The Final Goodbye...

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Since this is my final Author's Games, I feel like getting dramatic and emotional and saying a final goodbye to all of you.

RondaRayl, I'm going to keep this short since we see each other every day, but I'm very proud of you for doing something so challenging and sticking with it to achieve this! :)

JamesWhite074, also gonna keep it short since we see each other every day...I know you've been working so much overtime for us this year and didn't have time for this but you did it anyway and hey, this is the first story you've ever actually finished, so I'm super proud of you!

00VesperFangirl, I actually didn't know you until this Author's Games, really, but I've had a lot of fun reading your entries. I'm a total fangirl too and we share a lot of the same fandoms. Your characters were enjoyable to read and I'm happy to have had this chance for you to be involved!

alice_may_johnson, I just met you just a few months ago, but I was highly impressed with how you took over someone else's characters when they dropped out. You did a good job trying to characterize them and pick up the story where that writer left off. It still blows my mind how you were able to do that when I know I couldn't have. It was an honor!

LostNeverland4, Peter Pan is such a good villain and you wrote him so well. I loved Reid and reading your entries was always fun. I just now got to know you through this competition and I was excited that you got to join. You always handed in on time and somehow, I knew I could count on you which made it all better. I'm so happy you joined!

KaturaBayliss, can I just say that your entries and writing style totally blew me away? Man, it was so beautiful and you characterized my favorite characters from one of my favorite fandoms so well. It's making me fangirl now just thinking about it. Azula and Zuko were absolutely perfect and the characters with other fandoms were characterized so well that I could read and enjoy them and got to know them too. I'm so thrilled you joined and was very excited to have you!

MusicgirlXD, you are such a sweet girl and you've supported me through quite a bit. I've enjoyed getting to know you these past several Games and I am excited to see where the future takes you as you start your career as a writer and author. I'm happy to hopefully be helping you with that, so this isn't really a goodbye with us, per-se, but I've enjoyed reading your entries and getting to know your characters!

Sara_R_Stark, man... I think of your writing and it makes me smile because I have seen you literally go from a young, new writer to this amazing author who writes so beautifully. I've seen your style develop and you've also become a good friend. You write well beyond your years and I am proud to have known you.

Several7s, if I'm being honest, your entries were probably the ones that always got to me the most in terms of emotion. You always create these realistic characters I can either relate with or just plain enjoy. I remember the days when Eris seemed too overpowered and it drove me nuts, haha, but since then, I've seen your writing grow and now you're such a great writer—well, you always have been. You've become a good friend and I've definitely enjoyed all the fangirling over different fandoms entries and stuff together. You're one of the original AG Veterans and a good friend and I hope we can still stay connected somehow! Don't let this be goodbye!

JesterheadJohnSnow, gosh, I can't believe how long it's been since these games started. I remember when you first started these and how your writing has grown so much since then—probably the most out of everyone here, honestly. I've been able to watch your style grow and change and develop and honestly, I've learned a lot from you too. Your characters have been ones that I'll remember forever and I dare say you have become a good friend. I really don't want this to be a goodbye, so I hope that we can chat and work together on books or something in the future. It's been an honor hosting you. Really!

ariel_paiement1, I definitely know this isn't goodbye. You and I were the only ones who actually used to compete against each other in the very first Author's Games we had joined. I remember how intense the competition was and how writers used to always plan and scheme—like that TV Show survivor. I think my first character was named Ty or something. But since then, writing has become a full fledged career with you and for me, it's been exciting that you and I have kind of been here through this journey of becoming published authors together. I'm not sure I taught you anything about writing, haha, but you've actually become a best friend if I may say so and I'm so happy to be working with you on our careers and to be publishing an anthology with you next year. 


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