Spot 2: Sara_R_Stark

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Name: Heiron Condos

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Time they're from: Ancient Greece (973 BC was his birth year)

Country they're from: Greece

Languages they speak: Ancient Greek, Latin, and a bit of English


Heiron has shaggy blonde hair that hangs down to his shoulders, and he tends to keep it braided or tied back. His eyes are sea green and he has olive skin, and he is slightly muscular from working on his family farm. Heiron is estimated to be about 5'9.


Heiron grew up living with a poor family on a farm run by his father, mother, and four siblings. There was rarely enough money to keep food on their plates, so they all got odd jobs selling food in the market. Heiron never enjoyed the job, though, and wanted to become a teacher instead due to his quick mind and love for learning. He did what he had to to support his family, though, and put aside all his hopes and dreams for their survival. In the end, he made friends with a teacher who ended up giving him lessons on his own, allowing him to work for his father's farm while also learning all he needed to know.


Heiron is very curious and creative, though he's tough and very skilled at things he enjoys. He loves his friends and is willing to fight for them if need be.

Weapons they may use:

Though Heiron doesn't need to use any weapons, he has trained with both a sword and a bow, and he's relatively skilled with both.

Friends and family/relationships:

Mom: Nysa - he has a strong relationship with his mother who also wants to learn as much as possible about the world, and they love sitting by the fire telling stories late at night.

Dad: Talos - his dad is very strict and rough around the edges, though he only wants what's best for his kids.

Younger sister: Adeia - she's only 3 years younger, though they have a very strong relationship and he is very protective of her.

Younger sister: Eris - she's 6 years younger, and yet he loves her more than anyone and is protective over her like nothing else.

Favourite activities:

Heiron likes to stay home and read by himself while studying as much as possible. He also enjoys time with his younger sisters when they run through the fields by their village, playing games they made together and then eating fresh strawberries off their family's bushes.

Day they were captured:

Heiron was in the village visiting his friend so that he could borrow another scroll for some light afternoon reading. On his way back, he decided to take the long way and walk along the path leading to the ripe strawberry bushes for a snack, when suddenly the sky opened up and in fell a bunch of people wearing unfamiliar clothing. They restrained him in heavy chains and shoved him through the portal, and he was promptly knocked unconscious.


Name: Freydis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Time they're from: Viking Age (born 904)

Country they're from: Denmark

Languages they speak: Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, English


Freydis has long black hair usually tied back in a loose braid, pale white skin with freckles on her nose, and dark green eyes framed by thick black eyelashes. She's considered short at 5'3, though she makes up for it with her adventurous personality. Her clothing tends to range depending on who she's with. With company, she wears nice dresses in blues and green shades, as well as thick woolen cloaks. On her own, she wears trousers and cloaks of reds and golds, and puts her hair under a large hood to disguise the fact she's female while she rides her horse out into the countryside.


Freydis grew up in Denmark with a family like no other. They didn't feel the need to force her to wed at an early age, and allowed her to roam freely. Her father knew that controlling her would be futile as he mom was a free spirit too, so he didn't care when she rode out into the country for hours on end. She only had one older brother who married a sweet young girl who, unlike Freydis, loved to work and cook in their household. She was four years older than Freydis, though she always asked her to join her in the kitchen or during her yardwork. She believed that maybe she, acting as a firm mother figure, could get Freydis to become the lady she was 'meant to be' so that she could be wed to a strong man and start her own household, though Freydis never relented. After a while, she gave up and simply left Freydis to her own doings, knowing that if she was to start a family, it would be on her own terms.


Freydis is a very free spirit and doesn't like people to hold her down. She believes in living life to the fullest, and when she wants to do something, she will. People don't like to argue with her because she will get physical if she truly wants to defend her opinions.

Weapons they may use:

Freydis isn't allowed to use weapons because her family knows that she will attempt to do something rash with them in her possession, so she trains in secret with daggers.

Friends and family:

Caryn- Caryn is her older brother's wife who acts more like a sister to her than anything.

Mom- Kaia - likes to support all of Freydis' activities and never wants to hold her daughter back.

Dad- Asmund - doesn't really believe that his daughter deserves the freedom she gets, but he supports her anyways.

Brother- Daved - David is Freydis' favourite person, and though he's older than her by only 4 years, he's the only one who truly believes in her and supports her fully (apart from her mom).

