Spot 9: Several7s

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Name: Ujarak (oo-YAHR-ahk) Gundarsen

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Time They're From: 981 - 1009

Country They're From: Scandinavia

Languages They Speak: Old Norse, English

Appearance: Ujarak has pale blue eyes that look almost gray in some light. His hair is blonde and reaches past his shoulders. Generally, it falls around his shoulders in a tangled mess. He has a smaller beard that hides a scar. He's 5"11', and often wears warm clothes made from animal skins and rough-spun cloth. He has a large, muscled body that often intimidates people. Around his neck, he wears a necklace with a small hammer pendant.

Backstory: When he was seven, his father began to teach him how to fight. At the age of ten, he was sent to his uncle's farm to learn farming and trade. During this time, he was taught how to handle a ship as well, and worked with shipbuilders to build his own. When he turned 15, his parents found him a suitable wife and he married Sylvi- a childhood friend. They got along well, and soon she birthed him a son- Kjell. When he turned 20, he finally finished his ship. His friends became his crew and they went on raids together, successfully capturing and trading off many slaves. He spent a lot of time at sea, away from his family, which worried Sylvi. His travels slowly died down because of this, and Sylvi had another boy, which they named Sigurd. By this time, he had just recently turned 28, and began to voyage more, this time with Kjell at his side. Unfortunately, his first voyage with Kjell ended up being his last.

Personality: Ujarak isn't a particularly harsh man, like some of the vikings he lives with. He loves his family, and wants to make them happy. Slave trade doesn't bother him often, but occasionally he'll see someone that reminds him of his own sons, and he'll start to feel the guilt. He loves a good fight and when he gets drunk, he almost always starts some sort of fight. When he's with Sylvi, he has a more sensitive side that he'll show. When people need him to, he'll listen, and often gives fairly solid advice. When he's angry, he can be quite scary- especially when he's armed.

Weapons They Fight With: He fights with a double-bladed battle-axe or just barehanded. He can also use a spear, but doesn't like them much.

Friends and Family: His wife, Sylvi, as well as his sons, Kjell and Sigurd. Both of his parents are still alive, but he's an only child. His crew consists of forty or so men, most of whom he's become good friends with. His best friend is a fellow Viking by the name of Torsten. He has many friends in the village as well, though he sees them less often because of his travels.

Favorite Activities: He loves sailing. It calms him in ways other activities won't. He also definitely enjoys a good fight.

The Day They Were Captured: The day he was captured, he and his crew were just preparing to raid a large town in Ireland. Before they could even approach the town, Kenneth's agents came out of nowhere, surrounding the crew. They fought valiantly, but Ujarak watched at least ten of his friends fall to Kenneth's men. Kjell managed to rally the men while Kenneth's agents swarmed Ujarak. Determined to see his friends and son escape alive, Ujarak ordered a retreat, knowing he wouldn't be able to follow.

At first, Ujarak resisted Kenneth's men, but when they pulled out strange tools and sent bolts of electricity through him, he realized that only Thor could've given them that power. Realizing that this must be Thor's will for him, he accepted his fate and reluctantly allowed himself to be led away from his family. Even so, a part of him rebelled, but he didn't let it show- the consequences of bringing Thor's wrath upon himself would be too dire.



(he wouldn't be wearing the t-shirt though lol)

Name: Hojo Naoki (NO-ki)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Time They're From: 1559-1580

Country They're From: Japan

Languages They Speak: Japanese, English

Appearance: Naoki has straight black hair that falls into his face, blocking your view of his eyes, which are so dark of a brown as to be almost black. They spark with a fiery anger that has been reined in and if you watch him carefully, you can see how much attention he pays to his surroundings. He doesn't smile often and his face is mostly left in a half frown. His body is strong and capable from years of training and exercise and he is tall, only a few inches away from six feet. Despite this, he looks young for his age. He wears simple kimonos, preferring colors that will blend better with his surroundings.

