Task Three: Scores and Feedback

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Sorry this is a few days late! 


-0.1 for grammar

-0.1 for sentence structure

-0.3 for spelling

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.5

Okay, Thrawn is a wicked genius and you're portraying that so well, it's scaring me. I love Thomas' reaction to seeing Zymar, and speaking of which ZYMAR! WOOO! I also love how short your POV scene cuts are—not too long but each one is engaging, focused on the characters and the part of the story they're in. You're still doing a great job characterizing Jamie, and well, everyone else at this point. I love Thrawn's strategy against Tenroe Island. I'm a huge fan of Fairy Tail and even I say this would work. HOLY MOLELY LIKE THE FIGHT WITH FAIRY TAIL IS AMAZING AND INTENSE. I think you're a fan of Fairy Tail cuz man, you've nailed all of them from Natsu to Gray to Gajeel – especially Gajeel, man I love that fight with Zymar – EEP – and even Lucy and Elfman! I love it! Hahaha! Zymar killing Kani and Kaisu was a nice surprise and you even characterized their fighting styles perfectly. I loved Zymar's last line "That was a Gran Rey Cero! Beat that!" LOL. Hilarious! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! I love the boss fight between Acnologia and Thrawn and how it wasn't a typical boss fight but it was intense nonetheless, I mean this whole entry was exactly what the task was meant to be—an intense fight that merged fandoms together. You combined Star Wars and literally allowed it to meet Fairy Tail and still stayed true to both. It's crazy and I love it so much! Like seriously! I cannot wait to read more! You did have a few minor errors and spelling mistakes, but it didn't take me away from your story and it's SOOO good! I need to read more!


-0.1 for grammar

-0.1 for punctuation

1.3 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in 0.7 point deduction

SCORE: 11.1

You're adding more description than you did before and you're getting more creative with your ideas. This entry was exciting with a lot of thrilling actions going on that kept the pace moving and kept me really into it. You portrayed the Pirates of the Caribbean fandom perfectly and did Jack Sparrow so well—he's a hard character to write. I loved every bit of this. To improve, you still need to add a bit more description in some places—like when Kenneth's ship was on the lake, it didn't actually say that and overall, you can add so much more to your entry. Now that you've learned the basics of writing and how this all works and that you're getting more confident with your writing, you can do so much more with it. An example of how you can add more is during Jaenia's scene, it could have been a little longer by adding dialogue—you can have your characters get to know each other.


-0.5 for punctuation

-0.5 for grammar

- 1 for late

2 on the writing maturity scale


HAPPPY FEELS! You actually made me cry as I was reading that, like oh man. So many feels for him, for what he's going through and you were so true to the Fairy Tail spirit it just... ah, man, so epic. I love Jere which is surprising because I don't care for SciFi and I don't know Halo but I like him as a character and your Sci Fi descriptions make it all super easy to follow and it's teaching me a lot. I even got feels for Sterling and what he's feeling through all of this. I love your writing style—it's so detailed, descriptive, it feels like I'm actually there and you're also so realistic; I honestly feel like Khan is taking over the galaxy and as if he really could. WOW! Man, what an intense boss battle! First the sci-fi space battle, which was epic I might add, then Jere versus a Spartan. That was really intense but seriously, you can't just leave me on a cliff hanger like that! What the heck? What's gonna happen next? Did you finish writing it all? O.O I love it! You do need to work on using semi-colons. All of your punctuation mistakes were because you used commas where there needed to be semi-colons. Other than that, this was a smooth read, an intense and enjoyable, action-packed entry so fantastic job! I love it and I seriously NEED MORE!


-0.1 for punctuation

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.9

I just love your characterization. Obi-Wan is still my favorite, just because you portray him so well. That and Loki, of course. He's such a good villain but I also love how you show that he's a bit reckless sometime. Feels for Tony Stark and I am really loving Niven and Alex! They're so adorable! This was a really intense battle and you wrote it very well. I only saw one punctuation mistake so that made for a really smooth and easy read.


-0.1 for grammar

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.9

I know I have said this before, but I absolutely love your writing style. It's so beautiful and your entries are so smooth and enjoyable to read. This battle was soooo intense but it was also true to Marco Polo and realistic. I loved how you had each of your characters dealing with a different part of the battle based on their own fighting styles. It all worked together to make the battle seem long and drawn out and yet realistic at the same time—not just an easy win but they had to work to win that realm. It was true to Marco Polo and a medieval battle like that as well and I loved every second of it, not to mention it was intense. Bjorn's injury made me afraid for him and your descriptions are vivid. I love your characters and their dynamics and you've done a great job. As I said, you didn't have too many mistakes, so it made for a really easy read. I can't wait to find out what happens next.


