. The blonde woman screamed, her eyes widened, and her body stiffened.

Hawk stepped around to the front and gazed at her with a perplexed expression that mirrored Alexandre's.

"What...?" Alexandre started.

The blonde woman's body stilled.

Alexandre held his hand over her mouth and then placed a hand to her throat. "She's dead."

"How?" Hawk frowned. "You only stabbed her leg."

Alexandre shook his head. "More than likely, she had a weak heart and she could not take the pain. I have seen it happen before."

Hawk nodded. "What now?"

"Are the systems out?" Alexandre glanced at Adrick where he stood in front of the main computer in the otherwise barren tower room.

"It's down." Adrick crossed his arms, eyes staring straight ahead.

"Now," Alexandre started as his hidden blade slid back into his gauntlet, "we wait for the city to surrender."


Jecht kicked out with his right foot and fire followed his movements across the water. Aquaman had taken to it immediately and the sucker was fast—too fast for Jecht to keep up.

Since he had to obey Klaus' orders or innocent people would be murdered, Jecht went with his secondary plan.

Burn the water.

The man with green shorts and a bright orange shirt leapt out of the water and went to punch Jecht's face. Jecht, being heavily trained in firebending, was easily able to form a fist made of fire and block it.

Aquaman groaned and pulled his hand back. He turned around and prepared to dive into the water.

Hating every bit of what he was doing, Jecht formed two large flames, one in each hand, and hurled them at Aquaman. Flames licked up his back and immersed him. He collapsed to the ground, writhing and screaming as he desperately crawled to the water.

Jecht gritted his teeth and turned his head away. "I'm sorry," he whispered as he knelt beside the dying man. The flames extinguished, but now the man was covered in terrible burns. His body trembled violently and Jecht couldn't help but meet the man's gaze as he spoke. "I'm sorry," he repeated. "Klaus, he's—" Jecht swallowed back a lump in his throat. The man's eyes glared up at him with such heartache, pain, and fear that Jecht had to look away. No more words came to him. What was he supposed to tell this man? "I'm being blackmailed, so I have to kill you. Forgive me? No. Jecht couldn't say that. The man's trembles became worse and he tried again to crawl to the water.

Jecht placed a hand on the man's shoulder. That was when he realized something that made Jecht sick to his stomach. In reality, Aquaman was just a kid in his early twenties, someone with his whole life ahead of him. His body stilled and tears formed in Jecht's eyes.

Jecht had just robbed this young man of his life.


"Alright, come here, you little coward." Damon rolled his eyes as the red-shirt spunky kid ran circles around him—literally. Then again, Damon guessed that was why everyone called him The Flash. It was almost scary, the way he was faster than even vampires.

Despite how fast he was, no matter how much The Flash tried to run away from him, Damon always managed to catch back up.

"Catch me if you can, loser." The Flash shot him a wave and took off running so fast that his red shirt blurred, even to Damon's eyes.

"I hate this kid." Damon followed behind him and what felt like a few minutes but in reality was just a few seconds later, he stopped in the center of a shopping mall parking lot. The place was vacant, which was probably smart considering their city was under siege, giving Damon plenty of room to break this kid's neck.

If he could get his hands on him, anyway.

"Over here." The Flash smirked, directly across from Damon, in front of the mall's double doors.

Damon darted there, only to have the kid gone by the time he arrived—a second later.

"Yoo-hoo." The Flash whistled and waved at him from the spot Damon had been.

Damon smirked. "I know I'm sexy and all, but you don't have to whistle at me. I am already aware of how good looking I am."

The Flash frowned at him. "Yeah, I don't roll that way. Sorry, bro." He took off running again, this time toward one of the mall's back entrances. As usual, Damon followed, but paused when he came across a weapon's store. Perfect, Damon thought. Fortunately, the store had everything he needed to make a homemade pipe bomb, so he grabbed a lighter and held it and the makeshift bomb behind his back.

He sped back out to the front of the mall, where The Flash sat on a table with his feet dangling down, as he munched on a pepperoni pizza. "Dude, what took you so long?" The Flash asked.