Backstory: Naoki was thirteen when his parents were forced to commit seppukku, leaving him behind to deal with the harsh rulers of his clan. He was put into a rigorous training program where he became a Samurai warrior and was forced to learn how to fight with the weapons of the Samurai. By the time he was seventeen, he harbored a deep hatred for the clan leader, because he knew that the man had ordered Naoki's parents killed. As soon as he knew he had enough knowledge to survive alone, he left his clan, becoming a Ronin. The leader of his clan hunted him after he left, determined to kill him for daring to abandon his clan. For a while, he trained with the ninjas, convincing them, after a while, that he was not a threat to them. Because of their suspicious nature, it took them two years before they finally believed that he had only come to them because he had nowhere else to go and that he wasn't a spy for the Samurai. While with the ninjas, he learned many of their abilities, including the art of moving unseen and how to use the weapons that they favored. He left the ninjas when he turned twenty-one to wander and to learn about what was going on with the clans. At this time, he learned of Oda Nobunaga's plan to rule Japan and took it upon himself to do something about it. He rejoined his clan and took over without too much difficulty. Then, he led them into war. Over the course of his fight, he made several friends and allies.

Personality: Naoki is a fiery young man with a temper, but he has learned to rein it in over the years and it rarely shows now except in the occasional outburst. He is very serious, but knows how to have fun too. He often spends his time in the woods, training. To him, training isn't just exercise or practicing his skills: it's a way to escape from the oppression of his life and into the peace that comes with the flowing movements of his body as he uses his weapons. Because of this, he has always been good in a fight, because he can slip into that frame of mind and forget about everything that is going on around him, focusing only on the fight.

Weapons They Fight With: He favors the katana, but also knows how to fight with kunai and shurikens.

Friends and Family: He befriended Kyou over the course of his battles, as well as the twins, Michi and Masaki. Hirotei also became a good friend. Naoki's family is all dead.

Favorite Activities: He loves to draw, often spending hours doing so. It's relaxing, and gives him a chance to unwind and express some of his more hidden emotions. He also enjoys training.

The Day They Were Captured: He was captured shortly before he planned to meet with Oda. On his way over, his small company was ambushed by strangers with weapons they couldn't fight back against. Within moments, most of his company was killed and he was dragged to another time. When he came through on the other side, his curiosity and amazement got the best of his fear for a moment. But that quickly changed to anger when he realized that there were other people trapped in the museum. That anger didn't dissipate when he found out why, but it was joined by worry for his clan and the people relying on him. He often still wonders what became of his people and Nihon, and if, by getting captured, he doomed Nihon to Oda's rule.



Name: Khenbish (Khen)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Time They're From: 448-467

Country They're From: Born in China, but raised by Huns, wandering about Mongolia.

Languages They Speak: Hunnish, and she picked up English quickly as well

Appearance: Khen looks much like her mother, with dark brown eyes and long black hair. Her skin is tan and her hands calloused from constant work. She's become strong from years of hard work, but thin from lack of proper nutrition.

Backstory: Khen's parents had been married for about a year when they had her. Six months later, she disappeared without a trace. Her parents searched desperately for their child, but she was gone. During the night, a hun had stolen her and, instead of killing her and leaving her corpse for her parents to find, he instead took her with him to Mongolia. He didn't know her name, so he gave her a new one: Khenbish, meaning nobody. He told Khen that he'd rescued her from wolves after her parents left her to die and said she was lucky. She never felt lucky. She grew up beaten down at every turn. Constantly abused, especially by the men, treated like a slave, and always called worthless, her faith in the world broke. She came to believe she really was nobody- just a slave to be abused and broken by anyone with more power than her. Her life was one of never-ending menial labor, not enough food, and too much attention from the men. Her beauty became a curse and she often wished she would just die, though she wouldn't kill herself. She thought about running away and tried several times, but they always dragged her back and punished her severely for it. In the back of her mind, she always wondered what she did to deserve such a life. Eventually, she gave up on anything getting better and just tried her best to stay out of trouble.

Personality: She's quiet and subservient. She'll address everyone as sir or ma'am and do her best to show respect to everyone around her, no matter how much she might loathe them. She hates quietly and plans her revenge similarly, though she never executes said plans. Her life is driven by the fear of doing something wrong and getting punished, so she strives for perfection. She's constantly jumpy, nervous, and looking over her shoulder. She hates that men consider her pretty and constantly does what she can to hide that beauty.

Weapons They Fight With: She doesn't know how to fight. If she did, she might have escaped the Huns by now. But she was raised as a slave and never had the chance to learn to fight.

Friends and Family: Her family lives, but she doesn't know them. She has no friends, as no one wants to be friends with the slave girl. She's never known love in any form.

Favorite Activities: During the very rare occasions when she can relax, she enjoys bathing in rivers. If she can't do that, she also likes to just sit in woods or in a meadow and listen to the wildlife and the wind in the trees.