Favourite activities:

Freydis enjoys long horse rides in the fields outside town and walks along the crisp streams of her town. She loves long talks in the candlelight with her brother and his wife, and spending long hours in the afternoon reading by herself. She loves sitting out in the rain and watching the seasons change.

Day they were captured:

The day she was captured, she was out on one of her horse rides. She spent some time stopped at a steam so her horse could drink and she could spend time watching the sun rise through the trees. While there, though, people emerged from the forest speaking in an unknown language. First they grabbed her horse and next they grabbed her when she tried to cross the river to escape. She was quickly dragged through a portal and never seen again.


Name: Anne Elizabeth Myers

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Time they're from: The Renaissance (born in 1322)

Country they're from: England

Languages they speak: English, French, Polish, Italian, Spanish


Anne has tightly curled blonde hair that falls to her shoulders, and her eyes are a very pale grey. Her skin is olive and she's pretty short, though her small stature hides hidden muscles. She likes to wear dresses in all shades and colours that accent her perfect form and hang down past her feet.



Anne grew up in a very rich family with her mother and father. As an only child, she was gifted with all the beauties of a perfect life, including dresses made just for her, horses, cats and dogs, books, dolls, and food laid out on china plates. She never new pain, though she was always forced to prepare for it. For this she was given extensive physical training and was made an expert in close combat while still maintaining an innocent look.


Anne enjoys the luxuries of life, and she hates how her parents want her to be someone strong to defend herself. To her, life isn't about being strong... it's about finding a family to settle down with and spending your days in happiness. But she would never question them so she agrees to their training, though she allows herself to continue to stay an innocent child for as long as possible.

Weapons they may use:

Anne has been trained in all forms of combat. She is able to use swords, daggers, throwing knives, bows, and even spears.

Friends and family:

Mother- Elizabeth - Her mother adores Elizabeth and doesn't understand her father's wish to make her a strong lady, but as the woman of the house, she will always do what's best for her daughter.

Father- Edward- He is a strict man and Anne doesn't like him that much, but she respects him because he is rich and gives her nice things.

Favourite activities:

Anne really enjoys playing piano with her mother and taking long walks along the cobblestone streets. She likes sitting in little cafes and people watching, always searching for that one suitable man to come along.

Day they were captured:

The day Anne was captured, a very attractive man came along and made conversation with her. He lead her away from the population on the streets and drew her into the woods where a group tied her up and threw her through a portal.


Name: Elanor Lincoln

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Time they're from: Victorian Era (born in 1839)

Country they're from: England

Languages they speak: English, French, German, Polish


Eleanor has tightly wound black curls that hang to her shoulders, and they're usually pinned back against her head. She has dark brown eyes and tan skin, and is about 5'6. For clothing, she tends to wear long blue or grey dresses with flowing sleeves.


Eleanor grew up in a nice household with her mother, father, and younger brother. They were never rich but they weren't poor, so her dresses were elegant but inexpensive. Their house was one of the many brick houses on her street, and her neighbour was her best friend Sophia whose older brother she had a crush on. She was homeschooled by her father in basic mathematics and English, and her mother taught her sewing, housework, and multiple languages for her to communicate with. When she had free time, she would walk around the nearby park with Sophia or visit a cafe with Derek (Sophia's brother). She really enjoyed people watching.


Eleanor has a very closed off personality. Her mother always told her that a lady shouldn't show too many negative emotions, and must only exude a calm that the boys really liked seeing. On the inside, she always wanted more adventures and journeys outside her small house, though that was never possible for her. Her only wish was to marry Derek so that they could leave down and do whatever they wanted instead of what their parents wanted.

Weapons they may use:

Eleanor doesn't use any weapons, though it's possible she could fight using a dagger.

Friends and family:

Eleanor has a mom and dad, both of which she isn't close to.

Sophia- Sophia is Eleanor's closest female friend and one of the people she trusts most.

Derek- Derek is Sophia's older brother and Eleanor's crush.

Favourite activities:

Eleanor loves taking long walks through the park and sitting in small coffee shops with Derek. She loves reading by candlelight and tending to the flowers, riding her horse and shopping for dresses with Sophia.

Day they were captured:

Eleanor was captured while on an outing with Sophia. The girls were at the park playing chess when suddenly a portal opened up and Eleanor was shoved through. Sophia attempted to run and hide, though she was stabbed and thrown through the portal as well, likely meant to die.


