Female 5: Illusionist Sage Zentra Oromis

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The singing of the birds was the first thing Zentra heard as she awoke. The pale light of daybreak greeted her eyes as well. Stretching, she stood up and looked around. She saw most of the magi and soldiers gathered twenty paces ahead of her. Zentra strained to get a closer look. It appears that they are preparing for the march ahead, she thought. Today was the day they would reach Komesen and sack the city in order to liberate their families from Vaxon's clutches. It was something that should would love to take part in, but there was something about the upcoming siege that was troubling her. Vaxon still had their families and there was no telling what he could do to the once he finds out the magi are attacking his city with Jahad's military.

Do we have to be with the army in order to rescue our loved ones? Zentra wondered. She started to devise a plan of her own on how to win the freedom of her family when she noticed Kyren appear in front of the masses and clear his throat.

"Everyone, the march to the Capitol convenes now. If everything goes as planned, we should arrive at Komesen's gates by nightfall. However, you have been warned that many of you will perish upon attacking the gates, not to mention that your families will be executed once my father finds out you are attacking the city. Anyone who doesn't wish to take part in this battle due to the risks, leave now!" He notified everyone.

Zentra felt a shiver of fear go through her once she heard the news. There is no way I am going to get involved in this. The risk is just too great.

It appeared that she was not the only one who felt that way. She saw Lilja, Asawake, Lydora, as well as Evian start to distance themselves from the camp. Zentra decided to follow their lead and break away from the encampment.

" Hey, where are you going?"

Zentra turned to see Mordzar, his eyes shining a brilliant blue color, running toward her form the camp. Oh boy, what does he want now?

"Let me guess, you want to back out of this perilous venture, too?" she asked the metal mage. That would be peculiar for him to back out of the siege, she thought. This should be the moment he was waiting for most of his life.

"Of course not!" he said, a little taken back. " I was hoping that you would contribute to the siege instead of running away."

" You realize the moment we siege the gates, Vaxon will kill our families." Zentra warned him.

"Yeah, but you do realize that he will still kill your families anyhow? I mean, he won't differentiate between us. Once we attack the city, he will attempt to murder our families all the same. I recommend that you stay with us while we storm the city so you can be present to save your family." Mordzar enlightened her. A look of uncertainty passed Zentra's face.

"Well, I prefer to do this alone, but I wish you the best of luck." Zentra smiled.

"Ok then. Suit yourself, but I promise you that I will kill Vaxon myself and liberate all the magi's families." Mordzar grinned. Zentra just laughed. This kid sure has the attitude of a leader.

" I love your attitude. I can't decide if it is annoying or contagious, but either way you have my blessing."

They quickly exchanged farewells and soon Zentra was heading the opposite way from the camp. She was pondering which of the regions that were neighboring Elloyn that she should head to until she noticed a white tent, which resembled the peak of a snowy mountain, located a few yards from the magi camp. Curious, she walked closer to get a better look at it. The first thing she noticed was two people dressed from head to toe in white armor who were also sporting axes and swords. They were standing in front of the entrance which lead Zentra to assume that they were guarding something of value inside. Once she was fifteen yards from the tent, she gasped as she recognized who those people were. Judging by their white masks and armor, they were the same people that had come to their rescue last night when a small contingent of the Lunar Wolves ambushed them.

"Halt!" one of them called out to her. " Ma'am, this area is off limits. What business do you have here?" Sunlight glinted of his metal axe.

"Oh, I apologize." Zentra quickly said. " I had no idea that what you have hidden inside that tent is so sensitive that walking by it would be hazardous."

"What lies in there is none of your concern!" the other guard barked. "Now, turn around and head on away from here if you value your life."

"Okay, okay." Zentra smirked. " I am going away now." She turned and headed behind a nearby tree. Once she was out of the view of the guards, she took out her stylus and drew a rune. The first guard looked toward the forest and started running away from his post. His comrade turned to him in alarm and ran after him.

" Cedric, where are you going?" he asked.

" A Noradz rat has taken my truffle!" the first guard responded to his partner. "Help me get it back!"

" What rat? I don't see anything!" the voices of the guards eventually grew faint.