The Day They Were Captured: The day she was taken, a group of men came out of nowhere and attacked the Huns. At first, she hoped that she might be rescued from life as a slave. That didn't turn out to be the case. Kenneth's men knocked her out and when she woke up, she was in what seemed to be an entirely new world. With no hope for escape, she listened to everything she was told, terrified of what might happen if she didn't. The circumstances turned out to be better than her life with the Huns, but she lives in fear that things with get worse if she messes up.



Name: Mary Stuart

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Time They're From: 1542 - 1566

Country They're From: Born in and queen of Scotland, but raised in France

Languages They Speak: French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Greek, and her native tongue, Scots.

Appearance: She has long, straight black hair that reaches down past her shoulders. Her eyes are dark brown. Often, she'll be seen in fancier clothes befitting her status. Her skin is pale- usually made more so by the darker colors she wears. Generally she has a very serious expression on her face, but when she laughs, it brightens the whole room.

Backstory: When she was just six days old, her father died and she became queen of Scotland. Too young to rule (obviously), the crown went to a regent, who was originally the Earl of Arran, but later Mary's mother took over. The English king- Henry VIII- took advantage of the regency to propose a marriage between his oldest son, Edward, and Mary. A treaty was proposed agreeing that, at the age of ten, Mary would move to England and marry Edward. If she failed to produce an heir, then the temporary alliance would dissolve. This treaty was eventually rejected. Because of this, and other events happening at the time with the English, the Scots were forced to turn to the French for help. This prompted the French king- Henry II- to propose a marriage alliance between his three-year-old son Francis and Mary, with the promise of French aid in the fight against the English. At the young age of five, Mary was sent to live in France, and spent the next 13 years in the French court. At the age of 14, she married Francis. Two years later, Henry II died and the couple became king and queen of France. Unfortunately, Francis died two years later. Not too long after, Mary returned to Scotland to rule. There, she married Lord Darnley in order to further her claim on England. The marriage soon proved difficult, as Darnley requested more power and grew arrogant. During this time, Mary started visiting Lord Bothwell while he recovered from a battle wound. Eventually, Mary conceived and bore Darnley a son, who she named James. Not long after James' birth, Darnley was killed, and Bothwell arrested for his murder. He was later acquitted, though.

Personality: She's a fiery young woman who will do anything for her country. She loves with all her heart and won't hold back. Betrayal from those she loves hurts her the most. When she lost Francis, she lost the carefree side of her personality. She laughs rarely now, and smiles only on occasion. She never fully got over losing Francis, and it broke her in ways she believes will never be fixed.

Weapons They Fight With: When she returned to Scotland, she was given a sword that Francis had made for her before she died. She learned to fight with it, though not extremely well.

Friends and Family: Her husband, Lord Darnley, is family, though certainly not a friend. Queen Elizabeth is also family, and her half brother, the Earl of Moray. Her ladies-in-waiting as well, known as the 'Four Marys', stayed life-long friends.

Favorite Activities: She loves riding, either on her own, or with her ladies-in-waiting. Archery is another activity she enjoys, though she doesn't do it often. She enjoys dancing on occasion as well.

The Day They Were Captured: She was captured shortly after getting Bothwell out of jail. A group of men emerged, seemingly from nowhere, and attacked her guards, quickly killing them. Before she had much of a chance to fight back, they dragged her away and into a huge building full of people in glass cages. Horrified, she tried to fight back, but quickly found that escape was impossible.



Name: Laurentia Julus

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Time They're From: 268 - 289 BC

Country They're From: Rome

Languages They Speak: Latin, Greek, English, Aramaic

Appearance: She's a tall, thin woman with toned muscles and long, tangled blonde hair that hangs just past her shoulder. Her eyes are a light blue color- almost gray. She's as strong as most of the men she fights. She wears comfortable clothes that she can easily fight in, rather than typical female Roman fashions.

Backstory: Tia grew up in a noble household, given everything she could ever want. Since she was little, she was pampered by the household staff, who were only trying to make up for her parents' constant absence from her life. By the time she was 15, the only parents she'd ever known was the household cook and her husband, who basically raised her. They were the only people in the household who didn't give her everything she wanted. Instead, they taught her a good work ethic and how to manage a household. Her tutors taught her other things that a young noblewoman should know, but she believes the most valuable things she ever learned were taught to her by her 'adopted parents'.