Name: Peter Fischer

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Time they're from: World War 2 (born in 1924)

Country they're from: Germany

Languages they speak: German, Polish, small bits of English, French


Peter has shaggy blonde hair that hangs just past his ears, crystal blue eyes, and pale skin. He's one of the strongest guys he knows and is fairly muscular. As a 16-year-old, he is part of the Hitler Youth (due to him being alive in WW2).


Peter was born in Germany to a relatively rich family. His father had a stable job that brought in lots of money, and his mom stayed at home to watch over him and his three siblings. When the war started, he was drafted into the Hitler Youth because he was just turning 16. Along with his four friends, he managed to keep up his school grades while also fulfilling his job to his country. His younger siblings, both 5-year-old twins, didn't understand where he went every day after school, and they seemed to oppose the entire situation. That's why their mom homeschooled them and didn't allow them to go outside for fear of them being reported.


Peter is really rambunctious. He enjoys days with his friends where they walk around town wearing their uniforms, and he also really loves it when the ladies take notice of them. He loves sports and competing with people and is very physically fit because of it. He is also very smart and earns top grades in his classes, all of which makes him a fun guy to be around.

Weapons they may use:

Peter has been trained to use guns of all sorts, though he would never use one. They scare him, and he could never even consider taking another's life.

Friends and family:

Peter has a mother and father who he doesn't really like. He finds them too controlling. He has four friends (David, Hans, Stefan and Thomas) who he loves more than anything, and he's pining on a girl named Anna Marie.

Favourite activities:

Peter loves taking long walks through town and hitting on the ladies. He loves a good competition and will never turn one down, and he enjoys playing most sports. Sometimes Peter likes to settle down and read short stories about adventure and fantasy, because even though he has lots of freedom, he always craves more.

Day they were captured:

The day Peter was captured, he was strolling through the park. He had just spotted Anna Marie and was about to head over to her when some guys pulled him behind a large patch of trees and bushes. He fought back against the guys trying to take him and actually managed to land a solid punch on a few of them, but they restrained him and tied him up before he could to much more damage.


Name: Ammon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Time they're from: Ancient Egypt (born in 1229 BC)

Country they're from: Egypt

Languages they speak: Coptic, slight English


Ammon's skin is a light brown shade, and he has really dark brown eyes. His hair is short, light brown, and usually swept lazily over his head. He wears light woolen tunics to block the sun while he is out farming and owns a single pair of brown sandals.


Ammon grew up in a poor farm family. He had a younger brother and sister, though his sister died at 2 years due to some unidentified sickness. The rest of the family was really distant to him after that, and he found that more often than not, he spent his time alone or with his younger brother.


Ammon is very closed off. He doesn't like to share his emotions, and if he does, he really trusts you. He likes to hang out with people he knows very well, but doesn't make an effort to make any new friends.

Weapons they may use:

Ammon has been trained to use daggers, and he is also very good at simple hand to hand combat.

Friends and family:

Ammon has a mother, father, and younger brother. He isn't close to either of his parents, though he's super close with his brother.

Favourite activities:

Ammon likes walking down to the market and using whatever he's been able to make to buy himself and his younger brother some sweets. He also enjoys sitting at home and napping for long periods of time.

Day they were captured:

The day he was captured, Ammon was working on his family farm with his younger brother. Suddenly, the sky opened up and figures clad in mysterious clothing swooped him up through the portal.


Name: Cassius (nicknamed Cas)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Time they're from: Ancient Rome (born in 673 BC)

Country they're from: Rome

Languages they speak: Greek, Latin, Hebrew


Cassius has short, curly blonde hair and bright grey eyes. His skin is tan and he's lean and muscular. For clothes, he wears a short tunic called a chilton that is typically light coloured, and he's about 5'9 or 5'10.


Cassius grew up with a nice family. His father was part of the army and was always gone, so he grew up with his mother and his younger sister. His mom worked their family farm and sold fruits to the market for money. Sometimes, Cassius would be the one to bring the produce to town, and it was there that he explored and socialized with friends.


Cassius is a very free person. He loves having freedom and running around on his own or with friends. He is also very obedient, and when his mom needs him for something, he will always do it.

Weapons they may use:

Cassius has never been formally trained in any area of fighting, though if he tried, he would be good at shooting a bow.

Friends and family:

Cassius has a father who is never home, and their relationship is more business like than family. He is closest to his mom and his sister who he loves more than anything.