-0.1 for grammar

-0.1 for sentence structure

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.8

Wow. I am falling deeper in love with your characters the more I read them and Kaladin and Leo are my favorites. Wit is sooooo annoying, lol, but you've done a great job setting him apart and giving him and each of your characters a unique voice. You characterized Oliver Queen from the show Arrow very well, although I prefer the version from the show Smallville, lol. It was definitely an intense fight, well described, and your entry was one I enjoyed to read and didn't want to stop. Leo's capture was creative and the boss fight between Arrow and Ezra was long and drawn out and well-written. I did feel like there was a bit too much dialogue that kind of slowed the action down a bit, but that's just a personal thing, not anything actually wrong. You only had a few minor errors, so it was an overall easy and enjoyable read. So much so that I have to know what happens next!


-2.6 for punctuation

-0.9 for grammar

1.4 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.6 point deduction

SCORE: 7.9

Poor Peter! Man, his death broke my heart! That was a pretty good fight and I love how it was with James Bond. You really improved with the dialogue paragraphs and breaking them up, especially in the second half of your entry, so I'm super super proud of you! You still did it a bit at first, but like I said, you improved in the latter part of your entry. Sometimes you used capital letters when they weren't necessary and just try to continue to separate your dialogue each time someone new speaks to help you improve. Great job!


-0.7 for grammar

-0.4 for punctuation

-0.2 for sentence structure

-0.7 for spelling

1.6 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.4 point deduction

SCORE: 9.6

WOW! You're writing is improving SO much and you're doing so well. This was a good fight and like I said, I'm enjoying reading your writing and seeing how much you've improved. It's so fantastic. This was a good fight and an interesting one with Katniss. You did have several grammar and spelling errors so fixing those will help your writing maturity score go higher. You're doing so much better and I am excited for you. Great job!


-0.1 for punctuation

1.7 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.3 point deduction

SCORE: 11.6

YES! I am so excited because I can tell you improved in your writing! You added WAY more description and it was so easy to follow and now I can picture everything in your entry, which made it easier to read and more enjoyable too. The fight was intense and man, Peter Pan is such a great villain. I love your characterization, especially with Pan and Reid—they're my two favorites. YOU GAVE ME SO MANY FEELS POOR AIMES AND REID AND I FEEL SO BAD FOR THE BAD THINGS THEY HAVE TO DO. AND REID FEELS!!! GAHH. You write them so well. I also only saw one punctuation mistake, so great job with it. You're improving so much and I love to see that with writers because we all can improve. Great job! I'm excited for what comes next!


2 on the writing maturity scale


OHHHH. Steve and Bucky, like I know I've said it before but I will say it again, your writing style and talent and literally how good you are at characterizing these characters is AMAZING. I love them so much and all the ones I know are like spot-on, which is sooooo impressive. I love Azula. Like she's one of the most intense villains and her scenes make me cringe and fangirl at the same time because she's SO evil. I feel sooooo bad for Narnia. And that poor Griffin, like awwww! PETER, SUSAN, EDMUND! GAHHHH. So many feels but man, that was quite a battle! That was true to Narnia, so intense, and fantastically written. I actually didn't find any mistakes at all and your writing is so mature. I love how each character POV change has their own style—some first person, some third person, some present, some past and yet you stick with it per POV change so there aren't any mistakes. It's really impressive—I wish I could write like that, lol. I love it so much! I actually don't see anything you can improve on but I do know that I really, really, really wanna read your next entry and can't wait to read what happens next!


-0.1 for grammar

-0.1 for sentence structure

1.9 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.1 point deduction

SCORE: 11.7

Nice! I find it so ironic that you did The Flash, Ariel did Arrow, and I did Smallville, all from the same universe! It's so great. But this was a really fun task to read and it was a pretty intense fight too, very true to the Flash, what little I've seen of the show. I love how character-driven your entries are and man, Raiden's feelings always give me so many feels. Ugh, I hate Akram and the Unseelie king. I also love how you're setting things up for a good guy from different fandom epic alliance and eventually, hopefully, an all out war, lol. I saw one grammar and one sentence structure mistake, but other than that, this was a great entry. I love it and want more!

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