When she turned 15, she learned that her parents had betrothed her to a nobleman, hoping to raise her and, by extent, themselves, to a greater status in the Roman Empire. The cook and her husband encouraged Tia to go through with it, promising that things would work out fine, but after they met the man she was to marry, Tia refused. Desperate to escape the situation, she ran away and became a gladiator. At first, she immediately regretted the decision. After all, she wasn't a fighter- she was used to being handed things most of the time. But as she learned from the other gladiators and was forced to constantly fight off their affections, she began to enjoy the lifestyle. She spent six years fighting before her parents found her, quite by accident.

Personality: She's tough, and always willing to try new things. She hates losing and being confined in small spaces equally. You can almost always find her humming some tune or another- usually one she made up herself. She doesn't trust easily- especially men. Her first years as a gladiator were hard. When she couldn't defend herself, she learned some important lessons. The most important one, and the one that she still firmly believes, was that men are inherently evil, and only have one thing on their mind around women. She looks at people who do nice things for her and always tries to find the motive behind it, sure they wouldn't just be kind for no reason. When you do become her friend, she would do anything for you. She's loyal, perhaps to a fault, unwilling to betray her friends unless they betray her first- even if she finds out they're bad people. She's very shy when it comes to personal stuff- it's hard to get her to open up, unless you mean a lot to her.

Weapons They Fight With: She's fought with a number of weapons- spears and nets, swords and shields, occasionally bows. Her favorite is the spear, because it's lighter and easier for her to use. She practices with that the most, and has gotten very good with it, developing her own unique style over the years.

Friends and Family: Her birth parents are still alive, though she hasn't talked to them in years. She keeps in touch with her 'adopted' parents. Over the years, she made friends with some of the other women who hang out near where she spends time.

Favorite Activities: She loves singing, though she doesn't normally. Her voice is beautiful, but she doesn't like other people to hear it. She enjoys being able to act spontaneously, without answering to others.

The Day They Were Captured: The day she was captured, she was about to head into a fight. Strange men showed up and surrounded her. Before anyone nearby knew what was happening, they'd knocked her out and took her. She woke up surrounded by strangers, disarmed and tied up. Despite this, she didn't stop fighting for quite a while. They never broke her, but she soon realized that it would be better to bide her time and make them believe she was going to listen. That way, she might get a bit more freedom and more opportunities to escape.



Name: Felipe Karas

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Time They're From: 59 - 79 AD

Country They're From: Pompeii

Languages They Speak: Latin, Greek, English

Appearance: He has long brown hair that reaches just past his shoulder, and a bit of a scruffy beard to go with it. His eyes are hazel, and look green in certain lights. He's a tall guy, standing at about 6'2', and has plenty of muscle. Generally, he wears a short, knee-length tunic.

Backstory: The son of a merchant, Felipe grew up with a strong sense of good manners. He developed good instincts as a merchant early on, and made his first sale when he was just eight years old. He always planned to follow in his father's footsteps and continue as a merchant through his life. He had three younger siblings- all sisters- who he adored. They were all spunky, and in their younger years, the four siblings would play together, running rampant through the market while their parents worked. After Felipe started working with his father, his sisters started working with their mothers during the day, taking away their time playing together. Despite this, the four were still very close. Though Felipe should have married, he never did. No one ever caught his interests, despite his siblings constantly introducing new prospects for him. He was happy when his siblings found husbands, though the youngest stayed unmarried as well. Though lonely, he was determined to find a wife he could love, and who could love him back. His romantic notions didn't go over well with his parents, but they accepted it, knowing they couldn't force him to marry, though plenty of girls and their parents came asking.

Personality: He's a bit of a romantic, but he's also hard-working and smart. He's got a good head for business and learns very quickly. He loves his family and would never do anything to hurt them. He's got a strong sense of justice, and hates seeing others hurt. He loves music and has learned to play the lute. He has a kind heart and always tries to help those in need.

Weapons They Fight With: He never learned to fight with weapons, but he could hold his own without if he needed to.

Friends and Family: He has none. They were all killed the day he was captured.

Favorite Activities: He loves to trade. When he was younger, his father traded some things for a lute and brought it home for Felipe, who still plays it all the time. He loves it.

