Task Five: Revolution and Rebellion

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This time, your characters are in the Museum recovering from their horrible trip back to the Colonies. Many of them are still not doing too well, but they've finally been given time to rest as the other historic figures in the Museum have picked up the slack and helped out in fixing the timeline.

However, there's just one tiny problem. Okay, maybe a HUGE problem.

One of your characters has decided to use the time machine to go back to one of the following time periods:

Pontiac's War from 1763 - 1766 

Jacobite Rebellion in Scotland in 1745 - 1746

(the gif and pics above are from the amazing TV show called Outlander). 

Pugachev's Rebellion from 1773 - 1775

American Revolution from 1775 - 1783

(the gifs and pics above are from the movie The Patriot. You should go watch it). 

French Revolution 1789 - 1799

If you have another revolution where a country gained its freedom that you'd want to go to that's at least from 1700 to 1800, you may choose it.

The reason why is because this is their time period; whether they want to change things or return home, is entirely up to you. Your other characters learn of this and take the machine to go back and find them and stop them - either because they're close and care about this person or because they're afraid that this person going back could change things, since they know the outcome and could change history.

This, then, is your task. Your characters may only follow your rogue character to one of the Revolutions mentioned above, or another of your choice, but only ONE. They find them and have to convince them to come back with them, but they could be in trouble, or in the middle of one of the major battles or events in this rebellion, so create dire circumstances in order to bring this person back.

In the end, what happens to them, is up to you. Whether they die or return and if they return, how they view and see the other characters now.


Pontiac's War was started by numerous North American Indian tribes to drive the British out of what region? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep a Native American war club.

What battle brought about the end of the Jacobite Rebellion and the Scottish way of life? If you guess this correctly, along with 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep a tartan-pattern kilt.

True or false: Pugachev's Rebellion was the largest peasant revolt in Russian history? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep a Licorne - a Russian cannon designed in 1757 by M.W. Danilov and S.A. Martynov.

True or false: Britain didn't think America could win the Revolutionary war. If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep a copy of the Declaration of Independence.

How long did the French Revolution last? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep a French flag from 1789.

REMEMBER TO ONLY CHOSE THE CLUE FROM THE REBELLION YOU'RE GOING TO; if you chose one on your own, then PM me and I'll come up with one for you from that war.

Due Date:

For anyone who handed in on time for Task Four: Tuesday, January 22, 6pm central. This gives you a week and 2 days.

Anyone who handed in late for Task Four: Monday, January 21, 6pm central. This gives you a week and 1 day.

MusicgirlXD, since you asked me to, your deadline is now January 20th, 6pm central. This gives you exactly one week. 

Remember if you don't hand in on time you won't get any feedback. Also, if you hand in the last 24 hours, you won't get very much feedback. Feedback requires that I have time to pay closer attention to your entries to give it to you.

Word Count:

4,700 with an extra 1,000 for character interactions.


Desperation - Whoever wins this award must SHOW me their character's desperation as they return to the rebellion for whatever reasons you decide.

Creative Reasons - Whoever wins this award will get very creative when it comes to the reasons why your character chooses to return to this era of rebellion.

The Heart of Rebellion - Whoever wins this award will SHOW me the rebellion's heart - their cause, why they fight, what they believe in. Give me feels for these rebels!

Love For Your Country - Whoever wins this award will SHOW me their character's love and devotion for their country. Give me country-feels! Make me root for them, for their rebellion, for their country!

Two Hearts - Whoever wins this award will give me a ship scene between two of your characters in the midst of all this strife and war. Make it realistic and give me ship-feels. LET IT SAIL.

These awards will come with their own special, unique, epic perks!


You MUST kill off at least 1 of your own characters and 1 of someone else's (unless you have an award that says otherwise). FAILURE TO KILL OFF EITHER OF THESE WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENTS.

ZSB2000, because you didn't kill off a character, you must have at least 5 direct historical details (people, places, names, events) in 5 different paragraphs of your entry. Failure to do this will result in 1 point being taken off your score. (Muaahahaha xD).


8. One for every person left. Use them however you wish.

Ballot punishments:

Sara_R_Stark, because you were balloted the most, at 20 ballots, you must have one of your characters disappear due to a timeline change. When its fixed, whether they return or stay gone, is up to you.

ZSB2000, because you were balloted second, at 19 ballots, you must have one of your characters fight and wound another one of your characters. Whoever this is and how it happens, is entirely up to you.

Several7s, because you were balloted third, at 18 ballots, you must have a few of your characters end up being prisoners of war by the enemy. If and how they get rescued (or if they get executed), is entirely up to you.

JesterheadJohnSnow, because you were balloted in the middle, at 15 ballots, you must have your characters run into, fight, or encounter, some of Kenneth's agents that got left behind. What happens to them or how they treat your characters, if they return, or if they changed the timeline, is entirely up to you.

ariel_paiement1, because you were balloted in the middle, at 12 ballots, you must have a spy in your midst. Who they are, why they're doing it, and what happens because of them, is up to you.

jesusfreak202, because you were balloted in the middle, at 11 ballots, you must have one character encounter someone of their past; who this person is, how it affects them and the timeline, is entirely up to you.

Shermanblook, because you were balloted third to last place, at 6 ballots, you must have one character break another character's heart.

MusicgirlXD, 3, because you were balloted second to last place, at 3 ballots, you must have your characters disagree with one of the commanders in the rebellion you chose.

RondaRayl, because you were balloted in last place, at 1 ballot, you must include a rainstorm in your entry somewhere.

ANYONE WHO DOES ALL THE BALLOTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO CHOOSE A PERK - ONE PERK - ANY PERK OF THEIR CHOICE AS AN AWARD FOR IT. WOO. ANYTHING (other than switching to first place or something that's unfair to anyone else). You just have to PM me and let me approve it first - but I'm very open-minded.


JesterheadJohnSnow, jesusfreak202, Shermanblook, because you won the award for Great Lengths of Survival, you all don't have to kill any characters this round - yours or anyone else's.

JesterheadJohnSnow and jesusfreak202, because you won the award Savages, you may "fight me" on the grading rubric and have me ignore the aspect that takes the most points away.

JesterheadJohnSnow, Several7s, ZSB2000, jesusfreak202, Sara_R_Stark, and Shermanblook, because you all won the award Sickness, you have an extra 5,000 words this task.

Because of a late hand in for Task 3, if we have no drop outs, we can either have a voting for Task Five to eliminate two people, or have a rule that anyone who hands in late is eliminated. Please comment here to vote for which option - or to suggest an alternative - you'd rather see done. Either way, I would like those people who always hand in on time to be safe, since they're more dedicated to the Games. What do you guys think? 

Let me know if I forgot anyone or anything! Have fun! :) 

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