Favourite activities:

Cassius loves to run around with his friends and explore places he's never been. Sometimes he likes causing mischief, thoguh he's normally a good kid.

Day they were captured:

Cassius was captured during a game of hide and seek with his friends. He was hiding behind a boulder near a stream when he was suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown through a portal.


Name: Celene

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Time They're From: 14th Century

Country They're From: Italy

Languages They Speak: Italian, English


Celene has dark black hair down to her back and crystal blue eyes. She has really pale skin and wears a lot of orange dresses and clothes (because she just really likes the colour).


Celene grew up in Italy with her mom and dad. She had a pretty basic childhood, and was very popular amongst her friends.


Celene is pretty closed off about her emotions, though she does like talking to people. Once you get her stalking, she probably won't stop unless you gear the conversation towards questions about her. She is friendly and compassionate and loves helping people.


Celene is good at using daggers, though she's never had the need to use any.


Celene isn't close with either of her parents. Like a typical teenager, she's had a lot of fights with them and never got to make it up to them before she was captured. She does have an extensive friend group, though, and she misses them dearly.

Favourite activities:

Celene like long walks through town where she can see all the beautiful culture Italy offers. She also loves to read and paint, and she's pretty good at singing.

Day they were captured:

The day she was captured, Celene was walking through town when she was confronted by two men. They dragged her down an alley and took her away.


Name: Seth

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Time they're from: Egypt

Country they're from: Ancient Egypt (born in 52 BC)

Languages they speak: Coptic, slight English


Seth has tan skin and blue eyes, as well as dark brown hair. He's pretty tall (around 5'11) and is considerably strong. He wears light cotton tunics and clothes that don't get too hot in the bright suns of Egypt.




Seth grew up in a farming family. He was an only child and was therefore given all sorts of brilliant gifts and love from his mother and father. He was expected to pursue the same career in the future, so he spent most of his time working with his parents at farming. When he had free time, he would hang out with his friends. His lifestyle was very monotonous and he wanted out.


Seth is very free and loving. He enjoys the thrill of an adventure and loves being with friends and family. His happiest moments were when he was out with his friends and away from the pressures of his home life.

Weapons they may use:

Seth doesn't need to use a weapon, but he could be pretty sufficient with a dagger if given one.

Friends and family/relationships:

Seth is very close with his mom and dad, though he hates the pressure they put on him to follow in their footsteps. He has a close friend, Nour, who likes to spend time with him. Those two are close enough to be brothers, and his parents really love Nour.

Favourite activities:

Seth loves going out and having fun with his friends. Sometimes he will sit inside and think up stories, and he loves having alone time.

Day they were captured:

The day he was captured, Seth was working in the fields. That's when there was a commotion in town about an attempted murder of Cleopatra. He raced outside only to see a mysterious machine sitting in the middle of the road. Curious, he went inside, only to find himself teleported back to a museum full of strange people. 


Name: Dion

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Time they're from: Ancient Greece (born in 339 BC)

Country they're from: Greece

Languages they speak: Ancient Greek, Latin and a little bit of English


Dion has short brown hair that is swept over to one side of his head. He has green eyes and pale skin, and his smile is a bit crooked (but it's an endearing quality).




Dion grew up like most boys in Ancient Greece. He went to school for most of his early years and continued on with his education when he was a teenager. His goal was to become a teacher in his future, though his family discouraged them. His father wanted him to become a wealthy government worker, but Dion truly wanted to work with the youth and teach them as he had been taught.


Dion is very kind and caring. He loves working with others and has lots of friends because of it. He has a spunky personality and is always up for a good adventure.

Weapons they may use:

He has been trained to use all sorts of military weapons including spears, daggers and swords.

Friends and family/relationships:

Dion is very close with his mother and younger sister, though he has a rocky relationship with his father. His dad wants him to become someone powerful and feared, but Dion wants to live a quiet life with a family.

Favourite activities:

Dion loves going out and having fun with his friends. He plays sports with them in the streets and takes long walks through their city. He also loves to read and learn, which is why he has always wanted to be a teacher.

Day they were captured:

The day he was captured, Dion was on another adventure with his friends. They were playing hide and seek. He went to hide behind a tree when someone grabbed him and forced him to the ground. The person had hidden him from Alexander the Great's army as they invaded Athens the second time. That's when Peter's group came in. He ended up hiding in the time machine to escape the warfare, but no one noticed him even when they got in and traveled back to the museum. 

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