Female Spot 5: Illusionist Sage Zentra Oromis

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Name: Zentra Oromis

Gender: female

Reservation number: 5

Age: 28, 18 before the war.

Appearance: Zentra has red hair, fiery like her personality. She stands at 5'6 , has very pale skin and some freckles over her body. She is endowed with sparkling emerald color eyes that can transfix anyone who glanced at her, hiding the true malice inside her.

Personality: Generally, she is cold and calculating, but if things don't go her way, she can blow up in a fiery rage. This results in her having childish tantrums and makes her lose her focus.

Where in Castre are they from: She is from Hallowes where she interacted with different creatures like hippogriffs, gryffons, tilves, etc.

Background: While exploring the grasslands at a young age, Zentra came across a man she would know as Mathas who had offered to teach her magic. After getting her father's permission, she had traveled with him around the world and met many more people like her which she was enthralled with. However, one day war had broken out and a rebel leader known as Vaxon had sacked the capitol and massacred many. This had disgusted her so much that she had wanted to rush into battle to meet him, but Mathas had stopped her saying that she was not strong enough yet and she would get killed. Then one day, a group of Vaxon's elite soldiers had found Mathas and executed him with Zentra powerless to stop them. Ever since that day, she vowed to avenge Mathas and would strike down anyone in her way, including fellow magic users. Ever since that night, her personality changed drastically and she became the cold and ruthless sage you see today.

Magic: Illusionist sage

Weapon, if necessary: If all else failed, she would use a crescent-shaped dagger encrusted with sporkion venom.

Greatest fear: She has a phobia of Arachne, giant spiders native to the forests of Hallowes.

Strengths: She is fit and fast as well as adept at her magic thanks to Mathas's training.

Weaknesses: Her fear of Arachne, her tendency to get very emotional, and her cold personality which can stop her from having allies.

Family members: She has a father named Jobal and a mother named Krista and a younger brother named Rexus.

Favorite mythical creature: She loves Sporkions, giant scorpions with glowing red eyes and black or yellow bodies that dwell in forests marshes and strike unsuspecting prey in surprise with their barbed, venomous tail.

Vaxon Asherex: "Ahh. A favorite pupil of Mathas. I remember the day I killed him quite well. It seems to have changed into into a coldhearted killer - something he never wanted you to be. Good. I look forward to seeing how exactly you plan on exacting your so-called revenge."

Kyren Asherex: "Red hair, fear of Arachne's, an illusionist who's as fiery and bold as a Fire Spriggian... You're my type of woman. I might actually enjoy beating you."

Vassti Asherex: "Your cold calculation has piqued my interest in you. Despite that you trusted the foolish Mathas, it will be interesting to see how you interact with your fellow Magi. You have much more in common with us than you realize."

Nassia Asherex: "I think your hair is pretty. Maybe I'll dye my hair red, like yours! And I've never liked Arachne's either, but then again, I've only heard stories about them. I think I'll put some in the arena just for you!"

Jahad Asherex: "Your determination to avenge your old Master will be a valuable asset in the arena. But I caution you: do not allow your thirst for revenge to cause you to forget your fellow Magi. You must stand with them, not against them."

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