The Winner of AG History: Several7s!

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As you guys know, the winner of AG: History is Several7s. She's been in almost all of my AG competitions and after all these years, by now, she's a great friend. She's always helpful, especially since she's on my wattpad launch team. As a writer, I've watched her grow for a long, long time. She has 25 stories on wattpad, which range from her epic stories, such as The Dissenters, to her AG competition books and compiled entries. Fun fact about her: she's also a really super fast reader. Like seriously! She's also a Christian, which is amazing in and of itself.

Her book, The Dissenters, is an exciting fantasy and adventure novel that I absolutely love! And the cover is gorgeous! Amanda's life completely turns upside down when she wakes up in the future - twenty years to be exact. Unfortunately, the future isn't as bright anymore. A dictator has risen named Akram, war has left her world destroyed, and a rebellion has been mounted to fight him. What's worse is that because she's important to the rebellion, Akram wants to be rid of her and if he only knew how vulnerable she really was, he'd try even harder to destroy her. What she doesn't know is just how far Akram is willing to go to stop her.

Read it here (link will be external and in the comments):

Interview questions:

1) What's your favorite historical period?

My favorite historical period would be the 1500s in Japan. I've loved that period in history ever since your Samurai games, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.

2) What book have you written that you're most proud of?

For me, finishing any book always feels like a great accomplishment, especially since I only have a few. However, out of all the books I've finished, Dissenters is the one I'm most proud of. It took me so long to finish, but even though the final product isn't perfect, I still love how it came out, and I'm still coming up with ideas to improve it when I edit.

3) What do you think is your biggest achievement?

I think my biggest achievement is finishing even just a small portion of the books I start. I tend to come up with new ideas quickly and lose interest in old ones, so when I put that much work into one book, I know it's going to be worth it in the end, and there's always a deep sense of accomplishment for me when I finish that final chapter.

4) What are you passionate about?

Writing, for sure. I've been doing it for years now and I still love it, probably more so now than when I started. It has a special place in my heart and I don't think I'll ever stop loving it.

5) What do you like about writing competitions?

Writing competitions are fun to me because I can compare my own work to others who are better than I am and see how I've grown over time. I can see how a bunch of different people can interpret the same prompt in so many different ways, with so much creative variation. The competition is always fun and seeing my characters evolve throughout is always a joy.

6) Do you have any pieces of writing that you regret working on?

Not at all. Even the bad pieces were practice, and I don't consider any time I spend writing to be a waste.

7) What do you do when you have to face writer's block?

Sometimes I just don't write for weeks, if I'm being honest. For me, writer's block is difficult to conquer, because it can just be a lack of motivation to write. However, it helps me a lot to have a schedule. If I know I need to finish something by a certain time, I'll end up doing it, even if it's last minute. When I face a lack of ideas, usually the best I can do is sleep on it and wait for inspiration.

8) Name the title of a book that has really impacted you

Honestly, the book that has had the biggest impact on my life is the Bible. I've read many books, sometimes multiple times, and I have yet to find one that comes close. There are so many important messages in the Bible, and I always seem to find new ones in old passages.

9) What was the funnest part about AG History for you?

Watching Naoki and Khen fall in love. Khen had so many emotional issues and scars from her past, but just having Naoki there for her - and then Akiko to take care of - helped to to overcome those issues and learn to fight for herself. Writing her story and developing her relationship with Naoki was definitely the best part of the contest.

10) Any advice for young or new writers?

You probably won't like your first works much. There will be issues all over the place and there's always tons more to learn. The trick is to not let that intimidate you. Just keep writing, and remember that it's a skill to develop - not a talent. Anyone can be good at it if they work hard enough.

Congratulations on winning AG: History!

Stay tuned for AG Fandoms 2, which will be created soon!

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