Using this opportunity, Zentra ran over to the tent and peered inside. Upon seeing what was contained inside the tent, she gasped. Restrained with countless chains and tied to a pole, was the man who attacked them last night. His eyes shot open and they slowly trained on Zentra. She couldn't help, but flinch as their eyes met. It was no different than staring into a deep, dark chasm. The man began to laugh.

" Have you come to finish me off, miss?" the man rasped.

" What are you doing here?" Zentra asked. She had a hundred questions buzzing in her head that she wanted to ask the prisoner.

"What does it look like? I am a prisoner of war." The prisoner responded, nonchalantly.

" Oh, I am sorry I asked." She sighed. "Are you that an important of a prisoner to be kept under intense guard?"

"Well, I am a corporal of the Lunar Wolves brigade." He explained.

"That makes sense." Zentra muttered. Then, an idea popped inside her head.

"Of course." The prisoner sighed as if she said the most stupid thing. " How did you get past the guards? They must be poor excuses for soldiers if one person can give them the slip."

"Well, I am an illusionist sage." Zentra pointed out. " I am deserting this camp and you are coming with me." The captive stared at her with a bewildered expression.

" Really? How are you going to jailbreak me? More importantly, why are you doing this?" he asked her dubiously.

" How about you shut up and just watch?"

Zentra took out a dagger and cut through many of the chains, but left a couple on the captive's arms in order to keep him from attacking her. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"Now, let's get out of here before the guards return." She informed her. Looking around warily, Zentra and her captive then fled. This better work, she thought. Her insides were filled with butterflies fluttering around as she thought about the risks of her plan.

"What's the matter, girl?" The prisoner asked her while sporting a mischievous grin. "You seem a little skittish."

Zentra gritted her teeth. How did he know that? The giveaway might have been her expression when she was deep in thought. Anyway, she had to put her plan in motion. This was now or never.

" Where do you plan to take me, girl?" her captive's smooth voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

" First of all, quit calling me girl. I have name." Zentra replied, irritated.

"As do I." The corporal responded. " Let me hear yours first."

"I am Zentra." She told him.

"Quite a lovely name." he grinned. " Stryker's the name, pain is my game."

Zentra just rolled her eyes. The sooner I get rid of this creep, the better. They continued through the wet grasslands until they arrived at the top of a hill.

"Here is my plan for you." She addressed her captive. " I plan on finding the nearest barracks of the Lunar Wolves and hopefully obtain information on how to free my family in exchange for your life. I hope it doesn't come down to that, but if anything goes awry, then I will have no choice, but to dispose of you."

" In other words, I am your hostage correct?" Stryker sneered. " You seriously think they would divulge sensitive information for the life of a measly corporal? You are deluding yourself if you think this plan of yours will succeed."

" Nope, I am fairly certain it will succeed." Zentra replied. However, she was having doubts in the inside about her little hostage plan actually being successful. She had taken hostages lots of times while she was on the run from Vaxon's horde, but this time it was different. The lives of her family were stake here!

" If you really want to see you family walk free from Vaxon's dungeon, why don't you just swear loyalty to him?" Stryker suggested. "It would make things much easier for yourself."

" That is out of the question!" Zentra snapped. " He is responsible for the deaths of many innocents as well as my mentor!"

"If you are referring to the sack of Komesen ten year ago, that is not something you should get worked up over." Stryker spoke to her like she was a child who lost her candy.

" What is wrong with you?!" Zentra shouted. " You actually condone the killings of hundreds of people?"

"Hey, this is reality. There are times when you have to kill." Stryker retorted. "Come on, I am sure that you have killed before when you were fleeing from me and my colleagues."

"You have no idea." She sighed. They were now inside a forest that was so thick it covered the sun. The illusionist sage decided it was time to rest here for now.

"Why are we stopping in this forest?" Stryker asked, looking around suspiciously. "You know the city of Noratz is just one mile south of here."

"Why must you ask so many questions?" Zentra muttered, annoyed at the inquisitive captive. " We are not risking a city right now."

"Well, if you go to the city, you will have the best chance of finding one of my fellow soldiers." Stryker suggested. Then, the Lunar Wolf corporal raised an eyebrow and looked around suspiciously.

