Task Two: Ancient Empires

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Once again, the time machine travels through time with other characters as well as your own. This time, your stomach feels fine, although you're still lightheaded and dizzy. As it comes to a standstill, this time, you see five doorways, each one leading to a different Ancient Empire.

Ancient Empires:







This time, your seven characters may split up into two different groups and choose two different Ancient Empires. Whichever two empires you choose, the Empires are falling apart years before their time. You must save them.

I'll be looking for characterization. Who are your characters? Show me their cultures, let me hear their unique voices. I want to see dynamics between them. How do they work together? Do they disagree, fight? Do they connect with people from this Empire or are they an outcast? Show me interactions with people from the Empires you choose. I want to see their culture. Be as historically accurate as possible. Make all the characters involved feel tangible and realistic.

Also, all of you have basically started creating these epic novels and I'm enjoying ALL OF THEM so you have to continue writing them!


If you won the award Paleontologist, then you may choose THREE Empires to go to from this list and divide your characters however you want. (Shermanblook and jesusfreak202, this is you)

If you won the award Ice Ager, then you are allowed to answer Three clues (two from the Empires you choose and an extra one, whatever other clue you choose). (wordsmith-, Sara_R_Stark, JesterheadJohnSnow, and RondaRayl this is you).

If you won the award First Feels, you may choose a Third Empire for your characters to travel to as long as it is an ANCIENT Empire before 500 A.D. You can divide your characters between these three Empires however you wish. (ariel_paiement1 and ZSB2000 this is you)

Don't forget that your characters are trying to fix the historic timeline which is fracturing and falling apart so they're also trying to gather data to fill in the time machine's database. Don't forget the artifacts you won last time and to include those.


True or false: There were Egyptian kings before the first Pharaoh? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep Egyptian clothing in your next entry, before they head to the next period in Task Three.

How long did the Roman Empire last? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep Roman Soldier's uniform in your next entry, before they head to the next period in Task Three.

What kind of government did ancient Greece have? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep Scrolls from a Greek poet in your next entry, before they head to the next period in Task Three.

Name one of Persia's Greatest Leaders. If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep a Persian sword in your next entry, before they head to the next period in Task Three.

How many dynasties ruled China in total? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep an ancient Chinese scroll with caligraphy enscribed on it in your next entry, before they head to the next period in Task Three.

What is the oldest civilization in South America? If you guess this correctly, along with the 5 Knowledge Points you gain, then your characters will find and keep an Aztec death whistle in your next entry, before they head to the next period in Task Three.

REMEMBER TO ONLY ANSWER THE CLUES FOR THE EMPIRES YOU CHOOSE TO GO TO. If you won an award that lets you choose three clues, or if you're allowed to choose three empires!

Due date:

Saturday, December 8, 6pm central. Sara_R_Stark and JesterheadJohnSnow have an extra 24 hour deadline, so you guys have until Sunday, December 9th, 6pm central to hand in.

Word Count:

Remember that Several7s, ariel_paiement1, wordsmith-, Sara_R_Stark, JesterheadJohnSnow, Shermanblook, TheCrazyMeifwaGirl, and jesusfreak202 won an award that gave them unlimited word count. Everyone else has up to 4,750 (5,000 for character interactions if you use them) to use but now there is a MINIMUM word count of at least 1,000 words! The penalty for being under is the same as being over (MUAAAHAHA)


First three people to hand in - Will receive: 5 extra Knowledge Points, 1 point added onto their overall score, and a hint about a task of their choice

Anyone who hands in before Tuesday December 4th, 6pm central - Will receive: 3 extra Knowledge Points, 0.5 added onto their overall score, a 24-hour extension on Task Three's deadline, and an automatic 11 to use on Task Three or Task Four.

Drama - Whoever wins this award will make their entries filled with intense drama either between their characters, between their characters and the people of the ancient empire, or just the ancient empire people. Winners will be able to pick another character from any of the empires they went to and make an 8th character to become part of your group! This character has to be original - no historical ones!

Wrong For the Greater Good - Whoever wins this award will have to have their characters do something horribly wrong for the sake of fixing history. Winners will be able to pick a historical character from any of the empires they went to and add them to your group!

BONUS: This will be a bonus award that I'll choose what it is and what you win for it after I read your entries! Totally surprising! 


At least 1 required but you can kill up to 3 other writers' characters


As many required as you choose Empires (if you choose 2, then you have to have at least 2 ballots; if you chose 3 then you have to have at least 3, and so on), but you can have up to 5!

Ballot punishments:

ariel_paiement1 because you were balloted 5 times and were targeted the most, you must have an important figure in the history of one of the empires you choose to be assassinated and still be able to save the historic timeline. This must take up at least 500 words of your entry.

JesterheadJohnSnow and Several7s, because you were both balloted 4 times and targeted in the middle, you both must have some of your characters try to stop the other ones from something they're doing. The reasons behind this are entirely up to you. It must take up at least 300 words of your entry.

jesusfreak202 and ZSB2000, because you were both balloted 2 times and targeted the least, you both must include an important figure of the empire in all empires you choose and portray them accurately in your entry. They must appear for at least 100 words of your entry.

REMEMBER WHAT TO LIST OUT AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR ENTRY! You guys did so great with this in Task One.

As of right now, because we only have 10 writers, there is NO ELIMINATIONS for Task Two! Just enjoy writing!

Let me know if I forgot anyone or anything! Have fun! :)

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