Finals: Opinions and Awards

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Closure - All of you win this one, because every single one of you gave me a sense of closure. All of you made your entries feel like conclusions to epic stories, one that I enjoyed reading and am sad that it's over :( 

Aftereffects -  Eriswen... Ioneans death still really affected her throughout her entry, but especially at the beginning.  Lilja, the moment she thought about all she'd been through and what Kyren did. Bam. My heart. Ouch! Kalix, the opening line of his entry just really delved straight into how it all affected him. Not to mention he spent most of the entry thinking he was going to be alone. Eiridan... Jae's death... I mean... enough said. *shudders* 


Happily Ever After - Lilja I MEAN SHE AND KYREN ARE MARRIED! Eriswen is married to Mordzar and they have two chilren and it's just SO HAPPY

Kyren's End - Eiridan, Lilja, Aelia, Kalix all of you included Kyren in your entries and really made me feel like his story had an end to it. 

Bonus - Eiridan... You'll Be In My Heart, literally BROKE my heart. Aelia, Colors of the Wind was absolutely beautiful and touching. Eriswen, He Lives In You for Ionaen was just fantastic. Kalix, the way that he REFUSED to admit his feelings to Nassia was completely I Won't Say I'm In love. It was also one that never directly stated the song name, but made the entry feel like it was hinting toward the song. Lilja, You'll Always Be In My Heart for LILREN!!!!

All of you won several different awards, so ALL of you will be able to vote TWICE, but NOT for yourselves or for the same tribute in the Finals: Voting chapter. 


Female 1: Shapeshifter Sage Lilja Svana

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! There are literally no words in the English language for how hard I'm fangirling right now. I stood out of my chair and danced around the room right after I finished your entry. The instant I read that Kyren and Lilja were married, my jaw dropped to the floor. Like, I didn't see it coming at all. This was beautiful beyond words. Not only was it beautifully written in your amazing writing style, it was descriptive, and full of Lilja's emotions. But gosh for once it was soooooo happy. I LOVED the way you incorporated You'll be in my heart.... It was creatively done and not to mention Kyren said it to Lilja, which was so sweet. But their ship is official. I'm going with (like you mentioned in the email) Lilren! Seriously, this was like... die-hard ship moments here. Besides that, it really felt like it was seven years later. Everything happening with the war and the after affects was SO realistic... all the small rebellions and especially the political drama happening afterward, all across Castre.... Seriously, I absolutely LOVE how you included all of that. It felt so realistic, I was seriously just right there behind her and Kyren talking about this. AHH. I LOVE LOVE LOVED the twist with Hallowes and the Tilve breeders. The moment Kyren told her he had to leave, I DIED. AND when she thought back to everything he had done and her thought process and emotions after that... MY STOMACH TWISTED INTO KNOTS. Not to mention, her mentioning Ren...... and how Kyren had pleaded with her to take care of Rya.... MY HEART EXPLODED WITH FEELS.

The ending was so beautiful. Running has always been a recurring theme with Lilja and has been included in several of her entries. Going back to the meadow scene was perfect and ending with a race, not to mention the flashback of Chanel.... Gosh this was absolutely PERFECT for the end to her story. The fact that she was racing Kyren and they were so happy just made it ten times better :D

Male 5 Healer Wizard Eiridan Stormblessed

Awwwwwwwww. This was a really bittersweet ending to Eiridan's story. In a way, I think it was perfect. He's not the same Eiridan that started this journey, and he's changed a lot, and yet he's still the Eiridan we know and love. I think choosing to kill off Jae was the best decision you could have made. It gave Eiridan a chance to change. It was a relaxing entry, one that made me cry when Jae died, but I think this was a fitting end. I did get a sense of closure as I was reading. I also loved how you included the flashbacks in the beginning; going back and forth in the way that you did really enhanced the emotions I felt as reading it. THE FOX SCENE. AAAH. I don't know why it made me fangirl so much, but it was so short and brief and yet it was PERFECT. Especially with how it was right before he met the native girl (I can't remember how to spell her name, sorry). It kind of marked the beginning of Eiridan's change in a way. I liked the way you kept their friendship realistic and not all love at first sight. The moment when he broke the bond broke my heart too! I FEEL FOR HIM SO MUCH. And the way you incorporated You'll be in my heart? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It literally made me start crying and sobbing. This was the perfect end to Eiridan Stormblessed's journey. Beautiful story!