The Day They Were Captured: It was a perfectly normal day, until the rumbling began. When ash started to fall from the sky, people panicked. Amid the chaos, Felipe searched for his siblings and helped people to the boats. He never found his family. The strange men arrived before he had the chance. They captured him and took him away from the chaos, where he was forced to watch from afar as his home was buried in ash and lava. Deep down, he knows his family didn't make it, and that loss cuts him deep. Losing them took all the fight out of him. He did whatever they wanted after that, knowing that he would have nowhere and no one to return to, even if he could escape.



(He wouldn't be wearing the suit, of course, but the face is the important thing lol)

Name: Michelangelo di Lodovici Buonarroti Simoni

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Time They're From: 1475 - 1502

Country They're From: Italy

Languages They Speak: Italian, English

Appearance: He has longer brown hair, since he's too busy making art to worry about cutting it short. He has some stubble too, because shaving is overrated. His eyes are light blue and he's constantly staring into the distance, lost in thought. He's about 5'10" and thin from constantly forgetting to eat. He wears typical middle class Italian clothing, with short baggy pants and a loose-fitting shirt.

Backstory: At the time of his birth, his father was the local administrator of Chiusi Della Verna, but several months after his birth, Michelangelo's parents moved to Florence, where he was raised. His mother died when he was six, leaving him to live with his nanny and her husband, a stonecutter. While living with them, he gained his love for marble. As a young boy, he was sent to the city of Florence to learn grammar, but he showed no interest in his schooling. Instead, he copied paintings and sought the company of fellow painters. At the age of thirteen, he was sent to apprentice with the artist Ghirlandaio, and at fourteen, Michelangelo's father convinced Ghirlandaio to pay Michelangelo as an artist- something that rarely happened for fourteen-year-olds. Over time, he went to many different places and learned a lot. He did plenty of carvings and some paintings as well.

Personality: He's very harsh on himself and a total perfectionist. He can get pretty rude and angry easily at times. Often, he can be quite sarcastic and is very good at angering people. He loves to learn more about painting, but doesn't enjoy learning other things nearly as much. Often, he'll daydream about things, rather than paying attention to what's actually going on around him. It's very easy for him to lose track of time when he's painting, and he hates getting ideas for his work and not being able to finish them.

Weapons They Fight With: He fights verbally, not physically. He never learned to fight and doesn't plan to any time soon.

Friends and Family: His parents, who always supported him. His first master, Ghirlandaio, who he kept in touch with. He doesn't have many friends, but he has plenty of contacts and teachers within the art world that he keeps in touch with regularly.

Favorite Activities: Painting and sculpting, of course. He also loves writing poetry, and has written dozens of poems.

The Day They Were Captured: He was painting when it happened. A group of people arrived out of nowhere and grabbed him. Since he didn't know how to fight, his struggle accomplished very little, though he was proud of himself for stabbing one assailant with his chisel. Despite this small victory, the most he accomplished was some well-placed insults. In the end, they won out. Though terrified, he managed to hide it well. It didn't take long for him to realize that he would have to listen to these strangers, or he would suffer the consequences.


Name: Akiko Tsuki (Su-kee)Age: 6Gender: FemaleTime They're From: 80-86 ADCountry They're From: RomeLanguages They Speak: LatinAppearance: She's small- only about 3"1'. Her hair is blonde and just brushes her shoulders. She often is forced to wear clothing that is overly revealing, but when she can, she'll wear a simple white outfit. Her eyes are chocolate brown and her cheeks are often tear-stained.Picture:Backstory: Akiko was born into slavery and ripped away from her parents immediately. She was raised by another slave- a man who treated her kindly and taught her that the world wasn't all cruel. He wasn't allowed to name her, so he nicknamed her 'Little Jewel'. When she turned six, however, she was taken from him and sold to a cruel man who did horrible things to her. She learned to obey this man without question, or he would hurt her worse than he usually did. She spent most of her time curled up on a cot and cried herself to sleep every night. Still, she clung to the hope and belief that the world could be better than this. And then a new girl came into the household. Her master hurt the new girl too, and Akiko was terrified for the girl, who didn't speak their language. When her master forced the new girl into Akiko's room, she tried to help, but the new girl seemed too scared to allow it. They couldn't communicate, but they understood each other somehow. Akiko sense a kindred spirit within this woman, but she also sensed despair and hopelessness. This bothered Akiko. Then their master took the new girl and dragged her out of the room again. When Akiko heard the screams, she curled up on her bed and began to cry. She wasn't sure how she fell asleep, but when she woke up, there was a strange man by her bedside with the woman. They freed her, and Akiko finally got a glimpse of this better world. She immediately decided they were trustworthy- especially after the strange man unchained her. They took her away from her master, and that was the best gift anyone could have given her.Personality: She's always been a very hopeful child. Despite the circumstances she was raised in, she isn't timid or afriad of new things or people. She's very trusting of people who help her, even if they might have other agendas. Even after everything her master did to her, she isn't as terrified of men as she probably should be. She always remembers her 'father's advice and believes that the world is inherently good, even if she's only ever met bad people. She also loves animals. They've always been kind to her and she finds having them around comforting. If she could have, she would have adopted several cats and dogs off the streets and into her master's house by now.Weapons They Fight With: None. She's just a kid, and a slave at that. No one ever taught her to fight. She might not be in any shape to, either.Friends and Family: Only the man who raised her, but she doesn't know where he is or if he's even still alive.Favorite Activities: She loves to sleep, because if she's asleep, she can't feel the pain anymore. Her dreams are her escape. Before, when she was with the man who raised her, she loved to run around outdoors. She still would, if she was allowed to.The Day They Were Captured: She would call it a rescue. Naoki and Khen took her away from her horrible master and she would follow them anywhere- even through time.


