Important Notice!

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So I thought I would post a list of the ones who have handed in their character forms to the ones who haven't. We have had a major case of either dropouts or people who haven't really told me much of when they're handing in or not. You guys need to get your forms in NOW so that we can start AG history! I literally cannot begin these games until I have enough spots so please don't hold the rest of us back. 

If any of you guys know someone who might be interested PLEASE CONVINCE THEM TO JOIN. 

Spot 1: jesusfreak202 - Handed in, forms are up 

Spot 2: Sara_R_Stark - Handed in, forms are up

Spot 3: ariel_paiement1 - handed in, forms are up

Spot 4: MusicgirlXD - handed in, forms are up

Spot 5: JesterheadJohnSnow - handed in, forms are up

Spot 6: RondaRayl - handed in, forms are up 

Spot 7: FantasyTeller12 - handed in, forms are up

Spot 8: wordsmith- - handed in, forms are up

Spot 9: Several7s - handed in, forms are up

Spot 10: livelaughlove79 - handed in, forms will be up

Spot 11: Shermanblook - handed in, forms are up

Spot 12: ZSB2000 - handed in, forms are up

Spot 13: TheCrazyMeifwaGirl - HASNT HANDED IN YET

If the 5 people who haven't handed in don't hand in soon, or if they drop out, 10 people isn't enough to continue the Games with eliminations as normal - There are 12 tasks so either the first few won't have eliminations or I take out the sponsorship task, make Task 1 the practice task with no eliminations and then eliminations start at task 2. I'll see if that would let us at least be able to eliminate one person every task. It's a real shame that we can't continue these games as normal with normal eliminations because we've had dropouts and not enough people. If this happens, then everyone who HAS handed in, I'll let you guys do a fun little bonus round to keep you entertained, help you get to know your characters, and let us all start on what was meant to be the short, original sponsorship task (that would be done away with, if we have to replace it with task 1). I hope you guys are following me here. 

Please, you 5 who haven't handed in yet, get your character forms in so that we don't have to complicate the games and do away with the eliminations. If you're stuck on time, don't worry; if you hand in your forms as normal, then these games WILL HAVE ELIMINATIONS. Which means that you'll at some point, be eliminated from the competition and it could be soon, which means you don't have to worry about a long-time commitment. 

If you haven't joined and are interested in joining the Games, then PLEASE just go ahead and comment here or on the Reservations page and join. I'm happy to have you guys and you can just send in your character forms when you can. We need more people to join. 

Also, I apologize for neglecting this for the past month or so. The dropouts and drama with it had me discouraged and I focused on writing novels for the past two months (a 500 page one in October, and then my Nanowrimo book that was 58,000 words just finished last night), so I'm going to try my best to be dedicated to this Games which is done easier if the writers stay dedicated to. 

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