Task 9, the Finals: RondaRayl's Entry

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They got back to the Museum and Richard and Norman put the information from the second World War into the computer system like Kenneth ordered them. Then, Richard, Norman, Astrid, Jackson, and Catalina all went to the cafeteria to eat and then they each went and took showers and slept.

The next day, Richard woke up and his eyes glanced at Norman.

Norman turned and said, "Your eyes. What's wrong?"

"Oh, I've had enough of this," said Richard as he stood from his cot.

"Me too. It's about time to end this," Norman said.

Catalina rose up from her bed after hearing their conversation. "What are we going to do?"

"We need plans." Astrid crossed her arms and Jackson nodded in agreement.

"The rest of you need to create a distraction to get the agents away from Kenneth. I'll take him on and kill him," Richard explained.

Norman turned to the others and said, "You need to take him by surprise."

Richard nodded. "I will."


While Richard went to find Kenneth, Catalina, Jackson, Norman, and Astrid grabbed books and newspapers and hurried to the kitchen. There, they threw the books and newspapers into the oven and started a fire.

The alarms went off and all of the guards went into the kitchen and yelled, "Fire! Fire!"

Everyone was screaming and yelling.

Meanwhile, Richard walked straight into Kenneth's office. Kenneth sat in his chair with his back faced toward the door as he talked on the phone. Distantly, the fire alarms were still going off.

Richard immediately ran over behind Kenneth's body and used his left arm to grab Kenneth's neck. With his right hand, he slit Kenneth's throat.


Richard joined Catalina, Astrid, Norman, and Jackson in one of the hallways. "What are we going to do about the agents?" Catalina asked. "When they figure this out..."

"Maybe we can go back in time and stop him before he makes the time machines," said Jackson.

"Yes, that's a good plan," said Norman.

"Hurry. Let's go." Richard led them into the time machine and Norman started it up.

The time machine took them back to when Kenneth was building the first time machine. It landed in a lab close to where he was working. Richard opened up the doors and looked through the scope of his gun. He aimed it at Kenneth's head.

Then he fired it.


Norman woke in his home country of Poland beside his wife. They had reunited after the second World War. He thought he'd had a strange dream, but it was faint in his memory.

Richard woke up in an army camp in Veitnam after having a long march out in the field, but he couldn't the strange dream out of his mind.

Astrid woke and started her training for the day but she couldn't stop thinking about her dream.

Jackson and his wife and child had run away together and found a home in the southern United States. He woke up one night, wondering about the dream that he'd had.

Catalina woke and started painting more of her artwork but they all ended up being peices of her dream.

Kenneth's death before he had a chance to make the time machine had reset the time line. Allen was now alive and well in his home in France.

Even Thomas was alive was alive back in the Old West.

As they all woke up from their dreams, each wondering about it, something stirred them on the inside to go on an adventure to find out if the dreams were true.

What they didn't realize was how difficult that would be. After all, they were all in different timelines.  

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