"What is it?" Zentra asked. The way the corporal was acting was unsettling her. He looked at her urgently.

"Unchain me now and hand me my sword while you are at it!" he demanded.

"What makes you say I'll do that?" Zentra retorted. "Besides, what makes you think I have your sword?"

"I saw you take it the previous night when I was held prisoner by those bloody rebels!" Stryker informed her, irritated. "Now hand it over or we are both toast."

A few seconds later, Zentra saw what he meant. Bursting out of the trees in front of them was a humongous white bear with glowing red eyes. What really caught Zentra' s attention was the fact that it had two sets of arms, each laden with claws that a Vraal would be jealous of , and a spiked tail. This must be a Kaulas! Upon seeing the two strangers, the Kaulas let out a roar that resonated across the forest and charged them. Thinking quickly, Zentra took out her stylus and had begun to draw a rune, but the giant bear was too quick for her. With a swipe of its massive hand, it knocked Zentra ten feet back.

What had Mathas said about Koalas? Zentra desperately wondered as the bear turned in her direction. Winded and breathing heavily, she desperately tried to remember what her late mentor had said about the weak spots of Kaulases. It came to her slowly.

" Thanks for the sword!" Stryker interrupted her thoughts. "If I were you, I would run!"

Zentra gasped as she realized that when the creature had struck her, her bag had flown out of her hand and Stryker had capitalized on that chance to retrieve his sword. He had freed himself from his restraints by using grinding the chains on the sharp edge of the sword. Snapping out of her thoughts, she dove to the side as the growling Kaulas brought a massive claw down on the area she was just a second ago. Woah! That was a close one! She turned to Stryker.

" If you want to kill the creature, you must aim for the back of its neck."

" Relax, this isn't the first Kaulas I faced in battle." Stryker rolled his eyes. "Besides, I recently slain a dragon with it." In a flash, he took a running start and leapt at the towering beast from behind. With a swing of his sword, he decapitated the Kaulas. Licking the blood off his weapon, he sneered at Zentra.

" Never underestimate the power of Passionate Death." Stryker looked at his sword. " Now, without further ado, I will take you as my own prisoner."

"Like hell you will." Zentra quickly grabbed her stylus and conjured up images of Vraals surrounding the soldier.He will take the bait for sure! However, Stryker just sat down and laughed really hard.

"You do realize that if you create images in front of me, I can tell that they are fake." He howled with laughter. "Next time, make sure my eyes are not peeled when you want to use your magic."

Zentra cursed. He is right, taking out my stylus in front of him was a big mistake. Warily, she drew her sword and kept her eyes trained on him. Mathas had said to never let your opponent out of your sight, even for a moment. Stryker started to trot toward her, smirking. Letting out a yell, the Lunar Wolf charged at her and swung his sword. Zentra parried Stryker's attack and returned the blow which was denied by Stryker's sword.

"Please make this interesting." Stryker said as he ducked a blow. " Many have met their end by Passionate Death faster than you could blink."

They both clashed for a while, but the battle stayed in a stalemate. None of them was able to make even a scratch on the other. Seeing an opening, Zentra was about to capitalize on it a loud hissing noise filled the air. They both turned to see two six foot tall lizard creatures with razor sharp teeth and nine inch long claws. Those aside, the most interesting trait was that the creatures lacked eyes. Zentra began to shake in terror as she recognized the creatures.

"Vraals!" Stryker muttered. " Who decided to unleash them?"

A shrill scream made Zentra's blood run cold. The Vraals then charged at their prey. Thinking quickly, Zentra dashed to the side, barely evading the berserk creature. She thought up a quick image of a dragon before using jotting down a rune on a nearby tree. The beast must fall for it, she thought as the Vraal titled its head in curiosity at her image. Then, it turned to her and hissed. What? It's like it saw through my image? She thought in horror as the Vraal leapt at her. She barely managed to dodge the beast's massive claws as she dove onto the wet soil of the forest.

"Ugh!" A sharp pain shot through her right shoulder. She touched the spot and was surprised to see blood coating her hand. It looks like the sharp claws of the Vraal had penetrated her after all. She looked up to see the hissing Vraal over her, salivating as it admired its prey. Shuddering, Zentra braced for the claws of the terrifying beast to tear her open.

