Everything You Need To Know

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With Authors Games: History, it is the year 3,000. Time travel has become possible. A man named Kenneth Everland, owns a museum known as the National Museum of History. He and his workers have traveled back in time and grabbed several beings from various time periods of history and captured them to place them inside the Museum to educate people of what that time period was like.

Something has gone wrong: pulling people from history has messed up the timeline and now history has been erased, which could mean the future will erase itself too. Everyone except for the people who were pulled from history can't remember any of it. Now it's up to your characters to use the time machine to travel back in time. Their job is to collect as much information as possible and add it to the time machine's archive along with special artifacts to gather whatever historical data has been missed/erased/lost.

They know that they will not be allowed to return home. Because of their travels, they will know more information than any person should and therefore have to stay in the present they were taken to. Saving the world is more important.

Each task will take place in a different era and you will have a choice of different specific time periods and cultures within that era to write your task.


You can make seven characters that come from different time periods. You can only make one character from each decade and you cannot make them too close together. For each character, you must PM me to ask if each one is separated enough and I will approve them or tell you which characters to spread farther apart.


Every entry, this is typically a list of other writers' tributes that you kill off. Sometimes it gives them a penalty, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it takes away small points from their rankings.


At the end of your entry, you list the names of the writers you want to hinder or challenge and this list is private. Sometimes it's used to challenge yourself or your writing friends.


Every task, the lowest scorers will be put up for elimination. Everyone will vote for the person they want to save. The one with the highest votes will be saved and the others will be eliminated from the competition


Each task, when you write certain things into your task, you win awards. These will give you perks either in the story, as a writer, or both.


All of your entries will be sent to: [email protected] 

Please format your emails like so:

Subject: Task # - wattpad username

Body: This is where your entry goes.

At the end of your entry, please list out the following:

Word count: (how many words long was your entry? Be honest)

Deaths: (in entry kills)

Ballots: (names of writer's usernames whom you're balloting

Awards: (list the awards you went for)

Artifacts: (This is where you'll also list out the answer to the clues in order to receive the artifact for the task. Remember it also must be included in your entry).

Do not stray from this formatting or points will be taken off. Please create a NEW email for EVERY TASK. 


There will be no sponsorships throughout these games! Instead, every writer has a chance to receive amazing and fun writer's perks by winning awards! Yay! There might be a practice task called Sponsorship Task just to set up the story for you guys, but it won't be to win sponsorships and that's a might; subject to change. 


At the appointed date toward the end of September/beginning of October, I will open up reservations. This is for you to comment and reserve your spot on the appropriate page, signifying that you will join AG: History. When I confirm that your spot is reserved, you will have a certain amount of time to make your characters. This is also when I will give you the character forms that you must fill out (yes they are different than any forms before).


The winner of AG: History (both the regular winner and the Historical Winner - more on that later) will have their book promoted all across my social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. I will use your wattpad username to make you more comfortable. You will get a shout out on my wattpad profile, added to my Authors Games Hall of Fame book and a special chapter at the end of this book dedicated to you. Winners of the special awards will receive permanent mentions in my AG: Hall of Fame book. 


Artifacts - Clues about the time period history that you have to figure out what I'm talking about and then include the answers in your entries - this will often require research. In the story, every time you as a writer figure these clues out, your character finds and keeps an artifact from that task's time period in history.

In the storyline, the more artifacts you find, the more history you repair.

At the end, a winner will be voted from the group of finalists based on their final entry.

Yet AG History will also have a Historical Winner on top of the normal, voted winner (which is based on their final entry). The Historical Winner will win simply because of the amount of research they did, evidenced by how complete their database is.

Database -

This is a figurative database in which is basically a collection of all the knowledge you gain as you travel back in time (aka write about the time periods of history). It's a way of measuring how many artifacts, clues, details and pieces of history you picked up on your journey. Since the entire point of traveling back in time is to piece history back together, you should strive to fill your historical database as much as you can! One way of filling it is by gaining Artifacts. Each artifact will increase the amount of Knowledge your Database contains. Another way of filling your Database is by completing your Historical Timeline. This timeline is basically special details that you include in your entry, pertaining to that tasks' chosen time period. Each one will help fill your Database with certain amounts of Knowledge. The third and final way to fill your Database is by including a specific historical event in your entry and portraying it correctly - basing your entry around a specific historical event. This will give you the most Knowledge out of all three things and will fill your Database the most each task.

Timeline -

To fill out your Historical Timeline, each task you must add in extra details in your entry. These details are specific names, dates, or locations that you include on your own in your entry. These all must be historically accurate in order to count. If you include them in your entry (based around the time period that task is focused on), then you will receive the amount of Knowledge each detail to your timeline is worth and this Knowledge will in turn, help to fill up your Database. For example, say the task takes place in the year 1876 during the Battle of the Little Bighorn. On my own, I would research that battle and then in my entry (to count toward filling out my Timeline), I would add in details; such as my characters are in the battle on the day of June 25th (the actual day the battle took place). I would mention that it was inside the camp that stretched five miles along the Little Bighorn River, that it was Crazy Horse and his Native Warriors against Custer and the men of the 7th Calvary (yes I know all this off the top of my head; I've researched this one A LOT). That means that I included 5 details onto my Timeline, so that gives me 5 Knowledge points in my Database.

Historical Events - These are specific events that took place in an era of history. If your entry revolves around a specific event and you portray it correctly, it will give you points to fill your Database and it gives you the most out of Artifacts, Timeline, and Historical Events.

Each Artifact is worth 5 Knowledge Points; each Timeline detail you add is worth 1 Knowledge Point (and there is an unlimited amount of points for this, but I will count each one to make sure they are specific and historical enough); and each Historical Event your entry is based on is worth 10 Knowledge Points.

At the end of the Games when the Finals are being voted on, the finalists will have their Knowledge Points counted up and tallied by me and the one with the most amount of Knowledge Points will have their Database complete and be the Historical Winner.

Each task, during the rankings, I will go over several things with you.

On top of calculating the typical things, such as the deaths, ballots, and awards that everyone receives, along with everyone's entries' scores, and the rankings where every writer stands, I will also calculate who found the Artifacts for this task, how many details were added to each writer's timeline (and thus, how many Knowledge Points you earned because of it), and which writers based their entries on Historical Events, and how many Knowledge Points that allowed them to earn. The final thing I will calculate each Task is each writer's Database and how many Knowledge Points each writer has - remember that at the end of the games, the writer with the most Knowledge Points in their Database will be the Historical Winner.

Also remember that The Database, Artifacts, Timeline, and Historical Events are all OPTIONAL. These are here to add an extra layer of fun for everyone, like Awards and Ballots, but not necessary. 

If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask! :) 

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