Male Spot 1: Shadow Sage Nikolai Aerie

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Name: Nikolai L. Aerie

Gender: Male

Age: 9 [when the war started], 19 [as of now]

Physical Appearance: Nikolai has wavy, platinum blonde hair that is often slicked to the side, though it's state when he wakes up is a completely different matter. Its silky quality is one only achieved at the expense of long, tedious hours spent tending to it, as Naven can testify. His eyes are a storm of different shades of blue, though the most prominent is a light shade of azure that resembles his brother's. His features are strong but soft, with a long, angle nose and defined cheekbones. Though not as muscular as his brother, Niko still boasts a toned figure that is complimented by his height of 5"11 and usual perfect posture. If you look close enough, Niko's face has a slightly more feminine look to it than Nathan. However, not many dare to stare too long because of the forbidding aura around him that comes from the subconscious condescending expression that is what you might call his "resting face".

Personality: Those who don't know him often think him airheaded and unsympathetic. Those who do know him often think him similar to his brother, a caring soul hidden within a shield of detachment. Not that he blames them for seeing him so wrongly, that being his specific intention. His true personality lies behind a careful layer of masks; an intelligent mind with a talent for planning. Calculating, with an eye for the most beneficial way out for himself and a purposely grown habit of ignoring the feelings of others, as well as his own- if needed, Niko is a near-perfect strategist. Using his nonchalant, yet arrogant, exterior, he studies and files everyone around him. That, in turn, also allows Nikolai to manipulate his surroundings with ease. Though he isn't one to act on a whim, he has a tendency to play around with people's emotions. Unlike his twin, though, he couldn't care less what anyone thinks of him. The only thing he cannot stand people doing is taking advantage of his brother's kindness. When he sees others asking Naven for ridiculous or immoral things, that's when he gets angry. His wrath is like a blue flame, seemingly cold but always leaves a scar far more painful and unforgettable than the reddest of fires. They could call him detached, unemotional, anything they want. He loves his brother, more than anything in the world.

Background: Nikolai is the son of a wealthy Magi family from Elloyn. When he was born, with glaring purple eyes that has now dulled to their current sky blue, his father gave him his middle name first, as he had for Naven. Lucifer, a demon that used to be an angel, after an Earthen legend long forgotten. He knew that his father disliked him, and it didn't take long for Niko to figure out why, either. His father was a Shield Wizard like Naven, his mother a Fire Sage. Their powers spoke of warmth and protection, while his own relied on the literal lack of light. His parent's disapproval of him caused him to develop a disregard for other's opinions against him at an early age. He tried his best to remain out of sight, a shadow following behind Naven. He never though they hated him, which was why he was shocked and horrified when they left him to run away from the blood-thirsty Vaxon. Not that they made it very far. Seeing his parents killed didn't affect him as much as it did when he saw Naven being hit by a soldier. He remembers anger, he remembers running out the door and he remembers the feeling of becoming one with his shadows as his rage was translated into a think mist of black. Then everything faded away, and he collapsed in an exhaustion he never wants to feel again.

The next few years, he feels, were of little worth to him. Mathas took them in, but was captured a month afterwards, leaving them to hide in the hopes that Vaxon never finds them. After having to forcefully remove Naven from the scene of their leaders' execution, Niko realized just how harmful Naven's hope for the sun could be. So, as subtly as he could, he rid Naven of his naïve wish to kill the king and return the peace Castre had before to the fallen kingdom. He kept near Naven, and never let his brother help more than what was necessary to retain his brother's morals and character. Then he made the mistake of staying too long in Demarke, and his brother found a new hope in the form of a pest: Jequin Limner.

She fed Naven stories of an impossible, happy future and despite his efforts, pulled Naven away from him to a land of beauty that will never exist. For the first time in his life, he was afraid of someone. He was afraid of her ability to take his twin away from him. Cruel as it might sound, he was relieved when Jequin died. They ran from Demarke after that incident, and continued running until two years later, or rather, now.

Ten years of surviving, put to waste because of a single miscalculation. Ten years of surviving put to waste because he couldn't hide well enough. Ten years of surviving, only to end up a prisoner and a pawn of Vaxon.

Magic: Shadow [Mage]

Weapon of Choice When Necessary: Though he's fairly good at fighting with a sword, throwing knifes are more to his style. He never misses, at least, not accidentally.

Greatest Fear: Being alone. The feeling of being abandoned has terrified Nikolai ever since the day his parents left him in the house, with no one and nothing but the image of his parents dragging his brother away.

Deepest Secret: Niko was watching from the shadows when Jequin was murdered. He didn't even lift a finger to help, though his magic could have easily defeated her attackers with just that. Not because he was scared, or anything like that. He just didn't want her to take Naven as far away as she promised she would. He didn't hate Jequin Limner, as he so often said. He simply loves Naven too much.

Strengths: Nikolai is smart, and has trained himself to come up with the best possible plan in the least possible time. He has grown to be faster than most opponents, both mentally and physically, through the years of escaping from Vaxon's grip. His powers are also more advanced than most, a dangerous but useful thing.

Weaknesses: Niko lacks the inner clock most Magi have and, thus, can only estimate how much time he has left before his energy runs out. Apart from swords and daggers, his knowledge of weapons is limited. He has become so used to switching off his empathy when strategizing, that he sometimes forgets that emotions can play a factor in some situations.

Family Members: Trystka J. Aerie [Father, Deceased], Velia Aerie [Mother, Deceased], Naven Aerie [Brother, Alive]

Favorite Mythical Creature: Sirens. He's never seen one, though he'd like to. In all truth, that's what intrigues him the most. Their mystery is what draws him to them, the stories of their ethereal beauty and dangerous voices things he'd kill to confirm. They were the reason he tried to teach himself to swim when he was 6, though he quickly gave up on that when Naven threatened to jump into the water with him

Vaxon Asherex: "Your brother has quite the vendetta against me. I find it thrilling that you love him so much. I will kill him, rip him apart and tear him away from you. Then, you will be left with your greatest fear: being alone and abandoned, just like your parents did."

Kyren Asherex: "Yep, you're definitely a Magi that I'm looking forward to fighting. I'm glad you don't have that annoying clock that others do; it means you'll push yourself and might actually be a challenge for me. Who knows. We'll see in the arena."

Vassti Asherex: "Cold, uncaring, beautiful, and a man of the shadows... You, unlike your brother, might be someone we could tolerate around here. Whereas he is too bold about his revenge plot, you... just don't care. I love that."

Nassia Asherex: "Ooooh. I don't know which one to keep more, you or your brother. You're both completely gorgeous! I might have to watch both of you."

Jahad Asherex: "You're intelligent, and seem like somewhat of a realist. Good. Focus on you and your brother and nothing else if you want to come out of the arena alive."

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