The shrill scream of the beast jolted her out of her nervous stupor. Startled, she looked up to see Stryker sticking his sword inside the Vraal's mouth. Once he withdrew his weapon, the Vraal fell to the ground limp. He looked over at her with a smug look as he pointed his blood encrusted sword to her. Behind him, she noticed the other Vraal crumpled into a heap.

" Have you forgotten that Vraals are impervious to magic?" he mocked her. " No matter, I think I know why they are here." He reached out and pulled her up. " Come with me and possibly you can find a way to see your family."

Before Zentra could object, Stryker had dragged her across the damp soil and thick trees until they exited the forest. The sight that greeted her straightaway was a group of soldiers, their armor glinting silver, on top of a green hill in front of them. As they made their way toward them, Zentra gasped with recognition. They bore the emblem of the dreaded Elphas brigade. If they are present, that must mean the magi camp is under attack!

The soldier, who Zentra assumed was the captain due to the red band he wore on his left hand, rode on horseback toward them. He circled them once before stopping in front of the two.

" Corporal Malthus, I see you have fled your captors and taken your own as well." The Elphas captain removed his helm, revealing a middle aged man with gray hair and brown eyes.

" Glad you noticed." Stryker's eyes narrowed. " By any chance, was it you who set the Vraals loose?"

"Well, they were necessary to hunt down a few of those magi who had fled the camp when we attacked." The captain motioned to his left. Two soldiers parted and a Vraal was seen feasting on the corpse of what remained of one of Zentra' fellow magi. Looking closely, she went weak at her knees as soon as she recognized the corpse as that of Asawake Coveni.
"Come on up and see how the battle went for yourself."

They were both led up the hill and the first thing that greeted their eyes was smoke. Zentra stared across the fields and noticed saw the cause of the smoke. Throne! She thought in horror as she gazed at burning tents and bodies strewn all over the place.

"What happened here?" she asked.

"It appears that your friends and the rebel scum you call allies were ambushed by Captain Kludd's forces here and are now annihilated." Stryker sneered.

Impossible! She was feeling sick to the stomach. She feared the worst for her companions who only wanted to rescue their families from Vaxon.

" Bring her to the base. His Majesty himself has plans for her." Captain Kludd told Stryker.

Zentra's nerves were really on edge now. Vaxon himself arrived here? Moreover, what does he want from her?

" Here's your chance ." Stryker whispered in her ear as they headed toward the magi base. " I suggest you swear loyalty to Vaxon if you want your family back in one piece."

" That is never going to happen." Zentra retorted.

"Suit yourself." The corporal shrugged. " "But don't be surprised if you find your loved ones in a pool of blood."

She shuddered at that thought. This soldier was really getting to her. Please let him be wrong, she thought to herself desperately. In about five minutes, blue tents filled the skyline as they set upon the soldier's encampment. Zentra was handed over to a couple of soldiers who took her inside one of the tents. Inside the tent, the atmosphere was dark and gloomy,

" Your Majesty!" one of the soldiers called out. " The illusionist sage is here."

"Ahh yes. Bring her right over." a cold voice ordered. Zentra's heart started to beat twice as fast as they went deeper inside the tent. Before she knew it, she was in an open area surrounded by guards. She looked to her right and had to stifle a scream as she saw Kyren holding a bloodied sword in one hand and a decapitated head that used to belong to Lilja. She noticed that he was staring at the ground sullenly as if he was being forced to do something that he was against.

Is Vaxon going to make me execute one of my fellow magi? She wondered.

" We meet again, illusionist sage." Vaxon's cold voice snarled behind her. Startled, she turned behind her and saw Vaxon himself accompanied by two guards standing behind her.

"What do you want with me?" she demanded. The tyrant just gave her an evil grin.

" Surrender to me while you still can." He told her.

"Never!" Zentra shouted. Vaxon chuckled.

"I never expected you to do so. You magi are so stubborn. However, I hope you change your mind after you view this spectacle." He motioned to some nearby guards. They left and returned with three people Zentra recognized.