Damon shrugged. "Oh, you know... kids these days. So hard to keep up with." He lit the bomb behind him, left it on the ground, and darted toward The Flash. Just like he expected, The Flash traded places with him.

As the bomb exploded, The Flash ran out of the way, leading the explosion rather than the other way around. Fortunately, Damon knew the only direction The Flash had to go—toward the exit.

Damon sprinted there as fast as he could go and the two collided. It threw them both backward and Damon slammed into a wall. He threw pieces of the wall off him and sped to the opposite wall where The Flash had landed. His head was bleeding but his chest was still breathing. "Ah, no superhealing," Damon commented. "Sucks for you, dude."

Then he grabbed The Flash and slung him over his shoulder.


Cyborg slammed his hands against Collin's Avatar legs, knocking them out from underneath him. Their strength was pretty even. Collin rolled across the ground and reached for his rifle.

Cyborg stepped on it and shattered it in half. "Whatcha gonna do without your gun, blue-freak?"

Collin sighed and jumped to his feet, charging toward Cyborg. He swung his fists toward him, but Cyborg dodged both his attacks.

"Look, why are you and all these other people attacking us, man?" Cyborg rolled out of the way of one of Collin's fists and kicked at Collin's leg, not that it did much good.

Collin grimaced. "Look, it doesn't matter if you or I win this fight, okay? This realm is going to be taken over. Just look at who's attacking! They've got starships and a huge army. Your vigilantes can't compete with that so the city will surrender. It's inevitable." Collin hated every word he said, but it was the truth; Metropolis would fall.

Cybrog shook his head. "I'm not running."

Collin leapt over him, which took Cyborg by surprise. He pounded his fists against Cyborg's head. He collapsed to the ground, unbreathing. "You should have," Collin murmured softly.


With his speed rune activated, Jace dodged another arrow from the Green Arrow. "What's the matter?" Green Arrow asked, his voice deep and disguised beneath some Mundane device. "Don't want to face me like a man?"

Jace used his stele to deactivate his speed rune. "You want a fight? Let's dance." Gritting his teeth, Jace charged at Green Arrow, swinging right then left. Green Arrow ducked and twisted to avoid them, but Jace brought his knee up to Green Arrow's side.

The vigilante grabbed Jace's leg and yanked them both to the ground. As they fell, Green Arrow threw Jace backward. He slammed against the wall, but relished in the pain of the blow against his ribs. Without Clary, nothing mattered anymore, so only fighting and pain distracted him.

Green Arrow held up his bow and aimed it at Jace. Jace twisted to the side but the arrow still pierced his left lung. Agony exploded in his chest and Jace collapsed to the ground, unable to breathe. With a dark chuckle, Jace ripped the arrow out and pulled out his stele. He traced an Iraze on his skin and slowly, the arrow wound healed.

"That's not very fair," the Green Arrow's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Jace cracked his neck as he stood to his feet. "Feel free to stop talking and start fighting." Green Arrow brought his bow down toward Jace's head, but Jace pulled out a Seraph blade.

"Angiel," he whispered and at the sound of its name, the blade hummed to life. Jace blocked Green Arrow's bow and sliced down across the man's abdomen. Green Arrow leapt backward, but Jace was relentless, slicing left and right. All Green Arrow could do was leap backward and dodge.

Jace brought his sword down to Green Arrow's shoulder. Green Arrow barely had enough time to block it with his bow, but Jace used all the force he could muster. His blade sliced through Green Arrow's bow and sliced across his shoulder.

Green Arrow collapsed to the ground with a hiss of pain. "You gonna kill me, then?"

Instead of replying, Jace plunged his seraph blade deep into the vigilante's heart.


Vader's thoughts wanted to drift to his love, Padme, but he called on the Dark Side and let it fuel him. Ever since his injury in the fight with Obi-Wan, Vader had been forced to use small amounts of the Dark Side to keep his body functioning. Without it kick-starting his movements, he was paralyzed and Vader could not allow that to happen. Using it in small currents made his nerves work properly but left him in constant physical pain. It was that pain that further fueled his power of the Dark Side as he slammed Clark Kent with Force lightning.

