Female Spot 2: Shadow Sage Jaeyria Lightwood

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Name: Jaeyria Lightwood (Jah-eye-reah Light-wood)

Gender: Female

Reservation Number: 2

Age: 18 during war; 28 at present

Appearance: Jaeyria has light blond hair and dark green eyes with flecks of gold rimmed by dark, thick lashes. She's very slender and willowy, which makes her easy to underestimate because of her wisp-like appearance. Her smile is rare, but she can often be seen with a slight smirk or just the barest hint of laughter in her eyes. Most people think she's just full of life or finds something funny. Not true, but she doesn't mind. She typically opts for wearing things that fit whatever person she wants to be that day. (E.g: want to fit in? Neutral colors. Want to make a statement and come off as powerful? All black.) Whatever she chooses, it almost always looks nice. It's rare to find her wearing anything that doesn't fit the character she's playing, and she rarely plays someone with less than class.
Personality: People rarely see the true Jaeyria. She's too elusive. But what people do see varies depending on her mood. Some days she's a nice, relatively sweet young lady with a soft, barely there smile. Others, she's the one who never seems serious. Some people who have known her for a long time think she might have a split personality disorder because her character changes in the blink of an eye. She can go from quiet and reserved to loud and boisterous or sarcastic in a few minutes.What no one's ever truly understood is that Jaeyria's mood swings and personality are things she changes just to mess with people. She doesn't want them knowing what she's done and what she's been through, so she hides all of it behind whichever mask she thinks will work best. If one doesn't work, she picks another. With this kind of behavior, it's little wonder people think she might have a mental disorder. Due to all this, she's a wild card, and highly unreliable since no one can tell what she's actually planning.

Background: Jaeyria grew up with her parents on a remote farm in Rahnge. She had a younger brother, who was about 8 years her junior, but when she was 9, he died in an accident on the farm. A rogue chimera came out of nowhere, and in the ensuing chaos, her younger brother was kicked by the chimera as it tried to escape the fire from her father's gun. He survived the blow for about a day, but eventually, internal bleeding killed him.

After watching that happen, Jaeyria was more cautious of wild animals, and she couldn't stand chimeras.

After that, life was relatively peaceful. She grew up like any normal child would with loving parents, friends, and an inherent dread for school. Thankfully, the dread of school changed when she was 12. After that, she discovered that she enjoyed both learning and reading. Two years later, books became her best friends when they moved from the idyllic little farm to the jungles of Odera to live near her grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins. She never quite fit in there, and that's where she first learned to wear a mask, to become whatever was necessary to get what she needed or wanted. Ironically, the books she most shunned as a young girl became her greatest strength and taught her how to hide her true self. Fourteen was too young to learn the skill, but Jaeyria never considered that.

Shortly after their move, Jaeyria began to show signs of magic. When she did, her parents talked to the specialists in the town. They worked with her until she was 16, at which point, they sent her to train with Mathas. She spent the time training with him and the 30 other students for two years before they were forced into hiding.

During this time, her uncle and his wife passed away due to illnesses, and their ward, Eiridan, was also sent to train with Mathas. She quickly took to the quiet boy and spent hours with him. The two became fast friends, and Eiridan helped her through the disaster that claimed her parents' and grandparents' lives. A disaster that she caused. She never stopped blaming herself for it, but he was able to help her through the initial face of despair.

Eiridan would help her again when Mathas came for them in the middle of the night, ripping them away from their lives and friends. She's had separation anxiety since everything happened with her family, so Eiridan gave her a stable friend to rely on, one who wasn't gone. Fortunately, they managed to escape, and spent several years running from Vaxon with Mathas. Fortunately for her, she didn't have to watch her mentor die at Vaxon's hand since he hid them away before that. The next 10 years were spent hiding away at a remote location in the heart of Nighes's forests.

When Vaxon captured her and Eiridan, she had nothing left to lose besides her friend. The other Magi weren't friends by her definition of the word, but she tolerated some of them. So Eiridan was naturally the one she turned to when she needed to talk or mull something over aloud. With the change of events and their newfound captivity, that would happen a lot more often.

Magic: Shadow Sage

Weapon used if necessary: Jaeyria's big on one handed swords, daggers, and, on occasion poison. Eiridan taught her all about herbs, but he never intended for her to research further into the lethal side of it. Unfortunately, his intentions, though well meaning, led to a fascination with the deadly.

Greatest fears: First off, she's terrified of chimeras. Can't stand them after her baby brother was killed by one and she watched it happen, unable to help. As for other fears, Jaeyria's scared of a lot of things, but she hides it well. The one thing she's never managed to get over is her fear of hurting those she loves or being abandoned by them. She's already hurt so many of the ones she cares about, and she's been abandoned by many people she trusted and thought would be reliable. The separation anxiety she has kicks in when she has to leave or someone else she knows has to leave.

Deepest secret: While it isn't exactly a horrible secret – how could she have something worse than her own part in her parents' deaths to hide? – she's never told anyone that she's fallen for Eiridan. She does her best not to let on that she likes him, and she feels that perhaps it isn't completely right despite the fact that Eiridan was never related to or adopted by her aunt and uncle.Strengths: Loyal to a fault once she both trusts and decides to befriend you. Smart: Jaeyria's rather devious, though she hides it well. If she doesn't like you or doesn't trust you, she knows plenty of ways to make you miserable or even get rid of you, though she's never gone that far before. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. It couldn't be more true. While Jaeyria does have physical strength, she relies most on her knowledge to help her defeat opponents. All those books she read? Yeah, don't discount her for being a bookworm. Not everything in those books is as useless as you might assume.

Weaknesses: She often feels lonely, so it can be easy to get her to open up if you play off that. She's not used to kindness from people since she pushes everyone away, so if someone's persistent enough, they can break through the barricades she's fortified since her family's deaths. Frankly, Eiridan is something of a weakness for her. She'd do anything to keep him safe, even kill herself or someone else. Finally, her third, and perhaps greatest, weakness is herself. She's typically the root of all her problems, whether those problems are only internal or spill over onto the external life. The confusion and self-loathing she feels sometimes make it hard for her to live up to her own potential.

Family members: All family she had is gone. Eiridan is the only person she still cares about, and even if she's on good terms with some of the other Magi, she doesn't really care if they die. Attempts to use them against her would be useless since she'd kill them just as readily as she'd kill a stranger if given the reason.

Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon. It's said that the dragon's blood can heal in some legends. Jaeyria wishes she'd had some on hand when she was trying to fix the fatal injuries that she inflicted on her parents and grandparents. But it's also said that they are able to mask fear, are very intelligent, and are good luck. She hasn't had the best luck, and she wishes that she could mask her fears from everyone, including herself. As for the intelligence, well, there's never too much of that

Vaxon Asherex: "Quite the devious one, aren't you? If it wasn't for your weakness in the boy, you might actually be a threat to the other Magi."

Kyren Asherex: "No family means you have nothing to lose. You know, you remind me a lot of my mother. I think I'll have to find a way to stick a chimera on you, Miss Shadow."

Vassti Asherex: "You're devious. Good. Use it to deceive everyone around you. Though you don't have books in the arena, your intelligence just might prove useful against the other Magi."

Nassia Asherex: "I like dragons too, you know. Maybe I can have Daddy put one in the arena so you can actually meet one. You'll have to tell me if the legends are true!"

Jahad Asherex: "Don't let anyone else know the real you. Use your intelligence and your wits, and you just might succeed in the arena. I'm sincerely sorry about what's happened to your family, though. Don't let your fear of yourself or your abilities hold yourself back. If you couldn't control it, then there's nothing more that you could have done my dear."

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