Female 7 Air Mage Aelia Zephyr

I honestly have no words for how marvelous this was. This... seriously was your best entry yet. I loved how the entire entry focused on Aelia's life... Just one day in her life now. It allowed me to just follow along behind her through her day, showing me what her life is like now. Her and Kyren's ship is too BEAUTIFUL!! KAELIA!!! Or Aelren?? Either way YESSSS. Also, I loved the mother-daughter dynamic between Aelia and Rya. Her story was well-written and planned, and the relationship between the three of them is just... too adorable for words. Not to mention it made me fangirl so hard. Aelia really felt like she was seven years older—like that much time really had passed. I loved how she's the queen of spies, and all the political drama with that. The issues with the elves in her story to Rya was also a creative touch that made reading this enjoyable. Not only did this give me a sense of closure, but it also left me feeling like this could be the beginning to a new story... Oh how I wish this was a series. If it was a fantasy series, this would have been the end to book one. I loved everything about this entry, but my favorite part was the end. Colors of the Wind is one of my favorite Disney songs, but the way you incorporated it into your entry, not only that, but the way that you ENDED it on that note, was just... absolutely marvelous. Beautiful. No words can describe how marvelous that was.

Male 8 Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour

OH MY GOSH KASSIA!!!!! Or NASSIX whichever name you'd prefer. This was beautiful and sweet and touching. I felt SOOOOOOOOO BAD for Kalix... His emotions at having to leave Castre were so raw and realistic that I got the FEELS so much for what he'd been through. After EVERYTHING, he'd FINALLY found a home only to be forced to leave? IT ISNT FAIR. On the bright side though, he and Nassia are just too cute and amazing for words. The whole entry I was just SCREAMING at him to TELL HER. BUT FINALLY! At the end they FINALLY had their ship moment. Seriously, this was such a different end to Kalix's story than anyone would have originally thought, but that's what makes the end of a story SO unique. I mean, look at how much Kalix has changed and how different he is? His character arc has been such a long, realistic, hard but amazing journey, and this felt like a beautiful end. Realistic in that it wasn't quite fair, but beautiful in the sense that (I hope), Nassia got to stay with him and their life together worked out. Maybe he did find a home after all. I hope so. Kalix deserves it after everything he's gone through. I also love how you included Kyren and Aelia's wedding (GOSH I DON"T KNOW WHO TO SHIP between Kyren and Aelia or Kyren and Lilja). Anyway, the whole ceremony was descriptive so I could SEE every detail, and it was beautiful. I LOVED this. What an amazing, beautifully written end to Kalix's story!!!!

Female 15 Shield Wizard Eriswen Faervel

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAVE ME THE HAPPY FEELS. Seeing Eris' life now and how different it is, is just SO AMAZONG. Not only is it realistic, but it feels like exactly what I would want to read in an epilogue or closer of a story. Her journey is finally over, and it was... just beautifully written. This was your best entry ever, and since it's the finals, I think it's perfect. The twins were SOOOOOO CUTE. The part where the girl (I'm not gonna try to spell her name) fell from the cliff, and Eris caught her, the moment when the girl asked her "again" I just DIED LAUGHING. It was hilarious. I loved the dragon's nest and how this had a purpose to it, like she had something to do (getting Ionan's stone thing—not gonna try to spell that word either), so the story still had a purpose about it, but it was still and ending. Her little bonded dragon (not so little anymore obviously) was AMAZING and I love how he's gone and I also loved how he got to meet/speak to Ionans. You really did some race building with the dragons as well, which was interesting to read. I was fangirling the entire time. it was just so cute and HAPPY which is amazing because after everything she's been through Eris deserves to be HAPPY. This was... just so beautiful and amazing. Her story was so heart-wrenching and sad, and it finally ends so happily. It put a huge grin on my face.

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