The lightning didn't seem to faze him and from what Vader had already witnessed, Clark Kent appeared to be just as immortal as Klaus. "What do you want here? The people of Metropolis have done nothing to the other realms! They've stayed out of everything!"

Vader ignited his lightsaber and stayed still where he stood on the edge of the roof of The Daily Planet, across from Clark. "That doesn't mean they'll be spared."

Clark shook his head. "I won't let you or anyone else hurt any more innocent people!"

Vader grew tired of the man's voice, so he leapt toward Clark. He sped out of the way, but through the Force, Vader could predict where Clark would be. Vader swung his crimson lightsaber in the place where Clark had been heading just as Clark arrived there.

Clark's eyes widened but his hand caught Vader's lightsaber.

This caught Vader by surprise. Clark's skin started to sizzle, so he released his hold and took several steps backward. "What are you?" Clark asked.

"No more games! It's time to finish this!" Vader deactivated his lightsaber and hooked it onto his belt. Closing his eyes, he called to the Dark Side, focusing all of his hatred for Obi-Wan, his desire for vengeance, and the fear of Padme dying in childbirth all into his one attack.

The Force lifted Clark into the air and choked him. Clark couldn't breathe and even though that seemed to have no effect on him, Vader held him there and continued to call on the Dark Side. With it, he forced himself into Clark's mind.

His body may have been strong, but not necessary his mind, not against Vader.

"Your friends will all die..." Vader whispered in Clark's thoughts. "Some have already..." He caught a glimpse of the Green Arrow's death by Jace's hands through the Force and showed it to Clark.

"N...no!" Clark called out, thrashing and trying to escape Vader's grip.

Vader searched through Clark's mind until he found it... Clark's secret. "You have a weakness, then?" Vader held up his left wrist to his mouth to speak into the comlink. "Rina?"


"There's something I need you to get for me. Green meteor rock." Vader kept Clark in his grip even as Clark's eyes widened as if he had heard the exchange. Clark opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and blew out a huge cyclone of air toward Vader.

Vader used his left hand and held up the Force to stop it. "Brave, but foolish of you."

Clark's eyes narrowed on him and two laser beams shot toward him. Vader temporarily lost his concentration as the two beams slammed into his chest. Quickly, he pulled out his lightsaber and reflected it back toward Clark's abdomen.

The laser beams burned through his stomach and knocked him to the ground. Vader used the pain of his shoulder wounds to hold Clark down to the ground. He strode over and sliced his lightsaber across Clark's chest. "You should have surrendered when you had the chance."

Vader held his lightsaber to Clark's chest and kept it there until it finally burned through him.


Klaus charged toward Zod, both at high speed. They stood in the Metropolis city square, lined on both sides of the street by skyscrapers void of humans. Zod kicked Klaus' chest and he laughed when it actually hurt. "Finally having a worthy fight is somewhat enjoyable, I must admit," Klaus said with a smirk as he caught Zod's leg and flipped him around.

Zod landed smoothly on his feet just as Klaus pounded his hands against his chest. The impacts made loud thuds like thunder but Zod didn't act as if he was in pain. Instead, he reacted by throwing another punch toward Klaus' jaw. Klaus sped around behind him and gripped Zod's neck in a headlock. Using all the strength he could muster, he went to break it.

Zod slammed his hands against Klaus' ears as hard as he could. The blow sent an ache throbbing through his head, so Klaus laughed and stepped backward. Zod whirled around on him and brought a knee up to Klaus' chin.

Klaus slammed against the ground in the center of the square. The concrete beneath him cracked. Several of his ribs had shattered, so he coughed up blood and waited for his body to heal. He made his eyes grow wide with fear.

Zod's lips pulled down into a grimace as he stood over Klaus and shook his head. "Your kind is utterly pathetic. Not worthy as an enemy of Zod." The leader of the Kryptonians knelt down and gripped Klaus' throat.

Now, Klaus thought to himself.

He extended his fangs, bent his head down, and plunged them deep into Zod's wrist. Zod stiffened beneath Klaus' hold but he threw Zod to the ground and pinned him there as he drained the Kryptonian dry.

