Female Spot 11: Healer Wizard Lydora

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Name: Lydora Like- Lidora (Last name is unknown to her)

Gender: Female

Reservation Number: 11

Age: 14

Appearance: Little Lydora has a round, almost cherubic face with brown curls framing it. She has large round eyes that are filled with innocence. Her eyes are green outlined in dark, thick lashes. Her lips sit softly like rose petals on her pale skin. For only being fourteen, the girl is incredibly beautiful an no one has a doubt that she'll grow into a gorgeous young lady.

Personality: Lydora has the personality of a saint. She's always polite and loves meeting new people and making friends. She wouldn't hurt a fly, even if she had to. She's typically loved by everyone she comes into contact with. She can sometimes be a little shy. It comes with her young age. Despite being just a child, she is wise beyond her years, scarred by a hazy past.

Where are you from: Demark is the only place she remembers, though she knows this isn't where she was born. The cold climate contributes to her porcelain colored skin.

Background: Lydora has only known one family, and it isn't her own. The poor child doesn't recall what happened to her family. She knows nothing of her birth place or maternal family. It doesn't affect her like many might think. She has a wonderful family that has raised her to be a kind and gentle soul. It's something she's grateful for.

The war happened ten years ago when Lydora was merely a toddling around at the age of four. She has faint memories of terrible things happening, but nothing is clear enough to be sure of. She only knows what she's heard about, which is never anything good. A very large part of her is happy to keep that part of her past covered in a thick blanket of the unknown.

Magic: Healer wizard

Weapon: Weapons aren't in her vocabulary. If it came down to it, she might attempt to be a mediator.

Greatest fear: The young girl is greatly afraid of the dark. She fears the things that hide and lurk in the shadows. Terrible things seem to happen where it's darkest. As a person, she is frightful of Vixon. He has a dark soul and she doesn't want to know what all he's fully capable of. Ironically, Lydora is afraid of fear. The very thought of being afraid of something causes her stomach to twist. It's a strange thing.

Deepest Secret: Lydora has always been an honest child. She's an open book with no secrets. She never saw the point in keeping secrets. It never benefitted anyone. The closest thing to a secret she has isn't even a secret, really. It's more of a secret premonition. She feels that the magic isn't necessarily a good thing. It's a two sided coin with good and bad.

Strengths: She's level headed in nearly every situation. It takes a lot to get her riled up. It keeps many situations from turning into something worse. She is also a friend to the world and any one she comes into contact with. It takes a special breed to dislike the sweet child.

Weaknesses: She's weak in general and very innocent. With the young age of thirteen, Lydora is still fairly naïve to the world around her.

Family or friends: She has her adoptive parents and an older brother in the family. She has several close friends that she spends most of her free time with when she isn't trying to understand how to use her healing powers.

Favorite Creature: A fire breathing unicorn is her absolute favorite. She loves the vibrant colors that sit on their velvety fur.

Vaxon Asherex: "Hah! You are most wise to fear me girl. I am the worst nightmare you will ever meet.  I have no doubt that you will be the first to die."

Kyren Asherex: "Yeah, a kid? When you die, it won't be by my hand. This is where I draw the line."

Vassti Asherex: "Bah! You're not even a challenge! Why did they insist on putting you in the arena? It's not as if you can even fight. You were one of the few who should have been executed the instant you were captured."

Nassia Asherex: "You're almost my age! Also, fire breathing unicorns? Never heard of them. I bet they're so beautiful!"

Jahad Asherex: "It is heartbreaking to see one as young as you in the arena. Do not trust to easily; because of your age some might use you as a target. Find the other Magi like you and ally with him and others he trusts. They will keep you safe my child."

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