Task 9, the Finals: Feedback

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So I didn't grade your entries and instead just read them and decided to give you guys my final feedback. I loved all of your entries and really enjoyed them! I can't believe we're here at the end of AG: History already. I hope you enjoy the last feedback I'll give you! 


I am so proud of you for writing and finishing all of your entries - your first story! It's amazing how far you've come. I enjoyed reading your final entry and I loved how everyone got a happy ending. The way you killed Kenneth was really good and you had creative ideas about how to send them all back home and undo what Kenneth had done. Great job! I loved your story!


Whew! I loved your development of these characters and I love them all. Having them sit and talk was a creative way of showing us how much they'd changed. I loved Thomas' speech at the end of the first scene; it's so epic and it gets me hyped up and now I'm rooting for them to win! WAIT WHAT? CHENG IS DEAD. PAUL IS DEAD AND NOW TUT. NOOOO! DONT DO THIS TO ME. Now SEIJI AND THOMAS TOO... EVERYONE... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? I mean, this is so evil but what an intense boss fight. Like THIS. THIS is a boss fight. This was so epic but man, my heart really hurts. You got us so close with your characters, you gave them a worthy cause to fight for, you gave them an intense battle, and they sacrificed themselves for the greater good. Like. this is perfect and tragic and I'm CRYING! What an amazing, intense, tragic, perfect end to your story!


What a creative plan to defeat Kenneth. Bringing in Akiko from the future was a twist I didn't see coming and then knowing that Kenneth showed up that day and killed them, broke my heart but I was so relieved when they found a plan around it. It was still intense and I was SO happy when Tia killed Kenneth. The ending literally left my heart filled with peace and I couldn't help but smile. I loved how you showed each character and what their life ended up like and that they all got the ending they deserved. This was amazing and it felt like full closure and I loved your story.


I love how long and drawn out your entry was. You got me into all your characters and showed how much they grew up during all your entries. You added to the suspense and your descriptions were so vivid and beautiful to read. It was sad that they all died but happy when you had them all reunite. They had a creative plan and you really made it feel almost like a spy book there for a little while. What an end to your story - I loved it!


Awww what a sweet and romantic entry. I enjoyed how it was focused on LUCIUS! AHH Lucia and Aeitus, so adorable. I loved all the historical details about the wedding - very impressive! It gave me a lot of insight into ancient celtic and scottish weddings. I totally wanted way more information on the state of things in the Museum and Kenneth's death and all that, but you gave Lucia and Aeitus a drawn out, perfect ending that was beautiful. Such a sweet ending to your story! 

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