"Mom! Dad! Rexus!" she shouted. Her family were all tied in chains and forced to kneel down. Three soldiers with loaded crossbows appeared behind them.

"No! Please don't!" Zentra desperately begged. Vaxon just sighed.

"Since you refused my initial offer, I am going to kill your family and make you watch the whole thing." He told her. " I will give you a choice. Who will die first?"

" How dare you!" Zentra shouted. "You are a monster!!" She tried to charge him, but two guards restrained her. Vaxon sneered at her.

"Alright, I'll pick for you." The tyrant turned to the soldiers. "Kill that one over there!" He pointed at Zentra's father.

"No!" she shouted. "Please no!" She watched in horror as the soldiers took aim and fired. Her father fell to the ground, covered in arrows like a porcupine. Zentra could only scream in anguish as Vaxon turned back to her.

"Now, will you give in to me?" he sneered.

"Go to hell!" she spat at him.

"I see you still haven't learned your lesson." He muttered. "Very well, kill one more to wake her up!"

The soldiers reloaded their crossbows and took aim at her younger brother. In a second, he received the same fate as their father.

"No!" she screamed. She began to sob, tears ran down her cheeks like arrows.

" Now, I will give you another chance to shift your loyalty to me or the soldiers will have quite a time with your mother." Vaxon warned her. Zentra gazed at her mother through tearful eyes . Krista Oromis's eyes had lost their emerald green color and had a listless look remaining. Zentra noticed the soldiers looking lustfully at her mother and was seething with rage.

Deciding to take action, she grabbed the arm of the guard restraining her and threw him down on the ground. She turned and punched another guard across the face. As he was startled, she grabbed his sword and turned to Vaxon.

"Let my mother go or you and your soldiers are dead." She threatened Vaxon.

She heard movement and turned to see Kyren charge at her, brandishing a shadow sword. She turned and engaged him in battle. They both sparred for a bit until Zentra cornered him to a wall. She pointed her sword at his throat.

"Why are you helping your father?" she hissed. " Earlier, I saw you rally the magi to siege the royal castle. What made you change?"

Kyren just gave her his sullen stare.

" Vaxon had my children killed because I sided with you magi in the rebellion." Kyren sulked. " I plan to make up for that by killing you here or else my wife pays the price."

"So you are doing his bidding against your will?" she asked him.

"Anything to save Ashyra's life." Shadow tendrils came out of nowhere and struck Zentra, sending her stumbling to the ground. The bewildered sage looked up as Kyren appeared above her. She quickly took out her stylus and conjured an image of soldiers attacking him, but he just grabbed her and pulled her up.

"Next time, make sure no one is watching when you cast one of your illusions." He enlightened her. Damn! That was a waste of thirty percent of her magical reserves. If only she had listened to that Lunar Wolf corporal.

Shadows started to attach themselves to Zentra and wrap themselves around her body. Violently, she squirmed and struggled, but to no avail.

" So it ends here for you." Vaxon laughed. " It looks like I will let the soldiers keep your mother after I let her watch you die."

"No!" Zentra kept struggling with the shadows, but they were all over her body now. She desperately looked into Kyren's blue eyes.

"Why are you doing this? You side with him after he kills your children?" Zentra inquired. " Don't you want revenge?"

"In due time." Kyren whispered. " I just have to save Ashyra's life first. She is all that I have left. If you care for your mother, I suggest you give in to my father right now."

Zentra spied her mother being surrounded by leering soldiers all around her. She noticed Kyren's shadows start to move all the way up to her mouth. As desperately as she wanted to kill Vaxon and avenge Mathas, there was no way she could do it now. She started to accept defeat.

"Alright, you win." She called over to Vaxon. "Just keep your soldiers away from my mother. I surrender."

Vaxon raised a hand and his soldiers backed away from her mother. Letting out a sigh of relief, Kyren called off his shadows and she fell to her knees, breathing hard.

"That was a wise choice." Vaxon commended her. " I wonder what took you so long to come to your senses."

Zentra immediately ran toward her mother and embraced her.

" It's ok, mother." She whispered. " Everything will be fine now."

" Come now, Illusionist sage." Vaxon boomed. "There is much work to be done now."

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