Zod kicked at him and tried to escape, but Klaus refused to budge. Their strength was even and right now, Klaus had him in a perfect position, one he was unable to break out of.

Klaus internally laughed at the shock on Zod's face and the unbelief in his eyes. Zod's eyes closed and he passed out, so Klaus pulled his fangs out and left the wound to bleed. "You may be invulnerable, but we share the same strength. Which was why I could penetrate your skin when nothing else does. Even as strong as you are, you still fall unconscious with blood loss."

Shaking his head, Klaus picked Zod up and then plunged his fangs deep into Zod's neck. He fed and fed, using every single bit of his strength until he ripped Zod's head completely off of his body.

Klaus smirked at Zod's head and body. "Let's see how you live with that wound, mate."


Kanan clenched his ignited lightsaber and held it to the mayor of Metropolis' throat. "The starships are destroying your city. The vigilantes have all been defeated, and the Blur is gone," he said. His eyes pleaded with the mayor to listen to him. "You have to surrender the city to Klaus. You have no other choice."

The mayor's eyes filled with tears. "There are women and children here. How could you monsters do such a thing?"

Kanan grimaced and tried not to flinch at the mayor's words. I'm not a monster, he thought, but even he didn't believe it. Sabine died and now Kanan did whatever Klaus wanted. The fight had died in him along with Sabine and now the only thing Kanan could hope for was to see Hera and Zeb again. They were all he had left. "Surrender." With his words, Kanan used the Force to influence the mayor's mind.

He nodded and Kanan sensed the tears falling down the older man's eyes. "Yes. I surrender Metropolis to Klaus."

I earn 7 Fandom Points from having 4 realms touch

I chose to ignore the word count (from winning the award Betrayal)

I killed off multiple side characters... Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow *sobs* THIS BROKE MY HEART. Cyborg, and Aquaman. I might have killed off Clark Kent (from Smallville, not DC), but I haven't decided if he's alive or dead yet. Oh, I also killed of Zod and a few side character Kryptonians but I can't remember their names.

For my ballot punishment, the boss fight between Zod and Klaus needed to be 200 words. Mine was 449.

I went for the awards: Boss Fight (Klaus vs. Zod; Jace vs. Oliver Queen/Green Arrow definitely); Fandom Fighting Style (the Kryponians with their powers, Clark with his personality of being good and fighting but not trying to kill his opponents, Zod and his arrogance, humans with their "primitive" planes, etc); Strategies (I did a whole scene from Klaus' pov at the beginning for this one); Hesitation (Kani hesitated during the battle).

Fandom Points: 

1. Green "meteor rock" gives human powers

2. Rumored race of immortal beings in and around smallville

3. Vader is the most powerful Sith in the galaxy

4. His master is Sidious

5. Divergents can't be mind-controlled (so that means they can't be compelled)

6. Avatar's have reinforced steel bones

7. Vampires in vampire diaries need to be invited in

8. In Skyrim, vampires can get inside houses

9. That's the reason a lot of people are attacked by vampires

10. Lockwood Mansion used to be Tyler's home

11. Dragon Riders in Alagaisa can communicate with their dragons telepathically

12. All vehicles on Fiore run on magical energy

13. Kryptonians are fast

14. Kryptonians are strong

15. Kryptonians can shoot laser beams out of their eyes

16. Earth ships don't shoot lasers

17. Some starships have proton torpedoes

18. Bounty Hunters work for credits

19. Aquaman is super fast in the water

20. In the show Smallville, Aquaman wears green shorts and an orange shirt

21. Aquaman is a young man in his twenties (in Smallville)

22. The flash wears a red shirt

23. The Flash is faster than everyone

24. That's why he's called the Flash

25. The Flash can't superheal

26. Shadowhunters have speed runes

27. A stele activates a speed rune

28. Without Clary, nothing matters to Jace anymore

29. Iraze's heal Shadowhunter's wounds

30. When named, Seraph blades have power/hum to life, etc.

31. Pain fuels the Dark Side

32. Green meteor rock is what Smallville people call Kryptonite

33. It's Clark's weakness

34. Nothing on earth can hurt him

35. Zod sees everyone else on earth as beneath him, pathetic and weak

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