New Character Form:Name: Suki Hakuno (Ujinaga)Age: 20Gender: FemaleTime They're From: 1570-1590Country They're From: JapanLanguages They Speak: JapaneseAppearance: Suki has raven black hair that just brushes her shoulders. Her eyes are brown and shine with mischief and laughter. She stands 5"4'. She rarely wears makeup. On her right side, underneath her bangs, she has a small scar that she got as a child.Picture:Backstory: Two years before Kaihime was born, Narita Ujinaga and his wife were blessed with a baby girl, who they named Suki. However, tradegy soon struck the family, as Suki developed a terrible sickness and was thought to have died. In reality, a group of individuals within the Hojo clan conspired to kidnap Suki. Taking advantage of the sickness, they faked her death and spirited her away to live in the home of a young couple who were unable to have children. For the first eighteen years of her life, Suki never knew who her parents were. She lived a simple life and the couple raising her brought her up to be a warrior. Suki's adopted father was ronin, and as she grew older, she became a ronin too. Things all changed shortly after she turned eighteen. This was when the village she lived in was attacked by strange men wielding strange guns. They kidnapped several people from her village and killed many others. Both of her adopted parents were severely wounded during the fighting. Before her father died, he told her the truth about her lineage. Left without anyone else, she decided to seek out her family. In the end, she only managed to connect with her sister, as their father was busy with the war efforts. Kaihime became a rock over the next year and a half of Suki's life, and the two fought together on several occasions. Things changed when the Hojo surrendered, though. Suki finally met her father, but when he changed allegiances, she found she couldn't do the same. Kaihime shared Suki's feelings, but couldn't abandon their father. Suki had nowhere else to go, however, so she reluctantly stayed with her sister. Still, she couldn't fully stomach helping another clan after nearly two years with the Hojo, and a small part of her hates her father for being okay with it.Personality: She's a happy young woman, for the most part. Things tend to weigh on her, but she makes up for it by choosing to be happy despite it all. Although they grew up separately, she and Kaihime are much alike in some ways. Both love to laugh and have a happy-go-lucky look at life- though much less so after everything they've seen. Suki isn't the kind of person to give up on what she believes in. She can grow to love people within a short period of time and is generally a forgiving person. She hates bullies, and is extremely loyal to those she loves.Weapons They Fight With: A katana or bowFriends and Family: Kaihime and her father, as well as friends within the Hojo clan who are still alive.Favorite Activities: She loves garden. As a child, she tended the family garden and found peace beneath their sakura tree. She always loved the tranquility and simple act of gardening, and still does.The Day They Were Captured: She wasn't captured, so much as entranced with the idea of visiting other times and places. When Kaihime told Suki about Naoki Hojo and suggested she travel with him, Suki found the idea of wandering with this man and his friends exciting- especially after she found out he had been kidnapped by the men who killed her adoptive parents. When Naoki actually showed up, Suki decided that she wanted to go with Naoki and his group. Kaihime encouraged it and even told Suki that she should follow her own dreams, not Kaihime's.

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